How will they rule ??!

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The lefties are really counting missing out on 25,000 new high paying jobs for people in and around Queens as a success because Amazon is hiring 1,500 people they likely would have hired anyway.

They’re too goddam stupid to understand the billions of dollars it was going to “cost” NY are billions of dollars the state doesn’t have now anyway. And now they just don’t have 25,000 extra highly paid residents stimulating the economy.
The lefties are really counting missing out on 25,000 new high paying jobs for people in and around Queens as a success because Amazon is hiring 1,500 people they likely would have hired anyway.

They’re too goddam stupid to understand the billions of dollars it was going to “cost” NY are billions of dollars the state doesn’t have now anyway. And now they just don’t have 25,000 extra highly paid residents stimulating the economy.

The 25000 jobs were going to be in AOC’s district, the 1500 jobs are not. She is an idiot
The 25000 jobs were going to be in AOC’s district, the 1500 jobs are not. She is an idiot

I can understand AOC making mind numbingly stupid claims, because she's a politician (and a moron), but it takes an incomprehensible level of stupidity for someone like Platinum to bring that shit here and repeat it as if he's not going to be laughed at for being a goddam idiot.
Wth is Comes off as more far left activists posing as unbiased journalists. Might as well be watching AMJoy or Maddow.

Our mission.
To ignite change for the common good.

Who we are.
"Common Dreams is a daily, glorious taste of what the dominant media could be if it was shaped by our common dreams of justice and peace."

Our community.
We are writers. Activists. Everyday citizens.

Wth is Comes off as more far left activists posing as unbiased journalists. Might as well be watching AMJoy or Maddow.

Our mission.
To ignite change for the common good.

Who we are.
"Common Dreams is a daily, glorious taste of what the dominant media could be if it was shaped by our common dreams of justice and peace."

Our community.
We are writers. Activists. Everyday citizens.

Never heard of it. You’ve done them a favor with the free advertising I guess.
If you ever go to reddit, half the left wing radical shit that hits the front page (meaning upvoted by bots and lunatics) is from common dreams.

Only reason I’d ever heard of it Is because reddit is where I go for the left wing perspective.
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Whatch out world! Trump is going to save us from the scourge of toilet flushing!

Canada is whiter than the US. They need to head to Africa or Mexico if they want more brown people to interact with.
You must not spend much time in Toronto or Vancouver then. And there aren't 10 people, OK, maybe a 100, in the rest of the country. Plenty of Narwhals though.
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Never heard of it. You’ve done them a favor with the free advertising I guess.

Well, fortunately, not all free advertising is good, especially in this case.

A "news organization" that openly admits their goal is "to ignite change" and "shape media" based on their ideology tells most people all they need to know. It's propaganda. Facts and truth are secondary to agenda and narrative.
You must not spend much time in Toronto or Vancouver then. And there aren't 10 people, OK, maybe a 100, in the rest of the country. Plenty of Narwhals though.

Those account for 20% of Canada’s population. I grew up in a suburb of a city of about 200k people and never saw a black guy or a Mexican until I got to high school. Canada is lily white compared to the US, unless you count Mexicans as white. About 75% of Canadians are of European descent, and there are about as many indigenous people there as there are Hispanics and Latinos combined. I guess one advantage of having a cold climate and harsh immigration rules is that people from shithole countries stay out.
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Well, fortunately, not all free advertising is good, especially in this case.

A "news organization" that openly admits their goal is "to ignite change" and "shape media" based on their ideology tells most people all they need to know. It's propaganda. Facts and truth are secondary to agenda and narrative.

Agreed. Seems to be the norm nowadays. News is dead. Opinions reign supreme.
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Agreed. Seems to be the norm nowadays. News is dead. Opinions reign supreme.

Give credit where credit is due though. At least common dreams admits it. Now I know exactly what I'm getting when I click on one of their links. Have to respect that. Most, including some on the right, still pretend to be unbiased, nonpartisan, truth seeking, fact telling organizations.
I simply don’t understand why people complain about cable “news.” They aren’t news at all. They should all be forced to change their names IMO.
Read my post above. People complain because they're shameless liars trying to manipulate. Hacks like Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Maddow, themselves serious journalists and will look directly into the camera and swear they're unbiased.

Ever watch Hannity or even someone like Waters on Fox? They keep no secrets. They tell you straight up that they're opinionated talking heads, not journalists. They're open about having a bias and rooting interests. You know exactly what you're getting.
If you stuck your head in the toilet and flushed it you would be correct for once.
Had a private come in to my office once saying,"Drill Sergeant! Private so and so has his head in a toilet and is flushing it!" When we went in, sure enough, he was flushing it saying "I am a s**t head I am a s**t head". When I pulled him out and ask what he was doing he replied: "Well, you are always calling me that so, I thought this would be the best way to get rid of me." Needless to say, he did not last much longer, Army psychiatrist labeled him nuts and he was put out.
I know, it’s the weirdest thing. Trump calls names and acts like a 3 year old - Trump supporters be like “OMG, what a boss! Greatest pres evah!”

