How will they rule ??!

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No. You keep evading the point. The point was absolutely not to downplay the relevance of recent attacks. It was to downplay the histrionics by offering perspective on what terrorism in this country actually amounts to. Perspective. If you don't want to accept it, I can't make you, but terrorism is a smaller worry in this country than snake bite or bee stings.
Evading the point? Not at all, your point was moronic and misleading. The perspective you are missing is that with the influx of refugees comes a real danger of more frequent and larger scale attacks on our soil. France should be a wake up call to all who are willing to listen and all who can actually understand what is going on. Obviously you lack the understanding.
The doctrine of shared cowardice is a decisive failure. The policy of appeasing a violent religion by pretending only a few share in its violence is no longer credible to argue. The global stew that invites us all to set aside our sovereignty in favor of the global good is no longer tolerable.
Great. Obama just announced "We stand in solidarity with the people of France."

That will stop them. I bet they didn't expect such a harsh response. They'll think twice now before the next attack.

I can just hear the terrorist now:

"Oh, no! The United States had building that turned on its lights to be the same as the color of France! We've lost the war now!"
Terrorists should laugh at the enemy before them. A self-blaming apologetic global cumbayah of platitudes and pointless genuflections. A tepid mealy-mouthed weakling softly begging to be left alone. Plump ripe weakness to be pulled from the vine at will.
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Terrorists should laugh at the enemy before them. A self-blaming apologetic global cumbayah of platitudes and pointless genuflections. A tepid mealy-mouthed weakling softly begging to be left alone. Plump ripe weakness to be pulled from the vine at will.

It's now survival of the weakest in America. Wonder if that works in the real world.
And she is considering Elizabeth Warren lol. Same woman who lied on numerous applications claiming she was Native American just to get special rates and hiring.

I have lots of native american heritage, and the fact that she did it and the left gives her a free pass shows just how evil and corrupt they all are.
Extreme and divisive. Democrats on Pence

Are we supposed to expect them to say "nice moderate pick" or something?

They'll start immediate attacks on him, his family, his friends, and his supporters. The media will take it from there and start their premise sympathetic to the left.

Rince. Repeat.
VP's arent going to matter in this election.

The debates will be the deciding factor. Very few undecideds left and none of them are going to make a decision based on a VP pick.
The debates aren't going to determine anything as Trump is a horrible debater. He hasn't uttered a coherent complete thought in a single one yet.

What will determine this election is a large voting block of blue collar workers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida deciding their futures got sold down the river on the trade deals the Clinton's handed us in the 90's and thus handing the election over to Trump like an Easter Egg. That's what is going to happen.
The doctrine of shared cowardice is a decisive failure. The policy of appeasing a violent religion by pretending only a few share in its violence is no longer credible to argue. The global stew that invites us all to set aside our sovereignty in favor of the global good is no longer tolerable.

So, the US should or shouldn't continue to fight ISIS?
VP's arent going to matter in this election.

The debates will be the deciding factor. Very few undecideds left and none of them are going to make a decision based on a VP pick.

I disagree. Since Trump has no (ZERO) political experience, his VP choice was monumental. And he may have just touched that up. GD it.
Coup in Turkey underway? Hopefully the military will turn back Erdogan's free speech restrictions and sever the ties he started creating with Islamists
So, the US should or shouldn't continue to fight ISIS?
Well, ideally we would never have had to fight ISIS in the first place had we responded to 9/11 sanely, with the appropriate proportionality, and without the insane idea that we were going to bring democracy to the middle east.

Now that we screwed that up and must deal with ISIS we should do so decisively. As an example. We should unleash hell on them. Pound them and everything around them into dust. Eviscerate any nation that harbors them. Make it clear that any attack on any US interest will bring death on a massive scale to every city and village that is linked to the individuals committing the attack.

Do you think Israel survives to this day because they empathize with the plight of communities in and around those that attack them? No, they unmercifully attack and exact an immediate price for being attacked. There should be no question in the mind of the terrorists what our response will be. Death to everyone they love. Everything they know. Everywhere they live. Every shop they frequent. Every hospital that treats them. Every road they drive on. Every church they worship at. Every trace of them turned to nothing as a price they must pay.
Pence was chosen to steady the ship with all of the Repubs who are uneasy about Trump. He will matter as much as Biden has mattered the past 8 years...which is virtually zero.

Agreed. It wasn't to gain votes from the left. It was to get the #NeverTrump Christians so to speak.
Good link if you are interested in what's going on right now in Turkey. Look at the news feed on the right column of the website...not necessarily the map. Once you click on it, click on the screen behind this specific video--then it should take you to the overall site. (Having problems getting the link to work.)

not sure about that link, i scrolled down and saw a link for hot russian ladies on line, so i clicked on that instead.