How will they rule ??!

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Given that Disney, Comcast and others are entering the streaming market... if I were Netflix, Id be VERY careful about going all in on liberal programming content.

There's a whole bunch of people just waiting for less liberal options.
This is why I dropped Netflix. When they hired lying Susan Rice and the racists Obama’s, that was more than I could stomach, be damned if my money is gonna support the Obamas.
Lol. 95% of people DGAF and just want cheap access to a lot of content.
When I talk to clients about NFLX stock its the number 1 pushback. No one wants to buy it for that reason. Believe what you want but time will tell...
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CNN is beyond triggered by this movie. They are complaining about the "hey song" the song played at every single sporting event

Honest question, who owns CNN? Do they have any connection with WB? If so then Im 100% in belief that they're doing these over the top reaches to bash this movie, to get people to say, "screw it im seeing this movie in spite". If there is a connection between CNN and WB, Im calling 4D chess and it worked.
You’re wrong on Biden, because you assume without a scintilla of evidence that Trump asked for Ukraine to cooperate with an ongoing investigation specifically for the campaign.
Biden was never going to be the Democrat nominee in 2020,ever.

This investigation hasn’t been going on for 3 years, you know this. The IG report isn’t even out on the Russia origins. A DOJ investigation opened in the past 3 months. You haven’t heard about it because it’s a legitimate investigation, not just a publicity stunt to draw heat as the Russia collusion BS was.

How many dead Americans is it worth in Syria?

Give me a break. You can’t be a serious person and believe all of that. Do you understand the importance of protecting the Kurds? Do you understand the importance of preventing extremist turkey from becoming an Iran? Do you listen to what you say? Did you believe bush when he said it’s better to fight them there than at home? Now you disagree with that and think a few hundred soldiers who are training our allies and protecting them?? Are you listening to yourselves just to stick with trump??? Wtf is going on here? You think the ME doesn’t matter and Russia and China taking it is in our best interest? Do you people listen to yourselves when you say let’s get them out of the ME but turn a blind eye to sending troops into Saudi Arabia? How about the billions and lives spent to quell isis?? It’s worth it to pull a few hundred soldiers for isis to resurge? No moral compass people.

As for Biden you think trump would go after him if he didn’t believe he was the front runner? You believe Biden just randomly came up now??? Really you’re that dense to believe “Biden never ever was going to be the 2020 nominee”? I mean trump obviously did. Or is it just blind loyalty to a person who just showed you today he has to loyalty to abandon the Kurds? There maybe an investigation into Biden I don’t know you don’t know but if it was legit it would have been opened 3 years ago not in the midst of a campaign. I’m not taking up for Biden the entire thing reeks of corruption but to have a political leader try and coordinate an investigation with another country at this point of a campaign?? Really?? Come on you know that’s not right.

The Russia investigation was a witch hunt no doubt. The media sucks and have divided the country but when trump was out of the woods he went full retard. I’m sorry but I can’t support a person like that. There comes a point when you have to ask yourself whether this guy has any moral compass after this Ukraine debacle then pulling protection for the Kurds. None of you question him and are allowing tyranny to run amuck. I’m registered voter in a swing state and I’m a non vote at this point. None of you would be ok with this if it were a Democrat.

Trump was scolded today by people he can’t afford to lose. He’s on thin ice with the party. He’s in serious jeopardy too to lose independents. The Democrats suck their best candidate is awful to their worst evil. Trumps problem is that he assumes his voters will turn out again. Not me he’s going to have to pull off something big and positive to win me back. I’m not alone folks. I’m not going to vote for him just bc the Dems suck. Shit in a second term he may go full liberal. He has no loyalty. I want another candidate: if Haley would run he would lose. I say bring her on or trump quit make way for Nikki.
No one even knows what the hell we are doing there or what we even want to achieve. If we don't know that then its time to leave.

I met a Syrian physician a few years ago, who now lives in Lexington. He is a Christian, as are (were) millions of Syrians. He related that Syria’s significant Christian population largely like the leader there, as both he and his father had acted in defense of the minority religion.

I always had doubts about trying to topple the current leadership of Syria.

No one can doubt that were he toppled, a more radical anti-Christian Muslim junta would likely come to power.

