How will they rule ??!

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Planned parenthood donating 45 million to Democrats. I thought they needed every penny for care. Why are tax payers giving them money again? Its almost like it's a money laundering scheme.
That’s exactly what that liberal POS organization is doing. Funneling taxpayer dollars from all Americans right into the hands of the dems. Should be a hard and fast rule about giving or donating money to a political party when a large portion of your revenue is taxpayer funded.
Like a cult
Leftism is as close to theology as an ideology right now. You dont question your leaders..they are above you and you pray to them to change your life. They also dictate to you what is "wrong think" and base their message around morality, caring, and compassion so you'll willing give to the offering plate...which is actually fir their interest. And when it fails as opposed to say it's your deity that's wrong it was something else evil and mean. That's the thought as opposed to..."let's decide what tye actual role of the federal govt is in this situation"

When's the last time you didnt vote straight ticket? That's what I thought.
I still don’t understand the orgasms some of you guys have watching Trump at a rally. If I ever get so excited watching someone blabber I hope it’s because I’m whacked out on cocaine.
White, suburban liberals be like

I still don’t understand the orgasms some of you guys have watching Trump at a rally. If I ever get so excited watching someone blabber I hope it’s because I’m whacked out on cocaine.
Especially if there is a dem town hall on the same night. That shit was comedy again for these ppl to collapse on themselves by pretending to be serious about it. I didnt watch but I got the run down on the tweet machine.

I cant believe beto hasnt figured out that in spanish nouns and verbs are gendered...and I wonder what their plans to regulate that are
I still don’t understand the orgasms some of you guys have watching Trump at a rally. If I ever get so excited watching someone blabber I hope it’s because I’m whacked out on cocaine.
We've been shit on by globalist swamp rats and told we should be ashamed by a Kenyan Muslim to the point that we nearly lost hope in the American Dream.

We finally have a president who isn't corrupt, truly cares America, and puts our country first.

At the same time, the left has become so bait-shit progressive-religious crazy that we are even more thankful to have a strong leader who stands up to their insanity and fights against their destructive agenda.

I'd say that's worth getting excited about.
Everyone in the vox office including an editor agreed this was thought provoking

Just to make sure Im caught up to the current progressive view point.

Purposely giving someone a deadly virus: Its all good
Calling a biological man who dresses up as a woman a man: That is violence and against the law.

The lefties on here I would love to hear your honest thoughts on this (not you John I know you're not this crazy haha).
Lmao. That skinny prick getting thrown to the ground was great

Guys, in all seriousness, it's a good thing good ol' boys like this show some restraint. If not, he could have wiped out about a dozen of these wet noodles.
Dems have now set the precedent for how to holds barred. They're in for a very rude awakening when the conservative guys decide they've had enough.
Ran into a friend today I'd not seen in a while. Conversation went to current affairs/politics. He, a dem, said he sees Trump as a moron. I responded that I see him as a genius. At the end, we shook hands and agreed to have lunch together.

This is NOT an exaggeration: He is the ONLY dem that has chosen to just have a rational, civil conversation I've encountered in the last 4 years. We will always disagree on politics, but it's never disagreeable. He's my friend.

Why is it so hard to have a decent conversation with libs? Do conservatives resort to name calling and verbal abuse to the degree libs do? Violence?

I'd like to hear the take of some of our liberal compadres.
We made agreements with the Kurds with whom we’ve had a long relationship. But just like with our other allies the moron-in-chief shows once again that he cares more about murderous dictators and of course his personal pocketbook than any of those relationships.
The depths and ends y’all will go to try and rationalize the irrational is beyond belief.
Had Trump said he was sending in more troops to protect the Kurds, you and your ilk would be calling a war monger. Nothing he does would please you, whatever Trump does your kind will bash him for it.

I am not happy about this move Trump letting Turkey do this, but he did promise to end these wars. I can’t bash a man when he is only doing what he said. First POTUS in my lifetime that tries to do what he promised.
The ones all of the military leaders and even some *gasp!* GOP leaders have referenced in expressing their outrage.

Actually, parts of the caliphate are still there and with the addition of 10,000 former prisoners is likely to begin growing again. Especially with the Turks there who are known to be friendly with ISIS.

Turkey has a Trump Towers...2 of them. You know damn well that is the primary reason for this move. Do I really need to repost Trump’s comments from 2015?

You honestly believe that the move was made because of Trump Towers in Turkey?

We had no agreement to protect the Kurds in Syria.
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Paddock leftists, these vids from last night with protesters seance dancing and holding china flags signs with "marx was right", that cnn town hall farce?

Something happens to these people which is irrevocable and undoable, a point of no return where actual thought becomes impossible, like once you go to the dark side, forever will it dominate your destiny.

let's just hope they don't succeed in dragging the rest of us down with them
I just realized this NBA / Blizzard / South Park China situation can get really bad. For the NBA, their stance on China was obvious and reasonable, because they have billions of reasons to not be woke. Predictably, like Kerr last night, they will continue to not say anything about China, but it will bring China's issues to the forefront of the oppression Olympics. Then "I stand with Hong Kong / I stand with Uyghurs" will become some virtue signaling social media virus among people who have no actual stake in the situation. How much will our tech overlords censor the conversation? Will the idiots running for the Democrat nomination pander to this movement? How will China respond? How much of a shitstorm will the gamers cause now that they are involved? Get your popcorn ready.
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Not necessarily. There are tax deductions.

Also the post concerned financial interests aligning with personal. Charitable giving is maybe the best example of personal and financial views being aligned
Tax deduction doesn't happen if take standard deduction. And those gifts still cost you. Whether your views are aligned or not, feel good is not financially helpful. How are you financially better off with a $10K gift to anything?
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Just because I give money away doesn’t mean that I don’t get a return on my investment.
I guess you think when you buy anything it’s against your financial best interest?
False conclusion. Sure buying homes & cars & food & medical care can help you earn a living. Buying UK tickets doesn't help you financially in any way.