How will they rule ??!

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Yeah it was Bill Clinton who created the tech boom of microprocessors/computing, wireless phones, internet and e-commerce, fiber optic networking, etc in the 90s.

That would be like giving Bush credit for Apple booming while he was POTUS.

Kids, smh.
False numbers with stealing from Peter to pay Paul. Fact. Your ignorance to reality is disturbing.

Yeah it was Bill Clinton who created the tech boom of microprocessors/computing, wireless phones, internet and e-commerce, fiber optic networking, etc in the 90s.

That would be like giving Bush credit for Apple booming while he was POTUS.

Kids, smh.

Ask him to show you the numbers for military spending that year.
"The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, also called the Deficit Reduction Act, was President Clinton's first budget. It raised the top income tax rate from 28 percent to 36 percent for those earning more than $115,000. It raised the top rate to 39.6 percent for incomes above $250,000. It increased the corporate income tax from 34 percent to 36 percent for corporations with incomes over $10 million. It also ended some corporate subsidies. It taxed Social Security benefits for high income earners and created the earned income tax credit for incomes under $30,000."

The reforms that balanced the budget were done in 1993 when the Democrats controlled Congress before the Republicans took control in 1994. Led to the first and only surplus since the 60s.

Wrong, the budget wasn’t balanced for several years afterwards. There was an extreme cutting of govt expenditure and assets after the Republicans took control of the house.
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They (democrats) are all about Medicare for all, free college, and benefits for illegals. No concept of money or earning a paycheck... I honestly fail to see how any working person in this country can support the liberal agenda.
Beautiful irony in your last sentence, compounded literal meanings, as the liberal agenda is such a pipe dream with this rich paying their fair share and "wealth tax" nonsense. It certainly requires the support of the working class and the working class can't do it.
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Today SCOTUS pulled the rug out from under the "obstruction of Congress" article, proving that it's a sham. They agreed to hear other "oversight" cases.

This proves what all sane people already know. Trump is well within his constitutional rights to invoke executive privilege. He is not obstructing the law, but instead following it.

Congress is an equal branch, not a more powerful one. They don't get to say comply with us or else. That's for the courts (third branch) to decide.


Who was Mifsud, a "Russian spy", communicating with at Columbia U? Who at Columbia U was leaking to the media?

Not saying, but just saying.

"A friend of former FBI director James Comey who leaked sensitive FBI memos to The New York Times in the wake of Comey’s firing in 2017 now claims to be Comey’s personal attorney. Daniel Richman, a law professor at Columbia University,"
lulz it took those dorks 8 hours to learn that 'dance?'


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Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers is calling on the U.S. Attorney's Office to investigate the pardons issued by former Gov. Matt Bevin.

The Courier Journal first reported Wednesday that Bevin issued hundreds of pardons during his last days in office. Those pardoned included a man who was convicted of raping a 9-year-old in Kenton County and other convicted killers.

"From what we know of former Governor Bevin's extreme pardons and commutations, the Senate Republican Majority condemns his actions as a travesty and perversion of justice," Stivers said. "Our citizens, and especially the crime victims and their families, deserve better."

Stivers' statement came hours after two Democratic legislators, Senate Democratic Floor Leader Morgan McGarvey and state Rep. Chris Harris called on Attorney General-elect Daniel Cameron to appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate potential criminal wrongdoing involving Bevin's pardon of Patrick Brian Baker.

The brother and sister-in-law of Baker, who was convicted of a homicide and other crimes in a 2014 Knox County home invasion, raised $21,500 at a political fundraiser last year to help retire debt from Bevin’s 2015 gubernatorial campaign. That money could go straight to Bevin since he had loaned his campaign money.
Not a single one of our resident libs have ever provided a reasonable explanation as to just how all of these programs will be paid for. Not one has said how much a hard working, Middle class American can expect to have taken out of their paychecks to fund all these college students with useless degrees, all these immigrants and free loaders and free healthcare for everybody including illegals. What percentage of my check can I reasonably expect to have taken? What do they think is a logical number?

And then to follow that up, I want them to explain to me what I’m supposed to do about things like my mortgage, vehicles, and other monthly expenditures, which my income currently supports adequately, suddenly no longer supports that because most of it’s going to support all the people I mentioned before.

I just want someone who supports that perspective to explain that to me.

It's not just that they want to redistribute your wealth to other "less fortunate" Americans, but the rest of the world. They presume we could economically support whomever wants to come in, which is basically 3 billion poeple minimum. it's a naive argument, to support it they would claim that actual immigration rates wouldn't rise, diversity is our strength, we have a moral obligation etc, but all that would fall apart in a clash with reality when it is them that is footing the bill not just you.

They can’t. That’s the thing. The tax burden on the working class would be so substantial there’s no way it could work. Cut a paycheck by what 60-70% maybe?

They think that they can suckle from the teet of billionaire's indefinitely, but there's a point where it runs dry and there's no more milk and honey left. There's only so much you can take from them before they can no longer generate wealth.

And then all this is self fulfilling, self reinforcing. When you depend on the government for all your needs, most people are involved working for the government or tied to it in some form or another to provide those needs, so you have no choice but to vote social democrat to sustain yourself.

It is communism with some tweaks; they will never let the dream die... it's a delusion as Churchill said, a very dangerous (evil) one at that.

Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers is calling on the U.S. Attorney's Office to investigate the pardons issued by former Gov. Matt Bevin.

The Courier Journal first reported Wednesday that Bevin issued hundreds of pardons during his last days in office. Those pardoned included a man who was convicted of raping a 9-year-old in Kenton County and other convicted killers.

"From what we know of former Governor Bevin's extreme pardons and commutations, the Senate Republican Majority condemns his actions as a travesty and perversion of justice," Stivers said. "Our citizens, and especially the crime victims and their families, deserve better."

Stivers' statement came hours after two Democratic legislators, Senate Democratic Floor Leader Morgan McGarvey and state Rep. Chris Harris called on Attorney General-elect Daniel Cameron to appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate potential criminal wrongdoing involving Bevin's pardon of Patrick Brian Baker.

The brother and sister-in-law of Baker, who was convicted of a homicide and other crimes in a 2014 Knox County home invasion, raised $21,500 at a political fundraiser last year to help retire debt from Bevin’s 2015 gubernatorial campaign. That money could go straight to Bevin since he had loaned his campaign money.

He is done politically. Extremely wrong. Criminal as far as I am concerned.

even with the evidence...the media just frames embarrassing stories for Dems as GOP accusing...GOP pouncing...

also, the guy watching golf is a nothing story but if the roles were reversed that footage would be shown on every late night comedians show, every news cast, etc to mock the GOP

To be honest, I think this is a pretty big deal. They’re trying to impeach the president of the United States, and this guy would rather watch golf.

Every ad from now until November should show CA NY CA NY CA NY pushing the impeachment, and make it clear that a congressperson from LA just watches golf on his laptop because CA NY CA NY CA NY are just going to do whatever they want.
That is obviously a liberal trying to make fun of conservatives.

It is very poorly done.

I know way more about the climate than Greta Thunberg. And I know way more about the climate than you do.
If that is so then we agree. But you do realize Trump has claimed he knows more about military engagement than our generals do. Need I say anymore?