How will they rule ??!

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You completely missed the point on the Lexus. If you choose to pay for luxury items, rather than essentials like health care and retirement, I have no sympathy for you. It’s a complete nonstarter. Too many people in this country debt finance a lifestyle because people like you think others should be immune from the consequences of their irresponsible choices.

It’s not a right. Just because hospitals will provide care without requiring proof of payment in emergency situations, that doesn’t make it a right.

Again, the point sailed over your head. We absolutely shopped around for things not covered by insurance. Fertility. Laser eye surgery. If my wife wants some new tits, we’ll shop around based on price and quality. You’d be a fool to not go with the highest quality doctor you can afford, rather than relying on someone because they’re in your network, whether that’s chemo or another surgery.

Furthermore, we’re trying to drive down the cost of healthcare. Saying, “no one is going to shop around because I had a 250k medical bill,” is quite frankly retarded. I’ve never hit my deductible. If I needed an elective surgery, covered by insurance or not, I’d seek out the highest quality at a price I could afford.

Bill, everything you reference is elective medical care. The point didn't sail over my head, I'm just referencing the 95% of healthcare that isn't elective. The market works great with elective treatments, nobody is suggesting that change. No universal coverage for boob jobs! Cancer treatment isn't elective, if you're involved in an accident...that isn't elective. If you have a heart attack or stroke, that isn't elective. "We" may be trying to drive down the cost of medical care but once that cost exceeds your deductible the incentive for the individual to save money is gone.
In our case our MD recommended surgery + chemo. I guess we could have gone the money saving route and just do one or the other but I'm not an MD. I could have done all the research in the world and still not be in a position to question what was recommended. Why would I make any decision other than to pursue the best course of treatment regardless of the cost? And you think your research would put you in a better position to make that decision than the oncologist?

Treatment for accident victims isn't elective and regardless of your personal choices in life...that treatment is going to be rendered regardless of your ability to pay. To try and argue that point is foolish on your part because you know that it's true. You know that hospitals cannot turn away people that come to their ERs. As long as that is true then we have to figure out how it will be paid. You're simply trying to be argumentative and best you have is to reference elective services.

Having no sympathy doesn't mean that society doesn't have to deal with the problems.
I though you Bernie bros like @Dionysus444 were against the military industrial you want us there?

But I agree pulling out to give to an Islamist dictator of turkey is probably a bad idea
Agreed that the situation is not ideal, but being in Syria to begin with is not ideal. No one even knows what the hell we are doing there or what we even want to achieve. If we don't know that then its time to leave.
It sucks. I would do the same as you. Yet that still does not answer the question: How do we afford it. Perhaps the treatment for cancer should not be $280K. I'd agree. Radation $85K? A rip-off. But universal care is not the answer.
We'd have to chip in 30% more of our income to pay for it. Then there's the other minor issue: With everyone getting treatment, there will be a very long wait list. (I have acquaintances that live in Canada and it's a reality there).

IMO, there is a solution, but people don't want to hear it and certainly won't accept it. I can assure you, it does not involve the government.
How do we afford the $4T spend on healthcare today?

How can you call $280K or even $85K a rip-off? What is your life worth??? If we are leaving it to market forces to make that decision then the sky is the limit...isn't it?

Nobody in Canada is waiting for essential treatment. Elective or non-emergency may wait longer. I too have friends in Canada. I worked for 4 years for a Canadian company and still in regular contact with several of my Canadian counterparts. Have a couple of others I've come to know under different circumstances. One of them had a heart attack last spring. Had bypass surgery the day he was taken to the a pacemaker a few days later.
Bill, everything you reference is elective medical care. The point didn't sail over my head, I'm just referencing the 95% of healthcare that isn't elective. The market works great with elective treatments, nobody is suggesting that change. No universal coverage for boob jobs! Cancer treatment isn't elective, if you're involved in an accident...that isn't elective. If you have a heart attack or stroke, that isn't elective. "We" may be trying to drive down the cost of medical care but once that cost exceeds your deductible the incentive for the individual to save money is gone.
In our case our MD recommended surgery + chemo. I guess we could have gone the money saving route and just do one or the other but I'm not an MD. I could have done all the research in the world and still not be in a position to question what was recommended. Why would I make any decision other than to pursue the best course of treatment regardless of the cost? And you think your research would put you in a better position to make that decision than the oncologist?

