How will they rule ??!

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I disregard it because it's insignificant.

This isn't an anuse of power. This is exactly what Presidents are supposed to do.

Running for President doesn't grant immunity to your whole family. The Biden's are fair game.

Trump has soverign immunity for one. Even if he was gleefully celebrating the investigation into Biden, its OK as long as there is reasonable suspicion that the Biden's were party to corruption.

Why else was Biden's son being paid $50k/mo? A crack head. In another family he would be a 45 year old stay at home son.
Sovereign immunity doesn't apply when the actions are taken in bad faith. Just like Chris Christie with the bridge closing scandal, if you're taking an action to damage a political rival you're not protected.

This chick is Swedish. Why can't SHE be the face of climate change? I might disagree with what she had to say, but I would listen.
I wouldnt listen, but you're god damn right I would watch.
lol so the lefties are now calling on Cocaine Mitch to recuse himself.

The time for recusal was when the guy running the House impeachment colluded with a staffer to make up fictional stories about a phone call, and change the rules so that staffer could technically be labeled a “whistleblower” by friendly media outlets.

We are faaaaaaaaaaaar past any recusals.

What about Corey Booker? Bernie Sanders? Elizabeth Warren?
Do the Democrats actually think Biden has a shot at winning, or are they just going to pick him as the primary winner because their flimsy nonsensical impeachment bullshit is dependent on calling him a political rival?
I differ with the Senate Republicans in that I would like to see Schiff on trial.

I'm in that camp as well.

I believe that if somebody throws a party and brings a can full of gas, show up with matches...Dems have thrown the party and brought gas...If I were in the senate I'd roll in with booze, lots of sharp objects, and a match...

But that's just me...

I can understand Mitch wanting to get it over with. I think he's smart enough to realize that the GOP dragging things out in the Senate could possibly turn all the gains in the polls sour...

The people do not like this kind of behavior by either side of the aisle...especially during the holiday and New Year time frame.

My theory is that most sane fair people don't like conflict nor bullying, especially women, and that is where the GOP and Trump will see gains.

Women are naturally nurturing, merciful, and on a primal level want to avoid damage via a conflict. Scuffles from grade school, through high school, through bar fights in college and beyond. Women will entertain them for a bit, but at a certain point, more often than not it's a girl saying "alright ain't worth it..." and many times she'll be more pissed off at her man or guy friends than she will be at the opposition.

That's why they voted largely against Trump. It wasn't because they liked Hilary and wanted to break the glass ceiling or even agreed with the liberal agenda, it was because Trump is a damn bully sometimes, which can be good in some areas, but a negative in others.

Well, for about 3 years, Trump, his judges, campaign advisors, cabinet picks, and voters have been bullied...all the suburban moms and women, who probably still dislike him to some degree, are now starting to have their fill of the uncalled for beatings going around.
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Disagree. I want to see Trump be able to call witnesses (Hunter, Schiff and the whistleblower for example). Just imagine all the dirt that would come out from that on the dems. It would be a total disaster for the dems.
I am beginning to think some Republicans do not want witnesses testifying. They want to wash their hands and move on. If the dirty Dems who have been involved in this hoax are not held accountable then we have a bigger corrupt government than we know now.

Democrats and their media propaganda mouth pieces are saying the Steele dossier was true and verified. Even Steele does not believe it. They throw out lie after lie after lie. With a dirty rotten media in lock step with a dirty political party only the people can correct this. By throwing them out of office and ignoring the media and refusing to buy their papers and watch their show.
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I'm in that camp as well.

I believe that if somebody throws a party and brings a can full of gas, show up with matches...Dems have thrown the party and brought gas...If I were in the senate I'd roll in with booze, lots of sharp objects, and a match...

But that's just me...

I can understand Mitch wanting to get it over with. I think he's smart enough to realize that the GOP dragging things out in the Senate could possibly turn all the gains in the polls sour...

The people do not like this kind of behavior by either side of the aisle...especially during the holiday and New Year time frame.

My theory is that most sane fair people don't like conflict nor bullying, especially women, and that is where the GOP and Trump will see gains.

Women are naturally nurturing and merciful who on a primal level want to avoid damage via a conflict. Scuffles from grade school, through high school, through bar fights in college and beyond. Women will entertain them for a bit, but at a certain point, more often than not it's a girl saying "alright ain't worth it..." and many times she'll be more pissed of at her man or guy friends than she will be at the opposition.

That's why they voted largely against Trump. It wasn't because they liked Hilary and wanted to break the glass ceiling or even agreed with the liberal agenda, it was because Trump is a damn bully sometimes, which can be good in some areas, but a negative in others.

