How will they rule ??!

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Wonder if the "coup" was staged. Erdogan is going to have a shit ton of power over Turkey now. Probably exactly what he wanted.

A lot of people are speculating that. I think so as well. A coup where the leader isn't even killed? Yeah, pure propaganda.
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California is so messed up. Now elementary school kids get LGBTQ lessons implemented into the curriculum. They get to teach 2nd graders about two mommy's and two daddy's and the pioneer Harvey Milk.

“Certainly some families will be concerned about their second-graders learning about two-mom families, but I think parents would be much more alarmed if they knew that LGBT History Month, in the last few years, has promoted the notion that ‘America the Beautiful’ is a source of lesbian pride,” McReynolds said.

Hey guys, they just want to be left alone and be like everyone else. It doesn't affect you or your kids.

Get out of Cali hiesman. That got awful state needs to rot without good people in it.

Growing up in public schools, I always liked the role it served. No more. My kid will be private Christian school all the way. Hell, Even if I weren't a Christian is still like the idea. Id rather a religious person teach my child through biblical / moral teaching than let the department of education wash the shit out of him in this secular European ideology.

Oh man can't have a godly man teaching love and obedience. Better to let the government teach them they have no gender, or barriers!
it's beginning to feel like the left's "NeverHillary" is far more resilient than the right's "NeverTrump" despite Bernie's weak endorsement.

The senator from Vermont really might've out Nader'ed Nader this year. He's done far more damage to Hillary's brand than all those kangaroo courts in the House ever did.

Jamo where ya at man? I know you're gonna cast one for trump.
California is so messed up. Now elementary school kids get LGBTQ lessons implemented into the curriculum. They get to teach 2nd graders about two mommy's and two daddy's and the pioneer Harvey Milk.

“Certainly some families will be concerned about their second-graders learning about two-mom families, but I think parents would be much more alarmed if they knew that LGBT History Month, in the last few years, has promoted the notion that ‘America the Beautiful’ is a source of lesbian pride,” McReynolds said.

Hey guys, they just want to be left alone and be like everyone else. It doesn't affect you or your kids.

Get out of Cali hiesman. That got awful state needs to rot without good people in it.

Growing up in public schools, I always liked the role it served. No more. My kid will be private Christian school all the way. Hell, Even if I weren't a Christian is still like the idea. Id rather a religious person teach my child through biblical / moral teaching than let the department of education wash the shit out of him in this secular European ideology.

Oh man can't have a godly man teaching love and obedience. Better to let the government teach them they have no gender, or barriers!

Maybe we could talk BLM into taking half of cali for their "nation" and let the libtards keep half. That's like 3 birds, 1 stone.
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Jamo where ya at man? I know you're gonna cast one for trump.
(1) i live in washington. my potus vote doesn't matter
(2) i'll be writing in kasich on my ballot (that way i can b!tch and whine for the next four years even more than i usually do)
(3) i'd sooner vote for hillary than trump, anyways
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(1) i live in washington. my potus vote doesn't matter
(2) i'll be writing in kasich on my ballot (that way i can b!tch and whine for the next four years even more than i usually do)
(3) i'd sooner vote for hillary than trump, anyways

Hillary over trump?

Eh.... Hillary has been a proven disaster. I'd rather take my chances.
Hillary over trump?

Eh.... Hillary has been a proven disaster. I'd rather take my chances.
In the little bit of policy Trump has actually discussed, he's been an absolute disaster
-- Refuses to commit to limiting entitlement spending (particularly Social Security)
-- Solution to the debt is to threaten to "crash the economy and cut a deal with creditors"
-- Solution to the deficit is to "print more money"
-- Has no problem with nuclear proliferation (even naming Saudi Arabia specifically)
-- Will absolutely trample the BoR (particularly #1 and #4) even more than the last two administrations have
-- Has no coherent plan for dealing with the immigration problem
-- He's as anti-Free Trade as old school liberals are/were

I'll take the devil I know over the devil I don't, particularly when I know where s/he stands on issues like trade and FoPo. Tax/spend >>> ?Maybe tax/still spend
Nope. Both Newt and Christie lobbied HARD for the job. Hard. And they took it hard when they didn't get the job... especially Christie as he was the first legit guy to publicly back Trump and has been by his side every step of the way. Trump does not like disloyalty and it was very hard for him not to pick Christie.

My pick Newt apparently finished 3rd.

You mean Newt who has already left Fox News to begin work on Trumps campaign or Christie who acts like a 13 year old school girl who just met Justin Bieber every time Trump comes close lol?

I feel like Trump wanted someone like Nikki Haley. Or another minority candidate who could help him with the perception of bigotry.
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I feel like Trump wanted someone like Nikki Haley. Or another minority candidate who could help him with the perception of bigotry.
She may have had a shot until she blasted him several times and went full bore with Rubio. Pence did not endorse him but he did not take a real hard line stance against Trump like Haley did.
Get out of Cali hiesman. That got awful state needs to rot without good people in it.

Growing up in public schools, I always liked the role it served. No more. My kid will be private Christian school all the way. Hell, Even if I weren't a Christian is still like the idea. Id rather a religious person teach my child through biblical / moral teaching than let the department of education wash the shit out of him in this secular European ideology.

Oh man can't have a godly man teaching love and obedience. Better to let the government teach them they have no gender, or barriers!
Seriously, quit calling yourself a Christian. You obviously know little about Jesus' teachings. Hell im more Christian than you are.
She may have had a shot until she blasted him several times and went full bore with Rubio. Pence did not endorse him but he did not take a real hard line stance against Trump like Haley did.

I agree. I think he wanted her, but the feeling wasn't mutual. Same with Kasich.

