How will they rule ??!

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Again your a moron and don't know that it was already taken up by the judiciary months ago. They are still moving forward and now the other comittees are joining in on the fun. There is no "supposed to be taken up by". There are no rules for impeachment, Pelosi can do anything she wants. Just like she told crybaby McCarthy today when he asked for a puase for some rules. She is speaker, she makes the rules.
There are at least three tiers to our justice system. One for the rich who can pay their way out of anything. One for the poor and minorities who are sentenced much more harshly for the same things. And one for the rest of us.
People in this thread were arguing just yesterday that the LGBTQ community doesn’t deserve equal protection under the law.
There are many steps we can take if y’all would allow a conversation. Reparations would be a good start.
We all start on a completely uneven playing field in our society. You aren’t disputing that, just saying you don’t think anything should be done about it.
Bias in hiring is evident throughout almost every industry, both conscious and unconscious.
Mostly false, reparations no just a stupid take. No, the playing is what you make it pure and simple, go get it yourself. Bias yes but not in the way you think these days. There are a lot of rules in place in most places of businesses that give jobs to unqualified people because of quota's to fill in the hiring priorities.
.... Can you say this “district of morons” are MAGA hat wearing Trumpsters? LOL

Many tiered justice system, inherited wealth, marginalization of minorities, historic inequality, unfair hiring practices, religious bias, suppression of worker’s rights, etc. etc. No point in highlighting these things, most here will just say, “If you’re not successful in 2019 it’s your own fault, period full stop.” The conversation’s been had here many times already.
And most of that has been debunked many times which is why your trying to sidestep and brush off those who will challenge your points.
There are at least three tiers to our justice system. One for the rich who can pay their way out of anything. One for the poor and minorities who are sentenced much more harshly for the same things. And one for the rest of us.
People in this thread were arguing just yesterday that the LGBTQ community doesn’t deserve equal protection under the law.
There are many steps we can take if y’all would allow a conversation. Reparations would be a good start.
We all start on a completely uneven playing field in our society. You aren’t disputing that, just saying you don’t think anything should be done about it.
Bias in hiring is evident throughout almost every industry, both conscious and unconscious.

I'm convinced you aren't even American. You have to be a Russian troll, I'm glad you put me on ignore or have otherwise recognized the futility of any attempt at engaging me on this nonsense.

There is one tier of the justice system, and that's affording quality of representation. That's it, period period or as you put it period full stop.

People in this thread were not arguing LGBTQ doesn't deserve equal protection unless I missed it or the more likely you just simply assume any argument against special rights over equal rights is bigoted, no it isn't.

There are no steps we can take in forcing fairness on people without being yes authoritarian. You cannot give to one group without taking from another willy (free him!) nilly without consequence, we are created equal by constitutional right not the same. The only way you achieve actual equality is by enforcing (authoratarianism) the same outcome by punishing competency. To that end, I'll let you in a little secret, the only real unearned privilige in life is IQ... and looks. What you going to do to equalize that?

Bias in hiring is not evident in nearly every industry, your willingness to believe it is the sole reason for any disparity is though. The vast majority of garbage men are men, the majority of teachers or nurses are women and it has absolutely nothing to do with anything you would like to put your illiberal finger on. If you want to drop the garbage man gig midway through, go back to school and get the appropriate degrees, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from becoming the next 420bro no matter how marginalized you might think you are. And vice versa.

There is no really solid science supporting your implicit bias beliefs anwya, the more actual science is done by people with integrity and the proper scientific acumen the more they will likely have to refute the spurious pseudo scientific notions which pervade sociology. Here's one such recent one, done by geneticists which are real scientists btw.

“There is no ‘gay gene’,” says lead study author Andrea Ganna, a geneticist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.

“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.