Well, for about 3 years, Trump, his judges, campaign advisors, cabinet picks, and voters have been bullied...all the suburban moms and women, who probably still dislike him to some degree, are now starting to have their fill of the uncalled for beatings going around.

Instead of an impeachment, maybe the Republicans should just collect Christmas presents for Joe Biden’s Cocaine fueled fetal alcohol syndrome bastard grandchild. Make up for all that Ukrainian money that isn’t flowing back to the Biden family anymore (that we publicly know of).
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Disagree. I want to see Trump be able to call witnesses (Hunter, Schiff and the whistleblower for example). Just imagine all the dirt that would come out from that on the dems. It would be a total disaster for the dems.

They won't show, and if the Senate tries to force them it will validate the obstruction article from the House.

I realize that the President ignoring the House subpoena isn't the same as a citizen or Schiff, but the Dems are hoping to sway public opinion, and that might.
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I still have a suspicion that the House will not vote to impeach and then send this to the Senate.

I think the play could be, "See, the Senate is NOT going to take this seriously and will just dismiss the charges anyway. We have laid out the "facts", yada, yada, yada."

dit: I think the House will also claim, they do not want to give the President and his team a platform to "Spread his lies,"

They got to have their say and control everything. As we all know, the shoe will be on the other foot in the Senate.

I just don't think they will send it to the Senate. I am probably wrong, but crazier things have happened.
What about when that rival is breaking the law?
You and I both wish giving millions to family members of politicians for influence was illegal. It's not. We have to reform our society to make it so. So let's put aside our cultural differences and get big money out of politics. Government is the collective will of the people, not the plaything of oligarchs.
You and I both wish giving millions to family members of politicians for influence was illegal. It's not. We have to reform our society to make it so. So let's put aside our cultural differences and get big money out of politics. Government is the collective will of the people, not the plaything of oligarchs.

So basically if you run for the Democrat nomination you can pretty much have carte blanche to break any damn law you want? Congratulations on your monarchy.
I'm in that camp as well.

I believe that if somebody throws a party and brings a can full of gas, show up with matches...Dems have thrown the party and brought gas...If I were in the senate I'd roll in with booze, lots of sharp objects, and a match...

But that's just me...

I can understand Mitch wanting to get it over with. I think he's smart enough to realize that the GOP dragging things out in the Senate could possibly turn all the gains in the polls sour...

The people do not like this kind of behavior by either side of the aisle...especially during the holiday and New Year time frame.

My theory is that most sane fair people don't like conflict nor bullying, especially women, and that is where the GOP and Trump will see gains.

Women are naturally nurturing and merciful who on a primal level want to avoid damage via a conflict. Scuffles from grade school, through high school, through bar fights in college and beyond. Women will entertain them for a bit, but at a certain point, more often than not it's a girl saying "alright ain't worth it..." and many times she'll be more pissed of at her man or guy friends than she will be at the opposition.

That's why they voted largely against Trump. It wasn't because they liked Hilary and wanted to break the glass ceiling or even agreed with the liberal agenda, it was because Trump is a damn bully sometimes, which can be good in some areas, but a negative in others.

Well, for about 3 years, Trump, his judges, campaign advisors, cabinet picks, and voters have been bullied...all the suburban moms and women, who probably still dislike him to some degree, are now starting to have their fill of the uncalled for beatings going around.

The problem with the way a lot of women process things is that they don't follow it closely, but they know something is going on, and if something is going on they want it to go away. In other words they're going to vote against Trump just to get rid of the chaos.
So basically if you run for the Democrat nomination you can pretty much have carte blanche to break any damn law you want? Congratulations on your monarchy.
No, what Hunter did was not illegal. We want it to be but peddling influence for cash is not illegal it's called lobbying. That's why every politician comes out X times richer than they went in. Money buys them. Everyone talks about it on these forums every day. So let's get big money out of politics, Biden and Trump both.
No, what Hunter did was not illegal. We want it to be but peddling influence for cash is not illegal it's called lobbying. That's why every politician comes out X times richer than they went in. Money buys them. Everyone talks about it on these forums every day. So let's get big money out of politics, Biden and Trump both.

This is so dumb. Not the idea of getting money out of politics, but conflating a guy who has lost a significant amount of net worth after entering politics with a guy who used politics to make all the money him and his family have ever seen is quite frankly, retarded.
No, what Hunter did was not illegal. We want it to be but peddling influence for cash is not illegal it's called lobbying. That's why every politician comes out X times richer than they went in. Money buys them. Everyone talks about it on these forums every day. So let's get big money out of politics, Biden and Trump both.

Maybe you'll excuse me if I doubt your expertise in Ukrainian business dealings. Declaring Biden innocent without any investigation. How do you know that? Why was Hunter Biden on a board making $600,000 or more a year? I really doubt Hunter Biden had the expertise to be on the board.
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this is so dumb. If England had another country's system Boris might not have won...

