How will they rule ??!

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Has anyone seen Obama's son? I mean the perp.

Girl is Anglo so she is privileged and the left celebrates the murder.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said: "Look, it's a question we are asking ourselves strategically — not just, we feel it emotionally. Every single one of us gets the same reports every morning and they're not just numbers to us, they're human lives.". Yeah right.

When do we start burning?

His Auntie is on record with his innocence. Let's see he's 13 so his auntie is probably 28?
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You know, when Rene Boucher attacked Rand Paul in his yard, I thought "What a complete, unglued idiot." But now, I'm not so sure. Because, if Adam Schiff were my neighbor, and he was totally exposed in his yard, I just might feel the urge ...

According to the left on here that was actually a fight. Rand Paul was just as guilty according to the left.
We could quibble forever over what fat to trim. That would be a welcome conversation, healthy for American democracy. But the truth is neither side is interested in having it right now. Tax and Spend vs Cut and Spend. Those are our current choices.

Let's not quibble over millions of illegal aliens then.
Haven't been on here for a while so this may already have been posted.

Tax revenue is the highest it's ever been basically every year a major recession doesn't happen. It was the highest it'd ever been in the Obama years. You're trying to lecture someone on basic math with an argument that 2019 dollars are the same as 1970?
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Tax revenue. The goal is a balanced budget right? Generally when tax revenues go up, the deficit goes down. Trump cut taxes, pumping money into the private sector with the idea that the lower rates on increased activity would overall generate more than the higher rates on less activity would have. This has not turned out to be the case. The increased activity is not enough to make up for the lower rates, so while tax revenues are technically higher than they were last year, they aren't as high as they would have been without the cut. So the deficit continues to increase because the revenue doesn't keep pace with spending like it would have with the pre-cut rates.
False again. You suck at this.
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You have no idea what would have happened without tax cuts.

Bottom line, we’re $20 trillion in debt. The federal government is pissing away money on shit like bribing Ukrainian prosecutors to not prosecute a politicians corrupt adult burnout son, any amount of other bullshit you can think of, etc.

Until you loony toons get serious about spending, I don’t want to hear a goddam word about the evils of me taking home more of the money I earn.
They (democrats) are all about Medicare for all, free college, and benefits for illegals. No concept of money or earning a paycheck... I honestly fail to see how any working person in this country can support the liberal agenda.
Tax revenue. The goal is a balanced budget right? Generally when tax revenues go up, the deficit goes down. Trump cut taxes, pumping money into the private sector with the idea that the lower rates on increased activity would overall generate more than the higher rates on less activity would have. This has not turned out to be the case. The increased activity is not enough to make up for the lower rates, so while tax revenues are technically higher than they were last year, they aren't as high as they would have been without the cut. So the deficit continues to increase because the revenue doesn't keep pace with spending like it would have with the pre-cut rates.
It’s the spending. I make a certain amount and I don’t spend more than I make. Math
7,000,000 millions jobs have been filled since Trump took over. That's a lot of tax revenue on wages and an untold amount of money saved in government assistance. Stock market as high as it's ever been. But this only helps billionaires?
Tax revenue. The goal is a balanced budget right? Generally when tax revenues go up, the deficit goes down. Trump cut taxes, pumping money into the private sector with the idea that the lower rates on increased activity would overall generate more than the higher rates on less activity would have. This has not turned out to be the case. The increased activity is not enough to make up for the lower rates, so while tax revenues are technically higher than they were last year, they aren't as high as they would have been without the cut. So the deficit continues to increase because the revenue doesn't keep pace with spending like it would have with the pre-cut rates.

Devoid of the concept is the words for this...

BUT, I know how quick you will tell anyone and everyone you know better...[eyeroll]
We could quibble forever over what fat to trim. That would be a welcome conversation, healthy for American democracy. But the truth is neither side is interested in having it right now. Tax and Spend vs Cut and Spend. Those are our current choices.
No, you would quibble, real intelligent people should kick you losers out and do what should be done and we would have a balanced economy.
They (democrats) are all about Medicare for all, free college, and benefits for illegals. No concept of money or earning a paycheck... I honestly fail to see how any working person in this country can support the liberal agenda.
Not a single one of our resident libs have ever provided a reasonable explanation as to just how all of these programs will be paid for. Not one has said how much a hard working, Middle class American can expect to have taken out of their paychecks to fund all these college students with useless degrees, all these immigrants and free loaders and free healthcare for everybody including illegals. What percentage of my check can I reasonably expect to have taken? What do they think is a logical number?

And then to follow that up, I want them to explain to me what I’m supposed to do about things like my mortgage, vehicles, and other monthly expenditures, which my income currently supports adequately, suddenly no longer supports that because most of it’s going to support all the people I mentioned before.

I just want someone who supports that perspective to explain that to me.
Not a single one of our resident libs have ever provided a reasonable explanation as to just how all of these programs will be paid for. Not one has said how much a hard working, Middle class American can expect to have taken out of their paychecks to fund all these college students with useless degrees, all these immigrants and free loaders and free healthcare for everybody including illegals. What percentage of my check can I reasonably expect to have taken? What do they think is a logical number?

And then to follow that up, I want them to explain to me what I’m supposed to do about things like my mortgage, vehicles, and other monthly expenditures, which my income currently supports adequately, suddenly no longer supports that because most of it’s going to support all the people I mentioned before.

I just want someone who supports that perspective to explain that to me.
They can’t. That’s the thing. The tax burden on the working class would be so substantial there’s no way it could work. Cut a paycheck by what 60-70% maybe?
It is amazing how far we have fallen as a nation. Only the people can save it. One of the Dem dims made a comment and I paraphrase "Trump was making foreign policy". What does a president do? He makes foreign policy. That is why I vote for who I vote for because I want them to be the one making foreign policy. I did not want Hillary making foreign policy because I knew it would be based on how much money she can put in her pocket. Not what is best for America.

Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up their country and get rid of corruption. And for that Dems want to throw him out of office. I guess an honest government in Ukraine is not good for "their" foreign policy. We give Ukraine and other nations billions in foreign aid. I would hope we are giving it to an uncorrupt country for the benefit of freedom in that country. Not to laundry money back to corrupt politicians so they can put it in their pocket.
Notice where a great many of the people testifying against him are from.

They're all recent eastern European (non Christian) refuges we saved from slaughter.

Lt Col Vindman was such a staunch American the Ukrainian thought he would become their secretary of defense.

Its 100% policy and politics.

And I can effing stand Trump.

But he's been treated extremely unfairly.
Sovereign immunity doesn't apply when the actions are taken in bad faith. Just like Chris Christie with the bridge closing scandal, if you're taking an action to damage a political rival you're not protected.
Key distinction...

Christie had no valid reason to close the bridge.

I love how you ignored the prima facie case of corruption being present for the Biden's.

Its not just soverign immunity, its that with reasonable suspicion. And to he frank, the Biden situation rises to probable cause.
And a republican congress I believe
"The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, also called the Deficit Reduction Act, was President Clinton's first budget. It raised the top income tax rate from 28 percent to 36 percent for those earning more than $115,000. It raised the top rate to 39.6 percent for incomes above $250,000. It increased the corporate income tax from 34 percent to 36 percent for corporations with incomes over $10 million. It also ended some corporate subsidies. It taxed Social Security benefits for high income earners and created the earned income tax credit for incomes under $30,000."

The reforms that balanced the budget were done in 1993 when the Democrats controlled Congress before the Republicans took control in 1994. Led to the first and only surplus since the 60s.