How will they rule ??!

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Erogan has given himself powers outside of the constitution limits of Turkey, so he brought this on himself. Though I did like his big FU to Russia in shooting down their jet fighter. Hope whatever government comes out of this is pro west.
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A military bound only to serve the founding principles of the country, not the leader of said country :eek: Sounds like something I can get behind.

Democracy sucks. TS. Erogan and his anti-free speech chummy chummy winking towards islamism can go get pumped multiple times. Hope you like the poetry in Germany, bub
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Hannity had a Democrat on his radio show. First democrat who I've ever heard speak honestly.

He's rattled. He said the only chance hillary has is to demand Obama declares war on ISIS.

Also said a few days ago, the one person he DIDN'T want trump to pick was Pence.

Forgot his name, but hope someone else knows. The dems are shaking and apparently had an emergency meeting with hillary in the last few days.

Even the left leaning polls show either a tie or trump lead.
Also he has enough hatable qualities that are traditional repub values which will take the negative shine off of Trump himself.
Mistake. We should shut up and support the winner that emerges. Turkey is critical in our ability to project power in that entire region. Hell, we have nukes there.
This should be a simple decision for a president to make.
As i posted months ago - with isis, we have to cut off their cash flow at all costs. The us is no longer willing to do what it takes to make that happen. So we should pull out of the middle easy entirely; until that mentality changes.

Trump should have listened to his gut on his VP. Pence was not the right pick.

I feel like his top choices weren't receptive to the offer. So Pence may well have been the best of what was left
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About six months ago I posted exactly what it would take to defeat radical Islamic terrorism.

Unfortunately you have to hit them where it hurts. Their homes. Their villages. Their loved ones. Where they worship. What they care about.

What would have happened to the United States if we would have said the Japanese people are not the enemy and that most Japanese citizens do not support the war being waged? If we tried to win WWII by only fighting the entrenched Japanese soldiers that were all too happy to die for their country? That willingly sacrificed themselves without hesitation in combat?

In order to save American lives we had to do something so unthinkable that today it would not even be possible to propose. But it had to be done and it saved hundreds of thousands of American lives and an entire generation of fathers and sons that were able to come back home to their families.

Until you are willing to take the battle to their homes and their families, to make them understand that everything they love is in the kitty when the are planning their attacks. To make them understand that when they strap on an explosive vest or climb into a truck filled with dynamite... that their own families and villages will pay the price for their actions, then you will not stop them. Ever.

Take the battle to them. Unfortunately, in war, in the hell war unleashes... that means their families. Everything they care about.

And thus the reason the mightiest power in the world since WWII has not been able to win a major conflict since 1945.
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Well, ideally we would never have had to fight ISIS in the first place had we responded to 9/11 sanely, with the appropriate proportionality, and without the insane idea that we were going to bring democracy to the middle east.

Now that we screwed that up and must deal with ISIS we should do so decisively. As an example. We should unleash hell on them. Pound them and everything around them into dust. Eviscerate any nation that harbors them. Make it clear that any attack on any US interest will bring death on a massive scale to every city and village that is linked to the individuals committing the attack.

Do you think Israel survives to this day because they empathize with the plight of communities in and around those that attack them? No, they unmercifully attack and exact an immediate price for being attacked. There should be no question in the mind of the terrorists what our response will be. Death to everyone they love. Everything they know. Everywhere they live. Every shop they frequent. Every hospital that treats them. Every road they drive on. Every church they worship at. Every trace of them turned to nothing as a price they must pay.

Well, Iraq was a mistake (even though WMD's were more than likely moved into Syria) but Obama's withdrawal is directly the reason for Isis. A complete withdrawal did that.

I 100% agree on how to fight terrorism. I've claimed many times the only way to do it is to decimate any regions aiding or operating for Isis. Leave 200 years of rubble and allow whatever people are left the option to rebuild over the next century while their children watch and maybe a clear message will be sent. If not, do it again, and maybe in the 100 years after that they'll grow a brain.

Eventually they'll get tired of us coming in, killing them, taking their oil, and rebuilding. It's the only way.
I feel like his top choices weren't receptive to the offer. So Pence may well have been the best of what was left
Nope. Both Newt and Christie lobbied HARD for the job. Hard. And they took it hard when they didn't get the job... especially Christie as he was the first legit guy to publicly back Trump and has been by his side every step of the way. Trump does not like disloyalty and it was very hard for him not to pick Christie.

