How will they rule ??!

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It’s easy to stand for something when it’s popular and you have no skin in the game. True courage is when you stand for something even if it puts you at risk.

That’s my only issue with the NBA stance. Apparently it’s very popular in China, how long would the citizens of China sit idly by as the govt took that from their lives? The NBA has an opportunity to be an agent of change in China, much the way music was in the fall of the Berlin Wall.

We can fight and bicker about politics, but all of us should want people to be free. That was one the bonds that tied us all together as a nation.
Agree with most. However, I don't want nba types believing they are qualified as agents of change. They are no more so than journalists, media types, etc...
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Go take your ass to HK and join the protests. Be an agent of change. Or just keep blabbering on a message board. The NBA is in buissnes to make money. They will leave fixing China to super genius Trump. Oh wait he told China he won't talk about HK because he needs a deal and some investigating.

Thanks for proving my point Platinum.

You guys want to bitch about rich people not doing enough, and in the next breath defend an organization that openly censored people over pissing off an actual oppressive state because of money. I don't get it.
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I love how the NBA is a business and their main concern is money and that’s okay, yet the NFL was horrible for even thinking about asking players to stand for the National anthem or not kneel... because they knew the majority of their fan base didn’t like it and was concerned about... money.

Also love that the NBA is their employer and can tell their clients what to do because they work for them, yet in the NFL it’s all about free speech and being tied down by league. Can we at least be consistent??

The whole point of the backlash against people like Curry and Kerr is the fact that they’re FOS. It’s easy to speak out against Trump in America; call him a dictator. It’s easy to appear concerned about police brutality, white supremacy, and other SJW causes. The MSM will back you and majority of other elites will back you. But when it comes to taking an ACTUAL stand against an ACTUAL dictator where people live in ACTUAL oppression... not so easy being brave when you have to go against the grain.

And don’t give me ‘but his money’. A former president once said, “At some point you’ve made enough money. There’s only so much you can eat. There’s only so big a house you can have. There’s only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it’s enough.” I think Steph and Kerr qualify for that quote [winking]
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Rand Paul on CBS News...crushing it. Don’t why they gave him this platform. He’s the absolute best. The hosts are basically yelling him for saying Biden’s name lmao. I’ll try and find a clip of it, it’s worth watching. Paul is really good at laying out the facts and watching you fall all over yourself trying to refute them.

Raised a good point. We have 50 troops in Syria. What are we going to do, risk their lives for some local conflict or send in more troops and go to war with NATO? Left is mad because “war” would make Trump look really bad, so he’s avoiding it because ultimately that’s what is best for America, and voters especially understand that. It’s one of the rare things left and right voters agree on.

Last week Trump was supposed to be impeached. This week they’re mad about him pulling 50 troops out of a war zone. LOL.
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The people meeting the Lakers bus covered their faces when cameras panned over to them.
In America? Not very much money. Hell anywhere In The world usually not very much money. Look at the farmers screaming about EVIL socialism as they readily accept all of Trump's bailout money. Now a days it doesn't even take money, just team sport politics. Turkey is just as "death to Israel" as Iran and you got Republicans sticking up for Erdogan just because of a dumb move Trump made.

Depends on how you define personal belief. The average person has very very few deeply held personal beliefs that are so strong they will act opposed to their best financial interests. It's basically a sliding scale of how deep the belief is vs the amount of money at stake. That's true for every person, no matter political affiliation.

The laughable difference here is the hypocrisy from the woke coaches like Kerr and pop. They understand these issues at least as much as they understand any other that they continue to speak about.

It went from "we won't just shut up and play" to "well we're just going to shut up and play".

So following this I hope they rethink their position about trump being a dictator. Because now they see what real dictatorship looks like.
Put another way: would the NBA remove anti-Trump shirts from an arena?

We know the answer. So again, free speech IS at stake.

The bigger problem is that if we, as people, don’t agree that some Principles are sacrosanct, then we have no values. You can’t believe in the founding principles while simultaneously taking a live and let live attitude with the antithesis of those values.

And make no mistake...communism is purely evil.

These apologists have some soul searching to do.
China sucked way before this HK issue.
I love how the NBA is a business and their main concern is money and that’s okay, yet the NFL was horrible for even thinking about asking players to stand for the pledge or not kneel... because they knew the majority of their fan base didn’t like it and was concerned about... money.

Also love that the NBA is their employer and can tell their clients what to do because they work for them, yet in the NFL it’s all about free speech and being tied down by league. Can we at least be consistent??

The whole point of the backlash against people like Curry and Kerr is the fact that they’re FOS. It’s easy to speak out against Trump in America; call him a dictator. It’s easy to appear concerned about police brutality, white supremacy, and other SJW causes. The MSM will back you and majority of other elites will back you. But when it comes to taking an ACTUAL stand against an ACTUAL dictator where people live in ACTUAL oppression... not so easy being brave when you have to go against the grain.

