How will they rule ??!

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As just one of many examples, in its 2011 Human Rights Report, Clinton’s State Department slammed Algeria’s government for imposing “restrictions on freedom of assembly and association,” tolerating “arbitrary killing,” “widespread corruption” and a “lack of judicial independence.”

That year, the Algerian government donated $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation and the next year Clinton’s State Department approved a one-year 70 percent increase in military export authorizations to the country. The jump included authorizations for almost 50,000 items classified as “toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment.” The State Department had not authorized the export of any of such items to Algeria the year before.

What are chemical and biological agents ...

I only ask because I am a certified tin hat man who lives by the largest remaining stockpile of chemical nerve gas in the land and I know a trustworthy contractor who is adamant that they've trucked the stable canisters of gas off site - which was the original and preferred govt plan, btw, till the city threw a fit, and it hit the papers, then that's when this grand plan of some fancy facility popped up. The project was a disaster from the start. Horribly behind schedule. They didn't even start for yearsssss.The latest pushback was scheduled for completion in 2019, meaning all gas destroyed by then. Well, that was before they discovered *all welds* that were done by a company in *california* were faulty, and this was very very very bad, thank god they caught it, but it turned out to be much worse than they thought. Soooo, no telljbg how much money has been wasted on this entire ordeal, and now they have to redo *all the welded pipes*.

My point is, the government did not want to destroy the shit on site, and I dont believe they will. There wasn't much reason to, according to them. The majority of the shit is very stable and contained. They were simply gonna get it out here, and take it somewhere? Idk that part. The only other stockpile was out in the middle of Nevada or some shit, which they did destroy on site. Makes sense they wouldn't want to build d two of those extravagant gas destroying plants, especially not one smack dab in the middle of a decent sized town. They could have moved the shit out of richmond in one night and nobody would know. Contractor buddy watched line after line of semis leaving the depot when excavation work just began. That's why he believes he majority of it is gone, just as originally planned.

Also, the infamous ex senator has hands all over this, and will develop this land when the gas is gone.

My conspiracy theory is crooked senator used this opportunity to spook the peole and get a chabce to build this uber ridiculously chemical destruction plant (that will be demolished when done, btw lmaoooo) and take advantage of no telling how many ridiculous contracts.

Why would you destroy nerve gas anyway? That's one of those things that sounds good to voters, but makes no damn sense in reality. Especially perfectly fine canisters that can be safely transported. You wouldn't. Especially since destroying the good canisters is risky. You could potentially f that up, say maybe you have shifty welds and some gas escapes during the destruction process.....which was another shaky issue. They were gonna drown the shit, first. Eehhhh, scratch that. Years later, they decide they would incinerate the shit. That was the new plan.Another reason project is taking so long.

Plus, shouldn't all this be classified and super secret?

Long story short...

Govenemt wanted to transport the nerve gas out of richmond. City said "no". Government complied, and built a state of the art no-telling-how-many-millions facilty that would be used once and demolished? LMAOOOOO

I don't believe that at all.

Get the shit out. Feds get their way. Build a facility, pad some important wallets, and then destroy the evidence. City gets its way. Nothing to see here.

Man I'm on a roll today. I apologize.
If he could get Mike Pence that would be a home run for him and the party. He said to be the next up and comer, but that could make him a bit distant from Trump too.
So classified emails are supposed to have a big header that says CLASSIFIED and those she sent did not. So yeah, there is that small detail.
She was a classifier of classified documents and is supposed to know how to handle it. In government service you are constantly trained about how to handle classified documents and you sign an agreement with the understanding that you could be prosecuted to the extent of the law whether it was done intentionally or negligently. She knew what she was doing. She also knows she is powerfull enough to do as she feels because there are enough people out there like you who simply do not care. Win at all cost mentality. You, FTS, DABOSS, ALBANY, SEAN, and a few others should never again say anything about the right or the dirty goings on at UL, and UNC. You lose all credibility if you do so.
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I'm no Hillary fan but I'm sure her wording under oath gave her a little wiggle room. She didn't knowingly send classified emails over her personal network. I just wish they'd compel past Secretary of States to make sure they weren't using any personal emails(oh right, they were). They still can't prove that her server was compromised.