So then what happens when it gets shown that no, you aren't on the right track you weren't born this way, that it's not an immutable characteristic? Do you still get protection for title whateever antidiscrimination? What does the supreme court have to do there? I would say you still do, but that's just my no ideologue opinion... the reality is you and everyone else has to accept what the supreme court would say, not force your visions of fairness on everyone else, no matter how well intentioned. The road to hell is paved with them.
How many people don't get hired because of their sexual preference?

The level of sentencing doesn't take into account prior convictions or other crimes committed under same charge.

How would reparations change anything? What would you blame once that didn't, would it still be racism or could it possibt be the individuals fault?

You seem to think life is an even playing field, it isn't. You have to work, claw and fight. You seem to think everyone considers the same thing as a successful life.

There will always be biases in people, to think otherwise is naïve. You have them, I have them, and put into a position of hiring those biases would come out.
Can someone explain to me how reparations would actually work? Would it be a one time check or an ongoing thing. How much would each African American get? Will I have a white dude tax withheld from my paycheck? By the way I happen to work for one of the wealthiest African Americans in the country. I don’t think he needs or wants my “reparations”
Yeah overregulation is really the thing keeping that McDonald’s worker down... You’re carrying water for the owners who want as much of the profit as they can get.
Is McDonalds that workers only choice of a profession? Especially in this day and age?
Everyone who works full time in this country should be paid a living wage. We’re the richest country on the planet we can afford it.

You don't deserve anything but the opportunity, which everyone has now and is lost by your communist-lite delusions.

You aren't entitled to anything but the constitutional rights you are given, believe it or not.

This budget shows how a $350,000 salary barely qualifies as middle class
We all deserve to live a middle-class lifestyle,” he wrote on CNBC. “Unfortunately, we’ve first got to sacrifice more than ever to get there today.”

Concerning reparations, a couple simple questions.

Do all blacks receive reparations or only those who are proven to be descendants of slaves?

Do all whites pay reparations or only those proven to be descendants of slave owners?

What about African Americans who are descendants of African slave owners? Do they pay or receive reparations or does it offset one another?

Or what about Muslim Americans? Their Muslim ancestors also owned African slaves. Do they chip in?

I could go on and on. Needless to say this is a can of worms that none of you have thought through. Just another way to signal your virtue and feel morally superior, real world consequences be damned.
Muslims also owned white slaves.

And their answer is we all pay because we all benefit from this system but them. It's a ludicrous argument like all of their other racist ones are.

If they really cared, if they actually really cared (not this unearned, feigned faux moral superiority), they would support measures which help everybody not just certain groups. Like I dunno, how about throwing all kinds of money at innercity schools and beautifying them and increasing police presence and improving local libraries and rec centers? Stop crime and give people more hope, more productive ways to spend their time. What happens when that doesn't work, money gets stolen or otherwise wasted by the corrupt "community organizers" of the world. What then?
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Can someone explain to me how reparations would actually work? Would it be a one time check or an ongoing thing. How much would each African American get? Will I have a white dude tax withheld from my paycheck? By the way I happen to work for one of the wealthiest African Americans in the country. I don’t think he needs or wants my “reparations”