My pick Newt apparently finished 3rd.
As i posted months ago - with isis, we have to cut off their cash flow at all costs. The us is no longer willing to do what it takes to make that happen. So we should pull out of the middle easy entirely; until that mentality changes.

I feel like his top choices weren't receptive to the offer. So Pence may well have been the best of what was left
You mean Newt who has already left Fox News to begin work on Trumps campaign or Christie who acts like a 13 year old school girl who just met Justin Bieber every time Trump comes close lol?
With the US publicly backing the democratically elected government of Turkey that would have signaled much of their military to pack it in. We may have snuffed that coup out by announcing that support which I think was way too premature. As another poster pointed out, this will push them more towards Islam and Erdogan will crush the military now.
This takes some balls....Turkish citizen blocking tank:

The coup is likely to fail. Go ahead and kiss Turkey goodbye.

Twitter reaction from the mainstream, uninformed, college educated nominal progressives is that DEMOCRACY WINS!! Protesters are always right and the military sucks. Remember, these are the people claiming they know better than everyone else
With the US publicly backing the democratically elected government of Turkey that would have signaled much of their military to pack it in. We may have snuffed that coup out by announcing that support which I think was way too premature. As another poster pointed out, this will push them more towards Islam and Erdogan will crush the military now.

My immediate response was to say: highly doubtful obummer put any fear in them.

But then I thought about it, this is the exact type of thing he would deploy troops for. If the coup succeeds, Islam and isis lose power. Barrack ain't having that ish
The coup is likely to fail. Go ahead and kiss Turkey goodbye.

Twitter reaction from the mainstream, uninformed, college educated nominal progressives is that DEMOCRACY WINS!! Protesters are always right and the military sucks. Remember, these are the people claiming they know better than everyone else
Good Lord that is stupid if somebody thinks this means democracy wins. Poor fools. The military directly was rising up against Erdogan's power grab.
Fixed if for you in bold. Not sure you know it but, guns don't shoot without someone pulling the trigger. Also, I will bet many of those guns were bought illegally. But I am glad we have people like you to tell us there is nothing to worry about with terrorism.
Father in law owned about 20 guns. He never killed a person.
Turkey results suck. Take a shot at the king u best not miss. Just like Chavez in Venezuela Edrogen will now speed up his dictatorship and Islamic takeover of the former friendly ally.
Well, Iraq was a mistake (even though WMD's were more than likely moved into Syria) but Obama's withdrawal is directly the reason for Isis. A complete withdrawal did that.

I 100% agree on how to fight terrorism. I've claimed many times the only way to do it is to decimate any regions aiding or operating for Isis. Leave 200 years of rubble and allow whatever people are left the option to rebuild over the next century while their children watch and maybe a clear message will be sent. If not, do it again, and maybe in the 100 years after that they'll grow a brain.

Eventually they'll get tired of us coming in, killing them, taking their oil, and rebuilding. It's the only way.

The irony of this post is baffling. Intentional?
Would love to go back to the good old days when spreading democracy meant killing muslim dictators, not supporting muslim power grabs.
Wonder if the "coup" was staged. Erdogan is going to have a shit ton of power over Turkey now. Probably exactly what he wanted.
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it's beginning to feel like the left's "NeverHillary" is far more resilient than the right's "NeverTrump" despite Bernie's weak endorsement.

The senator from Vermont really might've out Nader'ed Nader this year. He's done far more damage to Hillary's brand than all those kangaroo courts in the House ever did.
California is so messed up. Now elementary school kids get LGBTQ lessons implemented into the curriculum. They get to teach 2nd graders about two mommy's and two daddy's and the pioneer Harvey Milk.

“Certainly some families will be concerned about their second-graders learning about two-mom families, but I think parents would be much more alarmed if they knew that LGBT History Month, in the last few years, has promoted the notion that ‘America the Beautiful’ is a source of lesbian pride,” McReynolds said.

Hey guys, they just want to be left alone and be like everyone else. It doesn't affect you or your kids.