How will they rule ??!

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Is there a Highly Respected Accountant out there that can tell us where the tax money goes?
I vote for that guy to be gov. He doesn't have to do anything else but tells us who is spending our money for Kentucky.
Mitch is 100% correct in calling out Jones. Time for Jones to make a decision.

With all of Mitch's warts, I do not think KY is dumb enough to vote out the Senate Majority leader and vote in a Democrat who will fall in line with Schumer and Pelosi.

That said, Republicans better start grooming someone for when Mitch retires.

Ya no way Mitch loses after last night.

Totally agree about replacement. He can't live forever
McD's is not a good choice for breakfast either.
Step up and be a better choice.
If you can't do it, at least stand up for those that sing your tune for a better life.
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We have to get off this Dem or Rep theme of thinking. Think about who would make your life better if a certain person was in office and vote.
If a person wants a job, I am interested in what they want to do in that job.
I agree but the problem with that is the Party Machines make the elected official conform or they target them. Better walk lock step with the party or else.

Case in point for me was Evan Bayh. Pretty moderate as a governor in Indiana and I voted for him. When he became a Senator he voted fairly lock step with the Democrats. One year 96% of his votes were consistent with Obama's position, including healthcare. Bayh sold out to the party and I will never vote D again. He was more for the party than who he represented.

I do not believe everything the R candidates stand for, but it is a hell of a lot closer to what I believe versus what Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Sanders, Booker, Warren etc. believe. So I will take my chance with an R over a D anytime--fully aware I will not get a perfect candidate in my eyes.
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Who do you want to see face off against Beshear in 2023?
I want to know if Beshear is going to be a progressive leader for Kentucky. Bevin was right, that you can't pay your bills without the money.
Beshear said we should look for others ways to make money for the state. Let's get the other money flowing.
Especially the money flowing from KY to other states.
We have to stop being the motherly skinny pig tit every other state sucks off of.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but do republicans hold majorities in both chambers of Kentucky's congress? With those majorities along with republican attorney general, auditor, etc., how will Beshear be able to do anything?
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but do republicans hold majorities in both chambers of Kentucky's congress? With those majorities along with republican attorney general, auditor, etc., how will Beshear be able to do anything?
That has been my thoughts since the results were in.
He is the future gov but can he get anything done because of partism.
let's hope the ky governing bodies does this:

Ot: It feels really good when that happens.
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I forgot who posted it, but first time author MJ getting a book deal on an unwritten book to tour the state when he's contemplating running against the subject of the book is clearly a campaign contribution. Mitch should be taking action. The Democrats who care so much about rules and election interference should be furious.
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I forgot who posted it, but first time author MJ getting a book deal on an unwritten book to tour the state when he's contemplating running against the subject of the book is clearly a campaign contribution. Mitch should be taking action. The Democrats who care so much about rules and election interference should be furious.
I forgot who posted it, but first time author MJ getting a book deal on an unwritten book to tour the state when he's contemplating running against the subject of the book is clearly a campaign contribution. Mitch should be taking action. The Democrats who care so much about rules and election interference should be furious.
Mitch could write a book about how he took care of Kentuckians during his many years in the Senate. Then, kentuckians could compare what he says and the reality of things.
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Ha. McConnell taking Matt Jones “threat” seriously because he tells him to stop violating campaign finance laws. Okee dokee.

Cocaine Mitch is not losing his seat, no matter who runs against him. He’s just tired of watching liberals shit all over the election laws of this great nation.
Mitch McTreason is certainly a good dude.
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Honestly didn’t know people were actually using that boomer shit anywhere other than reddit.

By my 34th birthday next year I’m going to be entirely out of the loop.
Honestly shit sounded cool so I used it. But you’re only 34 so it doesn’t even make sense or feel right thanks for ruining my damn joke.
58% of registered Kentuckians didn't vote yesterday. Why are you worried that those felons voting would overturn elections?
If we could get half of that 58% to vote, now, that would change stuff.
My guess is that only a small % of felons give two shits about voting. The ones trying to straighten up their lives will be too busy. Not sure why Andy is wasting energy on this.
I don't think Mcconnell is treasonous, but I do feel, he is Greedy. He may do treasonous things but it is more about the greed with him.

The founding fathers committed treason against Britain. Your perspective in modern times depends on whether you see yourself as a citizen of the Democratic States of America or of the American Republic, or some other nation. There is no more "United" about it when talking about all states and territories.

Alliances will always shift in one way or another as long as people are free to think, move, and identify as different.
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