That was the point of my initial post. Not like Trump didn't have options. He just needed more of a splash than Pence, imo. His top options just weren't interested.

And who could blame them? It's either win, or your career is over. It's practically a democratic version of a coup that's being attempted.
I feel like Trump wanted someone like Nikki Haley. Or another minority candidate who could help him with the perception of bigotry.
Slapping a black guy next to trump isn't going to fend off the people who already think he is a racist. Trump has never said anything toward blacks to see it racist to want to cut government dependence and make people work and earn a living for themselves?
Slapping a black guy next to trump isn't going to fend off the people who already think he is a racist. Trump has never said anything toward blacks to see it racist to want to cut government dependence and make people work and earn a living for themselves?
Blacks are about the only minority group he hasn't taken shots at so far. I'm sure he's waiting until after the convention to start doing it.

Original plan was Muslims/Hispanics/Gays before the convention, Jews/Blacks/Women after the convention. Unfortunately, he got vaginas and homos confused and then slipped up by tweeting that whole Star thing too soon.
Slapping a black guy next to trump isn't going to fend off the people who already think he is a racist. Trump has never said anything toward blacks to see it racist to want to cut government dependence and make people work and earn a living for themselves?

I totally agree. That's why I used the word perceived. But the msm has repeatedly the claims of bigotry so often, it's now accepted as fact by most uninformed people.
Meanwhile, Obama and Kerry are considering extradition for the asylumed Turkish cleric.

You know a part of Obama is jealous of the Turkish president's move towards dictatorship.
(2) i'll be writing in kasich on my ballot (that way i can b!tch and whine for the next four years even more than i usually do)
Of all the idiocy in this election, and there has been a mountain of it, the fawning over Kasich is by far the dumbest. A temperamental Roy Williams-esque goofy aw'shucks phony that mumbles hallmark card quotes out to the rubes and wears his family values like business cards.

The Kasich crowd is beyond nauseating. Might as well vote for beige paint.
Meanwhile, Obama and Kerry are considering extradition for the asylumed Turkish cleric.

Every request for extradition gets "considered". Since Turkey hasn't requested extradition of Gulen, you must be a mind reader. Gulen's organization, meanwhile, strongly condemned the coup attempt.

Does anyone anywhere know what the coup was about? All the stories I've read seem to promise insight into the issue and then wander around talking about Erdogan. Pure clickbait at this point. Erdogan's a vaguely Islamist, but still secuar, asshat, but the coup leaders may be worse. Who knows?
Pence KILLED it in running mate speech. Damn, that was good!

Can we start a poll on Pence for Pres, b/c he's already got my vote.

This is why Pence was the pick. Repubs pushed Trump for it I'm sure, and he should be seen as the next Pres. Candidate.

This ticket will crush it.
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Pence is fool's gold. Terrible pick that might cost Trump the presidency.

With Pence as the pick, the Republicans didn't help themselves with getting Bernie voters. But I think it helps them to get more of their base out to vote. We will see if this works in November.
Clearly, Pence is the polished politician of the two and was the pick to gather the base. Trump does not need another attack dog. His bark is more than enough in this election. He cannot win without the Republican base and he got it with Pence. Every single pick he could have made would have a group that did not like the pick. Every candidate has their flaws. This pick came down to who wanted the job, had an experienced and accomplished political resume, and could calm the waters with the Republicans not sold on Trump. Pence seems to check all those boxes.
Trump basically undercut his main selling point. Also totally nuked any chance at all he had with bettering his position with women.
To Bernie's dancing bears, maybe. To true conservatives, even women (and speaking for my own wife) social issues are tertiary at this point to his economic, vet relations, infrastructure and school funding prowess.
Trump basically undercut his main selling point. Also totally nuked any chance at all he had with bettering his position with women.

Did you not hear his speech? He doesn't want to be considered an outside. He doesn't consider himself one and he has heard party unity over and over.

Guess who he hears that from? Not BLM folks!

His other two options weren't going to help him at all. He has said he would pick a politician as VP and does no consider himself a politician.

Pence was perfect and you just may be wrong. As awful as that may be for you, it could well be the case this time
Trump basically undercut his main selling point. Also totally nuked any chance at all he had with bettering his position with women.

If a woman was going to vote someone for simply being a woman, it wasn't going to change regardless if Trump picked a female VP. The GOP has tried this special tactic in 2008 and 2012 to try and get the female vote (Palin) and then try to win a swing state (Ryan/Wisconsin) and it didn't work. It was important to get the NeverTrump traditionalist Republicans/Christians than it was to try something cute.

This choice had nothing to do with trying to get the left to cross over because that's not happening.
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I can not wait for the debates. Trump is going to eat Hillary alive. Trump isn't gonna be soft like how Mitt and McCain were. He will go for the juggler and won't stop.
a pew poll out says nearly 10 percent of Bernie voters plan on voting for Trump. that's potentially huge. Hillary would much rather the Bernie voters just not show up rather than cross lines.

To Z's point that Pence is horrible because he doesn't change Trump's perception with different voting blocks? well if that was the case, then Rubio was your man all along. but simply checking boxes isn't going to win elections. i don't know if Pence is going to help or hurt ultimately, but he was done to secure the base, or at least an attempt to. if you don't get your base out to vote in large numbers, then the other demographics arent going to matter. Tim Kaine isn't a game changer for Hillary either. both candidates at this point seem to be looking for safe picks.
Seriously, quit calling yourself a Christian. You obviously know little about Jesus' teachings. Hell im more Christian than you are.

Oh yea, sure. In your little world maybe.

You're the biggest bigot on this board, and thats saying something. I've never seen someone have such low standards for blacks and minorities.
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