How will they rule ??!

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Every request for extradition gets "considered". Since Turkey hasn't requested extradition of Gulen, you must be a mind reader. Gulen's organization, meanwhile, strongly condemned the coup attempt.

Does anyone anywhere know what the coup was about? All the stories I've read seem to promise insight into the issue and then wander around talking about Erdogan. Pure clickbait at this point. Erdogan's a vaguely Islamist, but still secuar, asshat, but the coup leaders may be worse. Who knows?

No, people that use common sense and dont have to fit every little incident into their paradigm. From Brexit to this, you keep denying it.
It takes professional protesters and organizations to form a movement of great size in this country. BLM can't even get 20 people to show up in towns less than 60,000. They've been trying all over west Tennessee and have to be cancelled like clockwork. Not a big enough community organizing organization. It's not really social media that's the reason. It's paid professionals staging a "protest". Without the money behind it, it dies. The rest are low life criminals and other morons who buy into the mess.
Clinton vowes to propose a Constitutional Amendment within her first 100 days in office to overturn Citizens United.
I like them except if you choose to donate it's hell to stop donations. I mean no one is able to contact anyone to stop. You literally have to stop the card and get a new one.

That is a bit problematic but other than that I don't see a problem with them.

We will win. Christians and Muslims will kiss our boots.


Religion can't win the war of Time. Lett'em f****** try it. I'm a soldier. As soon religious people lose their power on authority and influence on gov't. I can't wait for the 2020 Great Religion Kill Off.

It's like the taste of blood that you crave, but you know the time isn't right to feast.
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Blacks are about the only minority group he hasn't taken shots at so far. I'm sure he's waiting until after the convention to start doing it.

Original plan was Muslims/Hispanics/Gays before the convention, Jews/Blacks/Women after the convention. Unfortunately, he got vaginas and homos confused and then slipped up by tweeting that whole Star thing too soon.
---Illegal Hispanics should be deported
---Homosexual marriage laws should be left up to the states
---Muslims should have a closer eye kept on them when dealing with radical imams and websites and the Syrian refugees should be put on hold until we know exactly where they came from
---What in the hell has he said that was discriminatory toward women?

Typical liberal....throw any and all shat against the wall and hope it sticks without proof.
---Illegal Hispanics should be deported
---Homosexual marriage laws should be left up to the states
---Muslims should have a closer eye kept on them when dealing with radical imams and websites and the Syrian refugees should be put on hold until we know exactly where they came from
---What in the hell has he said that was discriminatory toward women?

Typical liberal....throw any and all shat against the wall and hope it sticks without proof.

All is right except of homosexuals. It's not a state right. It's protected under the Constitution.

Men and women are created equal. There is no debate. I am absolutely sick of Christian's telling what "they think". F*** them just like the Muslims.
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Every request for extradition gets "considered". Since Turkey hasn't requested extradition of Gulen, you must be a mind reader. Gulen's organization, meanwhile, strongly condemned the coup attempt.

Does anyone anywhere know what the coup was about? All the stories I've read seem to promise insight into the issue and then wander around talking about Erdogan. Pure clickbait at this point. Erdogan's a vaguely Islamist, but still secuar, asshat, but the coup leaders may be worse. Who knows?

Hasn't requested it? Have you missed turkeys president publicly calling on the US to extradite?

Or has your head been too buried in the sand?
All is right except of homosexuals. It's not a state right. It's protected under the Constitution.

Men and women are created equal. There is no debate. I am absolutely sick of Christian's telling what "they think". F*** them just like the Muslims.

Just because Christians aren't killing people, they sure are doing damage on mental health and shame factors in this country.
Just because Christians aren't killing people, they sure are doing damage on mental health and shame factors in this country.

I will await catBigot4daloss' opinion before deciding if I agree or disagree.

Jk. I personally couldn't give a shite who bangs who.

Just got done meeting a black client, long hair, goatee, titties, named rodriguez, spoke like Rachel. Had no effing idea what Rodriquez was born as nor what rodriguez identifies today as..nor do I care.
I will await catBigot4daloss' opinion before deciding if I agree or disagree.

Jk. I personally couldn't give a shite who bangs who.

Just got done meeting a black client, long hair, goatee, titties, named rodriguez, spoke like Rachel. Had no effing idea what Rodriquez was born as nor what rodriguez identifies today as..nor do I care.

