How will they rule ??!

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So are the republicans really calling Comey to the hill tomorrow morning?

I mean that could be explosive!
This is a pretty entertaining and depressing to read. It's from 4 chan during this weekend with claims of info on the Hillary emails and how this was going down.

Could be the best trolling ever or pure craziness. Regardless, worth the read.

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AM I the only one who just laughs at how pitifully political democrat voters are?

Conservatives fight, argue, hold differing philosophies, vote across party lines etc. and Dems just play a "blue team" sort of game. They don't care if you're a terrorist sympathizer and far left ideological zealot like Obama or a Wall Street hack who sucks Goldmans sack and lies every time she opens her mouth. It's like their political body is made up of machine without principle and soul. Just win for the blue team. Stack as much political capital as you can. Who cares about the details. Sell out to every grievance no matter how destructive or false. They remain in power, the people suffer, but hey, it's a win for old blue.

Thank you nationality act of 1965, Mr. Kennedy. Without that liberals would have remained taboo and stayed on the fringes, being voted out as soon as they step in.
AM I the only one who just laughs at how pitifully political democrat voters are?

Conservatives fight, argue, hold differing philosophies, vote across party lines etc. and Dems just play a "blue team" sort of game. They don't care if you're a terrorist sympathizer and far left ideological zealot like Obama or a Wall Street hack who sucks Goldmans sack and lies every time she opens her mouth. It's like their political body is made up of machine without principle and soul. Just win for the blue team. Stack as much political capital as you can. Who cares about the details. Sell out to every grievance no matter how destructive or false. They remain in power, the people suffer, but hey, it's a win for old blue.

Thank you nationality act of 1965, Mr. Kennedy. Without that liberals would have remained taboo and stayed on the fringes, being voted out as soon as they step in.
The best way to describe democrats is that they are livestock. Their farmer "always knows best", and they never question why he keeps putting fences up in their fields to keep them where they're wanted. When the farmer comes to slaughter one they don't care why, if it's for him to eat or sell off for himself, they don't question it bc he put a little hay out earlier.
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Please elaborate on what you're saying. I'd like you to spell out what moronic assertion you're making in detail.
Pretty simple really. There were what, 16 other GOP candidates for POTUS this year and none of their rally's were disturbed by protesters. Whether or not you think it's a "moronic assertion", it is a statement of fact.
That is why you suck at life, you gloat at the downfall of this nation.

"Our nation is are clearly mistaken.[/QUOTE]"

Did not say it was not great, just that people like you and Hillary will be its downfall. You are a waste of sperm.

Did not say it was not great, just that people like you and Hillary will be its downfall. You are a waste of sperm.

Correct tense would be "were" right?[/QUOTE]
No, it is clear that you are still in the forming phase since you clearly have not matured yet.
Some talking Ivanka for VP.

I have been thinking he was waiting until he was sure that he could not be cloned to pick a VP.

How the hell did we get in this mess? Hill is criminal. Trump is a megalomaniac.
How the hell did we get in this mess?
Very few people are really educated on the issues, have common sense, are not melodramatic, have the ability to reason, and don't act like a vote is a blood oath to defend every GD thing that pol does. The Dem party is consumed with being in power and bullying an agenda, the GOP is consumed with anger....the candidates mirror that.
Realistically what are we voting for here?

Hiliary is on the take from the Chinese and Middle East so more status quo from the real owners of the country?

Or Trump who essentially will pose off the world enough that maybe they actually attack in every aspect?

When you really think about it, that's what we are voting for.

We are voting for Trump and hope he wins.
This is a pretty entertaining and depressing to read. It's from 4 chan during this weekend with claims of info on the Hillary emails and how this was going down.

Could be the best trolling ever or pure craziness. Regardless, worth the read.

Honestly, does not surprise me if true. Anyone with a half of a brain who cares about this country knows the government is corrupt. I knew she would never be indicted because there are so many people involved.
That's a 15 year old kid on 4chan. No doubt.

I just wonder how in his young age he learned so much about the Clintons as to write something so plausible.
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I'm ready to tie a bow on this one and call it definitively.

You know how sometimes an inferior team hangs around like for a half and you think it's a game, then in the 2nd half the favorite just puts a whipping on them and you wind up feeling foolish for thinking they had a chance? Well that's where we are now.

Trump is going to win this election going away. Easily. It is over, folks. Whatever you have to do to prepare or get ready for a Trump win then you need to start doing it now because it is on the way. No question about it. Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. Period. This election is over.
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Also, going again against conventional wisdom, Trump should pick Newt as his VP. He blends in with Trump the best and is the most effective with him. He is not embarrassed by Trump. That event in Cincinnati was just spectacular.
Also, going again against conventional wisdom, Trump should pick Newt as his VP. He blends in with Trump the best and is the most effective with him. He is not embarrassed by Trump. That event in Cincinnati was just spectacular.
Going against conventional wisdom would be Trump choosing his daughter as VP...I still think he selects her and the collective heads of the right will explode in the process.

