How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Do YOU want to be a cop?

My rural town with no damn crime can't find or pay police TMFS. The State has been in dire need of police for a while.

Now imagine what it's like in real cities with real crime.

Do YOU want to be a politician? Lmao

This is the problem. Departments can't get qualified candidates. Eventually, they take what they can get. Unqualified candidates are either physically or psychologically not suited for the job.

So once they hit the streets, the psychologically unfit are ready to beat down everyone; and the physically unfit are so physically incapable they draw and fire at the first sign of danger.

To make matters worse, you have msm playing the race angle for big ratings. I'd be willing to bet we'll hear the one officer being Chinese only a handful of times. Just like in the Trayvon case, the msm will make it black v white when it really isnt.

Increase pay for police. That will help solve the issue of a poor candidate pool.
Demilitarize the police departments. Take away their tanks and grenade launchers. Paris, Texas doesn't need its own SWAT team. Get back to community policing models where police officers are important parts of the community.

In Los Angeles that city imported midwestern kids for years and put them on the street in what could only end in disaster and yet we learned nothing from that. The police can't have that war zone "us and them" attitude. They have to be of and for the community. Then you see the respect and support.
You folks need to study up on the rise of SWAT teams in this country and also the massive influx of military hardware into the police departments. Combine that with perpetual war producing many police officers directly out of Iraq/Afghanistan then you will understand a little better the situation we've created for ourselves.
I'm ready to tie a bow on this one and call it definitively.

You know how sometimes an inferior team hangs around like for a half and you think it's a game, then in the 2nd half the favorite just puts a whipping on them and you wind up feeling foolish for thinking they had a chance? Well that's where we are now.

Trump is going to win this election going away. Easily. It is over, folks. Whatever you have to do to prepare or get ready for a Trump win then you need to start doing it now because it is on the way. No question about it. Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. Period. This election is over.

Please keep posts about UK football in their proper forum.
It's absolutely disgraceful listening to these Democrats. We've gotten Michael Brown, zika virus, hate crime but basically no mention of the facts or applicable law in this case.
It's absolutely disgraceful listening to these Democrats. We've gotten Michael Brown, zika virus, hate crime but basically no mention of the facts or applicable law in this case.
they obviously read the Dem and faux libertarian catpaw posts
This is the problem. Departments can't get qualified candidates. Eventually, they take what they can get. Unqualified candidates are either physically or psychologically not suited for the job.

So once they hit the streets, the psychologically unfit are ready to beat down everyone; and the physically unfit are so physically incapable they draw and fire at the first sign of danger.

To make matters worse, you have msm playing the race angle for big ratings. I'd be willing to bet we'll hear the one officer being Chinese only a handful of times. Just like in the Trayvon case, the msm will make it black v white when it really isnt.

Increase pay for police. That will help solve the issue of a poor candidate pool.

The deception is so obvious but they don't see it. Half of the cops involved in the Baltimore Freddie Gray incident were black. Did that get discussed or brought up? Nope.
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This is absolutely bananaland.

Ignorance of the law is not a defense. That is day one law school shit. What is Comey talking about? "You have to intend to break the law". Um, no.
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Gowdy crushed that pathetic talking point. pretty rare in all of human history for someone to demonstrably state "I intend to break the law!".
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Bottom line is that Comey knows she broke the law and doesn't want to stick his nose into a presidential election. Not any more complicated than that. Clinton skates cause she's running for POTUS and is a Democrat, which buys her assistance from the WH, and the national media.
Comey should just sit there and repeat over and over "We couldn't find any case precedent for charging Secretary Clinton in this matter. Every prior SoS used their own private email server. We have concluded this is an administrative issue with the Department of State."
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What pisses me off is Joe Biden is the perfect anti-Trump. That big phony smile and Biden can really get down in the gutter and brawl. He is sarcastic as all hell. Just perfectly adapted to take on Trump. Obama is garlic to Trump as well but of course he cannot run. Biden is the candidate if you want to defeat Trump easily. Plus Biden wins Pennsylvania and that is huge.

What is amazing is that Bill Clinton has been effectively already shut down by Trump. They are actually hiding him. I expect Bill to really make a splash at the Convention and get his licks in but thus far it is mind blowing how easily Trump has reduced him to ashes.

