How will they rule ??!

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House Ds undermining Pelosi, speaking to CNN only on the condition of anonymity and questioning impeachment.

Who didn't see this coming after two defected during the first vote? Only question now is how many more will join them.

Democrat Rep: "I am struggling to see how the evidence supports impeachment"

Source article from CNN.

Some moderate Democrats feel frustrated as party leaders start writing articles of impeachment

let me let you in on a little secret. They don't have the votes that's why they're stalling for time for a week now
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Watch the Doug Wead video. It's great.

I'm only 15 minutes into this interview, but I encourage EVERYONE to watch it! What a terrific behind the scenes insight. It's funny how people say Trump doesn't know what he's doing, yet, he keeps on winning. Must be the luckiest dude ever.

I remember what Trump said back around '92, "if I was the President, I would have to run it like a business". He said that to Letterman when asked why doesn't he run for President.

Think of all the people who criticize Trump for the ails of the country, and then remember that he's been in politics for 3 years and they have been there for 30.

I'm only 15 minutes into this interview, but I encourage EVERYONE to watch it! What a terrific behind the scenes insight. It's funny how people say Trump doesn't know what he's doing, yet, he keeps on winning. Must be the luckiest dude ever.

I remember what Trump said back around '92, "if I was the President, I would have to run it like a business". He said that to Letterman when asked why doesn't he run for President.

Think of all the people who criticize Trump for the ails of the country, and then remember that he's been in politics for 3 years and they have been there for 30.
Yeah, there's lots of good stuff in there.

One that floored me was JK telling Wead that w/o the 'muh russia' distraction, they never could have turned the economy around so fast b/c they would have been impeded on removing regulations. And that of all the things they could have investigated DT for and actually found something, anything, to use against him, they (Dems) chose to investigate the one scandal that they (Trump) knew they were completely clean on.:joy:
Adam Schiff, you blithering idiot. Don't you realize that rational people also see and hear your statements?

Either they are that stupid and don’t or they just don’t care. I’m going with the latter.

Could be wrong though. Schiff is a complete idiot.
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This Saudi stuff is getting old.

How stupid are we?

SA is our friend. Some elements in SA are not. Can't cut off your nose to spite your face, or whichever cliche fits this situation. You know what I mean.

How do you "vet" someone and guarantee they never go postal?

And there you have it. RBG knows she's about to die and if she's like a lot of people, thinks she's going to meet her maker. No way she want's to take that meeting going along with the dems of the day. They are evil people with evil intent. They will get what they're asking for someday. Might not be what they want though.
SA is our friend. Some elements in SA are not. Can't cut off your nose to spite your face, or whichever cliche fits this situation. You know what I mean.

How do you "vet" someone and guarantee they never go postal?

And there you have it. RBG knows she's about to die and if she's like a lot of people, thinks she's going to meet her maker. No way she want's to take that meeting going along with the dems of the day. They are evil people with evil intent. They will get what they're asking for someday. Might not be what they want though.

the democrats are finished trump has driven them to an insanity which they're never gonna recover from
SA is our friend. Some elements in SA are not. Can't cut off your nose to spite your face, or whichever cliche fits this situation. You know what I mean.

How do you "vet" someone and guarantee they never go postal?

And there you have it. RBG knows she's about to die and if she's like a lot of people, thinks she's going to meet her maker. No way she want's to take that meeting going along with the dems of the day. They are evil people with evil intent. They will get what they're asking for someday. Might not be what they want though.

The thing is, the ones "going postal" had planned it all along. They just didn't make the decision to go "postal". How do you vette that? All that should be done is they are not allowed in. Why take that risk knowing it is probably going to happen. Anyone or any country that is reasonable should understand. If they do not so what. Take care of United States citizens first.

"Unemployment for black men (5.1%) and teens (12%) is also at a 50-year low. Employers desperate for workers are recruiting from prisons, high schools and among the able-bodied in Puerto Rico who haven’t already moved to Florida.

By the way, this is all happening despite legal immigration of more than a million people a year and untold illegal migration. Immigration reform that allowed more legal guest workers could help fill today’s labor shortfall.

In Ames, Iowa, the unemployment rate is 1.3%. Cleveland’s unemployment rate has fallen to 3.2% from 4.5% a year ago. Most job growth over the past year has been in services, especially health care (414,000) and leisure (420,000). Rust Belt cities like Cleveland are attracting investment in health care and related industries.

Business investment has fallen this year amid trade uncertainty. Growth in corporate profits has also slowed, contrary to what you hear on the campaign trail. But businesses continue to invest in their workers. Wages overall are up 3.1% from a year ago. Wages for production workers are up 3.7%, and 4.3% for those in leisure and hospitality.

