How will they rule ??!

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Hearing the phrase "like minded" coming from a Trump acolyte is priceless.

Boy, John, you are all over the place lately. I hope another meltdown is not coming.

So that article engages in completely unfounded speculation to spin in a positive light as to why Kerr decided to dodge the question and thus show that his principles are, shall we say, flexible, and I'm a Trump acolyte?

And I didn't vote for Trump in 2016(or HRC either), and I disagree with his decision on Turkey/Syria/Kurds, and I hope it is revised quickly.

But no way in hell I can consider voting for ANY of the Dems currently running. Give me one moderate Dem and I would consider it. There aren't any.

Carry on, my friend.
President @realDonaldTrump's complained Guantanamo shouldn't be closed as 40 prisoners might be released

By pulling U.S. troops out of Northern Syria & letting Turkey attack the Kurds, reports say as many as 10,000 ISIS fighters could be released

He's putting America in danger

Most of them are from Europe. Didn't Trump try to get their home countries to take them back and they refused? What's wrong about them standing trial in their home countries? As European citizens are they not entitled to due process?

Is America supposed to keep them locked up in Syria for infinity? Why is it America's responsibility and not Europe's? If they were Americans wouldn't the world expect and demand that we deal with our own terrorist trash?
Most of them are from Europe. Didn't Trump try to get their home countries to take them back and they refused? What's wrong about them standing trial in their home countries? As European citizens are they not entitled to due process?

Is America supposed to keep them locked up in Syria for infinity? Why is it America's responsibility and not Europe's? If they were Americans wouldn't the world expect and demand that we deal with our own terrorist trash?
The Kurds had them locked up. Now Turkey is going to let them all free. Turkey has always supported ISIS. They allowed ISIS fighters to freely flow through their borders for years as long as they promised to not disturb the locals. I don't know why anyone calls Turkey an ally.
The Kurds had them locked up.

Yes, I know, but you're leaving out the role the US played in keeping them locked up. Let's not pretend the Kurds were doing it independently.

Seems like you guys have every hot take opinion that's spins this negatively for Trump, but you have zero logical answers to the most basic questions.

So, since you chimed in, I'll ask the same.

Most of them are from Europe. Didn't Trump try to get their home countries to take them back and they refused? What's wrong about them standing trial in their home countries? As European citizens are they not entitled to due process?

Is America supposed to keep them locked up in Syria for infinity? Why is it America's responsibility and not Europe's? If they were Americans wouldn't the world expect and demand that we deal with our own terrorist trash?
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If you can't make your point in a few sentences just don't bother.

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I don't know why anyone calls Turkey an ally.

You're such fraud. No way this is serious. After all of the Nato ass kissing you've done in this thread?

Just two years ago it was a constitutional crisis and threat to global peace for Trump to even question Nato and its members.

Now here you are wondering why even consider a Nato member an ally and wanting conflict with them. Two faced to the core.
But he keeps his campaign promises. lol.

Ol cherry pick ed.

Isnt it funny when ed hangs on to every word....when it's not his "team" of course

Ed you know how govt works, what the 3 branches of govt are, and what each one does? You see in the legislative branch theres a "team" that wants to prevent anything from happening.

It is interesting your thoughts on hanging on every word and behavior if theres a short coming in a particular area of policy. Its almost like you think these are deities who are perfect...not regular citizens. Good to know. Do you pray for your "team" to organize your life so you dont have to?
I have no idea if Biden is guilty of anything or not but I know for sure Trump is. I don't plan voting for either.
You're such fraud. No way this is serious. After all of the Nato ass kissing you've done in this thread?

Just two years ago it was a constitutional crisis and threat to global peace for Trump to even question Nato and its members.

Now here you are wondering why even consider a Nato member an ally and wanting conflict with them. Two faced to the core.

Nah, he's not two faced he's just following the narrative the Swamp media feeds him. Some people are able to discern propaganda and some are not. I use to think that what happen in Germany in the 1930's could never happen again because we as a culture have advanced so rapidly that we have a higher degree of enlightenment.

