How will they rule ??!

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I honestly think it would have been politically better for Hillary to be indicted and play the martyr, than for this, looking like she is above the law.
Again, it's a moot point since I don't think Trump can win, but yesterday's conclusion to the email thing was about the best case scenario for Republicans. Today's headline at

Hillary Clinton's email problems might be even worse than we thought
A very bad day for the Clinton campaign
Both Trump and Clinton are extremely lucky to be facing the other in a general election. A more competent (merely competent?) opponent on either side and we'd have a landslide.....
yup, sadly

BTW I thought the worst part of Comey's statement was excusing based on what he saw as "no intent". Much like Roberts and UCA, he clearly bent as to not cause chaos.
FBI Director James Comey is being called to testify Thursday morning before the House Oversight Committee to explain his decision not to prosecute former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for keeping a private email server, which the FBI's investigation found to contain classified material -- including some that were 'top secret.'
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Who gives a shit whether or not Clinton getting off yesterday was good politically for Republicans?

She's a criminal who clearly broke the law, and is getting off scot free for crimes any of us would be in jail for. It's a clear demonstration of everything that is wrong with this country.

I don't care if everyone with an R next to their name wins the next election. The Republican party is dog shit, and I'd much prefer to see the rule of law prevail just once.
FBI Director James Comey is being called to testify Thursday morning before the House Oversight Committee to explain his decision not to prosecute former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for keeping a private email server, which the FBI's investigation found to contain classified material -- including some that were 'top secret.'

And with this course of action, Hillary will continue with her theme of the Republicans are just on a witch hunt. First Benghazi and now this...

Both sides will play to their base with this. The only issue is Comey is a registered republican that donated to both McCain and Romney for election. Luckily he toed the party line, eh?
The Big Dog is playing this masterfully. Drawing them in. Making them show their hands. He is anticipating all the boning he is going to do once she gets elected. Hell, he gritted his teeth and made it through Janet Reno, so literally no pootang in Washington will be safe. I bet he fired it right in Lynch's face. Between the eyes, probably. I can see him now, mussing her hair in a soft circular motion as he lays out how he wants things done. Then SPLAT right between the eyes.
BTW I thought the worst part of Comey's statement was excusing based on what he saw as "no intent". Much like Roberts and UCA, he clearly bent as to not cause chaos.
yep. I'm trying to think of an example going the other way, where it was a Republican cause or person getting favorable unorthodox treatment in the name of saving the union.....
Who gives a shit whether or not Clinton getting off yesterday was good politically for Republicans?

She's a criminal who clearly broke the law, and is getting off scot free for crimes any of us would be in jail for. It's a clear demonstration of everything that is wrong with this country.

I don't care if everyone with an R next to their name wins the next election. The Republican party is dog shit, and I'd much prefer to see the rule of law prevail just once.
agree with all of that, but surely in all these words and among all this lamentation there's room for a purely political assessment.....I understand the need to cry out (so, never forget!), but yesterday was really only shocking if you expected otherwise. maybe the rule of law really has died - but since no surprise.....

Serious question. Would Nixon have to resign today? Would everything be worse because the leftist media is so much bigger nowadays or would it simply be "Ah. Eff you. You're not going to do anything" and go about their way?
maybe so. hard to argue that someone run from the WH to face a lifetime of national disgrace got off easy, but prison was a possibility I suppose...

still, a rarity. it just seems like the combination of the media and the culture and DC being a leftist town at bottom creates a centrifugal force of sorts, pulling everything and everyone left of center. that's not a whine so much as an observation. how many times do we see politicians on the left getting to Washington after being elected and ruling more conservatively than they campaigned or than their record would have predicted? how often do we see supreme court justices appointed by a Dem evolve and reliably side with the right as we've seen with Kennedy and Souter and others on the opposing side? how often have republican politicians gotten off the hook in the interests of sparing the country chaos and pain? hell, I think with DeLay and Ted Stevens it went the other way - ginned up charges to prevent re-election (and/or plain old getting even), only to find out later there was prosecutorial misconduct......
Nixon was from a different time, when there were moral blacks and whites, rather than everything being relative, and lots of shades of gray.
FBI Director James Comey is being called to testify Thursday morning before the House Oversight Committee to explain his decision not to prosecute former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for keeping a private email server, which the FBI's investigation found to contain classified material -- including some that were 'top secret.'

