How will they rule ??!

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When your main goal is to give more power and money to the federal government to make all things right in the world, the end justifies the means (in their mind).
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So, Hillary wasn't put under oath, not that she wouldn't have lied, nor was it recorded when she was interviewed by the FBI Saturday. What the f*ck is going on with our government?
So, Hillary wasn't put under oath, not that she wouldn't have lied, nor was it recorded when she was interviewed by the FBI Saturday. What the f*ck is going on with our government?

Elitism and narcissism are more of a problem in this country than anything else. It's because of those two that allow all of our problems to grow.
Are you ever put under oath when making statements to police/FBI?

Or is it just a separate crime to make false statements to the police?
why bother putting her under oath when the decision was made weeks if not months ago that nothing would happen with this case? FBI director admitting he & his agency are nothing but clowns in big shoes & makeup putting on a circus show only for entertainment purposes. certainly not doing their job of seriously investigating to determine if crimes were committed. just another john roberts who's self important views that the power of government & their little fiefdom are far more important than truth or justice or the little people out in flyover land.
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Boy has this blown up in the Republican's faces. All their precious talking points have been shot down. I told you it was a HUGE mistake to call Comey forward as it would only give him ample opportunity to clarify Hilary's position.

Huge, huge loss today for the dumb Republicans.
I've had it on in the background most of the day. Not sure how this blew up in Republican's faces. We had a bunch of monologues from democrats. The Republicans established she committed perjury but the FBI didn't investigate it (yet) and had him hammer on her incompetence.

No points were scored, but I don't see this as the huge negative I thought it would be.
We just had a 3 week cycle of "only the cops should have guns" To "eff the racist police" The left in a nutshell.

The only reason anyone has let this BS corruption stand is because we're all too comfortable in our lives. No one wants to risk everything to take on this cause. If there was ever a reason to oust all of these pieces of garbage and start over, it's this one.

As just one of many examples, in its 2011 Human Rights Report, Clinton’s State Department slammed Algeria’s government for imposing “restrictions on freedom of assembly and association,” tolerating “arbitrary killing,” “widespread corruption” and a “lack of judicial independence.”

That year, the Algerian government donated $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation and the next year Clinton’s State Department approved a one-year 70 percent increase in military export authorizations to the country. The jump included authorizations for almost 50,000 items classified as “toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment.” The State Department had not authorized the export of any of such items to Algeria the year before.
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Just watched 6 minutes of Gowdy and Comey. I thought Gowdy did pretty well, made the case he needed to make (and could make in 6 minutes). But I strongly suspect it matters not one iota. By this point, the view on Gowdy (and virtually all Congressional Rs) has crystalized: bad accent, bad haircut, incompetent, maybe there's something there but this seems overtly political, haven't we heard enough about this, etc. etc. No one is listening anymore.
So, Hillary wasn't put under oath, not that she wouldn't have lied, nor was it recorded when she was interviewed by the FBI Saturday. What the f*ck is going on with our government?

Are you ever put under oath when making statements to police/FBI?

Or is it just a separate crime to make false statements to the police?

Noone is put under oath for speaking with the FBI. However, the FBI is required to make a written summary of the interview on a form they designate as a "302". These are not available while theres an ongoing investigation. However, here it seems the investigation is concluded. So the document should be available through FOI channels; but good luck getting that anytime in the next millennia. Thats assuming, of course, they actually created a 302 and didnt just ignore protocol altogether.

Yes, it is a separate felony offense to lie to a federal agent. Being under oath is not required.
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I guess at the end of the day it looks like the Rs are going to push the FBI to do a perjury investigation on Clinton.

The FBI will find although Clinton's statements to Congress under oath were false, she was too stupid and incompetent to know what she was saying was false and she'll get off the hook again.

Thankfully for her, Comey thinks being an ignorant incompetent jackass is a good criminal defense. Too bad that also apparently qualifies you to be POTUS.
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I'm no Hillary fan but I'm sure her wording under oath gave her a little wiggle room. She didn't knowingly send classified emails over her personal network. I just wish they'd compel past Secretary of States to make sure they weren't using any personal emails(oh right, they were). They still can't prove that her server was compromised.

This whole thing is nothing but another desparate attempt by Republicans to bring down her poll numbers. The Benghazi circus didn't work so they gotta try something else. After seeing so many Republican conspiracy theories involving the Clintons, it's just a 'never cry wolf' type of situation. At this point, you just yawn.
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I'm no Hillary fan but I'm sure her wording under oath gave her a little wiggle room. She didn't knowingly send classified emails over her personal network. I just wish they'd compel past Secretary of States to make sure they weren't using any personal emails(oh right, they were). They still can't prove that her server was compromised.

This whole thing is nothing but another desparate attempt by Republicans to bring down her poll numbers. The Benghazi circus didn't work so they gotta try something else. After seeing so many Republican conspiracy theories involving the Clintons, it's just a 'never cry wolf' type of situation. At this point, you just yawn.

This argument is the exact reason no one takes you seriously when it comes to other matters. You will blatantly just turn your head to anything a D does. Plain and simply you tote the company line.

Really weakens your arguments on any other subject. It is however, not surprising.
Obama essentially proclaims the cops guilty already.

