How will they rule ??!

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Insane how Romney keeps letting them. Kind of a John McCain fetish/ possessed horror movie....heck, it is the month of Halloween...

And this guy is supposed to be some astute businessman??? Sounds like Daddy and wifey made him...dudes a mental midget with no forethought....and again President did give him a get out of jail free card by endorsing him for the Senate.

Romney is a snake. Wouldn't trust him with a nickel.
If Israel is our "only true middle eastern ally" wtf does that make the Kurds? You spew bullshit regularly but I'm going to hold you to account on this one. They lost thousands of lives fighting ISIS while Israel stood around with their dicks in their hands.
You can't hold me accountable for jack since the BS you spew on here far exceeds mine. It is their war to fight not ours. We are not the only ones over there but, constantly get the blame. Once again for clarity sake, THEY HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. We have only been a nation for a little over 240 years. I don't know about your math but, mine gets me at least to the thousands. Perhaps you will blame us for Hitler's reign too. That should be your next move.
Some of us actually inform ourselves on world events. Supporting/arming the Kurds was basically my number one campaign issue along with healthcare. I can link you debates where both candidates pledged their support. Or just a month ago when Trump promised to support them in the event of a Turkish offensive. Just because you only inform yourself on your little corner of the world doesn't mean the rest of us live by your myopic standards.

Study more history, it would help.
Hmm...sounds like some people should be investigated for collusion with China.

Don't even have to investigate. It's all in the open. They don't dare hide it for fear of losing money.

I agree wholeheartedly with this - it's ridiculous.

However, to isolate the above type of scenario and imply that only the left is guilty of it is disingenuous. Both sides are loaded to the gills with hypocritical DBags.

Yes but the left are far more motivated when it comes to trying to silence and shame people. On the right it's a very small contingent.

For example - wonder how many monologues GWB had to give because he sat next to Ellen?
I support the Iran deal which was to keep them from developing nukes and funding terror. Trump is in bed with MBS selling the Saudis nuclear tech. Where did the 9/11 hijackers that started all this crap come from again? But even that pales in comparison to this leaving the Kurds out to dry.
Then your are a straight up dumbass if you bought what Obama was selling to Iran or giving would be a better word.
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Good read for ppl like @Platinumdrgn who want places to shame ppl bc of "wrongthink"

Btw, were you one of the libs triggered that Ellen hung out with Bush? Only the left is incapable of having friends with different opinions.

TRump better rethink his strategy. Support for impeachment just keeps going up. His polling just keeps going down. Everything he says and does makes him look guilty. You can't block testimony before congress, eventually they will be compelled to appear, stalling just makes normal people ask what your hiding. It's another case of the Trump WH making everything worse through their reactions. Congressional hearings never go well for the party that initiates them so why wouldn't you want them to happen.
False, and crazy to boot. His popularity (which is linked to the polls that count not hand picked polls) is at an all time high right now.
"When I took over our military, we did not have ammunition. I was told by a top general, maybe the top of them all, 'Sir, I'm sorry sir, we don't have ammunition.' I said, I will never let that happen to another president."

