How will they rule ??!

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Hannity reporting that the Minneapolis mayor has taken away the porta potties from the Trump rally.

Isn't the rally in an arena that regularly hosts many thousands of people? I'd expect the existing bathrooms can handle the crowd, no?
The Kurds had them locked up. Now Turkey is going to let them all free. Turkey has always supported ISIS. They allowed ISIS fighters to freely flow through their borders for years as long as they promised to not disturb the locals. I don't know why anyone calls Turkey an ally.

Turkey under Erdogan is no ally. And you are correct isis is an extension albeit primitive they are an extension of the muslim brotherhood.
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No, no meltdown. I just really don't like absolutes that lead to false equivalencies - for example - "Steve Kerr doesn't like Trump, therefore there is no way he could possibly be thinking about his father getting assassinated when considering how to respond to a question about China."

Maybe he wasn't? I don't know. I don't know what he was thinking at that moment. Overall, I thought the article was quite informative and in no way slanted toward the Chinese government - it was actually quite critical.

The point is that Kerr and others like him should learn to just keep their mouths shut about politics in general. They speak up when it is easy and convenient. He is probably right to stay silent on this issue as he should stay silent on all other politically motivated issues as well. This whole thing just points out once again the hypocrisy of the left.
The point is that Kerr and others like him should learn to just keep their mouths shut about politics in general. They speak up when it is easy and convenient. He is probably right to stay silent on this issue as he should stay silent on all other politically motivated issues as well. This whole thing just points out once again the hypocrisy of the left.

That's right...shut up and dribble.

But Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Clint Eastwood, Tim Allen - those are WOKE celebrities and can say what they want to. I wonder what they have in common that makes it ok? Hypocrisy indeed.
Only President in my lifetime that does what he actually campaigned on. He was very clear about getting the US out of these pointless wars.

One area he has fallen way short on is the excessive spending.
I agree on the spending. I don't like it either and it's a problem. In his defense though, I don't recall him speaking much about cutting spending during his campaign.
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That's right...shut up and dribble.

But Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Clint Eastwood, Tim Allen - those are WOKE celebrities and can say what they want to. I wonder what they have in common that makes it ok? Hypocrisy indeed.

sometimes these issues are way over your head Johnny.

If you can speak when it is easy but have to swallow your tongue when the issues are tough, maybe you shouldn't be speaking at all. If these guys want to virtue signal over trannies pissing in bathrooms, hating Trump cause he is mean, taking a knee over the .1 or whatever percent of actual incidences of cops shooting black people, but bow to their communist Chinese overlords then they can all eat a big fat ****ing dick in my opinion.

A country that actually commits crimes against humanity. Is the world's largest polluter, but you can't comment on those protesting against these atrocities because of your paycheck.

Have actual courage to speak out against all injustices, not just the ones that are easy for your agenda or shut the **** up. is the point John
The point is that Kerr and others like him should learn to just keep their mouths shut about politics in general. They speak up when it is easy and convenient. He is probably right to stay silent on this issue as he should stay silent on all other politically motivated issues as well. This whole thing just points out once again the hypocrisy of the left.
When have you ever spoken up with your job or bank account on the line?

Speaking of hypocrisy...
Any donations to a charity, a church, even to other people are opposed to your best financial interests.

Not necessarily. There are tax deductions.

Also the post concerned financial interests aligning with personal. Charitable giving is maybe the best example of personal and financial views being aligned
It is a real concern but hypocrites like you and Chuck can go pound sand. You were mute about Obama ME disasters and the Bergdahl trade.
Always deflecting. smh.
Trump has just created his own ME disaster that will make Obama’s look tame.

You’re worried about Bergdahl and Trump has just multiplied it 10000x. On top of ruining our trustworthiness with an ally who made great sacrifice on our behalf...all because he’s worried about losing revenue from his property in Istanbul.
Be proud.
Any donations to a charity, a church, even to other people are opposed to your best financial interests.

Just because I give money away doesn’t mean that I don’t get a return on my investment.
I guess you think when you buy anything it’s against your financial best interest?
sometimes these issues are way over your head Johnny.

If you can speak when it is easy but have to swallow your tongue when the issues are tough, maybe you shouldn't be speaking at all. If these guys want to virtue signal over trannies pissing in bathrooms, hating Trump cause he is mean, taking a knee over the .1 or whatever percent of actual incidences of cops shooting black people, but bow to their communist Chinese overlords then they can all eat a big fat ****ing dick in my opinion.

A country that actually commits crimes against humanity. Is the world's largest polluter, but you can't comment on those protesting against these atrocities because of your paycheck.