This whole thing is nothing but another desparate attempt by Republicans to bring down her poll numbers. The Benghazi circus didn't work so they gotta try something else. After seeing so many Republican conspiracy theories involving the Clintons, it's just a 'never cry wolf' type of situation. At this point, you just yawn.
I doubt the families of the 4 men killed think of Benghazi as a "circus"
Serious question to all people of color who vote democratic.

What does the party do for you and people of your race? Honestly?

Also, what about hillary, makes her above reproach when it comes to her dealings with a severe racist/kkk sympathizer? No hate, bashing or anything.. just wanting to understand more

@CatDaddy4daWin @fuzz77 @EdHochuli'sTriceps

She was a classifier of classified documents and is supposed to know how to handle it. In government service you are constantly trained about how to handle classified documents and you sign an agreement with the understanding that you could be prosecuted to the extent of the law whether it was done intentionally or negligently. .

This. I'm liberal as they come but I'm seriously pissed by all of this. I had a SHIT job at Xerox. I worked in a call center for military dental benefits. I was held to a higher standard than Hillary Clinton is.
Serious question to all people of color who vote democratic.

What does the party do for you and people of your race? Honestly?

Also, what about hillary, makes her above reproach when it comes to her dealings with a severe racist/kkk sympathizer? No hate, bashing or anything.. just wanting to understand more

@CatDaddy4daWin @fuzz77 @EdHochuli'sTriceps


JFK bailed MLK out of jail many years ago and since then republicans have al been old white crusty dudes out of touch with their communities.
This. I'm liberal as they come but I'm seriously pissed by all of this. I had a SHIT job at xerox. I worked in a call center for military dental benefits. I was held to a higher standard than Hillary Clinton is.
We all are held to a higher standard. Washington should be too. We as a country have the perfect time now to show them who has the real power. Vote independent.
Trump should pick Newt. That ultimately is the best man to help him navigate Congress, he's already been directly in line to be President so that is not an issue, he is a very effective campaigner, and I also think he is one of the few people that can somewhat restrain Trump... plus he gets that Republican support out of the 70's and up into the 90's.

To show you how important that is, do you folks even realize that in order to at least have a solid chance of winning you must have around 93% support from your own party while Trump is only in the mid/high 70s... so picking Newt really makes a lot of sense if you actually understand politics and also the mechanics of politics.
Times like this make me think about when in May I got banned for a month just for posting a picture of a soldier kicking in a door with a knock knock joke subtitle.

"KNOCK, KNOCK" "who's there?" FREEDOM, MOTHERF(*^(^"
We all are held to a higher standard. Washington should be too. We as a country have the perfect time now to show them who has the real power. Vote independent.
You really should run for office. The issue today is people want power, not to serve.

I have been thinking a lot about the emails. People should be pissed.

While I think it's hilarious that the fanatics are upset, they were going to be upset no matter what. They are the new women.

We face a point where both candidates will be bad for this country. The email thing is huge and bad.

Trump is garbage. I'm not ready to say Clinton is garbage, but I can't in good faith, defend her.
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JFK bailed MLK out of jail many years ago and since then republicans have al been old white crusty dudes out of touch with their communities.

I'm asking for a present day positive of what the policies of BHO and HRC do.

No bashing..just an honest question

Like for does letting in huge numbers of illegals benefit the black community?
[QUOTEis"-LEK-, post: 4809369, member: 8444"]You really should run for office. The issue today is people want power, not to serve.

I have been thinking a lot about the emails. People should be pissed.

While I think it's hilarious that the fanatics are upset, they were going to be upset no matter what. They are the new women.

We face a point where both candidates will be bad for this country. The email thing is huge and bad.

Trump is garbage. I'm not ready to say Clinton is garbage, but I can't in good faith, defend her.[/QUOTE]
Trump is a big child/clown Hillary is a crook/criminal. Neither should be president.
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Lowers the percentage of white people.

Plus Bill Clinton kissed a black baby, and Barack is black that's all the help they need.

I'm answering as serious as possible.
I think, unless it changed in the last 10 minutes, they are charging her with perjury for her testimony. Which she is dead set 100% guilty.
The best part is people legit saying "who knows what happened on that plane" knowing we all know including Hiliary.

And we all expect what happened out of Bill like it's just cute.
MSNBC and CNN with no coverage at all so far as I can tell.

Fox following with live footage. Shooter apparently not yet apprehended.
Good Lord, Can our media and politicians act like adults, and not imply that black folks are the only ones being killed by police?