LMao, we were out of ammunition. He is just upping his level of stupid lies his base eats up. We were only spending over 600billion, couldn't afford no bullets!
False, plenty of ammo to go around. You are wrong again Plat.
Yea TRump has the military just succeeding all over the place! Suicides are up at an astronomical pace. Accidents at sea and in the air have become an every day occurrence. Afghanistan is under complete Taliban control. NK has him by the balls. Iran is back to doing whatever they want. China and Russia are overtaking the world influence we used to have. Our new weapons programs are still massively over budget and over schedule. Our foreign and military policy is a complete shot show because once again we have no ability to think out long term consequences. Trump hasnt changed anything but spews a lot of bullshit words and throws cash into the pentagon black hole.
Stop listening to all of the left's lies and propaganda, you sound like a triggered fool. You are easily taken in. Step back, take a deep breath and say "No Ms Madcow I will not be brainwashed by you ever again. Turn your TV and radio off and take a trip somewhere you can see for yourself all of the damage Obama and the left did before Trump cleans the rest of it up and then, you will be able to see what a Great President he is.
Couldn't Dick's Sporting Goods have donated those guns to our military vs destroying them?
no, you can't donate to government programs. Same reason border patrol had to refuse or destroy everything people were leaving at detention centers. It's a stupid rule but they cannot use anything not appropriated by congress. only thing you can do is give cash to the treasury general fund.
You can't hold me accountable for jack since the BS you spew on here far exceeds mine. It is their war to fight not ours. We are not the only ones over there but, constantly get the blame. Once again for clarity sake, THEY HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. We have only been a nation for a little over 240 years. I don't know about your math but, mine gets me at least to the thousands. Perhaps you will blame us for Hitler's reign too. That should be your next move.
None of which invalidates the specifics of the current situation. Did they or did they not lose thousands fighting ISIS for us? You were in the military how can you be ok with abandoning the people who were side by side in the foxholes with us? The ones who actually did the fighting and took the losses so we didn't have to?
Commie California doesn't even support impeachment. So, there ya go.

Still believe Trump is paying for all this great attention. Only thing it's doing is creating more registered republicans and convincing more people to actually vote. Hard to fathom just how poorly ran the democrat party is, but then you look at who's in charge of the DNC...


Trump is literally Hitler with a negative IQ, has orange skin, never been in politics, and he's beat these clowns so bad at a game they've played for their entire lives.
Commie California doesn't even support impeachment. So, there ya go.

Still believe Trump is paying for all this great attention. Only thing it's doing is creating more registered republicans and convincing more people to actually vote. Hard to fathom just how poorly ran the democrat party is, but then you look at who's in charge of the DNC...


Trump is literally Hitler with a negative IQ, has orange skin, never been in politics, and he's beat these clowns so bad at a game they've played for their entire lives.
Where you getting that? Poll released today shows 58% support for the impeachment inquiry with only 38% opposed.
None of which invalidates the specifics of the current situation. Did they or did they not lose thousands fighting ISIS for us? You were in the military how can you be ok with abandoning the people who were side by side in the foxholes with us? The ones who actually did the fighting and took the losses so we didn't have to?
So are you just going to completely ignore being called out for your fake outrage over the Kurds? Not going to respond to the fact that you've never even typed the word Kurds in this forum up until the last 24 hours when your liberal overlords told you to?
Don't even have to investigate. It's all in the open. They don't dare hide it for fear of losing money.

Yes but the left are far more motivated when it comes to trying to silence and shame people. On the right it's a very small contingent.

For example - wonder how many monologues GWB had to give because he sat next to Ellen?

Agreed. The left has definitely gotten out of hand and nuts.

Granted, the right has largely disowned Bush and his family and legacy, so I wouldn't expect them to spout off over this.
no, you can't donate to government programs. Same reason border patrol had to refuse or destroy everything people were leaving at detention centers. It's a stupid rule but they cannot use anything not appropriated by congress. only thing you can do is give cash to the treasury general fund.

Why would the military what guns that aren’t military weapons anyway?

“Hey guys, I know these aren’t actually military grade weapons, but they look pretty cool and the Democrats think they’re scary, so do you want them?”
So are you just going to completely ignore being called out for your fake outrage over the Kurds? Not going to respond to the fact that you've never even typed the word Kurds in this forum up until the last 24 hours when your liberal overlords told you to?
Fake outrage is laughable, if you don't have legitimate outrage over this you're either stonehearted or an idiot. There hasn't been a need to discuss it here since before Trump's disastrous phone call supporting the only pro-Western force in the ME was a bipartisan issue. Like I said earlier, on the debate stage they were both all about it. Hillary even talked about implementing a no-fly zone to protect them. Now here we sit a few years later abandoning them the minute we're done using them against ISIS.
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None of which invalidates the specifics of the current situation. Did they or did they not lose thousands fighting ISIS for us? You were in the military how can you be ok with abandoning the people who were side by side in the foxholes with us? The ones who actually did the fighting and took the losses so we didn't have to?

