How will they rule ??!

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What's the one policy Trump got done? Cut taxes for himself and the rest of the billionaires. The rest is just noise.

I think statistics show 98% of Americans got a tax cut. Federal tax revenues are at record levels. My wife and I got a relatively yuge tax cut and we are decidedly not billionaires. Most of the clients I work with are not billionaires, and I’ve not had a single one complain about all the money they’ve saved under Trump.
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I'm in that camp as well.

I believe that if somebody throws a party and brings a can full of gas, show up with matches...Dems have thrown the party and brought gas...If I were in the senate I'd roll in with booze, lots of sharp objects, and a match...

But that's just me...

I can understand Mitch wanting to get it over with. I think he's smart enough to realize that the GOP dragging things out in the Senate could possibly turn all the gains in the polls sour...

The people do not like this kind of behavior by either side of the aisle...especially during the holiday and New Year time frame.

My theory is that most sane fair people don't like conflict nor bullying, especially women, and that is where the GOP and Trump will see gains.

Women are naturally nurturing and merciful who on a primal level want to avoid damage via a conflict. Scuffles from grade school, through high school, through bar fights in college and beyond. Women will entertain them for a bit, but at a certain point, more often than not it's a girl saying "alright ain't worth it..." and many times she'll be more pissed of at her man or guy friends than she will be at the opposition.

That's why they voted largely against Trump. It wasn't because they liked Hilary and wanted to break the glass ceiling or even agreed with the liberal agenda, it was because Trump is a damn bully sometimes, which can be good in some areas, but a negative in others.

Well, for about 3 years, Trump, his judges, campaign advisors, cabinet picks, and voters have been bullied...all the suburban moms and women, who probably still dislike him to some degree, are now starting to have their fill of the uncalled for beatings going around.
Good post.

WRT your last two paragraphs, agree women didn't/don't like Trump the bully part, but now they've had a chance to see why he does it given how Dims & the MSM screw him over; i.e., fighting back is a near-necessity. That's something other Pubs never learned or in many cases, enjoy being part of the In Club over doing the job for their people. Of course all his successes for the country help them see the necessity.
I think statistics show 98% of Americans got a tax cut. Federal tax revenues are at record levels. My wife and I got a relatively yuge tax cut and we are decidedly not billionaires. Most of the clients I work with are not billionaires, and I’ve not had a single one complain about all the money they’ve saved under Trump.
The deficit is at a record high because of it.

this is so dumb. If England had another country's system Boris might not have won...
Lots of Parliament style governments in Europe don't have direct election of individuals but instead you just vote for a party. Each party has a list of candidates & you down the list of names till you reach the percent of candidates represented by the party's vote percent & that's who is elected. The parties get to select the order of names on their list. Net, you have no one who represents you. Sh!tty imo.
The problem with the way a lot of women process things is that they don't follow it closely, but they know something is going on, and if something is going on they want it to go away. In other words they're going to vote against Trump just to get rid of the chaos.
Woman who I respect told me months ago she won't vote for Trump again because she can't stand him, policies & results be damned.
You blame increased deficits on an increase in tax revenue? I don’t think that math works even under common core.
Tax revenue is the highest it's ever been basically every year a major recession doesn't happen. It was the highest it'd ever been in the Obama years. You're trying to lecture someone on basic math with an argument that 2019 dollars are the same as 1970?
They can go to the courts to enforce them & chose not to.

I agree wholeheartedly, but they aren’t interested in legality. They want to sway public opinion, enforcing people to do what the President didn’t is their hope to turn the public.
Tax revenue is the highest it's ever been basically every year a major recession doesn't happen. It was the highest it'd ever been in the Obama years. You're trying to lecture someone on basic math with an argument that 2019 dollars are the same as 1970?

Taxes were cut, yet tax revenue went up. Why do you think that is?
Tax revenue is the highest it's ever been basically every year a major recession doesn't happen. It was the highest it'd ever been in the Obama years. You're trying to lecture someone on basic math with an argument that 2019 dollars are the same as 1970?

Tax revenues or the deficit was the highest it’s ever been during the Obama years?
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If you make fun of everyone, you're a comedian. If you just make fun of one group, you're a bigot. Let's see if netflix proves they are the former by releasing a movie about gay muhammad. I'm not holding my breath.

There is already a movie showing the true mohummed. It's the reason people died in Benghazi.

Levin made that speech last night.

He usually holds it back a little on Hannity but last night he was in full on Levin attack mode. Love that dude.

Pretty sure I would c4 your suv if she asked, with you in it if she promised a bj.

No hard feelings dude. As a red blooded man, I understand.