Don't forget the fact that Biden's son, Beau, died at 46. Seldom is Biden's name mentioned without that fact being noted.

Biden can't keep his paws off the ladies, but I think presidents are allowed to do that nowadays with little uproar.

Nevertheless I'd take Biden over Clinton, hairplugs and all.
Comey should just sit there and repeat over and over "We couldn't find any case precedent for charging Secretary Clinton in this matter. Every prior SoS used their own private email server. We have concluded this is an administrative issue with the Department of State."

Sitting there lying to Congress probably wouldn't go over well.

Who else used their own private email server?
This is a pretty entertaining and depressing to read. It's from 4 chan during this weekend with claims of info on the Hillary emails and how this was going down.

Could be the best trolling ever or pure craziness. Regardless, worth the read.

well. That was an entertaining read. I know that, according to The Official Unwritten Rules of Internet Communications, I am supposed so summarily dismiss all of that as fraudulent, lest I be exposed as a world class dumbass. But my response to these things is always the same - who knows? Does read like something Chris Carter would write.....
It's nice to hear the D's in Congress being so dismissive of the "tiny little classified markings" and generally just not giving a shit about the security of information.
It's nice to hear the D's in Congress being so dismissive of the "tiny little classified markings" and generally just not giving a shit about the security of information.

These hearings seldom change anything. But at least they let the perpetrators know that they cannot just make their decisions in a back room somewhere (or on an airplane) and not feel any heat for them.
Finally someone directly asked about ignorance of the law.

According to Comey, ignorance of the law is not a defense to petty crimes, but it is for crimes that put the security of the nation at risk.

Good to know.
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These hearings seldom change anything. But at least they let the perpetrators know that they cannot just make their decisions in a back room somewhere (or on an airplane) and not feel any heat for them.

I wish. You think the Clintons are feeling any heat? Hardly. They've been above the law for decades. Whatever concern about indictment that may have existed, all went away after that meeting on the plane.

There's no reason to feel heat. She skated, again. Her supporters dont care. And the msm will continue the theme of a witchhunt, which ensures marginally informed undecideds will never really hear about it.
There's no reason to feel heat. She skated, again. Her supporters dont care. And the msm will continue the theme of a witchhunt, which ensures marginally informed undecideds will never really hear about it.

Correct....and she is going to be President in a few months to boot.
Mens rea is usually a good thing for protecting innocent mistakes from becoming felonies

It is not a good thing when it only applies to a select few as an excuse to protect the overclass
Relevant public service message today - from an Atlantic piece on "What to say when the Police tell you to stop filming." Everyone should know you have first amendment rights and also due process rights to take pictures and record video in public places.

"Stanley wrote the ACLU’s “Know Your Rights” guide for photographers, which lays out in plain language the legal protections that are assured people filming in public. Among these: Photographers can take pictures of anything in plain view from public space—including public officials—but private land owners may set rules for photography on their property. Cops also can’t “confiscate or demand to view” audio or video without a warrant, and they can’t ever delete images.

The ACLU’s guide does caution that “police officers may legitimately order citizens to cease activities that are truly interfering with legitimate law enforcement operations.”

What if that happens, and you disagree with the officer?

“If it were me, and an officer came up and said, ‘You need to turn that camera off, sir,’ I would strive to calmly and politely yet firmly remind the officer of my rights while continuing to record the interaction, and not turn the camera off,” Stanley told me."

And I'm fairly certain that's the first and last time I'll be quoting someone from the ACLU with approval.....heh.....
I wish. You think the Clintons are feeling any heat? Hardly. They've been above the law for decades. Whatever concern about indictment that may have existed, all went away after that meeting on the plane.

There's no reason to feel heat. She skated, again. Her supporters dont care. And the msm will continue the theme of a witchhunt, which ensures marginally informed undecideds will never really hear about it.

I wasn't referring to the Telfon Clintons. I had in mind folks like Comey (who I believe caved under political pressure) and Lynch (who just doesn't care because her job is secure with Obama and Clinton).
Relevant public service message today - from an Atlantic piece on "What to say when the Police tell you to stop filming." Everyone should know you have first amendment rights and also due process rights to take pictures and record video in public places.

"Stanley wrote the ACLU’s “Know Your Rights” guide for photographers, which lays out in plain language the legal protections that are assured people filming in public. Among these: Photographers can take pictures of anything in plain view from public space—including public officials—but private land owners may set rules for photography on their property. Cops also can’t “confiscate or demand to view” audio or video without a warrant, and they can’t ever delete images.