Yeah, that's a pretty good way to wrap it all up into a nice little nutshell.

Liberals always want things to be something else.

If boys were girls and girls were boys...

If we didn't have the right to arms or speech...

If we didn't have the electoral college...

If we didn't have prisons...

If we didn't prosecute "little" crimes...

If our justice system was turned upside down and you could just accuse anybody of anything and be believed without any burden of proof...

If we didn't secure our borders...

If we had health care like this country, social programs like that country, taxes like this and that country...

and on and on and on...

Their slogan should be "If we weren't America..."
Do the Democrats actually think Biden has a shot at winning, or are they just going to pick him as the primary winner because their flimsy nonsensical impeachment bullshit is dependent on calling him a political rival?
I seriously wonder if Joe is just the stooge taking the campaign trail wear& tear, media exposure and embarrassment, will get the nomination, either claim sickness or suffer political fallout from Burisma/China, bow out like the expendable stooge he is, then the House forms a committee and 'picks' whomever they want to replace him, putting Hillary in Joe's place as close to last minute as possible. She's more popular than he is right now, and if they wait til after primary, no one can parse or question their selection.

It reduces the amount of time Hill is in the spotlight for Trump to expose and destroy. It uses up Biden's old ass just before they put him out to pasture. I think they know there is nothing short of cheating they can do to win next year and while Hill likely won't be enough to save them, it will end up making a landslide look less epic in an effort to save face for the party AND give them something to cry about for 4 more years while they fabricate another impeachment.

They just told us today how youthful she's looking for 72.

Feel free to call me crazy.
I am beginning to think some Republicans do not want witnesses testifying. They want to wash their hands and move on. If the dirty Dems who have been involved in this hoax are not held accountable then we have a bigger corrupt government than we know now.

Democrats and their media propaganda mouth pieces are saying the Steele dossier was true and valified. Even Steele does not believe it. They throw out lie after lie after lie. With a dirty rotten media in lock step with a dirty political party only the people can correct this. By throwing them out of office and ignoring the media and refusing to buy their papers and watch their show.
Are you saying you think they don't want to expose their (repubs) own crimes?

B/c I agree. And I say throw them all on the fire.
This is so dumb. Not the idea of getting money out of politics, but conflating a guy who has lost a significant amount of net worth after entering politics with a guy who used politics to make all the money him and his family have ever seen is quite frankly, retarded.
Trump says it himself he spent decades buying politicians on both sides. Y'all just cut out the middleman and elected the big money directly so it doesn't even have to buy the politicians. That's not better it's worse.
Trump says it himself he spent decades buying politicians on both sides. Y'all just cut out the middleman and elected the big money directly so it doesn't even have to buy the politicians. That's not better it's worse.

It’s worse to you to have someone in office who is independently wealthy and has gotten significantly less wealthy while in office than it is to have a bunch of politicians in office willing to accept money from any and every person willing to throw money their way? Again, that’s retarded.
The stupid thing about it is he couldn’t remember if he dressed head to toe in white kkk garb or painted his entire face coal black. Kinda think I might remember which one of those things I did regardless of how long ago it was.

He wasn’t even really young when he did

this is so dumb. If England had another country's system Boris might not have won...

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts,
Every day would be Christmas!
It’s worse to you to have someone in office who is independently wealthy and has gotten significantly less wealthy while in office than it is to have a bunch of politicians in office willing to accept money from any and every person willing to throw money their way? Again, that’s retarded.
What's the one policy Trump got done? Cut taxes for billionaires like him. The rest is just noise.
Maybe you'll excuse me if I doubt your expertise in Ukrainian business dealings. Declaring Biden innocent without any investigation. How do you know that? Why was Hunter Biden on a board making $600,000 or more a year? I really doubt Hunter Biden had the expertise to be on the board.
A 2018 survey from FW Cook, a well-regarded executive compensation consulting firm, shows that of the companies in the S&P 500, large-cap companies, which are companies with a market value of more than $10 billion, paid individual board members a median of $275,000 a year. Among S&P 500 companies in the energy industry, board members were compensated with a median $213,000 a year, with those in the 75th percentile of the salary range still only bringing in $289,000, less than half of what Hunter Biden has been reported earning at Burisma.

According to a 2018 proxy statement filed with the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC), the average level of compensation for Exxon’s board of directors in 2017 was almost $365,000. The median compensation was nearly $337,000. Only one of the company’s members of the board made more than $350,000 in total benefits, which was Susan K. Avery, who brought in approximately $767,000 for her work on the board.

What'cha wanna bet Susan doesn't have a dishororable discharge, drug charges, a drug habit and a jail record?

You guys... it was just a job...