How will they rule ??!

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Give me a break. You can’t be a serious person and believe all of that. Do you understand the importance of protecting the Kurds? Do you understand the importance of preventing extremist turkey from becoming an Iran? Do you listen to what you say? Did you believe bush when he said it’s better to fight them there than at home? Now you disagree with that and think a few hundred soldiers who are training our allies and protecting them?? Are you listening to yourselves just to stick with trump??? Wtf is going on here? You think the ME doesn’t matter and Russia and China taking it is in our best interest? Do you people listen to yourselves when you say let’s get them out of the ME but turn a blind eye to sending troops into Saudi Arabia? How about the billions and lives spent to quell isis?? It’s worth it to pull a few hundred soldiers for isis to resurge? No moral compass people.

As for Biden you think trump would go after him if he didn’t believe he was the front runner? You believe Biden just randomly came up now??? Really you’re that dense to believe “Biden never ever was going to be the 2020 nominee”? I mean trump obviously did. Or is it just blind loyalty to a person who just showed you today he has to loyalty to abandon the Kurds? There maybe an investigation into Biden I don’t know you don’t know but if it was legit it would have been opened 3 years ago not in the midst of a campaign. I’m not taking up for Biden the entire thing reeks of corruption but to have a political leader try and coordinate an investigation with another country at this point of a campaign?? Really?? Come on you know that’s not right.

The Russia investigation was a witch hunt no doubt. The media sucks and have divided the country but when trump was out of the woods he went full retard. I’m sorry but I can’t support a person like that. There comes a point when you have to ask yourself whether this guy has any moral compass after this Ukraine debacle then pulling protection for the Kurds. None of you question him and are allowing tyranny to run amuck. I’m registered voter in a swing state and I’m a non vote at this point. None of you would be ok with this if it were a Democrat.

Trump was scolded today by people he can’t afford to lose. He’s on thin ice with the party. He’s in serious jeopardy too to lose independents. The Democrats suck their best candidate is awful to their worst evil. Trumps problem is that he assumes his voters will turn out again. Not me he’s going to have to pull off something big and positive to win me back. I’m not alone folks. I’m not going to vote for him just bc the Dems suck. Shit in a second term he may go full liberal. He has no loyalty. I want another candidate: if Haley would run he would lose. I say bring her on or trump quit make way for Nikki.

The Kurds were paid and armed by the United States to help us which in turn helped them. They didn't voluntarily help, and Turkey is also a NATO ally. How long, and how many dead young Americans and treasure spent before you realize it isn't worth it? I'm way past that point, has nothing to do with Trump.

Again, you're assuming the investigation into Biden was due to the upcoming election, without any mention of the upcoming election in the call. The only election mentioned was 2016. There was nothing in that call that warranted a whistleblower complaint, nevermind that the President isn't even in the IC network to fall under the whistleblower purview.

Do you really not grasp that investigations normally aren't opened a god damn whim!? There has to be some sort of evidence of wrong doing, the wrong doing was discovered in the IG investigation, whom then recommended a justice dept investigation which just began this year.
And let’s be honest, if Trump had said he was adding troops, the left would be just as outraged about that.

100% this. No matter what Trump does, it’s portrayed as negative and that’s the problem. If Trump does A instead of B, it’s bad. But then he decides to do B instead of A and that’s somehow worse. Save your outrage for when it's something worthy of outrage. They have not done that.

Pro tip: when you want to be taken seriously, don’t spend 8 years fawning over one president who you seem to think could do little to no wrong and then spend the next 4 giving us an hourly update of why the next president is literally Hitler and everything he does is evil.
Supporting/arming the Kurds was basically my number one campaign issue along with healthcare.
I'm enjoying this act where you are feigning concern and outrage over the Kurds, claiming it was your "number one campaign issue." It's hilarious. And it's easy to put it to the test, and find you are objectively, absolutely, totally, and unequivocally FOS.

