How will they rule ??!

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The patriot act didn’t make what happened with the FISA court legal, but I get the feeling you already know that and choose instead to lie in order to make a political point. When your ideas don’t work, just tell bold face lies is your parties MO and has been for as long as I’ve been alive
I'm on record many times in this thread stating such. A government actually taking care of it's people is a scary and foreign concept to most around here though, I know.

No its not a scary concept for most on here, its a dumb one. I think there are two major reasons why so many are so against the government becoming huge and "taking care of us".

1. We are independent adults, we dont need the government to take care of us. Give us the freedom and responsibility to do it ourselves, we are no longer children.

2. Governments suck at taking care of people. Governments always fail and the government's response is usually, "it failed because we just didnt have enough power, so give us more power and we will make your life better."

This idea that I should give the government more of my money because the government knows how to spend my money better than I do is ridiculous. Dont you want more independence and responsibility for yourself and not less?
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I'm on record many times in this thread stating such. A government actually taking care of it's people is a scary and foreign concept to most around here though, I know.

You would give up your liberty to a govt?

It’s not the govts role to take care of its people, you’re practically begging for tyranny to rule you.
No its not a scary concept for most on here, its a dumb one. I think there are two major reasons why so many are so against the government becoming huge and "taking care of us".

1. We are independent adults, we dont need the government to take care of us. Give us the freedom and responsibility to do it ourselves, we are no longer children.

2. Governments suck at taking care of people. Governments always fail and the government's response is usually, "it failed because we just didnt have enough power, so give use more power and we will make your life better."

This idea that I should give the government more of my money because the government knows how to spend my money better than I do is ridiculous. Dont you want more independence and responsibility for yourself and not less?
I simply acknowledge the many systemic barriers our society puts in front of the common man trying to “pull himself up by his bootstraps” that y’all like to ignore. I prefer assistance to obstacles.
I vocally have been. Made a post calling out Joe and Hunter Biden for their legal corruption the other day. The coup stuff is fake news bullcrap though. If you didn't want secret FISA courts trampling all over privacy rights you shouldn't've made it legal with the Patriot Act.

The patriot act is a perfect example to compare to socialism. It was created with good intentions, and when used with integrity it is of no threat to citizens. Yet, within 15 years of it's creation it was used as a tool by those in power to spy and plot against an opposing campaign and then the President elect.

People in power don't like to lose that power, that's whats been so unique about our form of govt for 250 years. We willfully give up power if the people so choose, until 2016.
I simply acknowledge the many systemic barriers our society puts in front of the common man trying to “pull himself up by his bootstraps” that y’all like to ignore. I prefer assistance to obstacles.

What are these systems society puts in front of the common man?
The patriot act is a perfect example to compare to socialism. It was created with good intentions, and when used with integrity it is of no threat to citizens. Yet, within 15 years of it's creation it was used as a tool by those in power to spy and plot against an opposing campaign and then the President elect.

People in power don't like to lose that power, that's whats been so unique about our form of govt for 250 years. We willfully give up power if the people so choose, until 2016.
That’s ridiculous the Patriot Act wasn’t ever benign. It legalized blanket domestic surveillance and completely destroyed American privacy from the outset.
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Regardless having prior knowledge makes him a witness in the case. He can no longer prosecute the case. He must recuse. Why Rs aren't in lock step demanding his recusal is beyond me.
Because your a moron and don't understand that there is no recusal in Congress. They aren't judging or prosecuting. Everything done in Congress is political process not criminal.
I simply acknowledge the many systemic barriers our society puts in front of the common man trying to “pull himself up by his bootstraps” that y’all like to ignore. I prefer assistance to obstacles.

What are some of these systemic barriers that need assistance by the government? Are some of these barriers long lasting effects from earlier governmental policies?

The issue I see with this thought process is, by giving the government more power, you are now hoping the government is well run (when has it ever been?) and with good intentions (even many things with great intentions end up with horrible consequences).

But the issue is, if everything doesn't go right. Instead of dealing with bad individuals trying to hold someone back and causing issues, it is the government causing the issues. It is much easier to fight a bad individual than it is an over powering government.
What are these systems society puts in front of the common man?
Many tiered justice system, inherited wealth, marginalization of minorities, historic inequality, unfair hiring practices, religious bias, suppression of worker’s rights, etc. etc. No point in highlighting these things, most here will just say, “If you’re not successful in 2019 it’s your own fault, period full stop.” The conversation’s been had here many times already.
Because your a moron and don't understand that there is no recusal in Congress. They aren't judging or prosecuting. Everything done in Congress is political process not criminal.
To the American public they are prosecuting a case. That's the entire point.