Anyone else does it - “What a loser, SAD!”

Trump isn’t given nearly enough credit for how well he keeps his peeps staunchly on his side. That’s the sign of a great leader.
It’s called fighting back back. For years Democrats have called republicans racist, homophobe, and every other name you can think of, and spineless republicans never fought back, they just start apologizing, when Trump gets hit, he hits back harder and that is one reason he got elected and will win in 2020.
Nunes was in on the entire con with Ghouliani and his felons just like it was reported

Still pushing this fantasy? You really are brainwashed and live in an alternate universe.

I tried to tell you it was another Cohen in Prague. Nunes has the receipts to prove it. Did you really think a member of Congress couldn't prove exactly where he was and when?

Btw, so much for Parnas testifying to the House. They're done calling witnesses. Even fools as desperate as Schiff and Nadler know better.

Quoting Bondy, the CNN report said, "Mr. Parnas learned from former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Victor Shokin that Nunes had met with Shokin in Vienna last December."

Shortly after the report was published, Nunes said it was "demonstrably false" but declined to elaborate. In the lawsuit, Nunes has provided the details.

Nunes did travel between Nov. 30 and Dec. 3. The lawsuit says that on those dates, Nunes was in Libya and Malta. Nunes traveled to Libya to "discuss security issues with General Khalifa Haftar," the suit says. In Malta, Nunes "met with U.S. and Maltese officials, including Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, and participated in a repatriation ceremony for the remains of an American World War II soldier missing in action," according to the suit.

The lawsuit provides photos of Nunes with Haftar, with Muscat, and at the repatriation ceremony.

"[Nunes] was not in Vienna in December 2018," the suit says. "Further, he has never met Shokin; never spoken to Shokin; and never communicated with Shokin."

Also: "At no time during his visits to Libya or Malta did [Nunes] or his staff ever meet any Ukrainians or have any discussions with anyone about the Bidens."

The lawsuit argues that CNN should have known that Parnas was an untrustworthy source. "From all the evidence in its possession, CNN was well-aware that Parnas was a renowned liar, a fraudster, a hustler, an opportunist with delusions of grandeur, a man in financial extremis laboring under the weight of a $500,000 civil judgment, and an indicted criminal defendant with a clear motive to lie."
Had a private come in to my office once saying,"Drill Sergeant! Private so and so has his head in a toilet and is flushing it!" When we went in, sure enough, he was flushing it saying "I am a s**t head I am a s**t head". When I pulled him out and ask what he was doing he replied: "Well, you are always calling me that so, I thought this would be the best way to get rid of me." Needless to say, he did not last much longer, Army psychiatrist labeled him nuts and he was put out.
Warrior, I can imagine you going into the barracks saying, “You, you, and you should panic! The rest of you, come with me.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Warrior, I can imagine you going into the barracks saying, “You, you, and you should panic! The rest of you, come with me.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
There are so many funny stories I could tell you, not just the time as a Drill instructor but, my entire military career. You really meet some strange characters in the military. One day soon I will post about the private who stripped down naked and went into the mess hall. Yep, another crazy who was kicked out but, there is a lot more to that story.
There are so many funny stories I could tell you, not just the time as a Drill instructor but, my entire military career. You really meet some strange characters in the military. One day soon I will post about the private who stripped down naked and went into the mess hall. Yep, another crazy who was kicked out but, there is a lot more to that story.

That story about the dude flushing his own head was awesome. Keep them coming sir.
Wouldn’t be surprising. They started adopting gays, then LGBT, now they’re all in on the T of LGBT.

Gays and lesbians are one thing. Have no problem with someone who is gay. But this trans BS is going too far. One could easily see them adding pedophilia to their platform in the future.
You can't have one without the other.

I remember being a college student in 04-08 when this was a big topic. I wasn't passionate about it, but I remember being called a crazy bigot for saying "if they do it in their home we'll never find out, so that's a red herring. The point is, if we normalize gay marriage something like beastiality or polygamy becomes next."

"Oh no no, gay people just want the same rights as you, bigot!"

Well all the people of almost every state said no, but 5 judges said yes.

And within 5 years they're doing drag shows for children.
And they're taking young boys, dressed like strippers, dancing for grown men.

And right now we've got a republican party full of lolberterians who would rather make sure Israel is secure than their own grandchildren's future.

Which way, western man? A vibrant future for our descendants, or shall we sentence them to the tyrrany of the left?

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