Have actual courage to speak out against all injustices, not just the ones that are easy for your agenda or shut the **** up. is the point John

So, freedom of speech, but with conditions. Got it. I’ll make sense of the damn constitution eventually with help from you guys.
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Yes, I know, but you're leaving out the role the US played in keeping them locked up. Let's not pretend the Kurds were doing it independently.

Seems like you guys have every hot take opinion that's spins this negatively for Trump, but you have zero logical answers to the most basic questions.

So, since you chimed in, I'll ask the same.

Most of them are from Europe. Didn't Trump try to get their home countries to take them back and they refused? What's wrong about them standing trial in their home countries? As European citizens are they not entitled to due process?

Is America supposed to keep them locked up in Syria for infinity? Why is it America's responsibility and not Europe's? If they were Americans wouldn't the world expect and demand that we deal with our own terrorist trash?
So the answer was to simply release them...and at the same time turn our backs on the very people we asked to fight them and promised to protect.

It’s our responsibility because we took it upon ourselves to do the job. It’s our responsibility because we made agreements with others to give them protection.

If you insist that they go back to Europe then put them on a plane, land them in their country of origin, notify that country that they are there and hand them over. But the last thing you do is just release them and allow them to regroup. You just gave a big middle finger to every US and Kurdish soldier who died in that fight.

Be proud.
So, freedom of speech, but with conditions. Got it. I’ll make sense of the damn constitution eventually with help from you guys.

No big J. It's no one wants to hear it when you won't speak up when your ass might actually be on the line.

This is the tricky business of doing business with an oppressive communist power. Our president is actually trying to stand up for American workers and business by going after Chinese practices and liberals defend China. China goes after An American business(NBA) and liberals defend China. seems to be a pattern.

If someone actually feels a certain way and speaks out against their perceived injustices, by all means, exercise your right. When actual injustices come to light but speaking out now is much harder so you are silent then how do I take you serious? Do you really feel that way or was it just a political agenda and trendy for you to open your mouth before?
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Always deflecting. smh.
Trump has just created his own ME disaster that will make Obama’s look tame.

You’re worried about Bergdahl and Trump has just multiplied it 10000x. On top of ruining our trustworthiness with an ally who made great sacrifice on our behalf...all because he’s worried about losing revenue from his property in Istanbul.
Be proud.

Obama’s blunders in the ME are why we re here. He appeased Erdogan as well to the point he pushed for islamists to replace the secular Assad. He gave Iran steroids by pulling out of Iraq so abruptly. Obama truly wanted the region run by Islamists. The Iranians believe he is the mahdi. It’s a very common belief amongst the Shia. No president appeased Islamist rule in the region like Obama. Trumps decision is minor compared with Obama’s policy toward the region. He let the Russians in. Emboldened turkey and Iran. Left a vaccum, destroyed 2 countries in Libya and Egypt who had ruthless dictators but were secular. If you force our dictators in the Muslim world then you end up with extremists bc they are the only organized political parties in these countries. Can you imagine Syria run by the Shia? Without Assad that what you get likely hezbollah or an extremist Sunni group running the country. The right move trump has made has been to keep Assad in power with no pressure to remove him. That’s the reason things have stabilized.

This act though leaving the Kurds unprotected (which is what he did. It does not appear to be a pullout from Syria) is a major league blunder. Appease Erdogan at the expense of one of our most trusted allies. It’s beyond mind boggling.
No big J. It's no one wants to hear it when you won't speak up when your ass might actually be on the line.

This is the tricky business of doing business with an oppressive communist power. Our president is actually trying to stand up for American workers and business by going after Chinese practices and liberals defend China. China goes after An American business(NBA) and liberals defend China. seems to be a pattern.

If someone actually feels a certain way and speaks out against their perceived injustices, by all means, exercise your right. When actual injustices come to light but speaking out now is much harder so you are silent then how do I take you serious? Do you really feel that way or was it just a political agenda and trendy for you to open your mouth before?
BULLSHIT! The president is looking out after his own financial interest and creating chaos so he can say he made something better when in truth it just returns to normal.

Textbook Trump over and over.
So the answer was to simply release them...and at the same time turn our backs on the very people we asked to fight them and promised to protect.

It’s our responsibility because we took it upon ourselves to do the job. It’s our responsibility because we made agreements with others to give them protection.

If you insist that they go back to Europe then put them on a plane, land them in their country of origin, notify that country that they are there and hand them over. But the last thing you do is just release them and allow them to regroup. You just gave a big middle finger to every US and Kurdish soldier who died in that fight.

Be proud.

