How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Exactly. Its one of those "you dont really know what you would do if you were in that situation" kind of thing. I'm sure it'll be investigated and the department will almost surely be sued, but unless I am missing something I'm just not sure what the cops were suppsed to do. You can't shoot and kill innocent people obviously, but you can't let the robbers shoot at you and just get away with it either.

I think what they should do in that situation is to not escalate it beyond what it already was. When they saw they were going to be in the middle of a bunch of people, back off, assess the situation, wait for a better opportunity.
While your busy complaining about the rich, dems are trying to carry out a coup to destroy this nation in favor of a socialistic government that would oppress us and make us all poor.
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The stupid EPA mandating low flow toilets is part of the problem. I’m sure Trump is like most guys of his stature and drops some pretty large deuces which can be frustrating to rid the bowl of in a single flush. I know it frustrates me.

May i suggest the american standard that uses 1.6g/flush. you likely have seen their tv commercial where they flush a box of golf balls at once. most powerful home toilet i’ve seen—i think it would flush a dead cat. i have them in my home.
You didn't say muslims in your previous post, did you? You said "any" foreign. You/we can debate whether it's right to train them at all, but it's way cheaper & overall safer to our military to do it here. We're in control here.
Well let me extend it to all. German, English, Canadian, Israel. . Pick a country. I said Muslim because a Muslim killed at Pensacola. I see no benefit to America having them over here. And what control are you referring to. They are not confined to the base. They walk the streets of towns and cities nearby.

If they want to pay top dollar to be trained that is fine with me as long as we do it on their soil. I would even require our "consultant" to be of the same religion as the people they are training. We have many muslims in our military. Send them over there and go for it. The Muslim nations have proven time and time again they can not be trusted. How many more Americans have to die for their benefit.

Biden doesn't have a clear and cogent message because he is neither clear nor cogent.

He's a wreck and always has been. I remember his first debate with Palin and he claimed we had prevented Hezbollah from taking power. She didn't even know enough to call him on it. O'bama didn't let him speak in public for about 7.75 years of his Presidency for a reason.
Listened to a reporter recently on POTUS channel on XM radio...he had covered Comey extensively and while the reporter did seem sympathetic to Comey, he also admitted that people rolled their eyes at Comey because in every anecdote Comey told he was the hero...I thought of that when I saw this:

Also, it is funny that Comey thinks it takes courage to speak out against Trump.

90 percent of the media will jerk you off if you say bad things about Trump.
Well let me extend it to all. German, English, Canadian, Israel. . Pick a country. I said Muslim because a Muslim killed at Pensacola. I see no benefit to America having them over here. And what control are you referring to. They are not confined to the base. They walk the streets of towns and cities nearby.

If they want to pay top dollar to be trained that is fine with me as long as we do it on their soil. I would even require our "consultant" to be of the same religion as the people they are training. We have many muslims in our military. Send them over there and go for it. The Muslim nations have proven time and time again they can not be trusted. How many more Americans have to die for their benefit.
Control refers to our country & bases. Do it here if going to - safer for our people & training would be less costly. Silly to me to have the higher the risks & higher costs in other countries. If you don't want to do it at all, fine. Me, I'd rather they be trained & supplied by us than by Russia or China or Iran.
It's weird. He brings everyone else to do it and try to be like him in that way yet hes the only one that can do it.

I know, it’s the weirdest thing. Trump calls names and acts like a 3 year old - Trump supporters be like “OMG, what a boss! Greatest pres evah!”

Anyone else does it - “What a loser, SAD!”

Trump isn’t given nearly enough credit for how well he keeps his peeps staunchly on his side. That’s the sign of a great leader.
You know things are bad on the Left when one of theirs , CNN writer, says this:

"It's Morning in America"

"The blowout economic news released Friday in the November employment report signals an acceleration of the extraordinary labor market trends in America and may well forecast the reelection of President Trump. After the sluggish, slow-growth Obama years, especially for working-class laborers in our land, the spoils of the present Trump Boom constitute an economic awakening, a sunrise of opportunity."

"Specifically, the blockbuster labor market combined with a groundswell of consumer optimism make President Trump the prohibitive favorite to prevail next November.

The headlines of the employment report deserve celebration, with 266,000 new jobs created last month, including 54,000 in manufacturing. But the details reveal even better news for the U.S. workforce. For example, the quality of the increases matches the quantity of new hires, as yearly earnings exceeded 3% growth for the 16th consecutive month, a mark seen in only three months, total, during the Obama years. In addition, those wage gains now flow overwhelmingly to workers previously left behind. For example, blue-collar wage growth exceeded white-collar wage growth; non-college grads outperformed those with degrees; and black incomes surpassed those of whites. The point here is not to engage in the divisiveness of liberal identity politics. All Americans presently enjoy robust wage growth. But it is also important to highlight the tangible benefits to groups that most needed a leg up on the economic ladder."

If that doesn't give you chills, nothing will. And it has to sadden Libs because it's being done without added spending on their program of the month that long for & depend on. Their world world view is being turned on its head.

"A key driver of the new dynamism in the labor market has been the revitalized small business sector. Hispanics, as the statistically most entrepreneurial demographic in America, benefit handsomely from the renewed zeal of start-ups. As Friday’s report detailed, the Latino jobless rate has been under 5% for 20 straight months. Prior to President Trump, there had only been one month ever of sub-5% Hispanic joblessness, back in 2006." Note: 2006 was before Obama ever came along promising to help minorities. Yea, right.
Somebody lost their job over that...
Control refers to our country & bases. Do it here if going to - safer for our people & training would be less costly. Silly to me to have the higher the risks & higher costs in other countries. If you don't want to do it at all, fine. Me, I'd rather they be trained & supplied by us than by Russia or China or Iran.
OK let's change the rules of the game. Make each nation sending their military over here for training sign an agreement. The agreement would read: If one of their military is engaged in a terrorist act while on U.S. soil the country pays each victim's family $500,000,000 and they forfeit any future training. . Our vetting sucks and it is time to stop exposing innocent Americans to the hatred brought here from foreign nations.

It doesn't bother me if they want to be trained by Russia or China. In fact it may be good because their training would be mediocre. China and Russia are not going to give any other nation their "best" training. We do not owe the world anything. so let them be. IMO of course and I do not expect many to agree with me.
I know, it’s the weirdest thing. Trump calls names and acts like a 3 year old - Trump supporters be like “OMG, what a boss! Greatest pres evah!”

Anyone else does it - “What a loser, SAD!”

Trump isn’t given nearly enough credit for how well he keeps his peeps staunchly on his side. That’s the sign of a great leader.

Trump benefits greatly by having very horrid opponents.

AoC is a moron but she got this one right. There was never a world where amazon wouldn't need to push into NY. saved the state 3 billion in subsidies that amazon clearly doesn't need and got the jobs anyway. Wisconsin is getting ****ed raw by the subsidies and infrastructure they promised foxconn. These companies are filthy rich and don't need tax bribes.