As this continues, more low-income workers join the middle class, and more in the middle-class become what progressives like to call “the rich.” The index of aggregate weekly payrolls, which is a good proxy for household income, has risen 4.8% in the last year. Note: Thiss must be just awful to you Libs. Can't go out at night to rob and rape - too tired from working. Did anyone say crime is dropping? Might want to check.

Higher earnings are fueling consumption that is keeping the economy humming despite flagging business investment. Americans also have more money to spend thanks to the GOP tax reform. Low energy prices and lower inflation are also stretching worker paychecks. Just what we need - higher energy costs.

The National Retail Federation reported this week that Americans during the five shopping days between Thanksgiving and “Cyber Monday” spent 16% more on average than last year. This isn’t because billionaires are buying more yachts. This is because Americans in Ames and Cleveland are faring better and spending more. All of this should ease fears of recession anytime soon.

It also marks a political irony of our times. Even as deregulation, tax reform and energy exploration are lifting up more workers, our political classes want to raise taxes, harass tech companies, eliminate fossil fuels, and let the government set prices in health care and determine investment for even more of the economy. Socialism has more cachet even as capitalism is delivering the goods. Somewhere Joseph Schumpeter is saying he told us so.

"Unemployment for black men (5.1%) and teens (12%) is also at a 50-year low. Employers desperate for workers are recruiting from prisons, high schools and among the able-bodied in Puerto Rico who haven’t already moved to Florida.

By the way, this is all happening despite legal immigration of more than a million people a year and untold illegal migration. Immigration reform that allowed more legal guest workers could help fill today’s labor shortfall.

In Ames, Iowa, the unemployment rate is 1.3%. Cleveland’s unemployment rate has fallen to 3.2% from 4.5% a year ago. Most job growth over the past year has been in services, especially health care (414,000) and leisure (420,000). Rust Belt cities like Cleveland are attracting investment in health care and related industries.

Business investment has fallen this year amid trade uncertainty. Growth in corporate profits has also slowed, contrary to what you hear on the campaign trail. But businesses continue to invest in their workers. Wages overall are up 3.1% from a year ago. Wages for production workers are up 3.7%, and 4.3% for those in leisure and hospitality.

As this continues, more low-income workers join the middle class, and more in the middle-class become what progressives like to call “the rich.” The index of aggregate weekly payrolls, which is a good proxy for household income, has risen 4.8% in the last year. Note: Thiss must be just awful to you Libs. Can't go out at night to rob and rape - too tired from working. Did anyone say crime is dropping? Might want to check.

Higher earnings are fueling consumption that is keeping the economy humming despite flagging business investment. Americans also have more money to spend thanks to the GOP tax reform. Low energy prices and lower inflation are also stretching worker paychecks. Just what we need - higher energy costs.

The National Retail Federation reported this week that Americans during the five shopping days between Thanksgiving and “Cyber Monday” spent 16% more on average than last year. This isn’t because billionaires are buying more yachts. This is because Americans in Ames and Cleveland are faring better and spending more. All of this should ease fears of recession anytime soon.

It also marks a political irony of our times. Even as deregulation, tax reform and energy exploration are lifting up more workers, our political classes want to raise taxes, harass tech companies, eliminate fossil fuels, and let the government set prices in health care and determine investment for even more of the economy. Socialism has more cachet even as capitalism is delivering the goods. Somewhere Joseph Schumpeter is saying he told us so.

We have just recently hired a lot more people. This round of new hires were, collectively, the youngest we have done in the 15 years I have been here. It seems every able bodied adult out there who wants to work is actually working. The company was pulling from younger applicants perhaps because that is what is left. Kids actually having to work lol. But yeah.
The thing is, the ones "going postal" had planned it all along. They just didn't make the decision to go "postal". How do you vette that? All that should be done is they are not allowed in. Why take that risk knowing it is probably going to happen. Anyone or any country that is reasonable should understand. If they do not so what. Take care of United States citizens first.

Let me know when the SA leadership is openly calling for the death of America. These rogues don't worry me as much as other threats do.
Let me know when the SA leadership is openly calling for the death of America. These rogues don't worry me as much as other threats do.

Many times it is those who do not do things openly that are the most dangerous. The United States used to operate much more covertly than they do now. It is a sad statement that they do not worry you as much. I am not trying to be smart but I guess you had no family injured in this incident. I've known many that lost there lives and have been injured in these type attacks. I guess you have to be effected by it personally. I'd hope not but it may be...
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Many times it is those who do not do things openly that are the most dangerous. The United States used to operate much more covertly than they do now. It is a sad statement that they do not worry you as much. I am not trying to be smart but I guess you had no family injured in this incident. I've known many that lost there lives and have been injured in these type attacks. I guess you have to be effected by it personally. I'd hope not but it may be...