Who were these “others” we made agreements with to protect the Kurds in Syria?
You can call me a crappy person, but damn I cant even fake the outrage for what is happening in China. I understand the human rights travesties over there, but there are human rights travesties all over the world and Im just a selfish American who is hard to get worked up over it. So I really dont give a crap if players stand up against them. Like Jordan said back in the day, Republicans buy sneakers too. Chinese people buy sneakers too and hard to get up in arms that NBA players recognize this.

I think players can stand up and talk out on whatever issues they want. Now with that said, I also think its fair for those who are calling the players out for the obvious hypocrisy. I dont buy the whole, "we aren't educated on the subject so we aren't going to say anything at the moment" excuse because boy oh boy do the vast majority of athletes and entertainers make some of the least educated public statements on social issues. I dont think its a coincidence that they talk extremely loud on issues that get praised on social media and doesn't hurt their wallets, but damn the second an actual issue comes up that if they do speak up would really hurt their wallets, they're damn quiet.

Again dont really care that they choose not to talk on a social issue. If you are talking about taking millions out of my wallet, hell ya Im a selfish materialistic person, Im keeping my closed haha. But for a league, players and talking heads (Rachel Nichols and others) who dont hesitate to praise themselves for being "woke" and standing up no matter the backlash, ya Im also cool with people calling them out for being obvious hypocrites.

With that said, in a month from now, NBA will smooth this over with China and everyone will forget all about this. So ya I chuckle about the hypocrites being called out, just dont care too much on the subject if im being honest hough. Rant over.
No big J. It's no one wants to hear it when you won't speak up when your ass might actually be on the line.

This is the tricky business of doing business with an oppressive communist power. Our president is actually trying to stand up for American workers and business by going after Chinese practices and liberals defend China. China goes after An American business(NBA) and liberals defend China. seems to be a pattern.

If someone actually feels a certain way and speaks out against their perceived injustices, by all means, exercise your right. When actual injustices come to light but speaking out now is much harder so you are silent then how do I take you serious? Do you really feel that way or was it just a political agenda and trendy for you to open your mouth before?

BULLSHIT! The president is looking out after his own financial interest and creating chaos so he can say he made something better when in truth it just returns to normal.

Textbook Trump over and over.

What are you gonna say when the next Dem president follows the same pattern as Trump in China?
How is it helping Trump financially to pushback on China?
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wheres that dumbass trying to post daily nike bashing. They've made billions in stock value and 100's of millions in sales off the Kaepernick publicity. The sad part is they are a conservative company and will dump a lot of that money into GOP campaigns.

It’s our responsibility because we took it upon ourselves to do the job.

It is not our responsibility to jail and guard the world's criminals. We did the job we set out to do. We defeated the caliphate. In the process these guys surrendered and became prisoners. We're not allowed to execute them. The majority of them have citizenship in European countries. It is the responsibility of those countries to prosecute them for their crimes and bring them to justice. They are refusing and dodging their responsibility.

It's not too much to ask Europe to hold their criminals accountable. If your population is so overcome with jihad that you have thousands of your citizens fleeing to another country to terrorize and fight for the caliphate, then you own the responsibility to bring them to justice.

Imagine if the swath of "Nazis", white supremacists and racists the American media is always trying to hype up all decided to flee to another country to terrorize and bring in the fourth Reich. It would be expected, and demanded, by the rest of the world for America to take responsibility and bring them to justice for their crimes.

America would never get away with saying, "Thanks but no thanks. Those Americans are your responsibility now. You captured them, now you figure out what to do with them. Leave us out of it."

If you insist that they go back to Europe then put them on a plane, land them in their country of origin, notify that country that they are there and hand them over.

So the US military is supposed to invade European air space, fly dozens of planes, full of thousands of terrorists, into European countries and drop them off without the consent of those countries? Is that what you're honestly suggesting? Are you trolling right now?

What part of "the European countries are refusing them" do you not get? America can't force them to take them. That's not how any of this works.

I feel like an echo at this point, but I'll repeat myself again. It seems like you guys have every hot take opinion that spins this negatively for Trump, but you have zero logical answers to the most basic questions. Maybe none of you are as versed on this topic as you pretend to be.
Hannity reporting that the Minneapolis mayor has taken away the porta potties from the Trump rally.
Trump should respond by filing a American with Disabilities lawsuit against the city for failure to provide adequate restroom facilities for the public.
So the answer was to simply release them...

You also keep repeating this false talking point. America never released anyone. America captured them. They are being held as prisoners of war. America has no desire detain them indefinitely. America cannot execute them.

Now America is trying to afford them due process and extradite them back to their home countries to stand trial for their crimes.

Their home countries are refusing to take responsibility and bring their criminals to justice. Their home countries are allowing them to go unpunished. Their home countries are allowing them to be released by others.

Stop blaming America for the refusals and lawlessness of Europe.