My wife and I talked about this because she has lesbian friends. I admit. I'm not a great friend to the gay men. I have nothing in common. Matter of fact, while I was lying on Daytona Beach this afternoon getting a tan, I thought to myself that gays need to change the rainbow to a murder blood horror symbol.

Phatty. You ever make Orlando trip let me know. You on my list of posters I want to hang with.
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I don't know if you love watching feminist retards like I do but enjoy some of these.

Crazy feminist thinks construction zone markers in a parking lot are an example of male dominance

Feminist thinks the mailman is stalking her.

Gavin McInness destroys this feminist who is anti-white and hates the U.S. system and gets her contradiction exposed.

Gavin McInness talking to Trump protestors. McInness discusses coyotes raping a lot of illegal women that cross the border and she thinks he's talking about actual coyotes. (4min mark)
Bill, you don't understand what it's like living as an Atheist in a 90% Christian country. Once Atheists hit 90% and Christians hit 10%, then maybe you'll understand the fear when talking to the majority.
Bill, you don't understand what it's like living as an Atheist in a 90% Christian country. Once Atheists hit 90% and Christians hit 10%, then maybe you'll understand the fear when talking to the majority.

Christians on a local gov't level are vindictive.
Clinton vowes to propose a Constitutional Amendment within her first 100 days in office to overturn Citizens United.
Apparently, her hypocrisy knows no bounds. This candidate took over 50 million from Super Pacs to defeat Bernie. Now, she panders to his followers with this empty posturing. She needs 2/3 of Congress to agree (when was the last time that happened?) and then 3/4 of the states to ratify. For the record, around 12K amendments have been proposed in the nation's history. Only 33 have been added. Two of those canceled each other out. So the numbers are actually worse.
Willy enough man. You don't like Christianity then good for you. Religion isn't all bad, but your being a whiny f'n p*ssy about it while Mooslims are destroying our planet.

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Willy enough man. You don't like Christianity then good for you. Religion isn't all bad, but your being a whiny f'n p*ssy about it while Mooslims are destroying our planet.


Good point. Just know Krazy. I hate Muslims #1.
Bill, you don't understand what it's like living as an Atheist in a 90% Christian country. Once Atheists hit 90% and Christians hit 10%, then maybe you'll understand the fear when talking to the majority.
We'll get there..probably not in our life time but Zeus,Thor, and Odin will eventually have more company...that or Muhammed and Jesus will be new Avengers. Only time will tell.
it was always God's design for man to destroy the planet. different religions was how he sped up the process. we are his ant farm. and probably like the 16 or 17th version of his matrix already.
Bill, you don't understand what it's like living as an Atheist in a 90% Christian country. Once Atheists hit 90% and Christians hit 10%, then maybe you'll understand the fear when talking to the majority.

Willy, Why worry what everyone else thinks? No one is going to kill or hurt you, and they damn sure can't eat you.

That anger is gonna eat you alive man, pwople are hateful and spiteful, but that's on them. You can't control what they think, only what you think.
Willy, Why worry what everyone else thinks? No one is going to kill or hurt you, and they damn sure can't eat you.

That anger is gonna eat you alive man, pwople are hateful and spiteful, but that's on them. You can't control what they think, only what you think.

It's not Christians like you I fear, Bill. It's the ones that influence American gov't policy that I fear.
Willy enough man. You don't like Christianity then good for you. Religion isn't all bad, but your being a whiny f'n p*ssy about it while Mooslims are destroying our planet.


Dude, I hate Muslims more. Give me a GD break.
I was angry.

Bill, the waves were shitty today.

Plus I'm very honky white

It could be worse, I spent all day in Six Flags St. Louis.

Actually we had a good time, and now we're staying Downtown, but I'm sore as hell from the Coasters.
It could be worse, I spent all day in Six Flags St. Louis.

Actually we had a good time, and now we're staying Downtown, but I'm sore as hell from the Coasters.

Yeah, the pain from amusement parks is straight to the feet skeletal muscles.
Hasn't requested it? Have you missed turkeys president publicly calling on the US to extradite?

Or has your head been too buried in the sand?

There have been public statements. There hasn't been an extradition request. Don't get ahead of yourself. Erdogan has said lots of things. Such as we planned the coup with Gulen.