How will they rule ??!

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We'll be right back in the ME once Trump us out. Too much money to be made by a lot of people.

We haven’t left. We have a very strong navy presence in the region and have recently sent troops to Saudi Arabia. Trump went to appease a dictator who is worse than Assad. A dictator who aligned squarely with the ultra extremist Sunni sect known as the Muslim brotherhood. This move is worse than forcing mubarak from office in Egypt in favor of Mohammed morsi. A war in the Middle East wo the US presence leads to a vacuum that will be filled by extremists, the Russians and the Chinese. Trump left our allies the Kurds high and dry. Trump is finishing what Obama did by creating destabilizing the region for the extremists to take. We can pull out and appease all we want but we are in their cross hairs. Major blunder by this president but hey the folks who love him don’t give a crap what he does at this point. He could pass universal healthcare or appoint a liberal to the SC and those of you who love him would rationalized those decisions too.
I support Bernie and Warren definitely. ..

I've got 2 kids in public schools. I ask them every day how school went, what did they learn, etc. Not once have either of them told me anything related to religion or politics or liberal brainwashing. And my son is a dyed in the wool, hardcore Trump supporting conservative.
Specifically, where does it say he can't do that, and in particular, that he can't investigate US citizens possible illegal dealings with said governmrnts. Thanks.

The constitution lays out what the president can do. Where does it give him those powers???? You can’t make up some bs argument and back it up with your hair brained constitutional argument. You just proved his abuse of power by carrying out tactics that are not outlined as powers a president can engage in. It’s obvious you have no comprehension of the constitution and I’m sure you read article two just today. Sheep
The Syria situation concerns me. I am all for getting out of the ME completely. But I don't like abandoning a group that have apparently been faithful allies to us.

While at the same time re diverting those resources to Saudi Arabia. It’s senseless.
While at the same time re diverting those resources to Saudi Arabia. It’s senseless.

I would think that is just a matter of keeping forces in the region rather than bringing them home immediately. Regardless of the statement I would imagine the situation is still fluid.
I would think that is just a matter of keeping forces in the region rather than bringing them home immediately. Regardless of the statement I would imagine the situation is still fluid.

It’s still fluid bc trumps only allies in Congress condemn what he is trying to do.
And the incestuous propaganda beat goes on. For about a week now when I start Netflix I get a bleeding heart doc series on living undocumented in mean old America but this here is another level of ugottabeshittingme.

Given that Disney, Comcast and others are entering the streaming market... if I were Netflix, Id be VERY careful about going all in on liberal programming content.

There's a whole bunch of people just waiting for less liberal options.
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Yes I completely understand what’s going on. Article 2 does not give the president the right to collaborate with foreign governments in order to investigate a political opponent. That is very clear and that transcript alone shows trump abused his power. Secondly, if this has been going on for three years, this investigation by DOJ into Biden (which it hasn’t) then why wasn’t it brought to the attention of congress when trump took office which it didn’t? Exposing crooks means nothing if the law is circumvented to achieve those means. It’s in violation of due process and the president crossed the line. I agree that what it appears what happened concerning the Bidens is sketchy at best. But there is a rule of law in our country and our leader directly asking another leader to reinvestigate his opponent is wholly wrong. I can’t believe you guys condone what the president did and rationalizing it with “Biden is a crook” doesn’t make it right.

On a side note. Trump pulled an Obama to remove our troops from northern Syria in order to allow for a Turkish invasion. Erdogan is MBH. Trump totally put the screws to one of our biggest allies in the region the Kurds. Pulling out in favor of Islamic extremist was another terrible move lately. If he won’t stand with the Kurds why should Israel believe anything he says. Why would he do this? It’s time for his supporters to quit blindly following and time for them to call him out. Makes me think the Turks are threatening him with revealing more impropriety. Wake up folks don’t be on the wrong side of history.

You’re wrong on Biden, because you assume without a scintilla of evidence that Trump asked for Ukraine to cooperate with an ongoing investigation specifically for the campaign.
Biden was never going to be the Democrat nominee in 2020,ever.

This investigation hasn’t been going on for 3 years, you know this. The IG report isn’t even out on the Russia origins. A DOJ investigation opened in the past 3 months. You haven’t heard about it because it’s a legitimate investigation, not just a publicity stunt to draw heat as the Russia collusion BS was.

How many dead Americans is it worth in Syria?
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Given that Disney, Comcast and others are entering the streaming market... if I were Netflix, Id be VERY careful about going all in on liberal programming content.

There's a whole bunch of people just waiting for less liberal options.

Lol. 95% of people DGAF and just want cheap access to a lot of content.
One thing the Trump Presidency has done is make me care even less about foreign politics/conflicts.

The media won't even accurately report what is happening in the US. Thankfully I pay enough attention to the actual source information that I don't need to rely on the media narrative. Foreign shit? Who the hell knows. I have no idea where to get accurate information. All I know is the American media is completely full of shit and pushes the globalist big government MIC narrative nonstop.