I don't see how anyone can justify reparations. Someone want to tell me the justification and how the dead will benefit?
Everyone who works full time in this country should be paid a living wage. We’re the richest country on the planet we can afford it.
I'm going to ler you in on a secret...maybe a couple. A. Do you know how inflation works?
B. When you call for the govt to forcefully extort money from people for "caring" that money doesnt go to that goes to the govt. Maybe you havent noticed but your central planner squanders money and creates unintended consequences. Imagine if a business couldnt balance books of multi trillion dollars and then came back and claimed they were entitled to more of your money for caring and helping. Youd call them greedy. What gives you any indication these ppl have any expertise or efficiency in anything?
C. Should a 40 year old make more money for the job that a 16 year old can do just because of their position in life?
D. No matter what you do, there will always be a low, middle, and upper class. The govt cant remove every hardship, there will always be another struggle. While giving more opportunities to poor ppl is a great initiative to work for and being poor is not something we should accept. This country is the best to be in all three classes. Our poor are 30 times above the world poverty line average. And would the successful in this country take the risks they took to get there if they knew they would get punished for it?
E. Theres always a better answer than govt (see above, and look up "unintended consequences) I bet you think rent control is a good thing. It makes everyone poorer in the long run and even harder for poor ppl to get housing. I can go In depth past your face value understanding if youd like. But its basic economics of reality and how things work in real life.
F. Statistics say if you do three things, graduate (high school or college), get a job any job and stay there even if its minimum wage- bc if it is and you stay you eventually wont be on min wage anymore, and dont have children until you have a job. You will not be poor. Statistically 98% of ppl who do that are not "poor". But then of course you'll move the goal post on what poor is.
G. Hating wealthy ppl isnt a solution. Or being envious just bc someone has something isnt a solution. They have absolutely nothing to do with your life. What does Jeff Bezos success have to do with me?
F. just dumping money on things isnt a solution.
G. If your waiting on a central planner aka a govt - a collection of ordinary ppl- to solve your problems and autonomize your life and be your savior... your life is always going to suck.

Concerning reparations, a couple simple questions.

Do all blacks receive reparations or only those who are proven to be descendants of slaves?

Do all whites pay reparations or only those proven to be descendants of slave owners?

What about African Americans who are descendants of African slave owners? Do they pay or receive reparations or does it offset one another?

Or what about Muslim Americans? Their Muslim ancestors also owned African slaves. Do they chip in?

I could go on and on. Needless to say this is a can of worms that none of you have thought through. Just another way to signal your virtue and feel morally superior, real world consequences be damned.
What about the white slaves who were owned in Africa and across the world. If I can prove my family was indentured servants can I also be reparated. Can of night crawlers here folks.
Uh oh I triggered all the snowflake righties by saying the word reparations. We’re gonna be here all night folks.

The only thing you accomplish is expose the weakness of your ideology, the inherent delusions or even character flaws of those who support it must have to support it.

You are the flat earthers of the American political spectrum. It doesn't matter to you how strong the evidence is against you, you will not give up your beliefs until you are forced to learn from your own mistakes.
Uh oh I triggered all the snowflake righties by saying the word reparations. We’re gonna be here all night folks.
Nope, it is just another way to get votes. The left really does not care but, in all seriousness, who gets reparated and why? Are they old enough to have been salves? If you were not a slave why do you get the benefit? Why money for nothing? With all of these benefits being passed out now, why do you need it? How long is it sustainable?
Let me explain it to you @Dionysus444
Grandpa sugar daddy often correctly identifies problems...however he then gives the dumbest possible solution.

Heres an example:
"The government is corrupt so my solution is to grow that same govt!"

It would stand to reason with any common sense that the govt being corrupt, aka not spending peoples money correctly, the solution would be to shrink the govt so theres less ability for outside influence.

And theres this. I know Bernie doesnt understand the difference in the legislative and executive branch and he wants to control everything like a dictator but guess what....he cant be president forever. Let me make it more clear. You hate Trump, right? So if bernie grows and expands the govt over everything..what happens next...if someone like your hated trump swings in then has control over this big govt your Santa Claus created?

That's the problem with you Bern outs. You can only see the carrot right in front if your face...not the bigger picture.
We need to hit net zero in a few years? Net zero population growth? This has been tried in several countries only to have their people start to decline to the point where there were not enough people coming into the work place to support those that were retired so, they had to import people and that has turned out disastrous.
Uh oh I triggered all the snowflake righties by saying the word reparations. We’re gonna be here all night folks.
Not triggered. Well yeah kinda triggered. But just really want to hear some common sense solutions to how this reparations thing plays itself out. What’s my role in it all? What am I responsible for? I’m just an average working stiff makin my way through life. I’m not a wealthy man but a make a decent living. I pay my bills. How about instead of just throwing out there that reparations are a “good start” tell us how that all goes down.