How will they rule ??!

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Totally agree. POS move by Bevin pardoning those murderers. I hope he never tastes political office again.

I don't know enough about it, and don't trust msm to be truthful. But right now it looks terrible and stupid. And if as bad as reported, may end up with jail time as I can't imagine these decisions were made solely on the merits
Are Bevin’s pardons out of the ordinary, or are they pretty typical and we’re just hearing about them because it’s Bevin?

Yeah, I would say we need some more context.

Governors on the way out pardon people all the time. I would first like to see a list of people Beshear, Fletcher, Patton pardoned.

As well as the types of folks liberal governors have pardoned. We know lib judges and prosecutors have a hard time throwing people in...

Generally speaking, I'm not a fan of the practice, I think the executive branch should butt out of the judicial/justice system, and vice versa. Pardoning people who could be innocent or just inappropriately sentenced is the burden of the courts, lawyers, etc...however, I do think people should probably know more than just the headlines before they jump in, and whether or not Beavin is doing anything more or less offensive than other governors.
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My biggest issue with the pardons - how could Bevin have vetted 400 cases so quickly? I’m sure some have merit. If it’s actually true that he pardoned a guy whose family gave him $20k, that’s a terrible look.

How about giving the pardoner some skin in the game? Pardon someone, they repeat offend, and you’re complicit in it. That would force them to really examine the case before letting guilty people walk.
One America News is doing a investigative report on Ukraine and impeachment. 9am this morning and a replay @ 8 pm tonight. No coverage elsewhere on this. Dems do not want the American people seeing this.
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That is no great loss. The people that have gone to DC are the people that were willing to move there. That does not make them more qualified than people left back in the field. The people back in the field got into the job to do science and not be administrators. The people that went to Washington could care less about science.
Beautiful irony in your last sentence, compounded literal meanings, as the liberal agenda is such a pipe dream with this rich paying their fair share and "wealth tax" nonsense. It certainly requires the support of the working class and the working class can't do it.
It means when the wealthy and corporations get taxed into oblivion, there won’t be a working class created by those wealthy and corporations as they won’t have the resources nor incentives anymore to create and support the working class. This in turn will create a nation of government dependents, but oh, that’s exactly what they want.
Nah, a Trump wannabe but not a clone. When Trump does his thing, I get excited. When Bevin did it, he came across as a petulant child.

Certainly not a fan of the pardons. It’s a really bad look for Bevin. I think he was gunning for a position on Trumps cabinet somewhere too. This won’t help the cause any.
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You'd think a Christmas card would have some indication of Christ... especially from a guy making a world tour out of his newfound faith...

If that is so then we agree. But you do realize Trump has claimed he knows more about military engagement than our generals do. Need I say anymore?

Every president and many politicians claim to know more about things they don't know so much about. It's why we elect them.

The great irony of how society has been built. The warrior class warriors, the working class works, the health care professionals to do health care, the engineers build, the scientist R n D...the politicians and bureaucracy claim to know more about all of those things than the actual people who do them, end up getting elected and then set the policies on how to do all of those things.

Sometimes you get some people who had success in fields outside of politics who get elected but rarely do they make significant headway. They get buried in the rank and file.

Then occasionally you'll get a Trump, non-career political/bureaucratic class type who's had some success doing something, and the beast will at the very least bark them off the stage if not accuse them of being a Russian asset.

Tulsi...knows about war, suggests it's not so good and a lot of money and resources are being unnecessarily wasted overseas...RUSSIAN ASSET!!!

Once in a while, we'll see a doctor run for something, and nobody we'll seem to care about their take on health care.

Hell, Howard Schultz. From projects to one of the best CEOs of the last 30-40 years, liberal but halfway sensible and knowledgeable can't even run as a centrist/independent because it may take votes away from some radical lawyers and a couple of academics turned career politicians who haven't done anything outside of their coastal bubbles.

We'll see how Bloomberg does, but I wouldn't hold my breath for him. A successful guy who knows the business, finance, economics...a bit too globalist for my liking, but at least he has some credentials and a resume outside of philosophizing, theorizing in the classroom and/or the Senate chamber...if he makes too much headway something will come out that back when he was a successful Republican Mayor getting shit done he had an affair, groped somebody at an office party, said something inappropriate when yucking it up with some friends, used a racial slur, or maybe had lunch with somebody from eastern Europe once...maybe all of the above...
lol at the lefty outrage over the the picture of the little Swedish girl with Trumps head his campaigned tweeted.

Where are you seeing all this outrage? Is the greater Cincy area burning down? I need something to do today, watching an entire demographic of people on a rampage seems like a fun way to spend a rainy Saturday.
Where are you seeing all this outrage? Is the greater Cincy area burning down? I need something to do today, watching an entire demographic of people on a rampage seems like a fun way to spend a rainy Saturday.

Reddit. It’s currently at the top of the front page.

Cincinnati will be overrun with thousands of people dressed as Santa today which is probably equally as triggering for the left.
It's not just that they want to redistribute your wealth to other "less fortunate" Americans, but the rest of the world. They presume we could economically support whomever wants to come in, which is basically 3 billion poeple minimum. it's a naive argument, to support it they would claim that actual immigration rates wouldn't rise, diversity is our strength, we have a moral obligation etc, but all that would fall apart in a clash with reality when it is them that is footing the bill not just you.

They think that they can suckle from the teet of billionaire's indefinitely, but there's a point where it runs dry and there's no more milk and honey left. There's only so much you can take from them before they can no longer generate wealth.

And then all this is self fulfilling, self reinforcing. When you depend on the government for all your needs, most people are involved working for the government or tied to it in some form or another to provide those needs, so you have no choice but to vote social democrat to sustain yourself.

It is communism with some tweaks; they will never let the dream die... it's a delusion as Churchill said, a very dangerous (evil) one at that.

I was actually going to go there. But didn’t feel like typing it all out last night. Ultimately, its a lie to the “sheep” to get power. Shift more and more onto government assistance (or dependence) while framing it as doing something good for the “people.” Incentive should be and should remain to strive for success/wealth (in whatever metric you choose to measure such) and make sure the government does not impede with legal means of prosperity. Taxing the middle class to an unobtainable level removes incentive to work, places more on government programs, and generates more D voters. It’s their main objective, control the population.