Recusal is a word I used to make it simpler and so you morons will understand. Impeachment doesn't have to be led by Schiff and the Intel committee. That's a decision Pelosi has made. She could easily reverse that decision and remove him.

Not to mention it's supposed to be taken up by the Judiciary committee anyway. So on top of breaking precedent, the person in charge has zero credibility and a huge conflict on interest.
The patriot act is a perfect example to compare to socialism. It was created with good intentions, and when used with integrity it is of no threat to citizens. Yet, within 15 years of it's creation it was used as a tool by those in power to spy and plot against an opposing campaign and then the President elect.

People in power don't like to lose that power, that's whats been so unique about our form of govt for 250 years. We willfully give up power if the people so choose, until 2016.
Hahahahahahahaha. Patriot act had good intentions. That is ****ing hilarious. Gave the agencies carte blanche to surveil the entire US citizenry for no reason. Allows law enforcement to search without consent. The power players saw a patheticly weak president in Bush and a perfect timing and made a huge power grab. Morons like Lindsey Graham were useful fear mongering tools. Multiple parts have been ruled unconstitutional. It was a POS bill fed to the uneducated masses as necessary for security.
To the American public they are prosecuting a case. That's the entire point.

Recusal is a word I used to make it simpler and so you morons will understand. Impeachment doesn't have to be led by Schiff and the Intel committee. That's a decision Pelosi has made. She could easily reverse that decision and remove him.

Not to mention it's supposed to be taken up by the Judiciary committee anyway. So on top of breaking precedent, the person in charge has zero credibility and a huge conflict on interest.
Again your a moron and don't know that it was already taken up by the judiciary months ago. They are still moving forward and now the other comittees are joining in on the fun. There is no "supposed to be taken up by". There are no rules for impeachment, Pelosi can do anything she wants. Just like she told crybaby McCarthy today when he asked for a puase for some rules. She is speaker, she makes the rules.
The coup stuff is fake news bullcrap though. .

This is a coup and has been ever since grab them by the ussy didn't work. You've been doing this nonstop for some reason or another for 3 years, here you are pulling these shame shenanigans 2 years ago.

She's an American socialist journalist making the same case... two years ago.

The same case that's been made every day until now that the clock is finally running out.

Either you don't know what coup means, don't care or simply are just that that misinformed and uninformed, or disinformed even, blinded by your leftist ideology.

Unbelievable... I know I called you out and four or five of you thought you would try to make a point that could stick in favor of your delusions, but nope nothing. You (plural) can't debate me on this as I said and no it's not because I'm that smart or you are that dumb. Really hopefully you aren't in your day to day lives this dense and this is primarily just wishful thinking of youth or jaded regrets of age... it's that your ideology is that wrong and that easily refuted if you dare to apply enough reason against it.

And it's unAmerican, but you don't care since who defines what that means anyway bro.

I simply acknowledge the many systemic barriers our society puts in front of the common man trying to “pull himself up by his bootstraps” that y’all like to ignore. I prefer assistance to obstacles.

You simply fail to think beyond the simple. Compared to where? No where does one have less obstacles in their path, no where. You know what, don't answer that. I know you don't actually know what you are talking about and are just going to regurgitate something about Sweden you read on the internet.

You can be a millionaire plumber here if you really want to be. That's why people come here, because you can be what you want to be and for most people that's freedom and that's what they want. Something liberal needs to be down about our very poor, skid row and such but that's where it ends. Your iphone doesn't need to be subsidized and hell, I support Obama phones but you leftists need to figure out where to stop before you fix what ain't broke caus you so woke.
Again your a moron and don't know ....

Many tiered justice system, inherited wealth, marginalization of minorities, historic inequality, unfair hiring practices, religious bias, suppression of worker’s rights, etc. etc. No point in highlighting these things, most here will just say, “If you’re not successful in 2019 it’s your own fault, period full stop.” The conversation’s been had here many times already.

Many tiered justice system? Point these “tiers” out. You do realize that a jury of citizens decides a trial outcome, how would you change that?
Who marginalizes minorities in 2019?
So you think socialism would eliminate “ historic inequality”? What can you and I do to change what happened historically? We can’t, we do better from now on.
What does inherited wealth have to do with anything? Seriously, you want someone to bust their ass and not want to take care of their kids?
What are some unfair hiring practices now?

All of those are excuses to keep people down, make them a victim, feel slighted, jealous. That leads to resentment and anger.

Maybe you should be thankful your parents busted their asses to make your life easy. If you want to help the less fortunate go to a local church and help out.
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Again your a moron and don't know that it was already taken up by the judiciary months ago. They are still moving forward and now the other comittees are joining in on the fun.
False. Nadler and Judiciary have been sidelined. Pelosi said collusion and obstruction will not be part of the inquiry. It's all about the wb and is Schiff's show now.

