How will they rule ??!

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I just realized this NBA / Blizzard / South Park China situation can get really bad. For the NBA, their stance on China was obvious and reasonable, because they have billions of reasons to not be woke. Predictably, like Kerr last night, they will continue to not say anything about China, but it will bring China's issues to the forefront of the oppression Olympics. Then "I stand with Hong Kong / I stand with Uyghurs" will become some virtue signaling social media virus among people who have no actual stake in the situation. How much will our tech overlords censor the conversation? Will the idiots running for the Democrat nomination pander to this movement? How will China respond? How much of a shitstorm will the gamers cause now that they are involved? Get your popcorn ready.

I think you’re making a mistake in differentiating China and the tech overlords. Also also thinking the current Democrats have a choice. China placed spies in high ranking Democrat congressional offices and it was just swept under the rug.
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Leftism is as close to theology as an ideology right now. You dont question your leaders..they are above you and you pray to them to change your life. They also dictate to you what is "wrong think" and base their message around morality, caring, and compassion so you'll willing give to the offering plate...which is actually fir their interest. And when it fails as opposed to say it's your deity that's wrong it was something else evil and mean. That's the thought as opposed to..."let's decide what tye actual role of the federal govt is in this situation"

When's the last time you didnt vote straight ticket? That's what I thought.
I voted for Romney. True story. And I liked McCain but his vp was a joke.
What agreement with the Kurds? When did we ever vow to protect Kurds in Syria?

We had a common enemy in Syria, which was ISIS. The caliphate is no longer there.

Turkey is also an ally, we have airbases there that are strategically important.
It’s a tough decision to make.
With allies like Turkey, you dont need enemies.
Another mass shooting and another hilarious attempt for conservatives to blame everything but our over the top obsession with guns.

I see a 9 year old trans boy got to ask a question at the debate. Lib parenting. Can you imagine how messed up this next generation will be?

I thought the person getting thrown to the ground was a girl. Nope. Just a skinny limp wristed liberal

Did you just assume their gender?

I'm shaking

How much will our tech overlords censor the conversation?

No telling. Even worse - we'll never know. I can't remember how the Hollywood China propaganda came out but even yet it's barely reported.

Tax deduction doesn't happen if take standard deduction. And those gifts still cost you. Whether your views are aligned or not, feel good is not financially helpful. How are you financially better off with a $10K gift to anything?

You're completely missing the point. You're talking about a situation where a voluntary financial act lines up with your beliefs.

My example is the breaking point where people will say/do things they don't believe in when it's adverse to their beliefs
You're completely missing the point. You're talking about a situation where a voluntary financial act lines up with your beliefs.

My example is the breaking point where people will say/do things they don't believe in when it's adverse to their beliefs
I get your point. I believe in this point also. But this point doesn't match with your best financial interest but with your beliefs. Your initial point dealt strictly with best financial interests - which is what my previous comments were & are based on.
Go take your ass to HK and join the protests. Be an agent of change. Or just keep blabbering on a message board. The NBA is in buissnes to make money. They will leave fixing China to super genius Trump. Oh wait he told China he won't talk about HK because he needs a deal and some investigating.

Bull shit. You taking a page from 420 Bro, now.
No. I really did vote for Romney. Voted obama second time. In Kentucky my vote won't matter. But I will still vote. I know there is a thread for it, but what are your thoughts on the gov race?
Voting Romney and Obama second time are mutually exclusive.

I voted for Obama, don't need to lie about it. You leftists think lying gives you credibility somehow, just another bullet point in the long list of logical inconsistencies you guys build a worldview on.
You voted for Romney and Obama?
Got it backwards. Obama in 08. Romney in 12. Probably would have voted McCain in 08 but not with palin. She was a moron. You will never find a post from me singing obama praises. I did like him but I didn't worship him. I just hate trump and have no respect for him.
There’s literally nothing in Trumps tax returns that matter. That’s a fact. Ignorant people may think there is, but as someone who’s looked at thousands of returns, there won’t be.

So I hope Trump takes this to the Supreme Court. I hope the Supreme Court rules House committees can subpoena any and every single record they ever want about a President’s personal life.

The hen I hope the Republicans make the Democrats rue the day when they take back the house.
This... every time.

There's a reason the phrase "don't meet your heroes" is true.
It's not the fact athletes give opinions, it's the importance people place on those opinions. Steve Kerrs opinion is no more important than any poster on this site. He just happens to have a camera in his face when he is ask.
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There’s literally nothing in Trumps tax returns that matter. That’s a fact. Ignorant people may think there is, but as someone who’s looked at thousands of returns, there won’t be.

So I hope Trump takes this to the Supreme Court. I hope the Supreme Court rules House committees can subpoena any and every single record they ever want about a President’s personal life.

The hen I hope the Republicans make the Democrats rue the day when they take back the house.
What matters is it makes him look like he is hiding something by not releasing them. And also he said he would release them. Your correct a tax return won't show much. Just how little taxes he pays. I would rather see a true balance sheet. That would be interesting.
No. I really did vote for Romney. Voted obama second time. In Kentucky my vote won't matter. But I will still vote. I know there is a thread for it, but what are your thoughts on the gov race?
Don’t live there, so not up to speed on it. From what I read, seems Bevin was trying to fix the pension problem and was getting bashed for it from the teachers. I can’t understand why they aren’t more mad at the man that spent the money than the man trying to fix it.
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Voting Romney and Obama second time are mutually exclusive.

I voted for Obama, don't need to lie about it. You leftists think lying gives you credibility somehow, just another bullet point in the long list of logical inconsistencies you guys build a worldview on.
Honestly and very sadly, I did vote for Obama in 2008. Yes, I bought his lies and could NOT make myself vote for a traitor in McCain.
Got it backwards. Obama in 08. Romney in 12. Probably would have voted McCain in 08 but not with palin. She was a moron. You will never find a post from me singing obama praises. I did like him but I didn't worship him. I just hate trump and have no respect for him.

McCain chose Palin out of desperation. He was never going to win, he thought picking a female VP might sway enough voters.
It's not the fact athletes give opinions, it's the importance people place on those opinions. Steve Kerrs opinion is no more important than any poster on this site. He just happens to have a camera in his face when he is ask.
Theres a huge difference though. Steve Kerrs opinion will be heard and seen by probably 100+ million people or so. We don't have an audience on an internet forum.
It's not the fact athletes give opinions, it's the importance people place on those opinions. Steve Kerrs opinion is no more important than any poster on this site. He just happens to have a camera in his face when he is ask.

Kerr’s opinion makes no difference, and for the most part that isn’t the issue.

The issue is the cowardice of them. They have no problem calling the US an oppressive state, with systemic racism. Yet when faced against an actual oppressive state they sit silent.
In a 2-1 ruling, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld a lower court ruling saying the firm must turn over eight years of accounting records.


I'm not just saying this because it's Trump. The only time in my life I have spent looking at a politicians tax return was on Rachel Maddow's show when she showed Trump made a lot of money and spent a lot of money on taxes. Either than that I've never once looked at a politicians taxes and don't care to. This is so freaking pointless.
What matters is it makes him look like he is hiding something by not releasing them. And also he said he would release them. Your correct a tax return won't show much. Just how little taxes he pays. I would rather see a true balance sheet. That would be interesting.

Don't you see? That's his intent. When he finally relents, everyone will see the dems were just continuing the witch hunt. Just one more thing that makes them look foolish.
The only people that care how much tax he pays are the libs that would like to take 50% of a person's earnings. Completely immoral.