They weren't fighting ISIS for us, they were fighting ISIS to survive. We both shared a common goal, and we paid them and armed them.
They weren't fighting ISIS for us, they were fighting ISIS to survive. We both shared a common goal, and we paid them and armed them.
Oh yeah definitely, paying and arming people in the ME always works out well...paying the Iranians has been panned on this very page. As you well know it matters who you're paying and arming and the Kurds have been nothing but secular, stable, pro-Western, and reliable for longer than we've been alive. If this had been the Afghanistan Mujahideen would you have still thought it was such a good idea to pay and arm them? Oh yeah we did that once... These people are our allies, not some tool to be thrown in the trash after we're done with them.
"When I took over our military, we did not have ammunition. I was told by a top general, maybe the top of them all, 'Sir, I'm sorry sir, we don't have ammunition.' I said, I will never let that happen to another president."

LMao, we were out of ammunition. He is just upping his level of stupid lies his base eats up. We were only spending over 600billion, couldn't afford no bullets!
Love how it's always "a top general" or "soMe have said" or "I've been told". Never gives names. Makes shit up everything he speaks.
Oh yeah definitely, paying and arming people in the ME always works out well...paying the Iranians has been panned on this very page. As you well know it matters who you're paying and arming and the Kurds have been nothing but secular, stable, pro-Western, and reliable for longer than we've been alive. If this had been the Afghanistan Mujahideen would you have still thought it was such a good idea to pay and arm them? Oh yeah we did that once... These people are our allies, not some tool to be thrown in the trash after we're done with them.

I’m simply stating that the Kurds weren’t fighting simply to benefit the US as you implied.
I care more about American soldiers dying needlessly than I do Kurds.
Fake outrage is laughable, if you don't have legitimate outrage over this you're either stonehearted or an idiot. There hasn't been a need to discuss it here since before Trump's disastrous phone call supporting the only pro-Western force in the ME was a bipartisan issue. Like I said earlier, on the debate stage they were both all about it. Hillary even talked about implementing a no-fly zone to protect them. Now here we sit a few years later abandoning them the minute we're done using them against ISIS.

sooooooo, here's a crazy idea...

Impeach him.

You guys won't do it for some reason. The most literal Hitler we've ever seen has abandoned the Kurds and you guys still won't impeach him.
Well, he can't win. It's either say something and get slapped back with "keep your mouth shut and coach," or say nothing and get called out for it.

Understood, but I always thought(or at least it was explained to me by certain people) what courage and convictions Kerr has. Seems its only selective and applies only to certain issues.
Understood, but I always thought(or at least it was explained to me by certain people) what courage and convictions Kerr has. Seems its only selective and applies only to certain issues.

He has no more courage nor convictions than the average Joe IMO. Just because he is in the public eye doesn't make him special.

Now, I believe he has the same rights any of us do to have opinions and express them, but the fact that he's a famous basketball coach doesn't make his opinions any more right or wrong than anyone else's.
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None of which invalidates the specifics of the current situation. Did they or did they not lose thousands fighting ISIS for us? You were in the military how can you be ok with abandoning the people who were side by side in the foxholes with us? The ones who actually did the fighting and took the losses so we didn't have to?
Surely you are joking. They were fighting for themselves and it is about time other people died for their own land. Americans fought for their own land over 200 years ago with little to no aid except the French. It is time other countries/people gave up their own blood to sacrifice for the good of their people. If they do not like what is going on, more of them should fight. Don't blame us for the problems there. What do you suggest we do, wade in waste deep? What happened to us pulling out of there (ME) completely? I have been for a while now advocating for pulling out of everywhere unless those specific countries/people are willing to pay for us being there and spearhead the efforts with their own people. I don't mind helping but at what cost? You must be willing to pay for it monetarily and with blood.

Same stance I take with social programs. Get out and work or don't eat basically.
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