There is no "supposed to be taken up by". There are no rules for impeachment, Pelosi can do anything she wants.

But there is precedent and people can clearly see what's going on. Even the liberal activist media is starting to ask questions.

Ds have nothing so they're trying to stack the deck, make it unfair as possible and exclude the minority from the process.

Just wait til it goes to the Senate. What comes around goes around. Rs have the power. Don't come here crying foul like a little bitch.
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Hahahahahahahaha. Patriot act had good intentions. That is ****ing hilarious. Gave the agencies carte blanche to surveil the entire US citizenry for no reason. Allows law enforcement to search without consent. The power players saw a patheticly weak president in Bush and a perfect timing and made a huge power grab. Morons like Lindsey Graham were useful fear mongering tools. Multiple parts have been ruled unconstitutional. It was a POS bill fed to the uneducated masses as necessary for security.

Right over your head too.
The former US special envoy for Ukraine told House lawmakers on Thursday that he warned President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani that the information he was receiving from Ukrainian political figures about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son was not credible

No shit. Guiliani is a cousin ****er cross dressing moron.
The former US special envoy for Ukraine told House lawmakers on Thursday that he warned President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani that the information he was receiving from Ukrainian political figures about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son was not credible

No shit. Guiliani is a cousin ****er cross dressing moron.
What else did he tell them though? Go on. Paste it. I heard Schiff was devastated.

PS Biden is on video admitting it. The prosecutor has signed an affidavit. No spin changes that.
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Many tiered justice system, inherited wealth, marginalization of minorities, historic inequality, unfair hiring practices, religious bias, suppression of worker’s rights, etc. etc. No point in highlighting these things, most here will just say, “If you’re not successful in 2019 it’s your own fault, period full stop.” The conversation’s been had here many times already.

I know I said I was done, and don't worry I will be after this, but non of this makes sense if you use reason and anaylsis to take a fair look at what is actually going on.

60% or so of American athletes go bankrupt. Is that due to the system, or something else? It's due to a variety of factors, none of which have to do anything with marginalization or oppression or inequality or bias.

Women make less money than men, so obviously this is evidence of mysogyny against women. Can't be any other obvious reasons like oh I don't know maternity leave or type of work. So when gay people make more than straight people, which they do, the obvious conclusion must be that the gay patriarchy is keeping heteros down.

Something like 80% of the rich got there on their on with no inheritance. Something like 90% of Americans ( I don't know exactly but it's an incredible stat) will at one point find themselves in the top 20% of wage earners.

Your ideas only make it worse for everybody, save a very small group of very unlucky or incompetent individuals or say drug addicts. We can talk about them separately without having to give more to you than you already have.
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It had no good intentions and was a direct assault on US citizens. It is still a disgrace to America that we haven't forced Congress to repeal it.

It did have good intentions, to protect the country from another attack. That's beside the point, I was giving Dion credit, because I believe that he does want to help people, and that he believes socialism will do that, therefore he too has good intentions. However, it wouldn't take long for human nature to take over and turn socialism here into something that would make the patriot act look like childs play.
Many tiered justice system?
There are at least three tiers to our justice system. One for the rich who can pay their way out of anything. One for the poor and minorities who are sentenced much more harshly for the same things. And one for the rest of us.
Who marginalizes minorities in 2019?
People in this thread were arguing just yesterday that the LGBTQ community doesn’t deserve equal protection under the law.
So you think socialism would eliminate “ historic inequality”? What can you and I do to change what happened historically? We can’t, we do better from now on.
There are many steps we can take if y’all would allow a conversation. Reparations would be a good start.
What does inherited wealth have to do with anything? Seriously, you want someone to bust their ass and not want to take care of their kids?
We all start on a completely uneven playing field in our society. You aren’t disputing that, just saying you don’t think anything should be done about it.
What are some unfair hiring practices now?
Bias in hiring is evident throughout almost every industry, both conscious and unconscious.

There is no impeachment inquiry. There are no subpoenas.

You are not to be faulted if you think a formal inquest is under way and that legal process has been issued. The misimpression is completely understandable if you have been taking in media coverage - in particular, reporting on a haughty Sept. 27 letter from House Democrats, presuming to direct Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, on pain of citation for obstruction, to cooperate in their demands to depose State Department officials and review various records.

The letter is signed by not one but three committee chairmen. Remember your elementary math, though: Zero is still zero even when multiplied by three.

What is portrayed as an "impeachment inquiry" is actually just a made-for-cable-TV political soap opera. The House of Representatives is not conducting a formal impeachment inquiry. To the contrary, congressional Democrats are conducting the 2020 political campaign.

