How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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My guess is that only a small % of felons give two shits about voting. The ones trying to straighten up their lives will be too busy. Not sure why Andy is wasting energy on this.

Because he's beholden to whoever sponsors him...same people who ruined Virginia, I would imagine.

Not poor ass teachers. Not anybody who votes. The democrat agenda is clear as day.

Andy won by what, 5k votes? 100k new votes, all indebted to their democrat overlords won't matter? Then obviously, illegal aliens need to vote.
Jones knows what he is doing as far as the radio deal...he is not being treated unfairly, but he is playing the victim quite nicely and it is smart.

Raise or spend 5k and you're a candidate. Weekly radio ads cost hundreds to thousands for seconds...he has a 2 hour show...and he uses it to discuss his policy beliefs, hammer his political enemies and mentions a possible run. This should push him a long to make a call and its about time he does so.
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You can do that?
questionable enough to be risky for the networks/radio providers.

Who is a “candidate”?
  • To be considered a candidate a person must:
  • have announced his/her intention to run;
  • be qualified to hold the office he/she is running for; and
  • be qualified to be on the ballot or be eligible to be a write-in candidate.
the intention to run is the only box missing...and he has mentioned quite often wanting to beat McConnell, run for senate, "not running at this time etc".

I believe his TV show was doing well...right? You don't just put an end to it for no reason.
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Mitch is 100% correct in calling out Jones. Time for Jones to make a decision.

With all of Mitch's warts, I do not think KY is dumb enough to vote out the Senate Majority leader and vote in a Democrat who will fall in line with Schumer and Pelosi.

That said, Republicans better start grooming someone for when Mitch retires.
I think his plan was to decide after the governors race was over
Mitch is 100% correct in calling out Jones. Time for Jones to make a decision.

With all of Mitch's warts, I do not think KY is dumb enough to vote out the Senate Majority leader and vote in a Democrat who will fall in line with Schumer and Pelosi.

That said, Republicans better start grooming someone for when Mitch retires.
Cameron is the replacement.
questionable enough to be risky for the networks/radio providers.

Who is a “candidate”?
  • To be considered a candidate a person must:
  • have announced his/her intention to run;
  • be qualified to hold the office he/she is running for; and
  • be qualified to be on the ballot or be eligible to be a write-in candidate.
the intention to run is the only box missing...and he has mentioned quite often wanting to beat McConnell, run for senate, "not running at this time etc".

I believe his TV show was doing well...right? You don't just put an end to it for no reason.

If you look at the totality of his actions, there's no doubt he's saying he is running. Whether he stays in the race the entire time is another thing.

One can't continually use a platform to promote your policy while accepting contributions and meeting with donors and groomers. You can do one, but not both.

And I saw him crying about ksr being the target. No. Without Jones, there is no issue. So if he goes home, the best goes on just like it did with hey Kentucky. Or just say you aren't running

It isn't that hard if you're trying to follow the rules
NP, just commenting on your reply.
Well, your comment completely missed the point of the post. The point wasn't to highlight some stupid, lame contest. Couldn't care less about that.

The point was to highlight the fact that every single day, example after example, the media completely makes up stuff about Trump.

How you didn't catch that aspect and managed to focus solely on the contest seems kind of odd if you ask me.
Is it Mac or Charlie in It’s Always Sunny that was mad because he found out other kids were molested by a teacher, but he wasn’t. That’s Brian Selter.

Haha it was Mac. Got jealous that Charlie and the McPoyle supposedly got molested instead of him . So he goes to the gym teachers house wearing short shorts haha. Such a great show.
The point was to highlight the fact that every single day, example after example, the media completely makes up stuff about Trump.
What about the stuff the media doesn't make up and Trump brazenly says he can do, Damn the constitution? He actually said he could KILL someone and get away with it. (hope it is not you or me) He said he was joking later but I don't believe him.
Why would I not believe him? BC he lies openly with great grandeur.
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