How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Lol so pathetic libs try to claim Nikki haley is a white supremacist bc, you guessed it, the media edited a video to take her out of context.

Why yes morons, Nimrata Randhawa, total white supremacist

Doesn't shock me, have you seen the estimated numbers of actual nazis in the US. Its shockingly low, so it doesn't surprise me that they have to widen their requirements to get into their club. Indians, Jews, Blacks all of them are now welcomed.
This is a perfect example of what's wrong with Bernie @Dionysus444 . He identifies the problem correctly, but his solution is completely wrong. Meaning, instead of just accepting the new costs and dumping money on everything..aka hiding the cost by saying "free"..why wouldnt you make reform to return the cost to 500 dollars?

This is a perfect example of what's wrong with Bernie @Dionysus444 . He identifies the problem correctly, but his solution is completely wrong. Meaning, instead of just accepting the new costs and dumping money on everything..aka hiding the cost by saying "free"..why wouldnt you make reform to return the cost to 500 dollars?

Public education should extend through college like it was previously extended through high school. Simple.

The thing is, the ones "going postal" had planned it all along. They just didn't make the decision to go "postal". How do you vette that? All that should be done is they are not allowed in. Why take that risk knowing it is probably going to happen. Anyone or any country that is reasonable should understand. If they do not so what. Take care of United States citizens first.

I see no reason to "train" any foreign military on our US. Military bases. Why can't they train on their soil? We can sell them weapons and even provide consultants to show them out it works but do it over there. If we were living in a sane world maybe I could understand but the world is getting as crazy as the U.S. Democrat Party.