Treatment for accident victims isn't elective and regardless of your personal choices in life...that treatment is going to be rendered regardless of your ability to pay. To try and argue that point is foolish on your part because you know that it's true. You know that hospitals cannot turn away people that come to their ERs. As long as that is true then we have to figure out how it will be paid. You're simply trying to be argumentative and best you have is to reference elective services.

Having no sympathy doesn't mean that society doesn't have to deal with the problems.

Good lord. I referenced those specific elective procedures because those are the ones people can currently shop around for and pay out of pocket, you dunce. And the system works.

Going to need a citation for your claim “95% of healthcare...isn’t elective” if you’re using “elective” to mean you have no choice between procedure and provider. Shopping around doesn’t mean treatment or no treatment. It means finding the best provider. Maybe couple it with an insurance company refunding premiums if you save them costs on a procedure or something.

i honestly have no idea what point you’re even trying to make about emergency care being required. Uh, no shit. It’s required currently. You keep falling back to current deductibles and health insurance plans, and the way things operate as a reason not to change things.

The whole point of this entire conversation was small easy tweaks we could make that would improve the system. “Well we can’t change the system because that’s the system, so we need the government to take over” is just mind numbingly stupid.

You being engrained in this moronic way of thinking is exactly the reason I don’t want the government taking over. No innovation. No incentive to make things more efficient. Just, muh that’s the way it is so at least let me funnel money to my friends.
You asked.

I believe God gave us a plan by which the needs of people would be met. Obviously, this implies everyone would be part of a church.

I've read statistics that estimate the church would have between 200-$400 Billion annually to use on social programs if just those who call themselves Christians would tithe (10% of gross income). This is based on the estimate that only about 20% Americans consider themselves Christian.

If every American belonged to a faith based organization that used money to meet needs of people as the church is designed to do, that would mean there would be somewhere between $1-2 Trillion per year.

With current governmental social programs, there is no accountability. With the plan I've shared, people receiving assistance from these organizations would be held accountable by the people members of the organization.

Welfare the same. The church could provide housing and food. Recipients would be expected to participate in the life of the organization as well as work to meet needs of others (elderly, disabled, childcare, etc..)

I don't have a problem with the gov providing for things it should provide: defense, highways, infrastructure. The gov should not be meddling in issues that enter the realm of moral obligation.

Personally, I wish there was a plan by which I was required to pay my share of the above mentioned governmental costs (defense,etc...) but then any money I give to care for people, I should be given a dollar for dollar tax credit.
This would indeed be the optimal solution. Unfortunately society just keeps getting further and further away from it. This is why government has taken over the role, and since government sucks at everything, it will all inevitably collapse. I just hope we can make it another 40 years and I'm good. Probably won't though.
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Also, please stop dodging the question. Name on single industry where more direct government involvement has improved things for the consumer.
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Regardless of how people feel about rq on this board, his points regarding healthcare are reasonable. I'm not surprised that nobody will engage him in an actual intelligent discussion - par for the course on this board.

News flash - it's possible for someone who doesn't agree with everything you do to have good ideas, too. Sadly, this board is a microcosm of Washington.
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How do we afford the $4T spend on healthcare today?

How can you call $280K or even $85K a rip-off? What is your life worth??? If we are leaving it to market forces to make that decision then the sky is the limit...isn't it?

Nobody in Canada is waiting for essential treatment. Elective or non-emergency may wait longer. I too have friends in Canada. I worked for 4 years for a Canadian company and still in regular contact with several of my Canadian counterparts. Have a couple of others I've come to know under different circumstances. One of them had a heart attack last spring. Had bypass surgery the day he was taken to the a pacemaker a few days later.
A rip-off in that there is no reason those or any other treatment should cost that much. Could greed be entering the picture?
How do we afford the $4T spend on healthcare today?

