How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Michelle Obama actually said this:

And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them.

And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

It used to be all bushs fault.

When the left does it its EVERYONES fault.


Typical democrats and libratarians.

***not genuine libertarian, the ones that claimed it after Obama sucked. No more blame bush? Blame everything and become a libertarian.

Libertarians are more American than the Republicans in office, Libertarians are trustworthy, Republicans not so much. That's a ridiculous statement to compare dems to Libertarians. Absolutely wrong. Considering that Libertarians are waaaay more economically conservative than Republicans without letting Jesus Christ rule on social policy.

The election has taught just how awful both parties are. Awful. Piss poor awful.
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So Gary Johnson is up to 13%. So close to that 15% level that gets him into the debates.

I hope so, but wish they'd move on from Johnson. He just isn't catching the buzz that is going to be needed to get the party to a better place. He is getting a lot of default votes because Clinton and Trump. I'm still torn. Want to vote Johnson, but know I need to vote anti-Hillary. Just wish Johnson was a better campaigner. I still think Libertarians are the party of the future as dems want to spend tax payer money and Republicans want to turn this country into church. Piss on them both.
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I hope so, but wish they'd move on from Johnson. He just isn't catching the buzz that is going to be needed to get the party to a better place. He is getting a lot of default votes because Clinton and Trump. I'm still torn. Want to vote Johnson, but know I need to vote anti-Hillary. Just wish Johnson was a better campaigner. I still think Libertarians are the party of the future as dems want to spend tax payer money and Republicans want to turn this country into church. Piss on them both.

Hes leaps and bounds ahead of where Bob Barr was in 2008. Governor Weld as his VP pick is really helping him, IMO. He's gonna get to the debates at least which is a huge victory.
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Hes leaps and bounds ahead of where Bob Barr was in 2008. Governor Weld as his VP pick is really helping him, IMO. He's gonna get to the debates at least which is a huge victory.

You're spot on. Great point. Really like Weld.

I guess why I am just a bit nicked at them toning down the assault on Hillary and her treasonous emails. I think she should be rotting in Gitmo over that.
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So Gary Johnson is up to 13%. So close to that 15% level that gets him into the debates.
It will be interesting to see. Apparently the rules for that are pretty amorphous and are controlled by the RNC and DNC. Basically, he could get 15% in 5 polls and they could say, "No, no we meant these *other* five polls. #sorrynotsorry"

Now, the 5% national vote total is set in stone and what I'm most excited for.
Shouldn't feminists be happy? She reclaimed that speech for women everywhere!
You're spot on. Great point. Really like Weld.

I guess why I am just a bit nicked at them toning down the assault on Hillary and her treasonous emails. I think she should be rotting in Gitmo over that.

I wonder if the reason they aren't going after Hillary's emails is because they're trying to pick off some of the Democrats that don't want to vote for her, and they don't want to sound like Republicans?
The only thing I'd say about Clinton's emails at this point, is "According to the FBI, Clinton would be under indictment right now, but the director of the FBI said, and I quote, Clinton was so 'unsophisticated' and 'extremely careless' that she couldn't be charged with a crime. Next time you get pulled over for speeding, tell the cop you don't care what the speed limit is, you just go the speed you want, and see how that works out for you. See if you can use the 'My last name is Clinton and I'm above the law' defense."
I just hope Johnson makes the debates. He won't win, but it will be funny seeing a knowledgeable adult up there debating with the incompetent shit birds America nominated.

Yep it will be real fun basically giving hillary a victory. REAL FUN, smh.

If there ever was an election libertarian should bow out, it is this one. Hell hillary will put such liberal SCJs they might pass a law saying only Democrats can debate.

And I actually identify libertarian a lot of the time
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of course the coverage of Johnson & his Lib bid have been next to nothing, but what little I've heard/seen it sure seems like he is going after the Dem & Sanders voters much moreso than making an appeal of the logical #NeverTrump population

strange strategery IMO
What is even happening?

Are the Trump's continuing to troll the American people in a masterful way?

Did a speech writer slide something through to undermine Trump?

Is the RNC behind this?

Did Melania Trump actually write her own speech and just google "first lady convention speeches"?

Find out tomorrow at 9 pm EST on, "America is Fvcked".
That's a good point. There is no doubt whatsoever that Trump would be voting (and donating mightily) to Hillary if he wasn't running against her. None.

I do take some small comfort in knowing no matter what the results of this election are I will get a liberal. That does not make bearing all these Republicans around me blathering their usual idiocy any more digestible, but playing them for the rubes they are is somewhat satisfying.
I'm of the opinion that The Donald engineered the plaigarism so that it would serve as a metaphor for his whole campaign: Today's republican voters will cheer and worship any big-government liberal who takes that stage as long as they like that big-government liberal as a person. Those voters no longer care about policy. They only care about personality.
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What is even happening?

Are the Trump's continuing to troll the American people in a masterful way?

Did a speech writer slide something through to undermine Trump?

Is the RNC behind this?

Did Melania Trump actually write her own speech and just google "first lady convention speeches"?

Find out tomorrow at 9 pm EST on, "America is Fvcked".

Pretty much word for word on The Today show with Al Roker and A Sassy Hot Black Lady. The lady was very concerned.

Those voters no longer care about policy. They only care about personality.
and what praytell do "those voters" on the dem side care about, not a fracking lot considering who they are nominating & will vote for in Nov. what policy or change to America is Hilldawg even running on, other than #ImWithHer?
After Rudy's speech, I would go after a soft target as well if I were a wimpy leftist.

Rudy's Archie Bunker with a law degree. And his speech was totally disingenuous. I lived in NYC when he was mayor, and he was the most racially divisive public figure imaginable. This isn't really debatable.
and what praytell do "those voters" on the dem side care about, not a fracking lot considering who they are nominating & will vote for in Nov. what policy or change to America is Hilldawg even running on, other than #ImWithHer?
I think Bernie's candidacy shows that there's quite a bit of concern about policy differences.

Trump is a dyed-in-the-wool big government liberal who would've been run out of the GOP primary field within a month were it not for his skills in sophistry and media manipulation.

I would say it's astounding that so many people fell for his act, but it's really not.
So, is Donald going to borrow the Gettysburg Address and pass it off as his own on the last day or is he going to scream “MR. GORBACHEV, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!” then point to the right field fence as he steps up to the plate and chops down a cherry tree?
I think Bernie's candidacy shows that there's quite a bit of concern about policy differences.

Trump is a dyed-in-the-wool big government liberal who would've been run out of the GOP primary field within a month were it not for his skills in sophistry and media manipulation.

I would say it's astounding that so many people fell for his act, but it's really not.

So he's just gonna be the next Obama. Expand Feds and conquer the people. Mess around with some social issues? Get wayyyy richer.

You seem to know a lot about politics, and I'm a no-information non-voter, could you please elaborate?

You and Z are so smart. Love hearing your expert opinions, tbh.
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Because conceding a race to either party in July due to disliking both candidates b/c their farts don't smell as sweet as one's own is so politically savvy. Bravo.
Why don't you put your giant ego aside and vote for Johnson? If every Trump voter decided to vote for Johnson, this thing would be sewn up already. So again, sir, why won't you put petty differences aside and vote for Johnson