According to the search function of this website, you have mentioned "Kurds" 8 times in the last ~24 hours.

Number of times you mentioned "Kurds" before the last ~24 hours: 0
Reading through this board on a day when America sold out our only Middle Eastern ally gives me little hope for the future of the country. The Kurds have been the only stabilizing force over there for decades. Many of them are Christians. Y'all're the ones in the supposed holy war against Islam, there are anti-Muslim posts here daily. Where's the solidarity? When Christian refugees from Syria could be used as a political football y'all were all over it. But now you sit idly by and cheer on an Islamist dictator attacking the only pro-Western group in the whole damn place. After they defeated ISIS FOR AMERICA. I see constant talk that the ME needs to fix its own problems without our boots on the ground. They finally do and this is their reward. And you chuckle****s wonder why most of the planet and a big portion of our own citizens hate America. This is the part of America we hate. Abandoning the Kurds after they won us the war we wantonly created is the very definition of evil. Y'all know it too.

Congrats, great Americans like Mitch mcconnel, Ted Cruz, Lindsay graham, etc etc agree with you!
Pro tip: when you want to be taken seriously, don’t spend 8 years fawning over one president who you seem to think could do little to no wrong

Correct and why you cannot find any posts by dion or other lefties critical of Obama who stood by and allowed Russian and Iran to help Assad slaughter 500k and displace millions more.
Watch out China! Cheeto face demands all businesses cease making money! Lmao. What a deranged moron. ..

Hollywood included. They won't dare mention any negative viewpoints about China. In fact iirc they have whole teams of people who work with the Chinese govt to make sure they approve of the content of shows/movies.

yep. the remake of "Red Dawn" was about China invading the USA. They had to go back and CGI it to be North Korea. And in one of the Iron Man movies they put a scene in starring some big time Chinese actor that was only released in China.
I am a Trump supporter and love what he has done for our country so far. I'm not gonna delve much into the Syria situation because I am not informed enough. I am all for getting the hell out of the ME. I hope there is some plan for getting the Kurds to safely withdraw from this buffer zone Turkey seeks. Turkey is an ally in name only. Everything their leadership stands for is a polar opposite of American ideals.
TRump better rethink his strategy. Support for impeachment just keeps going up. His polling just keeps going down. Everything he says and does makes him look guilty. You can't block testimony before congress, eventually they will be compelled to appear, stalling just makes normal people ask what your hiding. It's another case of the Trump WH making everything worse through their reactions. Congressional hearings never go well for the party that initiates them so why wouldn't you want them to happen.
"When I took over our military, we did not have ammunition. I was told by a top general, maybe the top of them all, 'Sir, I'm sorry sir, we don't have ammunition.' I said, I will never let that happen to another president."

LMao, we were out of ammunition. He is just upping his level of stupid lies his base eats up. We were only spending over 600billion, couldn't afford no bullets!
The left is so overwhelmed with hatred that Ellen has to address why she was in a photo at the Cowboys game siting by GWB.

The left - it's wrong that someone can't tweet their political views without it impacting a business deal

Also the left - if you dare support anyone on the right (especially trump) we'll literally do anything possible to literally ruin your life forever
The left - it's wrong that someone can't tweet their political views without it impacting a business deal

Also the left - if you dare support anyone on the right (especially trump) we'll literally do anything possible to literally ruin your life forever
Broken record but don't care...of all the insanity in our politics the shift from Bush being a war criminal (phrase I saw numerous times in the Ellen stuff) needing to be jailed for waterboarding to Obama getting the Pulitzer for Peace and effusive support while droning the shit out of the same targets is at the very top of my rushittingme list. The kicker is waterboarding kickstarted the info trail that led them to OBL.
"When I took over our military, we did not have ammunition. I was told by a top general, maybe the top of them all, 'Sir, I'm sorry sir, we don't have ammunition.' I said, I will never let that happen to another president."