The ACLU’s guide does caution that “police officers may legitimately order citizens to cease activities that are truly interfering with legitimate law enforcement operations.”

What if that happens, and you disagree with the officer?

“If it were me, and an officer came up and said, ‘You need to turn that camera off, sir,’ I would strive to calmly and politely yet firmly remind the officer of my rights while continuing to record the interaction, and not turn the camera off,” Stanley told me."

And I'm fairly certain that's the first and last time I'll be quoting someone from the ACLU with approval.....heh.....

The ACLU doesn't make the laws (although you would never know it). They can only challenge how law enforcement interprets the law. Obviously ACLU thinks their interpretation of the law is the correct one. Following their guidebook does not mean you won't lose in court.
Intent is applicable in many criminal instances including fraud. Not sure why this is such a mystery to Republicans.

You don't have to intend to break a law. Once again, ignorance of the law is generally (if your name isn't Clinton) not a defense to breaking the law.

If you don't know murder is a crime, you can't go around killing people just because you don't know of a statute you're intending to break.
The ACLU doesn't make the laws (although you would never know it). They can only challenge how law enforcement interprets the law. Obviously ACLU thinks their interpretation of the law is the correct one. Following their guidebook does not mean you won't lose in court.
You won't lose in court. You have constitutional rights to record things in public places. As long as you don't interfere with what the cops are doing, they can't do anything about it. Doesn't mean they know that, doesn't mean they won't try to intimidate you into stopping the picture taking or recording whether they know it or not. But this is a fairly conventional, controversy free interpretation of law......
Definitely your opinion.
Serious question. Would Nixon have to resign today? Would everything be worse because the leftist media is so much bigger nowadays or would it simply be "Ah. Eff you. You're not going to do anything" and go about their way?

Not if he had burned the tapes. Definitely better to destroy the evidence and lie (as Hillary knew) than to hand over the evidence that would surely hang you.
This is exactly how the left works and how they are ruining this country...

..last night on CNN, Don lemond claimed that the criticism of hillarys emails was nothing but sexism.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.. if anything she got off because of who she is. You put a regular male in same position..BAM prison time.

But that's a typical example of how they perpetuate complete bullshit, and get everyone to never speak up out of fear of being labeled.

It's complete bull, and needs to be stopped inmediately, one way or another.
I wasn't referring to the Telfon Clintons. I had in mind folks like Comey (who I believe caved under political pressure) and Lynch (who just doesn't care because her job is secure with Obama and Clinton).

No heat on him either, really. He made his decision, looking out for himself. This was a calculated move. Whats going to happen to him? Hes sided with the Clinton's, who are untouchable. As long as he stays in their good graces, hes untouchable too.
You won't lose in court. You have constitutional rights to record things in public places. As long as you don't interfere with what the cops are doing, they can't do anything about it. Doesn't mean they know that, doesn't mean they won't try to intimidate you into stopping the picture taking or recording whether they know it or not. But this is a fairly conventional, controversy free interpretation of law......

Im surprised so many of these cell phone recordings are allowed to survive. Tells you how pompous/stupid (or both) these officers are.

How long until they begin seizing cellphones from all bystanders and just smashing everything?
You won't lose in court. You have constitutional rights to record things in public places. As long as you don't interfere with what the cops are doing, they can't do anything about it. Doesn't mean they know that, doesn't mean they won't try to intimidate you into stopping the picture taking or recording whether they know it or not. But this is a fairly conventional, controversy free interpretation of law......

I recently watched a LiveLeak video of a professional photographer on a motorcycle who drove into a border crossing checkpoint filming when the signs clearly said something like "No filming allowed." He did it deliberately to challenge that law. They argued back and forth for 15 minutes with him citing that ACLU handbook but he was given a summons to appear in court. We were left hanging at that point. Don't know if he went to court or how it turned out.
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No heat on him either, really. He made his decision, looking out for himself. This was a calculated move. Whats going to happen to him? Hes sided with the Clinton's, who are untouchable. As long as he stays in their good graces, hes untouchable too.

I submit it is heat when you have to sit in that seat for hours on television getting lambasted. You may not get burned but it is public heat.