I was wrong. The same shortcomings the human race had in the 30's are the same shortcomings we have today. A good percentage of the population has a herd mentality where they need and want to be lead and will follow group think no matter where it takes them.

Ol cherry pick ed.

Isnt it funny when ed hangs on to every word....when it's not his "team" of course

Ed you know how govt works, what the 3 branches of govt are, and what each one does? You see in the legislative branch theres a "team" that wants to prevent anything from happening.

It is interesting your thoughts on hanging on every word and behavior if theres a short coming in a particular area of policy. Its almost like you think these are deities who are perfect...not regular citizens. Good to know. Do you pray for your "team" to organize your life so you dont have to?
I didn't sign up for Introduction to be a Douche, so don't lecture me.

It’s sickening to watch the bad boys of the NBA Resistance - who are the first to declare that oir President is a ‘racist’ who runs ‘concentration camps’ - bow to their communist overlords who literally are racists who run real concentration camps.
Kerr et al are so so brave. How pathetic they all are.

Next time anyone from the NBA says anything on social justice just holler "Hong Kong! Hong Kong!" Hell, holler it at any Lib.
That tweet from Mark Zaid is one of the most absurd, unprofessional things I’ve ever seen.

In any normal scenario, he’d be fired immediately, but when you’re part of the Democrat ruse, rather than representing a whistleblower, you can send out tweets mocking the severity of his allegations.

He has a history.

Mark Zaid, an attorney for the anti-Trump whistleblower, threatened to use his clients’ intelligence capabilities to dox a random Twitter user who irritated him. The user, who went by “Rex,” has now been suspended from Twitter.

Sounds like Ghouliani got a tip from Trump that the arrest was coming. Had a lunch with the criminals then sent them with 1 way tickets to get out of town. Biden better be scared of this ACE attorney!
Sounds like Ghouliani got a tip from Trump that the arrest was coming. Had a lunch with the criminals then sent them with 1 way tickets to get out of town. Biden better be scared of this ACE attorney!
No one has harmed their legacy more than ole Rudy. Americas mayor to americas idiot.
Boy, John, you are all over the place lately. I hope another meltdown is not coming.

So that article engages in completely unfounded speculation to spin in a positive light as to why Kerr decided to dodge the question and thus show that his principles are, shall we say, flexible, and I'm a Trump acolyte?

And I didn't vote for Trump in 2016(or HRC either), and I disagree with his decision on Turkey/Syria/Kurds, and I hope it is revised quickly.

But no way in hell I can consider voting for ANY of the Dems currently running. Give me one moderate Dem and I would consider it. There aren't any.

Carry on, my friend.

No, no meltdown. I just really don't like absolutes that lead to false equivalencies - for example - "Steve Kerr doesn't like Trump, therefore there is no way he could possibly be thinking about his father getting assassinated when considering how to respond to a question about China."

Maybe he wasn't? I don't know. I don't know what he was thinking at that moment. Overall, I thought the article was quite informative and in no way slanted toward the Chinese government - it was actually quite critical.
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No, no meltdown. I just really don't like absolutes that lead to false equivalencies - for example - "Steve Kerr doesn't like Trump, therefore there is no way he could possibly be thinking about his father getting assassinated when considering how to respond to a question about China."

Maybe he wasn't? I don't know. I don't know what he was thinking at that moment. Overall, I thought the article was quite informative and in no way slanted toward the Chinese government - it was actually quite critical.

Fair enough. We look at it differently. To me it seems like the writer is looking to help Kerr out of an embarrassing situation.
Fair enough. We look at it differently. To me it seems like the writer is looking to help Kerr out of an embarrassing situation.

I can live with that. I happen to like Popovich as a coach and am pretty indifferent to the Spurs, but I hate the Warriors so am not a fan of Kerr's. I do respect his right to an opinion though. Also, I thought comment about Kerr she made was only a small part of the overarching message in the piece.
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I shitunot, the talking point on ESPN this morning among 3 talking heads was that Mayfield still brought this on himself.

I don't like Mayfield - he's too brash for a guy who has done nothing in that league - but he clearly didn't snub Sherman's handshake.