The House has not voted as a body to authorize an impeachment inquiry. What we have are partisan theatrics, proceeding under the ipse dixit of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). It raises the profile, but not the legitimacy, of the same "impeachment inquiry" House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) previously tried to abracadabra into being without a committee vote.

Moreover, there are no subpoenas. As Secretary Pompeo observed in his fittingly tart response on Tuesday, what the committee chairmen issued was merely a letter. Its huffing and puffing notwithstanding, the letter is nothing more than an informal request for voluntary cooperation. Legally, it has no compulsive power. If anything, it is rife with legal deficiencies.

The Democrats, of course, hope you don't notice that the House is not conducting a formal impeachment inquiry. They are using the guise of frenetic activity by several standing committees - Intelligence, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Reform, Financial Services, and Ways and Means - whose normal oversight functions are being gussied up to look like serious impeachment business.
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There are at least three tiers to our justice system. One for the rich who can pay their way out of anything. One for the poor and minorities who are sentenced much more harshly for the same things. And one for the rest of us.
People in this thread were arguing just yesterday that the LGBTQ community doesn’t deserve equal protection under the law.
There are many steps we can take if y’all would allow a conversation. Reparations would be a good start.
We all start on a completely uneven playing field in our society. You aren’t disputing that, just saying you don’t think anything should be done about it.
Bias in hiring is evident throughout almost every industry, both conscious and unconscious.

How many people don't get hired because of their sexual preference?

The level of sentencing doesn't take into account prior convictions or other crimes committed under same charge.

How would reparations change anything? What would you blame once that didn't, would it still be racism or could it possibt be the individuals fault?

You seem to think life is an even playing field, it isn't. You have to work, claw and fight. You seem to think everyone considers the same thing as a successful life.

There will always be biases in people, to think otherwise is naïve. You have them, I have them, and put into a position of hiring those biases would come out.
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Moreover, there are no subpoenas. As Secretary Pompeo observed in his fittingly tart response on Tuesday, what the committee chairmen issued was merely a letter. Its huffing and puffing notwithstanding, the letter is nothing more than an informal request for voluntary cooperation. Legally, it has no compulsive power. If anything, it is rife with legal deficiencies.

[laughing] So Adam Schiff and the Democrats are sending meaningless letters requesting voluntary cooperation, then talking tough in front of the cameras in an attempt to play them up as lawful subpoenas and give the illusion that this is a real impeachment inquiry, and the media is all in on reporting it that way. Holy shit.
You might want to look up the impeachment process. They only thing stopping commonplace impeachment is political suicide.
Without an official vote their powers, especially subpoena power, is severely limited. Trump will continue to tell them to piss off and we'll continue to have meaningless Lewandowski type hearings where the Ds get slapped around and made to look like petulant fools.
The judicial comittee already voted on an impeachment inquiry months ago. They can arrest anyone that resists subpeona. that never happens because eventually the executive branch always complies. No president wants to be the guy that goes to SCOTUS and loses all this made up power the office has accumulated, aka another Nixon.
I guarantee you that without an official full House vote, and Ds being too coward to go on record, they'll get completely stonewalled and never get access to people closest to Trump. Exactly what's been happening.

And say they get lucky and do get someone kind of close, it'll only be agreed to behind closed doors and they won't be able to compel testimony.

Tried to tell you this is how it was going to go down. Trump is content with forcing all of this to be litigated. Every subpoena. Every document. It's Ds who are against the clock. The election they're trying to avoid losing is right around the corner.

Do you even politics, bro.

Basically all of my posts in this thread have been anti-corruption, anti-oligarch, and anti-swamp and I'm the board's resident far lefty. The big difference is you believe Trump's lies about draining the swamp, while I see him appointing lobbyists and fellow oligarchs and making it worse. You can turn your last sentence right back on yourself, "If you are not embarrassed by what Trump is doing, you are anti-American."
False but, you know that. You have been cheer leading the orange man bad movement here with a few others. It should make you sick the amount of corruption the left has used to try and unseat a sitting president that has done nothing wrong. The scary part is that we have many who agree with their tactics including you which makes you un-American by constitutional standards.
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I simply acknowledge the many systemic barriers our society puts in front of the common man trying to “pull himself up by his bootstraps” that y’all like to ignore .
Yeah, they’re called taxes and regulations.

That system you love so much......guess what we get more of?

I mean for gods sake......the liberal haven of NYC just passed a new law criminalizing free speech. Is this what you prefer? Literally criminalizing the phrase ‘illegal alien’!!!

As a neutral observer, an outsider looking in, I was under the impression that this was a serious matter and not just about politics.

The entire time I was thinking, "Damn! They subpoenaed Pompeo? This must be serious."

Come to find out it's nothing more than ordinary oversight, that's being propped up as an "impeachment inquiry" and used as campaign slogan. I feel violated.
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