How can you call $280K or even $85K a rip-off? What is your life worth??? If we are leaving it to market forces to make that decision then the sky is the limit...isn't it?

Nobody in Canada is waiting for essential treatment. Elective or non-emergency may wait longer. I too have friends in Canada. I worked for 4 years for a Canadian company and still in regular contact with several of my Canadian counterparts. Have a couple of others I've come to know under different circumstances. One of them had a heart attack last spring. Had bypass surgery the day he was taken to the a pacemaker a few days later.
How do we afford it? What's included in that amount?
Regardless of how people feel about rq on this board, his points regarding healthcare are reasonable. I'm not surprised that nobody will engage him in an actual intelligent discussion - par for the course on this board.

News flash - it's possible for someone who doesn't agree with everything you do to have good ideas, too. Sadly, this board is a microcosm of Washington.
I'm open to having a conversation as per my posts.
How do we afford the $4T spend on healthcare today?

How can you call $280K or even $85K a rip-off? What is your life worth??? If we are leaving it to market forces to make that decision then the sky is the limit...isn't it?

Nobody in Canada is waiting for essential treatment. Elective or non-emergency may wait longer. I too have friends in Canada. I worked for 4 years for a Canadian company and still in regular contact with several of my Canadian counterparts. Have a couple of others I've come to know under different circumstances. One of them had a heart attack last spring. Had bypass surgery the day he was taken to the a pacemaker a few days later.
It's well documented you have to wait to see a specialist.
Crazy theory here (that isn't as crazy as it seems once you really think about it)

We've all heard the audio of Joe Biden admitting to having a prosecutor looking into his son's Ukranian company fired by threatening to withhold US aid (a billiion dollars, if I remember correctly). He even noted that the media he was talking to can call Obama if they doubt what is wanted by the administration.

Now what if Joe said all that just trying to show off for the media in attendance but was really 100% acting on behalf of someone more powerful (Obama, Clintons, NWO, etc) and his son was put ino place simply to hold sway over Joe.

All the corruption was never supposed to come out, but in case it did Biden, by his own words, was already in place to be a fall guy. Now Biden has the unfortunate luck of being in a spot to either expose corruption by those above him (we all know happens when you cross the wrong people) or falling on the sword to protect his masters. I'm thinking Biden will choose the latter and pull out of the race to be the Democratic presidential candidate.

Again, it's a conspiracy, but is it that unbelievable based on all we know about how the left/Swamp/NWO operate? Just a thought....
Do you really understand what is going on? Do you not realize the CIA and FBI are two of the most corrupt organizations on the face of the earth? If Trump does nothing else in his 8 years but expose these crime infested government sponsored enemies of the people he will have done something that makes him immortal in the minds of the common man. People without any power to fight back.

Ukraine has been one of the most corrupt governments for decades. Many U.S. politicians have made millions off of them. The Clintons, Obama and Joe Biden are just a few. We have a treaty with Ukraine that says crimes can be investigated. If Trump had not brought this up in his conversations with the Ukraine leader he would not be doing his job. As President he should be mindful of foreign aide going to a corrupt government. And he was and still is.

The question you should be asking is not about Trump it should be focused on getting to the bottom of the crimes and corruption of our CIA, FBI and politicians who make millions off of other countries in return for America's aide and pay to play schemes. Trump was a billionaire when he became President. Obama was not. Now Obama is one of the wealthiest people in America as is Joe Biden and his family. They did this on a government salary? Who is kidding who. Your focus in on the wrong target. Why don't you want Biden exposed for the crook he is?

Yes I completely understand what’s going on. Article 2 does not give the president the right to collaborate with foreign governments in order to investigate a political opponent. That is very clear and that transcript alone shows trump abused his power. Secondly, if this has been going on for three years, this investigation by DOJ into Biden (which it hasn’t) then why wasn’t it brought to the attention of congress when trump took office which it didn’t? Exposing crooks means nothing if the law is circumvented to achieve those means. It’s in violation of due process and the president crossed the line. I agree that what it appears what happened concerning the Bidens is sketchy at best. But there is a rule of law in our country and our leader directly asking another leader to reinvestigate his opponent is wholly wrong. I can’t believe you guys condone what the president did and rationalizing it with “Biden is a crook” doesn’t make it right.

