How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Man, proof just keeps popping up everywhere.
*note* snarky comment above was directed at the political apparatus of the kea/nea, not at individual teachers per se. I've had vaired experiences w/ individual teachers/admin staff from bad to *amazing* people...honestly much more positive than negative. I am committed to quality public education as are *most* educators. The political aspect of the stuff is toxic.
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-honestly...if you can't be bothered to make an effort to vote, im glad you dont vote.
Perhaps people don’t vote because they don’t like either candidate? In that case, there’s nothing wrong with not voting if you dislike the options. You shouldn’t have to vote. It’s your right to vote or not. If you don’t feel that Republican or Democrat parties have nominated anyone worth voting for, why would you vote? In my opinion, the onus is on the parties to make their candidate worth your vote. The onus isn’t on you to give either party your vote because you have to. such thing as a perfect candidate and there never will be. Life is compromise. There are often libertarians/greens running for major offices. Get involved, or don't...just dont kvetch about turnout/results if you dont vote. such thing as a perfect candidate and there never will be. Life is compromise. There are often libertarians/greens running for major offices. Get involved, or don't...just dont kvetch about turnout/results if you dont vote.
What if you think both candidates are terrible? Of course there’s not going to be a perfect candidate but there can be multiple atrocious options. I don’t feel people should be compelled to vote for someone they don’t believe in or think is a bad option.
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What if you think both candidates are terrible? Of course there’s not going to be a perfect candidate but their can be multiple atrocious options. I don’t feel people should be compelled to vote for someone they don’t believe in or think is a bad option.

George Washington ain't walking through that door
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"Unofficial results for Kentucky’s 2019 general election show a voter turnout of more than 42 percent, well above the 31 percent predicted last week by Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes."

While 42% is much better than 31%, I see a sad commentary that Over half of the population didn't vote.
Over half of the population don't realize the power they have.

42% of Kentucky's population control over the governing lives of the other 58%.
The other 58% on the voter rolls are dead.
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You’d think, with the bourbon craze, Kentucky would leverage anything and everything that brings tourism to the state and gets people to stay longer, including casino/sports betting to go along with Kentucky’s long, storied tradition of gambling. But who am I. Certainly not a powerful jackass from Manchester or Georgetown. Just a guy who lives ten minutes from a casino I can go to in another state that I’m sure will have an established sports book long before the backwards jackasses who’ve never left the state let it happen.
Anyone going to work for trump has no right to complain about it. Trump's been trump since the 80s. Can't quit and whine about ego. For decades, his ego is legendary.
I agree with this personally. Maybe it is my desire to want to believe that some were simply naive enough to think that..."This time it would be different", that he would for the first time in his life try to do the right thing and not only be concerned about himself...that at a minimum he would act like an adult.
For those that actually follow Kentucky politics closely (if there is anyone), what are the chances anything gets done over the next few years?

A tax increase would be terrible. Has Beshear floated that idea or am I just assuming he has? I for one couldn’t give a shit less about the teachers and their pension at this point. The teachers apparently feel the same way.

Marijuana? Table gaming/sports betting?

I assume with Churchill Downs buying Turfway, the Politicians they have on payroll now may be open to expanded gaming at horse tracks (which is total bullshit but I’d assume the lobbyists will ensure we never have stand alone casinos or books).

From a political standpoint, I guess I’d expect the Republicans to put the brakes on making any progress even if they think it will improve the state just so Beshear doesn’t get a win.

Again, I have no idea, just rambling. Would love any insight anyone actually has into Frankfort.
Bevin was actually the candidate talking increased taxes on the campaign trail. He openly supported an increased gasoline tax (even went as far as saying it would need to be a substantial increase), increased toll fees for bridge construction in Northern Kentucky, and an increase in sales tax (including groceries and prescription drugs) to offset reductions in income taxes. He wasn’t shy about telling people his plan for Making Kentucky Great Again involved them paying for it.
Bevin was actually the candidate talking increased taxes on the campaign trail. He openly supported an increased gasoline tax (even went as far as saying it would need to be a substantial increase), increased toll fees for bridge construction in Northern Kentucky, and an increase in sales tax (including groceries and prescription drugs) to offset reductions in income taxes. He wasn’t shy about telling people his plan for Making Kentucky Great Again involved them paying for it.
I have customers in SC who are still livid over their state government passing a gas tax. Not hard to understand when you drive around that state and see how bad their roads still are that the tax was supposed to fix.
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But somebody is going to win, whether ppl like the options or not. I would think most could find separation in some type of policy, to put one over the other.
Most likely, yes. You’re right about that. I’m just saying I understand why someone might choose to not vote.
Mitch must really be feeling himself over the results. Apparently trying to get Jones off air. I love it in that it'll make him make a declaration over whether he's running or not. While also hate it because it will just feed his ego
Mitch must really be feeling himself over the results. Apparently trying to get Jones off air. I love it in that it'll make him make a declaration over whether he's running or not. While also hate it because it will just feed his ego
Mitch is 100% correct in calling out Jones. Time for Jones to make a decision.

With all of Mitch's warts, I do not think KY is dumb enough to vote out the Senate Majority leader and vote in a Democrat who will fall in line with Schumer and Pelosi.

That said, Republicans better start grooming someone for when Mitch retires.
Bevin was actually the candidate talking increased taxes on the campaign trail. He openly supported an increased gasoline tax (even went as far as saying it would need to be a substantial increase), increased toll fees for bridge construction in Northern Kentucky, and an increase in sales tax (including groceries and prescription drugs) to offset reductions in income taxes. He wasn’t shy about telling people his plan for Making Kentucky Great Again involved them paying for it.

As anti tax as I am, I’m actually OK with gasoline taxes is they’re used to pay for roads, tolls if they’re used to pay for specific bridges, etc. But I also think if a tax/toll is implemented for a specific purpose, politicians should be subject to the death if they use the funds for something else (100% serious when I say politicians should be put to death for raiding funds appropriated for roads, Social Security, etc.)

Would need to look at the details of the sales tax claim.