And don’t give me ‘but his money’. A former president once said, “At some point you’ve made enough money. There’s only so much you can eat. There’s only so big a house you can have. There’s only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it’s enough.” I think Steph and Kerr qualify for that quote [winking]
Last week Trump was supposed to be impeached. This week they’re mad about him pulling 50 troops out of a war zone. LOL.
Only President in my lifetime that does what he actually campaigned on. He was very clear about getting the US out of these pointless wars.

One area he has fallen way short on is the excessive spending.
This was a chance for the NBA to actually try and make a difference, rather than the empty virtue signaling. So as people have said all along, shut up and dribble.

Agree with them or not, Chik fil A sacrifices 1/7 of its potential revenue based on its principals.

I've woken up many times on Sunday mornings hungover and driven to Chick Fil A without thinking. McDonalds breakfast is always a disappointment comparatively.
Given the fervor the NBA and Hollywood has for doing the Chinese govt bidding - one should wonder if the overwhelming anti trump sentiment from those groups is organic? Or is it required by China to keep the bankroll coming?

I don't know that it's the latter. But given recent events I definitely don't know that it is not
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Given the fervor the NBA and Hollywood has for doing the Chinese govt bidding - one should wonder if the overwhelming anti trump sentiment from those groups is organic? Or is it required by China to keep the bankroll coming?

I don't know that it's the latter. But given recent events I definitely don't know that it is not

It's certainly part of it.

Just recently China was forced by Trump, for national security reasons, to sell the second largest port in America. That is awesome, and something you would think would make the national news. :rolleyes: An Australian company now owns it.

Under a long-term deal sealed by the Obama administration, a Chinese Communist company was set to control the second-busiest container port in the United States. In an unreported Trump administration victory, the Communists are out after a drawn-out national security review forced a unit of China-based COSCO Shipping Holdings Co. (Orient Overseas Container Line—OOCL) to sell the cherished container terminal business, which handles among the largest freight of imports into the U.S.

It all started with a 40-year container terminal lease between the Port of Long Beach in southern California and Hong Kong. The Obama administration proudly signed the agreement in 2012 giving China control of America’s second-largest container port behind the nearby Port of Los Angeles. One of the Trump administration’s first big moves was to get the Communists out of the Port of Long Beach. After a national security review and federal intervention, the Long Beach terminal business, which handles millions of containers annually, is finally being sold to an Australian company called Macquarie Infrastructure Partners. That essentially kills China’s decades-long contract with the Obama administration.
Best believe China has their financial tentacles all over Washington and would not be sad to see Trump gone ASAP. Have said before but frankly I am surprised there has not been an assassination attempt on him yet because nothing else has worked and he is pissing a lot of very powerful people off. However, the media brass have to be loving him behind closed doors because he has been very good for business.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Giuliani's "investigators" just got arrested. You numbnuts were warned, he is an incompetent moron.

I’m also happy the incredibly corrupt Southern District of NY is indicting people in an effort to stop the Trump team from getting to the bottom of Democrat corruption.

But yeah, orange man is a tyrant.
Interesting read.

@DwayneMeighan my apologies for being an uninformed dick on this situation last night.

For those hating on Kerr, I understand you hate him because he doesn't like DT, but consider the below from the article.

"For Kerr, whose father, an academic, was assassinated by terrorists in civil war-torn Beirut, the consequences of speaking up while members of the Lakers, Nets and a horde of NBA employees are in Shanghai may feel closer to home."
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I’m also happy the incredibly corrupt Southern District of NY is indicting people in an effort to stop the Trump team from getting to the bottom of Democrat corruption.

But yeah, orange man is a tyrant.
They were bribing congressmen to get marijuana licenses and funneling foreign money to TRump super PACS. yea, shame on NY for doing their job! Trump just picks the greatest lawyers!

Attorney General William Barr was briefed earlier this year on the investigation into two Rudy Giuliani associates and supported the prosecution, a DOJ official told CNN.
Interesting read.

@DwayneMeighan my apologies for being an uninformed dick on this situation last night.

For those hating on Kerr, I understand you hate him because he doesn't like DT, but consider the below from the article.

"For Kerr, whose father, an academic, was assassinated by terrorists in civil war-torn Beirut, the consequences of speaking up while members of the Lakers, Nets and a horde of NBA employees are in Shanghai may feel closer to home."

Please. That's just a like minded writer inventing some cover for Kerr.
Depends on how you define personal belief. The average person has very very few deeply held personal beliefs that are so strong they will act opposed to their best financial interests. It's basically a sliding scale of how deep the belief is vs the amount of money at stake. That's true for every person, no matter political affiliation.
Any donations to a charity, a church, even to other people are opposed to your best financial interests.