On a side note. Trump pulled an Obama to remove our troops from northern Syria in order to allow for a Turkish invasion. Erdogan is MBH. Trump totally put the screws to one of our biggest allies in the region the Kurds. Pulling out in favor of Islamic extremist was another terrible move lately. If he won’t stand with the Kurds why should Israel believe anything he says. Why would he do this? It’s time for his supporters to quit blindly following and time for them to call him out. Makes me think the Turks are threatening him with revealing more impropriety. Wake up folks don’t be on the wrong side of history.
I'm for zero increase in taxes ( for any individual or group)except for three reasons:
1. Pay off the nat debt
2. Solidify the SS system to meet its obligations (I will NEVER be able to draw ss)
3. Provide quality healthcare and a pension for veterans.

You cannot provide universal care on what the gov currently takes in.
You can't do any of that with the money gov currently takes in.
I always told my staff that any teacher that said he/she would work harder if they were paid more should be fired on the spot...and you can fire a tenured teacher if you do your homework.
As for private schools: I know a few private school teachers that are masters of their crafts. However, generally speaking, public schools attract better teachers simply because of the pay and benefits. When I was in the business, I've lured teachers from the private schools simply by using pay/retirement as enticements.

Return of teacher control is more difficult than you'd think. The problem lies with parents. If parents are not holding kids accountable and supporting the schools, you're going to have a problem.
IMO, one solution is to identify trouble making kids and require them to attend school from 3:00 until 9:30 pm. Parents would whine about daycare, etc.... If they want their kids to attend school normal hours, get them straightened out.

and...It costs no more than having them in school during the normal school day.
Stop brainwashing kids with Liberal hog wash. Teach them History about how and why this country was formed. Stop teaching kids to hate the best country on the planet
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We're really pulling out of the middle East. Never thought I'd see the day. What an incredible move. I love the part of his tweet where he says let them sort it out.

Now of course all the usual suspects (msm and blue checks) are ripping out their beards screaming about leaving a war that they spent years blasting us for being in.

We re pulling out??? First I’ve heard of it. We are pulling out of allied territory in Syria. That’s it! We are sending troops and weapons to Saudi Arabia. Does that sound like we are pulling out?
There’s nothing reasonable about starting with the position that the federal government should nationalize healthcare, and dismissing any and every incremental attempt to improve the system.

That’s funny. Every time I hear someone complain about the healthcare system here, there is always a conservative with the well thought out, intelligent response “move to Venezuela.”

If your position is that the healthcare system here is fine as is, that’s cool. Stay out of the argument.
Stop brainwashing kids with Liberal hog wash. Teach them History about how and why this country was formed. Stop teaching kids to hate the best country on the planet
When I was a building principal, I dropped in a classroom one day. The teacher was teaching world history, specifically about the crusades. He showed a cartoonish video on one of those sites that have educational videos. The video was supportive of muslims. It blamed Christians for the crusades. Didn't say a word about muslims taking Christian holy lands; initially allowing Christians to continue their religious practices only then to force them to accept islam (or die).

I stopped him and corrected the matter. Referred him to materials that would give him the proper information.

Bud, there has never been a more conservative, pro-American educator than me.
Yes I completely understand what’s going on. Article 2 does not give the president the right to collaborate with foreign governments in order to investigate a political opponent. That is very clear ...
Specifically, where does it say he can't do that, and in particular, that he can't investigate US citizens possible illegal dealings with said governmrnts. Thanks.
Just heard about the shooting in Kansas City last night. Opened fire in a crowded bar, 4 dead and 5 more shot. Mexican shooters and hand guns I guess doesn't quite grasp the attention of the masses like other mass shootings.

Pretty crazy. First I heard of it

First time I've seen it talked about in the mainstream. One suspect still on the run.