This is my last post. I'm drunk and I don't want to **** with it. I think you are directing your angst toward a country when it should be directed at a religious group. Also, never think that the US isn't operating "covertly". Absolutely nothing goes on in the world that we don't have a witness to.
This is my last post. I'm drunk and I don't want to **** with it. I think you are directing your angst toward a country when it should be directed at a religious group. Also, never think that the US isn't operating "covertly". Absolutely nothing goes on in the world that we don't have a witness to.

Wish I could have a drink with you. I am not against a country or a race. I am against evil no matter who or what they are. (I rarely use that word but I used it to hopefully make my point.) I am well aware of our countries entrances in certain scenario's/ situations.) Too many now are in the Me too generation and want their minute of fame or fortune. I am for anyone making all they can but not at the expense of hurting others. We have too many bad actors in our midst now. They are not the majority by far but they exist and hold tight to any power they may have.... (I will stop too. I meant no offense toward you in any event.)
We have just recently hired a lot more people. This round of new hires were, collectively, the youngest we have done in the 15 years I have been here. It seems every able bodied adult out there who wants to work is actually working. The company was pulling from younger applicants perhaps because that is what is left. Kids actually having to work lol. But yeah.
Ya know, all these people working could affect the entire culture of the country (ex college campuses & big lib cities) for the good - back toward where it was before lib ideas toxins badly infected the country. Creates so much more self respect and pride that lib giveaways destroy. This "vaccination" will cause them to go apesh!t.
I would like to point out to libs who don't understand what they're talking about when they talk bad about corporations.

Many Americans are part owners of corporations and if you had any sense, you would own some too.

You want a globalist economy, yet you are against our main source of international commerce. Mom and Pop stores aren't doing business overseas.

Your life could be so much more fulfilling and prosperous if you would just understand how reality works and become an active member in it.
I would like to point out to libs who don't understand what they're talking about when they talk bad about corporations.

Many Americans are part owners of corporations and if you had any sense, you would own some too.

You want a globalist economy, yet you are against our main source of international commerce. Mom and Pop stores aren't doing business overseas.

Your life could be so much more fulfilling and prosperous if you would just understand how reality works and become an active member in it.

Heck of a drunk...;)
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"Unemployment for black men (5.1%) and teens (12%) is also at a 50-year low. Employers desperate for workers are recruiting from prisons, high schools and among the able-bodied in Puerto Rico who haven’t already moved to Florida.

By the way, this is all happening despite legal immigration of more than a million people a year and untold illegal migration. Immigration reform that allowed more legal guest workers could help fill today’s labor shortfall.

In Ames, Iowa, the unemployment rate is 1.3%. Cleveland’s unemployment rate has fallen to 3.2% from 4.5% a year ago. Most job growth over the past year has been in services, especially health care (414,000) and leisure (420,000). Rust Belt cities like Cleveland are attracting investment in health care and related industries.

Business investment has fallen this year amid trade uncertainty. Growth in corporate profits has also slowed, contrary to what you hear on the campaign trail. But businesses continue to invest in their workers. Wages overall are up 3.1% from a year ago. Wages for production workers are up 3.7%, and 4.3% for those in leisure and hospitality.

As this continues, more low-income workers join the middle class, and more in the middle-class become what progressives like to call “the rich.” The index of aggregate weekly payrolls, which is a good proxy for household income, has risen 4.8% in the last year. Note: Thiss must be just awful to you Libs. Can't go out at night to rob and rape - too tired from working. Did anyone say crime is dropping? Might want to check.

Higher earnings are fueling consumption that is keeping the economy humming despite flagging business investment. Americans also have more money to spend thanks to the GOP tax reform. Low energy prices and lower inflation are also stretching worker paychecks. Just what we need - higher energy costs.

The National Retail Federation reported this week that Americans during the five shopping days between Thanksgiving and “Cyber Monday” spent 16% more on average than last year. This isn’t because billionaires are buying more yachts. This is because Americans in Ames and Cleveland are faring better and spending more. All of this should ease fears of recession anytime soon.

It also marks a political irony of our times. Even as deregulation, tax reform and energy exploration are lifting up more workers, our political classes want to raise taxes, harass tech companies, eliminate fossil fuels, and let the government set prices in health care and determine investment for even more of the economy. Socialism has more cachet even as capitalism is delivering the goods. Somewhere Joseph Schumpeter is saying he told us so.