Syria is a persistent mouse trap without even an obvious hunk of cheese tempting us to get trapped.
Reading through this board on a day when America sold out our only Middle Eastern ally gives me little hope for the future of the country. The Kurds have been the only stabilizing force over there for decades. Many of them are Christians. Y'all're the ones in the supposed holy war against Islam, there are anti-Muslim posts here daily. Where's the solidarity? When Christian refugees from Syria could be used as a political football y'all were all over it. But now you sit idly by and cheer on an Islamist dictator attacking the only pro-Western group in the whole damn place. After they defeated ISIS FOR AMERICA. I see constant talk that the ME needs to fix its own problems without our boots on the ground. They finally do and this is their reward. And you chuckle****s wonder why most of the planet and a big portion of our own citizens hate America. This is the part of America we hate. Abandoning the Kurds after they won us the war we wantonly created is the very definition of evil. Y'all know it too.
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Reading through this board on a day when America sold out our only Middle Eastern ally gives me little hope for the future of the country. The Kurds have been the only stabilizing force over there for decades. Many of them are Christians. Y'all're the ones in the supposed holy war against Islam, there are anti-Muslim posts here daily. Where's the solidarity? When Christian refugees from Syria could be used as a political football y'all were all over it. But now you sit idly by and cheer on an Islamist dictator attacking the only pro-Western group in the whole damn place. After they defeated ISIS FOR AMERICA. I see constant talk that the ME needs to fix its own problems without our boots on the ground. They finally do and this is their reward. And you chuckle****s wonder why most of the planet and a big portion of our own citizens hate America. This is the part of America we hate. Abandoning the Kurds after they won us the war we wantonly created is the very definition of evil. Y'all know it too.
False. The middle east has been fighting for thousands of years, we got involved for oil only. We leave and nothing changes. The sell out is people like you and the left crying for years that we should not be there (Which I agreed with) but now that Trump is trying to get us out, Oh my God, Orange man is going to get a lot of people killed!
You are so angry. You need meds

By the way, out only true middle eastern ally is Israel which the left constantly tries to get destroyed. You people really are domestic enemies to the US.
If Israel is our "only true middle eastern ally" wtf does that make the Kurds? You spew bullshit regularly but I'm going to hold you to account on this one. They lost thousands of lives fighting ISIS while Israel stood around with their dicks in their hands.
This Syria shit is a perfect example of how things work today. In the 4+ years this thread has existed 47 posts have been made containing the word “Kurds”. 11 of those posts were yesterday.

I wonder what the outrage du jour will be today.
Screw you man. Our allies who have backed America's promise of a peaceful secular world are dying today because of your protest vote for an idiot while you bitch about outrage culture.
Just glad to see you all became experts on ME policy yesterday.

Edit: by the way, “a peaceful secular world” lol
Some of us actually inform ourselves on world events. Supporting/arming the Kurds was basically my number one campaign issue along with healthcare. I can link you debates where both candidates pledged their support. Or just a month ago when Trump promised to support them in the event of a Turkish offensive. Just because you only inform yourself on your little corner of the world doesn't mean the rest of us live by your myopic standards.
sold out our only Middle Eastern ally

False. Not our only. They didn't defeat isis for us. We did that. And we didn't sell them out. We're getting our soldiers out while protecting the Kurds (whom noone cared about till yesterday) with economic shields.

I can't believe we're finally seeing an end to the US being world police especially in the middle East. Time to let them figure it out.
Some of us actually inform ourselves on world events. Supporting/arming the Kurds was basically my number one campaign issue along with healthcare. I can link you debates where both candidates pledged their support. Or just a month ago when Trump promised to support them in the event of a Turkish offensive. Just because you only inform yourself on your little corner of the world doesn't mean the rest of us live by your myopic standards.

Sorry, but I’m not going to take lectures on being knowledgeable on world events from the guy who claimed Morocco was a playground for Europe’s rich and famous the last time the topic of shithole countries came up, then dug his heels in when people informed him it was actually Monaco.
(whom noone cared about till yesterday)
You're seriously a moron if you didn't care about the Kurds before yesterday and apparently don't care about them today. The willful ignorance on display here is astounding. They did/do all of our fighting against the Islamic extremists. This thread has politically active people in it. How is there any hope for the average American if even supposedly engaged minds are this uninformed?
Sorry, but I’m not going to take lectures on being knowledgeable on world events from the guy who claimed Morocco was a playground for Europe’s rich and famous the last time the topic of shithole countries came up, then dug his heels in when people informed him it was actually Monaco.
I never confused Morocco for Monaco, y'all just took issue with my phrasing about rich and famous. Morocco was and remains a tourist destination for much of Europe whether you like it's Muslims or not. Thanks for trying to deflect though because you know in your heart that abandoning the Kurds is the wrong thing to do. You just don't want to criticize Trump.
You're seriously a moron if you didn't care about the Kurds before yesterday and apparently don't care about them today. The willful ignorance on display here is astounding. They did/do all of our fighting against the Islamic extremists. This thread has politically active people in it. How is there any hope for the average American if even supposedly engaged minds are this uninformed?

I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about all the newly outraged.