Obama always has something to say when blacks can be portrayed as victims but he's surprisingly silent every time a cop kills a white person or a black person kills whites, which occur far more frequently.

Hmm, I wonder why? Also, racial division in the U.S. is probably at its worse in over 50 years. Just a coincidence though.

As just one of many examples, in its 2011 Human Rights Report, Clinton’s State Department slammed Algeria’s government for imposing “restrictions on freedom of assembly and association,” tolerating “arbitrary killing,” “widespread corruption” and a “lack of judicial independence.”

That year, the Algerian government donated $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation and the next year Clinton’s State Department approved a one-year 70 percent increase in military export authorizations to the country. The jump included authorizations for almost 50,000 items classified as “toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment.” The State Department had not authorized the export of any of such items to Algeria the year before.

They don't care. Her voter base is the most ignorant and most misinformed group of retards out there. It doesn't matter if you put Charlie Manson as the Dem nominee, they'd still support them and refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing but they'll lose their shit over a tweet or if you want to close borders though.
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I follow Anonymous a bit and there seems to be quite a bit of interest within their hordes to find and expose Hillary's missing emails. A good bit has already been released but this could get interesting. (and there's also talk of exposing a bit of Trump's correspondence.)

Interesting to think that the Russians, Chinese and/or an anonymous group of hackers could significantly affect this election cycle by what they have tucked away. Even scarier, how they might use this information when negotiating behind the scenes with all of the above.
I don't know what you mean, exactly - but I can't think of anything you might mean that could make this statement true.
So classified emails are supposed to have a big header that says CLASSIFIED and those she sent did not. So yeah, there is that small detail.
They don't care. Her voter base is the most ignorant and most misinformed group of retards out there. It doesn't matter if you put Charlie Manson as the Dem nominee, they'd still support them and refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing but they'll lose their shit over a tweet or if you want to close borders though.
haha Donald Trump
Catdaddy, can you please give me all examples of past government officials who had their own email servers set up in their basement which they used for all of their government communications?

I won't even limit you to past SOSs. One example of anyone who did what Clinton did.

Extra points if you can find someone who sent and received classified information from that server, gave unauthorized people access to classified information, had her lawyers permanently destroy all emails they didn't want to produce and failed to have security protections in place that couldn't prevent and or monitor attempts from hackers to access her server.
Good news for the Red team - they're gonna put time back on the clock and keep playing.

This is a partisan issue for you? You don't think that's good for the country?

We've had Presidents impeached for perjury. You think a woman who perjures herself in front of Congress is fit to be the POTUS?

Pretty damn dumb if you fall for the talking point that Clinton perjuring herself is partisan politics.
Catdaddy, can you please give me all examples of past government officials who had their own email servers set up in their basement which they used for all of their government communications?

I won't even limit you to past SOSs. One example of anyone who did what Clinton did.

Extra points if you can find someone who sent and received classified information from that server, gave unauthorized people access to classified information, had her lawyers permanently destroy all emails they didn't want to produce and failed to have security protections in place that couldn't prevent and or monitor attempts from hackers to access her server, and had an entire Foundation that collected enormous sums of money from foreign countries while she was under the employ of the United States government in a highly influential and sensitive position

Hope you don't mind if I added an extra stipulation.
The revelation that the State Department now believes both Rice and Powell received sensitive information via private accounts could give former secretary Hillary Clinton a new line of defense as she tries to dampen the controversy over classified information found on her own private email server.

Read more:

And more on foundation:
Is that a "no, I can't find anyone who did anything as egregious as Clinton"?

Furthermore, didn't they conclude Rice didn't even use email?
This is a partisan issue for you? You don't think that's good for the country?

We've had Presidents impeached for perjury. You think a woman who perjures herself in front of Congress is fit to be the POTUS?

Pretty damn dumb if you fall for the talking point that Clinton perjuring herself is partisan politics.
I wonder if they can prove it.
Trump said to be naming his VP pick next week. Bob Corker and Joni Ernst have removed their names from consideration
Catdaddy, can you please give me all examples of past government officials who had their own email servers set up in their basement which they used for all of their government communications?

I won't even limit you to past SOSs. One example of anyone who did what Clinton did.

Extra points if you can find someone who sent and received classified information from that server, gave unauthorized people access to classified information, had her lawyers permanently destroy all emails they didn't want to produce and failed to have security protections in place that couldn't prevent and or monitor attempts from hackers to access her server.
Here you go... "ABC News detailed a final State Department investigation which concluded that past secretaries of state, including Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice's immediate staff, "handled classified material on unclassified email systems." The findings come as the FBI investigates a private email server used by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state. "

Now you can claim that Powell and Rice didn't have their own servers which is true...but a much, much worse offense!!! They used public, personal email accounts administrated by God knows who. Tell me, what is worse? An email sitting on an email server set up and administrated by a State Dept IT administrator or sitting in some gmail account?
Comey said today gmail would have been more secure.

But you and catdaddy are both apparently illiterate.
Haven't perused this thread for a while, but wanted to give a quick update on Google Doodles. Today, Google is running with a Doodle referencing Nettie Stevens, who discovered XY sex chromosomes. Hillary is a woman, ergo Google wants Hillary to win. It's blindingly obvious (at least if you're XY, because XX are too emotional to see it).