LMao, we were out of ammunition. He is just upping his level of stupid lies his base eats up. We were only spending over 600billion, couldn't afford no bullets!
Which do you care more about, a dumb comment like that or who the troops feel puts them in a more supported position to succeed?
Broken record but don't care...of all the insanity in our politics the shift from Bush being a war criminal (phrase I saw numerous times in the Ellen stuff) needing to be jailed for waterboarding to Obama getting the Pulitzer for Peace and effusive support while droning the shit out of the same targets is at the very top of my rushittingme list. The kicker is waterboarding kickstarted the info trail that led them to OBL.

My favorite was Bob Mueller going from one of the evil liars selling the Iraq war, to the savior of the left sent to bring down orange man, to a senile old man who didn’t actually try to hard to get Drumpf.
WONDER how it feels to be a pencil-neck? You'd think he'd be happier about it as he must have an eraser for the top of his head. He is probably wishing he could erase most of what he's done. Geez he has to be feeling and thinking what a noose would feel like about now BUT he has only one option....CHARGE FORWARD and HOPE the Swamp saves him for giving it the ole college try....

Heck if he makes it, he will be a democrat authority to be interviewed as an expert in just a few years...
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My favorite was Bob Mueller going from one of the evil liars selling the Iraq war, to the savior of the left sent to bring down orange man, to a senile old man who didn’t actually try to hard to get Drumpf.
Or how one week the left hates Mitt Romney, to the next week cheering him on because he said something anti Trump. Wild how many times the left has hated/then loved Romney.
Which do you care more about, a dumb comment like that or who the troops feel puts them in a more supported position to succeed?
Yea TRump has the military just succeeding all over the place! Suicides are up at an astronomical pace. Accidents at sea and in the air have become an every day occurrence. Afghanistan is under complete Taliban control. NK has him by the balls. Iran is back to doing whatever they want. China and Russia are overtaking the world influence we used to have. Our new weapons programs are still massively over budget and over schedule. Our foreign and military policy is a complete shot show because once again we have no ability to think out long term consequences. Trump hasnt changed anything but spews a lot of bullshit words and throws cash into the pentagon black hole.
ALL for the almighty DOLLAR or POWER..... What a life.... Kind of the Al and Tipper Gore redux....yuck.....ole AlGore is looking rough... Ole Tipper hit the road running...kind of like a reverse Forrest Gump scene....
Or how one week the left hates Mitt Romney, to the next week cheering him on because he said something anti Trump. Wild how many times the left has hated/then loved Romney.

Insane how Romney keeps letting them. Kind of a John McCain fetish/ possessed horror movie....heck, it is the month of Halloween...

And this guy is supposed to be some astute businessman??? Sounds like Daddy and wifey made him...dudes a mental midget with no forethought....and again President did give him a get out of jail free card by endorsing him for the Senate.
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Yea TRump has the military just succeeding all over the place! Suicides are up at an astronomical pace. Accidents at sea and in the air have become an every day occurrence. Afghanistan is under complete Taliban control. NK has him by the balls. Iran is back to doing whatever they want. China and Russia are overtaking the world influence we used to have. Our new weapons programs are still massively over budget and over schedule. Our foreign and military policy is a complete shot show because once again we have no ability to think out long term consequences. Trump hasnt changed anything but spews a lot of bullshit words and throws cash into the pentagon black hole.
Mindless rambling but did not answer the question. Or do you consider people in the military too stupid to have an opinion on their leadership? Quit pretending like you care about them.
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The left - it's wrong that someone can't tweet their political views without it impacting a business deal

Also the left - if you dare support anyone on the right (especially trump) we'll literally do anything possible to literally ruin your life forever

I agree wholeheartedly with this - it's ridiculous.

However, to isolate the above type of scenario and imply that only the left is guilty of it is disingenuous. Both sides are loaded to the gills with hypocritical DBags.