I'd bet 1000 fuzz bucks that if you could somehow get the Twitter analytics, yesterday "Kurds" was tweeted more than all other days in the apps history combined.

Also they're not being abandoned. Turkey was on the verge of a coup based in the economic pressure we had them under. That threat stands. There are more ways to protect allies than on the lives of our young men and women.

This is a fantastic and creative move. Only sad thing is it's 12 years past due, despite endless promises.
I never confused Morocco for Monaco, y'all just took issue with my phrasing about rich and famous. Morocco was and remains a tourist destination for much of Europe whether you like it's Muslims or not. Thanks for trying to deflect though because you know in your heart that abandoning the Kurds is the wrong thing to do. You just don't want to criticize Trump.

lol the posts are still out there. The fact you’re still digging in in the face of all evidence tells me why you’re a lefty.

I don’t give a shit about the Kurds or the Middle East. I just think it’s funny 25% of the posts containing the word “Kurds” came yesterday. As with everything in the Trump Presidency, you guys have your outrage du jour, then move on to the next outrage du jour when the first one doesn’t seem to be impacting the polls the way you intended.

My criticism of Trump will center on his domestic policies. For example, the amount of spending he’s authorized.

I don’t really spend much time criticizing Trump because to much time needs to be spent beating back the lefty lies, it doesn’t leave much time for anything else.
I don't know who Andrew Scheer is but gawd damn he murdered Captain Blackface...

Can you imagine if several recent pics of trump turned up in black face? Including one where he blacked his knees too lol (I still can't get over the amount of thinking and effort that required)?

Would be mass hysteria.

Bonus points when Trudy changed his Twitter banner to shaking hands with a black person. I'm surprised he didn't have the Jerry Maguire "I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE" audio imbedded in it too.

Also let's not forget Virginia still has governor black face and first lady cotton still cruising along with no issues.


Obviously it's a conspiracy.

Because it can't be that people engaging in violent lawless anarchy may be more susceptible to untimely violent demise while also living in one of the most murdery cities.
Ha....did anyone read the article? It’s content =\= the headline.

6 people haven’t turned up dead in trunks. Two have. In gang infested areas that’s hardly uncommon.

3 committed suicide, one of which wasn’t even tied to Ferguson other than his mother protested.

1 OD’d on fentanyl on a city bus.

Great journalism!!!!1!1!1!111
Exactly. You "don't give a shit about" our allies who've been on the ground fighting our war against Islamic extremism because they're not like you and you're a know-nothing bigot.

Not wanting to fight unending battles in the Middle East does not make a person a bigot, though I know that plus all “ist”/“ic” names is the only way liberals know to insult a person.

I’m not 100% on either side of this argument but there has to be a point where the US stops using their military (and money) to protect all our allies (strong and weak) from bullies. And the threat of economic punishments/sanctions may work just as well. We don’t know yet. But Trump campaigned on getting us out of the Middle East and he’s trying to do that.

And let’s be honest, if Trump had said he was adding troops, the left would be just as outraged about that.
Exactly. You "don't give a shit about" our allies who've been on the ground fighting our war against Islamic extremism because they're not like you and you're a know-nothing bigot.
Oh this is rich considering your support of Iran and how our actual American soldiers feel about how they have financed the terror they are fighting and the murder/maiming of their fellow servicemen and women.
Oh this is rich considering your support of Iran and how our actual American soldiers feel about how they have financed the terror they are fighting and the murder/maiming of their fellow servicemen and women.
I support the Iran deal which was to keep them from developing nukes and funding terror. Trump is in bed with MBS selling the Saudis nuclear tech. Where did the 9/11 hijackers that started all this crap come from again? But even that pales in comparison to this leaving the Kurds out to dry.
I support the Iran deal which was to keep them from developing nukes and funding terror. Trump is in bed with MBS selling the Saudis nuclear tech. Where did the 9/11 hijackers that started all this crap come from again? But even that pales in comparison to this leaving the Kurds out to dry.
Giving them money prevented them from funding terror? JFC. Again go talk to to soldiers that have served in the ME. And they are no fans of SA but they will all point to Iran. You don't give shit about them though. This is all fake outrage and virtue signaling.

I will also say I would like to hear someone, not DT, speak to what their overall strategy is in Syria.
Ha....did anyone read the article? It’s content =\= the headline.

6 people haven’t turned up dead in trunks. Two have. In gang infested areas that’s hardly uncommon.

3 committed suicide, one of which wasn’t even tied to Ferguson other than his mother protested.

1 OD’d on fentanyl on a city bus.

Great journalism!!!!1!1!1!111

So it's even worse than I thought. And I thought it was pretty bad. I just wouldn't dare click on their link.

What pathetic "journalism"