I feel like at this point all of these committee hearings being conducted by the GOP are doing more damage than good. They've become more dog and pony show than forums for accountability.
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It's quite possible that the House Oversight Committee already has a pretty good idea what Comey will/will not say. His hands may have been tied with regards to the indictment....but he said plenty during his scripted speech that hurt Hillary. In front of loaded questions----he might just drop the hammer.

But I've been disappointed before...
75% over under?

Amount of Hillary apologist screaming "strict liability" when talking about the NCAA, something far less important?
And with this course of action, Hillary will continue with her theme of the Republicans are just on a witch hunt. First Benghazi and now this...

Both sides will play to their base with this. The only issue is Comey is a registered republican that donated to both McCain and Romney for election. Luckily he toed the party line, eh?

Just another example of republicans reaching across party lines and ruling across the board. Holy crap! Kind of like justice Roberts on healthcare.

But I thought republicans were ideologues who got nothing done?

Let me know when democrats EVER try to find the middle in this climate. Please, for all of us, hold your breath until it happens.
I'm guessing Comey wants to wash his hands of this because of the proximity to the election. He pretty much admits that she broke the law.
Nixon also got pardoned by his VP. Good decision by Ford, IMO, but it's the most recent case of bending the rules to "save the union", as Mojo phrased it.

I've been calling Hillary "the Democrats' Nixon" ever since she was upended by the upstart, photogenic Harvard grad. This latest installment only confirms the historical parallels.
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This election is simple: The biggest Liberal is the Republican nominee and the biggest Conservative is the Democratic nominee. Ignore all lip service to the contrary and vote accordingly.

Do you really think Hillary is more liberal than Trump on trade? War? Interventionism? Wall Street? Hell, Hillary called black people "super predators" way before Trump was running around the country insulting every minority class in America. I guarantee you there are more Rebublicans bad mouthing Hillary that will quietly slink off to vote for her than there will be Democratic Trump voters hiding out and secretly pulling the lever for him.

As I have said from the very beginning, Trump is WAY more liberal than Hill ever thought of being.
If you care about the politics of the situation, Comey going before Congress is terrible. It's going to give Clinton more of the with hunt bullshit that plays so well with the retards that would consider voting for her.

If you care about the country, Comey going before Congress is also terrible. The Republicans in Congress are a bunch of bumbling morons who can't do a damn thing right, and will undoubtedly make Clinton look like an American hero for setting up her own server to avoid US disclosure laws.

100 internet dollars says Benghazi is brought up more than once by Republicans which will give Clinton even more ammo.
Good point, but people don't see that because Trump is rich and white.

Just think about alllllllll the crooked shit people did just to get Hillary to this point....which absolutely should not have happened. Then think about all the money riding on this, from people wayyyyyy more powerful than Bill's wife. Then just nervously laugh and welcome your first woman president!!!!! Yayyyy so PROGRESISVE!!!!

The Clinton's probably make House of Card's look tame.
Wall Street is scared to death of Trump. That is all I need to know. I apologize in advance if that makes me irresponsible but at this point I am pretty comfortable in saying F&^& It.

As for the post above about Comey being called before Congress, that is just stupid politics in my opinion. Why do you want the head of the FBI to keep repeating "WE COULDN'T FIND ANY CASE HISTORY AT ALL TO SUPPORT CHARGING HILLARY" over and over again. I guess they think it will be beneficial to just probe all the crap he dumped on her and get him to repeat that a thousand times on air, but it will then be pointed out that the guy is a Bush appointee that votes and contributes to the Republican Party so there is more than enough there to make it look like just another Republican waste of tax dollars trying to screw with a Clinton. Bad politics, IMO.