I seriously wonder if Joe is just the stooge taking the campaign trail wear& tear, media exposure and embarrassment, will get the nomination, either claim sickness or suffer political fallout from Burisma/China, bow out like the expendable stooge he is, then the House forms a committee and 'picks' whomever they want to replace him, putting Hillary in Joe's place as close to last minute as possible. She's more popular than he is right now, and if they wait til after primary, no one can parse or question their selection.

It reduces the amount of time Hill is in the spotlight for Trump to expose and destroy. It uses up Biden's old ass just before they put him out to pasture. I think they know there is nothing short of cheating they can do to win next year and while Hill likely won't be enough to save them, it will end up making a landslide look less epic in an effort to save face for the party AND give them something to cry about for 4 more years while they fabricate another impeachment.

They just told us today how youthful she's looking for 72.

Feel free to call me crazy.

She will be the dem candidate. No logical reason to think otherwise.

Wish I had that kind of power.

I've got that kind of power. She won't let me use it though.

The deficit is at a record high because of it.

Blithering idiot. The deficit is where it is because that last PIECE OF SHIT doubled it.
Tax revenues or the deficit was the highest it’s ever been during the Obama years?
Tax revenue. The goal is a balanced budget right? Generally when tax revenues go up, the deficit goes down. Trump cut taxes, pumping money into the private sector with the idea that the lower rates on increased activity would overall generate more than the higher rates on less activity would have. This has not turned out to be the case. The increased activity is not enough to make up for the lower rates, so while tax revenues are technically higher than they were last year, they aren't as high as they would have been without the cut. So the deficit continues to increase because the revenue doesn't keep pace with spending like it would have with the pre-cut rates.

First it was Don Lemon.

This is a really big deal to CNN.
You know why this bothers them, it’s because Republicans are the ones they want to be upset. Republicans are making memes, telling jokes and generally making fun of the democrats and their fake impeachment. It eats them alive that they can’t make you regret voting for Trump, that you’re not taking democrat bs lies as reality.

You are supposed to be shamed, embarrassed, angry and ready to concede. But it’s backfired on them and they are lashing out in frustration that they can’t put you in the position they put themselves in.
Tax revenue is the highest it's ever been basically every year a major recession doesn't happen. It was the highest it'd ever been in the Obama years. You're trying to lecture someone on basic math with an argument that 2019 dollars are the same as 1970?
Democrats taught us the deficit doesn't mean squat. Remember Obama? When it gets too high we will print more money. Deficit solved. We are not on the Gold Standard anymore. If Obama can give billions to Iran we can handle this little deficit. Let's keep our eye on the ball. The ball is a corrupt Federal Government aka as the Swamp.that needs to be brought to it's knees and destroyed.
Tax revenue. The goal is a balanced budget right? Generally when tax revenues go up, the deficit goes down. Trump cut taxes, pumping money into the private sector with the idea that the lower rates on increased activity would overall generate more than the higher rates on less activity would have. This has not turned out to be the case. The increased activity is not enough to make up for the lower rates, so while tax revenues are technically higher than they were last year, they aren't as high as they would have been without the cut. So the deficit continues to increase because the revenue doesn't keep pace with spending like it would have with the pre-cut rates.

You have no idea what would have happened without tax cuts.

Bottom line, we’re $20 trillion in debt. The federal government is pissing away money on shit like bribing Ukrainian prosecutors to not prosecute a politicians corrupt adult burnout son, any amount of other bullshit you can think of, etc.

Until you loony toons get serious about spending, I don’t want to hear a goddam word about the evils of me taking home more of the money I earn.
If you're that worried about the deficit don't you think that not giving money to Ukraine might be a start?
We could quibble forever over what fat to trim. That would be a welcome conversation, healthy for American democracy. But the truth is neither side is interested in having it right now. Tax and Spend vs Cut and Spend. Those are our current choices.
Tax revenue. The goal is a balanced budget right? Generally when tax revenues go up, the deficit goes down. Trump cut taxes, pumping money into the private sector with the idea that the lower rates on increased activity would overall generate more than the higher rates on less activity would have. This has not turned out to be the case. The increased activity is not enough to make up for the lower rates, so while tax revenues are technically higher than they were last year, they aren't as high as they would have been without the cut. So the deficit continues to increase because the revenue doesn't keep pace with spending like it would have with the pre-cut rates.
Dion, you are more than welcome to pay whatever amount in taxes you feel are sufficient.
If you want to pay higher taxes so you have less money for your activities, have at it. Meanwhile I want to keep as much of my hard earned money as possible and enjoy the activities I choose to do with my money.
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