As far as Syria goes, who gives a shit? If you listen to leading Democrats, the world is going to end in 12 years. If not, we'll have another muslim terrorist attack when the intelligence agencies decide its time. I'd imagine shortly before the 2020 elections, when they realize pushing the home grown white supremacist bullshit has failed, along with the coup they passed off to the democrats, we'll get to "Trump's foreign policy causes terrorism."
Regardless of how people feel about rq on this board, his points regarding healthcare are reasonable. I'm not surprised that nobody will engage him in an actual intelligent discussion - par for the course on this board.

News flash - it's possible for someone who doesn't agree with everything you do to have good ideas, too. Sadly, this board is a microcosm of Washington.

For me it has nothing to do with how others feel about him or others personally, it's never personal for me but about the quality of the idea and the logic/rational behind solutions.

Socialism is unAmerican, clearly and by definition. What we know now is that our system is imperfect, there are things we need to do better, but it is clearly and indisputably on balance the best thing the world has ever seen. The luxuries we enjoy as a nation species can be pinned down to American hegemony post WW2 and really the greatness of the ideas beforehand.

That some form of welfare state exists to some sort of degree within a free market capitalist economy in some small nations with some success is not a good enough argument. The self righteous moral superiority angle is also not a good enough argument since socialized American medicine could have disastrous consequences for innovation. Liberal ideas are not inherently more humane or sympathetic or altruistic than conservative ones, or vice versa. Liberals, particularly leftists, love the unearned moral superiority their ideas give them, but that doesn't necessarily make them better or more moral (the ideas nor the proponents).

What I wanted from him or anyone else is to show how socialized medicine addresses the problems and improves upon what we have now without straying into the grave errors the communists always make; fallacious notions like things are good enough now and the only reason they aren't good enough for some is because the greed of others. That's what the ideology says so it necessitates ipso facto that all you have to do is fix that and everything well be just like blissful Denmark. That's a fantasy which doesn't stand up to scrutiny like their other fallacious arguments.

The conservative point is basically that government won't fix the problems because government rarely makes things better, my point is basically not only that but it will make things much worse for everyone but the destitute and bankrupt which we can fix by other means, or even just extend Medicaid to them alone, not Medicare for all. Or any conglomerate of other ideas discussed.

I also simply won't believe unAmerican ideas are going to actually work in America until you prove to me that they would. The Warrens and Bernie Sanders, if really pressed on details, have to just hand wave oh it will work or everyone deserves it! That's simply not good enough of an argument, and I voted for Obamacare :oops:.
I think that's a pretty reasonable position and very possible. One reason I believe the private schools pay lower but still have positions filled is the very thing that drives teachers from public classrooms - they have less paperwork, more time to teach, and less discipline issues.

I do agree in the free market that change would likely take a cycle to correct. And there is a need for an employer (here the state) to increase wages to attract better candidates. In fact I can totally get on board with THAT argument. Just not the nebulous "they deserve more" position.

So in the end I think it will take a multifaceted approach to solving our education issues. Money, return of teacher control (in both content, paperwork, and discipline), and removal of unions or at least the notion of tenure as a seal of invincibility

makes sense what you are saying. Another draw to the private schools is often the teachers have their kids go through saving them thousands in tuition.
Completely agree w tenure. If a teacher is doing their job well, they would have nothing to worry about.
You are right in that it ultimately comes down to funding and in recent years many states have cut back on funding which is unfortunate
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Legit question..... why would any rationale person give a shit about a "whistleblower" when we all have access to the freaking transcript of the call said person is "whistleblowing" on?

And the fact that the Democrats are wanting to privately interview (read: coach) said "whistleblower" in a hidden locaiton w/out Republicans there to also interview/question them should tell you how legit all of this is.

Hint: it's not legit at all, though there's no shortage of idiots eating this up like the other 74 things that were going to get Trump.
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Legit question..... why would any rationale person give a shit about a "whistleblower" when we all have access to the freaking transcript of the call said person is "whistleblowing" on?

And the fact that the Democrats are wanting to privately interview (read: coach) said "whistleblower" in a hidden locaiton w/out Republicans there to also interview/question them should tell you how legit all of this is.

Hint: it's not legit at all, though there's no shortage of idiots eating this up like the other 74 things that were going to get Trump.

Because it’s not a whistleblower. It’s a handpicked partisan Democratic operative being called a “whistleblower” , taking part in an orchestrated and coordinated effort sanctioned and pre-approved by Schiff and Pelosi et al.
Because it’s not a whistleblower. It’s a handpicked partisan Democratic operative being called a “whistleblower” , taking part in an orchestrated and coordinated effort sanctioned and pre-approved by Schiff and Pelosi et al.
Oh I know. My question was more rhetorical/pointing out how absurd this all is, yet it won't stop a boat load of people from believing every ounce of it.
Elizabeth Warren lying? Say it ain't so.

I still think it's hilarious that last week it was leaked by some anonymous source trump was asking other countries for dirt on her. Noone bought that nonsense not even the left. So it lasted about half the day.

You know it's out there when the far left are like "ya, no"