Fun times to say the least...
He will not select his daughter unless he wants to screw things up. That would draw immediate comparisons to Sarah Palin even though his daughter is far more intelligent and capable than Sarah ever thought of being. Would be a terrible mistake and I would have to reassess my forecast if he did that.

Newt is the most formidable opponent as he is actually smart enough to manipulate Donald. Newt is about the most loathsome person I have ever read of, but I think he checks all the boxes Trump needs plus he visually appears the most comfortable and seemless with Trump. To my view that is the best team. It is interesting that I think Newt would be both the pick the Democrats would most hope for and least hope for at the same time. Much like Trump himself.
What pisses me off is Joe Biden is the perfect anti-Trump. That big phony smile and Biden can really get down in the gutter and brawl. He is sarcastic as all hell. Just perfectly adapted to take on Trump. Obama is garlic to Trump as well but of course he cannot run. Biden is the candidate if you want to defeat Trump easily. Plus Biden wins Pennsylvania and that is huge.

What is amazing is that Bill Clinton has been effectively already shut down by Trump. They are actually hiding him. I expect Bill to really make a splash at the Convention and get his licks in but thus far it is mind blowing how easily Trump has reduced him to ashes.
Trump is really starting to get comfortable out there. He can invite a convicted murderer to speak at his convention and brag about the endorsement of a convicted rapist all in the same breath and not drop a half point in the polls nor have to spend a nickle on advertising. It is stunning beyond words what we are seeing.

Trump's talent for mockery is hard to counter effectively.
Coleman's opinion piece was from March. gets refueled and circulated today as if brand new by willing accomplices in the media. just like Trump's standard stump speech reference to Saddam Hussein that he has been repeating since last fall gets treated as stragic breaking news on Tues to try and overshadow FBI presser on hilldawg email.
Another insane shooting of a black man by a white cop captured on video. Folks, we are going to wind up with race rioting. Seriously, be very careful where you travel as it is a tender box out there right now.

Are cops purposely trying to trigger a race war because I am at a total loss to explain these latest TWO videos of cops killing black people in two separate instances that just defy explanation.
Going to be very interesting to see if the Republicans are smart enough to limit their questions to the facts of the case, the elements of the crime, and how Comey felt the law applied/didn't apply to the specifics of this case. Grill him on why "extreme carelessness" didn't rise to the level of "gross negligence" and why he was reading intent into a statute that had no intent element. Additionally, ask him why he felt "no reasonable prosecutor" would take on this case when compared to all the other national security crimes that have been investigated under Comey's FBI and prosecuted by the DOJ. How does the fact that Clinton's lawyers permanently destroyed emails at her direction, not break federal record keeping laws or rise to obstruction of justice depending on the subpoena timeline? Did Clinton make the same false statements to the FBI that she was made to the American people throughout the investigation, or was she knowingly lying to the American people while giving the FBI different information?

I think we'll probably get, "Did any of the emails reference Benghazi", "Did Lynch or anyone at the DOJ influence your decision", "If you could do it over again, would you recommend prosecution."
Do YOU want to be a cop?

My rural town with no damn crime can't find or pay police TMFS. The State has been in dire need of police for a while.

Now imagine what it's like in real cities with real crime.

Do YOU want to be a politician? Lmao
Merit means nothing at this point. The optics of these police shootings are so inflammatory that literally you could see some major riots break out. Be very careful where you are travelling right now. Literally the wrong exit ramp could get you killed if you are white. I think it is that volatile out there right now. These shootings are the worst case scenario and there are going to be violent reactions to them.
Merit means nothing at this point. The optics of these police shootings are so inflammatory that literally you could see some major riots break out. Be very careful where you are travelling right now. Literally the wrong exit ramp could get you killed if you are white. I think it is that volatile out there right now. These shootings are the worst case scenario and there are going to be violent reactions to them.
LOL ok. Be sure to cross over to the other side of the street if you encounter one.

On the body cams, good in principle, but they always seem to not be working whenever the cops shoot someone. Please tell us again how wrong Jesse Williams speech was
If I was a cop, I'd destroy any bodycam footage/evidence of wrongdoing. FBI going to investigate? Woopsies. I didn't intend to commit a crime, I just carelessly destroyed all the evidence.
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LOL ok. Be sure to cross over to the other side of the street if you encounter one.
Have you ever lived in Southern California or a major city like Chicago or Philly? You think your little joke is funny but you step out on the wrong block and your life is absolutely in peril. I'm not talking about a soft suburb you pansy.

I lived in SoCal during the Rodney King riots, dumbass.
LOL ok. Be sure to cross over to the other side of the street if you encounter one.

On the body cams, good in principle, but they always seem to not be working whenever the cops shoot someone. Please tell us again how wrong Jesse Williams speech was
Jesse Williams, the wealthy, half white actor? I'm sure he knows struggle and sounds like someone who should be telling others how to proceed. His struggle is as tough as my Doctor who's from India...technically a smaller minority living in the white man's world.