How will they rule ??!

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Impeachment is kind of like the NCAA vacating wins. Meaningless in the grand scheme of things. If I was Trump I wouldn’t even acknowledge it.
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Trump is a brash, New York business guy. As a businessman, he takes no crap, fights to get his way, and yeah, probably operates in some gray areas. It takes a strong, confident and abrasive personality to get things done in New York considering the shady people and unions he has to deal with to get things built. The problem is that the dude has been in the media spotlight for the better part of 40 years in one manner or another. If you didn't know what kind of person he was before he ran, you had your head in the sand. The Voters showed that they weren't looking for a saint. They were looking for just what Trump is, a Brash businessman who will stand up to anyone, even ruthless dictators. Trump doesn't always come across as being a very likable guy, but if anyone would actually go back and look at all of the good work and charitable things he's done throughout his life, they will see he's a lot more human than his appearance lets on sometimes.
Most accurate description of him I've seen. The charitable stuff gets buried by the MSM. They'd drool over Obama if he did a 1/10 as much.
Ha Ha. Got the following quote from a TDS infected critter on another forum.

The idea of not sending the article of impeachment to an obviously biased Senate jury is one approach that is gathering steam

OK, I guess the reasoning behind this is since they think the Republicans are too biased to be the jurors, they just refuse to send the articles, thereby leaving the POTUS in limbo. As if that would not be another gross abuse of power. It sounds like just the sort of thing Schitt and Nadler would consider. And I guess they have no problem with Trump's political enemies sitting in judgement of him. Were it a democrat president being judged they would demand that his political rivals recuse themselves. Sure as the world.
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Embarrassing day for our country. If the liberal left doesn’t like trump, beat him in 2020... This exercise in complete disregard for our election process is absolutely NOT what our founding fathers had in mind. A completely partisan vote based on fear and realization they will NOT win in 2020 has brought their leadership to this.
Just when you think they cannot get more ridiculous. Nancy dragging her feet in turning the articles over to the Senate. Their arrogance is astounding. Who da fork do they think they are? Screw all them ignorant fools! I figure the Senate can do their thing without her permission. After all, that appears to be the way we are doing things now. Ya got the majority you act like a damn bulldozer. The standard they set.
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Since the house just passed a bill to approve around 1.5 trillion more in spending....its no surprise @Ed323232 and @Platinumdrgn and the usual johnny come lately, worried to death about the deficit are, surprise, no where to be found
A bill passed by the Senate and soon to be signed by Trump. So much winning! Trump doesn't even pretend to be fiscally responsible so I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. He calls himself the king of debt.
Ha Ha. Got the following quote from a TDS infected critter on another forum.

The idea of not sending the article of impeachment to an obviously biased Senate jury is one approach that is gathering steam

OK, I guess the reasoning behind this is since they think the Republicans are too biased to be the jurors, they just refuse to send the articles, thereby leaving the POTUS in limbo. As if that would not be another gross abuse of power. It sounds like just the sort of thing Schitt and Nadler would consider. And I guess they have no problem with Trump's political enemies sitting in judgement of him. Were it a democrat president being judged they would demand that his political rivals recuse themselves. Sure as the world.
yes I'm sure there was no bias in the House vote exactly along party lines
You can’t complain that all the testimony is from 2nd, 3rd hand informants when those with 1st hand info are kept from testifying by those doing the complaining.

Trump said “no quid pro quo” AFTER the whistleblower complaint was made public. You damn well know that Trump didn’t even know that term prior to it being brought up. The man speaks with a 3rd grade vocabulary. His hands were caught in the cookie jar.
False as usual by you. Keep on keeping the lies coming.
Just when you think they cannot get more ridiculous. Nancy dragging her feet in turning the articles over to the Senate. Their arrogance is astounding. Who da fork do they think they are? Screw all them ignorant fools! I figure the Senate can do their thing without her permission. After all, that appears to be the way we are doing things now. Ya got the majority you act like a damn bulldozer. The standard they set.
Give her a date to hand them over to the Senate or vote to dismiss the charges. She can't be allowed to control the Senate's calendar that continually votes in more & more Trump judges.
Can we impeach whoever thought this tip time was a good idea on a weekday?
YOU can't impeach anyone, you dipsh!t Canuck. Get with the program & become a real 'merican. I'll come down & hold the Bible or whatever you swear allegiance to the red/white/blue on - that doesn't reside between your legs.
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With or without Pelosi sending articles over to the Senate this is still happening.

GOP chairmen seek interview with Obama officials as part of Biden-Ukraine probe

Three Senate GOP chairmen are requesting interviews with five Obama administration officials as part of their investigation into the Bidens and Ukraine.

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) - who chair the Judiciary, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Finance committees, respectively - are asking for a response to their request by Dec. 23.

"These interview requests continue the chairmen's oversight efforts ... related to potential conflicts of interest and political influence by Ukrainian elements, including the natural gas firm Burisma, which employed Hunter Biden as a board member while his father was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration's handling of Ukraine," according to a release from the three senators.
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Democrats ha ha ha.

You guys are morons.

And these goofy mf's are doubling down. [laughing]

Meanwhile, the field where Trump grows his f*cks is barren due to it being trampled by millions upon millions of supporters.

Tried to listen to the pregame and Drew and Ryan were just about to suck each other off on air over the impeachment vote, taking liberties and cheap shots at John SHort of all people. Quality folks. You have to be pretty low when John Short is your punching bag.

Such is life for a democrat...
so how many dumbass dems are going to be rioting when they find out nothing is actually going to happen? when he is still president and they realize they don't understand how this works?
Lol, my best friend (we never talk politics almost ever for obvious reasons) who is a liberal called me tonight and said how today was a historic day. I said its going to die in the senate. Immediately changed the subject on me. I said yeah that's what I thought lol.
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