How will they rule ??!

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Prison reform? Here's some prison reform. If you are convicted of armed robbery, you are in prison for life. No parole, however, you can opt to drink the koolaid and turn yourself off at any time. For nonviolent felons, no time off for good behavior but the sentence will be extended for every instance of bad behavior.
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This is a tough one for me. The cops probably were a bit too gung ho, but when the robbers started shooting you have to do something. Its a shame that a few innocent people got killed in the process and that type of shit should never happen, but my guess is the cops didn't have a lot of other options.
Sorta where I am on this. I wish they would have just followed and had helos in the air, and when they got to a better spot, then stop them. But till you are in that position with adrenaline flowing, you never know what you might do.
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This is a tough one for me. The cops probably were a bit too gung ho, but when the robbers started shooting you have to do something. Its a shame that a few innocent people got killed in the process and that type of shit should never happen, but my guess is the cops didn't have a lot of other options.

Yes, they had other options. They could have followed the truck with a helicopter and waited to engage when there weren't innocent civilians around. They knew the guys were armed and dangerous because there had already been a shootout.

No jury is going to look at that film and believe it was justified for cops to hide behind innocent civilians and exchange gunfire.

"shoot the hostage" worked in Speed because he didn't shoot the hostage in the head.
Stupid is as stupid does. They keep doing the same things and refuse to change. I hope CNN goes off the air. I never watch CNN, MSNBC,CBS,NBC,ABC, etc for any type of news, but yet I have to pay for them because they come in a package tier on my cable. :chairshot:
See, I have a theory that this is exactly why Spectrum is up my rear 24/7 with emails, calls, texts, etc. trying to get me to pay $24/month for cable again. I already pay them $110/month just for internet, which I repeatedly tell them I use for Hulu and other streaming services. But, see, they aren't missing the $24. They spend more than $24/month ON ME ALONE trying to get me back. You should see the extravagant mail flyers. No, they're missing my family's ass being indoctrinated by programming I have no choice over.

They want all our houses to be like all the airports... the inescapable voice of obedience.
I see no reason to "train" any foreign military on our US. Military bases. Why can't they train on their soil? We can sell them weapons and even provide consultants to show them out it works but do it over there. If we were living in a sane world maybe I could understand but the world is getting as crazy as the U.S. Democrat Party.

Wtf we are bringing over foreign military and training them on our soil?
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Even their new excuse is bogus.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi argued Thursday that President Donald Trump violated the fundamental principle of the Constitution by saying in an interview that Article II allowed him to “do whatever I want.”

Here is what Pelosi said after announcing the Democrat’s intent to impeach the president:

The president’s actions have seriously violated the Constitution, especially when he says and acts upon the belief ‘Article II says I can do whatever I want.’ No. His wrongdoing strikes at the very heart of our Constitution. A separation of powers, three co-equal branches, each a check and balance on the other.

She repeated the claim in a CNN town hall on Thursday:

In that Constitution, the genius of it all was the system of checks and balances. They did not want a monarch. They did not want a president king. That’s what they fought the war against.

The president said — Article I is the legislative branch. Article II is the executive branch. The president said, Article II says I can do whatever I want.

So for me, this is about honoring our oath of office, making sure that the Constitution is respected. And it’s about that and how he has ignored the subpoenas of Congress, the oversight of Congress. Something very strange there, that there hasn’t been an intervention amongst some of his own people.

Pelosi said Trump was betraying the Founders and the Constitution by acting as a “king” or a “monarch,” using references to the monarchy five times in her impeachment statement and at least six times in the CNN town hall.

But Pelosi is taking the president out of context. The Trump comment about Article II is taken from a June interview with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos.

Trump said:

Look, Article II, I would be allowed to fire Robert Mueller. Assuming I did all of the things, I said I want to fire him. Number one, I didn’t. He wasn’t fired. Number one, very importantly but more importantly, Article II allows me to do whatever I want. Article II would allow me to fire him. I wasn’t going to fire him. You know why — because I watched Richard Nixon firing everybody and that didn’t work out too well.

Pelosi is hanging the case for impeachment on a badly misconstrued quote. As the duly elected president of the United States, Donald Trump has the authority to hire and fire anybody in his administration.

Trump correctly cited his authority given to him by Article II to allow him to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, even though he never did. The president did not cite Article II to make the case that he was above the separation of powers in the Constitution.

This whole thing is just a substitute teacher version of the Russian collusion nonsense. They banked on that the entire time. Then when it unexpectedly fell apart they threw this together. That's why it's virtually all the same players. Just slightly different subject matter
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This pointed out by @markknoller so just checked the photos I took today during the Cabinet Room lunch meeting with UNSC ambassadors to verify: Salt and pepper shakers for @POTUS are indeed larger than those for his guests.
His should be bigger/hold more. His gets reused over & over. They're there once & leave. Why would they need multi-days worth? Net, POTUS being ecologically sound/+. He just thinks of everything.
AG Barr going after Internet porn. Good, hang pornographers in the town square.

Pornography is absolutely a form of cultural and societal subversion and it was allowed to become mainstream for just that purpose.
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AG Barr going after Internet porn. Good, hang pornographers in the town square.

Pornography is absolutely a form of cultural and societal subversion and it was allowed to become mainstream for just that purpose.
Oh, you have GOT to see this. Blew me away.

The "I'm a Coomer" song set to the music of "Hallelujah" slayed me.
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I have a friend who works for UPS, but he just drives a semi from Hopkinsville to Nashville everyday. I sent him a text asking if he was worried about recent event.

"Man they can't even find employees who can drive a stick. I'm not worried about some rando with a CDL"
Walked past truck on our street yesterday. One guy was running packages up to a door while 2nd was lining packages up inside for next deliveries.
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I see no reason to "train" any foreign military on our US. Military bases. Why can't they train on their soil? We can sell them weapons and even provide consultants to show them out it works but do it over there. If we were living in a sane world maybe I could understand but the world is getting as crazy as the U.S. Democrat Party.
Because to be halfway decent, you need to be trained by the best.
Wtf we are bringing over foreign military and training them on our soil?
Like for the last 50 years. Worked with a guy in Germany for several months whose father was a West German fighter pilot & was station in NM for 2-3 years in 70's & he lived there as a teenager. His English was so good you'd wouldn't notice he wasn't American if you talked to him on the street.
Because to be halfway decent, you need to be trained by the best.
I don't consider that America's problem. I want America to be the best not Muslims. But if that is important why not send "consultants" over there? Train them on their soil.

Bringing Muslims to America is a huge risk to our safety. None of them like us and we end up with dead citizens. If I were a parent of one of those dead I would not be as forgiving as the rest of America . . I would want blood. And most of all I would kick out every foreign military being trained over here. We do not need them so why bother with them.
His should be bigger/hold more. His gets reused over & over. They're there once & leave. Why would they need multi-days worth? Net, POTUS being ecologically sound/+. He just thinks of everything.

Honestly thought someone was trolling, but that appears to have been published in Business Insider.

What a time to be alive.
Sorta where I am on this. I wish they would have just followed and had helos in the air, and when they got to a better spot, then stop them. But till you are in that position with adrenaline flowing, you never know what you might do.
Exactly. Its one of those "you dont really know what you would do if you were in that situation" kind of thing. I'm sure it'll be investigated and the department will almost surely be sued, but unless I am missing something I'm just not sure what the cops were suppsed to do. You can't shoot and kill innocent people obviously, but you can't let the robbers shoot at you and just get away with it either.
Stupid is as stupid does. They keep doing the same things and refuse to change. I hope CNN goes off the air. I never watch CNN, MSNBC,CBS,NBC,ABC, etc for any type of news, but yet I have to pay for them because they come in a package tier on my cable. :chairshot:
They will milk it to the very last viewer as long as Trump is in office. If he’s removed before 2024 they will declare victory and close up shop saying their job was done.
This is a tough one for me. The cops probably were a bit too gung ho, but when the robbers started shooting you have to do something. Its a shame that a few innocent people got killed in the process and that type of shit should never happen, but my guess is the cops didn't have a lot of other options.
Well maybe not in regards to the hostage, but using a vehicle occupied by innocent citizens as a shield was completely avoidable.
I don't consider that America's problem. I want America to be the best not Muslims. But if that is important why not send "consultants" over there? Train them on their soil.

Bringing Muslims to America is a huge risk to our safety. None of them like us and we end up with dead citizens. If I were a parent of one of those dead I would not be as forgiving as the rest of America . . I would want blood. And most of all I would kick out every foreign military being trained over here. We do not need them so why bother with them.
You didn't say muslims in your previous post, did you? You said "any" foreign. You/we can debate whether it's right to train them at all, but it's way cheaper & overall safer to our military to do it here. We're in control here.
You know things are bad on the Left when one of theirs , CNN writer, says this:

"It's Morning in America"

"The blowout economic news released Friday in the November employment report signals an acceleration of the extraordinary labor market trends in America and may well forecast the reelection of President Trump. After the sluggish, slow-growth Obama years, especially for working-class laborers in our land, the spoils of the present Trump Boom constitute an economic awakening, a sunrise of opportunity."

"Specifically, the blockbuster labor market combined with a groundswell of consumer optimism make President Trump the prohibitive favorite to prevail next November.

The headlines of the employment report deserve celebration, with 266,000 new jobs created last month, including 54,000 in manufacturing. But the details reveal even better news for the U.S. workforce. For example, the quality of the increases matches the quantity of new hires, as yearly earnings exceeded 3% growth for the 16th consecutive month, a mark seen in only three months, total, during the Obama years. In addition, those wage gains now flow overwhelmingly to workers previously left behind. For example, blue-collar wage growth exceeded white-collar wage growth; non-college grads outperformed those with degrees; and black incomes surpassed those of whites. The point here is not to engage in the divisiveness of liberal identity politics. All Americans presently enjoy robust wage growth. But it is also important to highlight the tangible benefits to groups that most needed a leg up on the economic ladder."

If that doesn't give you chills, nothing will. And it has to sadden Libs because it's being done without added spending on their program of the month that long for & depend on. Their world world view is being turned on its head.

"A key driver of the new dynamism in the labor market has been the revitalized small business sector. Hispanics, as the statistically most entrepreneurial demographic in America, benefit handsomely from the renewed zeal of start-ups. As Friday’s report detailed, the Latino jobless rate has been under 5% for 20 straight months. Prior to President Trump, there had only been one month ever of sub-5% Hispanic joblessness, back in 2006." Note: 2006 was before Obama ever came along promising to help minorities. Yea, right.
His should be bigger/hold more. His gets reused over & over. They're there once & leave. Why would they need multi-days worth? Net, POTUS being ecologically sound/+. He just thinks of everything.
True but you miss the point. Separating the black pepper from the white salt is indisputable proof of Trump's racism.