How will they rule ??!

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That's great... you will be the first to figure out how to nobly get money and corruption out of government in your utopian Socialist States of America.

End result there is you are poorer and they are still rich. While we are on Ukraine, maybe your knowledge of history rivals Fuzz's, you would know what happened to them when russian communists decided to redistribute the wealth from the wealthy productive farmers to those less fortunate and capable. That's right, they starved millions in the name of fairness.

Follow the delusions of an old commie like Bernie, see where it gets you.

You or 420 bro won't have your party, your Dioneysian days are now enjoy them while you can.
You flailingly cite history without knowing the details of which you speak. The Holodomor was a completely manufactured famine created by Stalin to destroy an opposing ethnic group, the Ukrainian Cossacks. It's a literal textbook example of authoritarian governments oppressing minorities for political gain, not failed socialist economic policy causing shortages like you're claiming. Maybe you should've paid attention in grade school European History class.
You flailingly cite history without knowing the details of which you speak. The Holodomor was a completely manufactured famine created by Stalin to destroy an opposing ethnic group, the Ukrainian Cossacks. It's a literal textbook example of authoritarian governments oppressing minorities for political gain, not failed socialist economic policy causing shortages like you're claiming. Shouldn't you already know this being European?

Oh, I know the "argument", I know the Communist apologetics you'd like to make... that wasn't real communism, you will do it right!

No, that's communism and that's not a valid argument you make. You can't not implement communism without shutting down voices. We don't want a black person who is not willing to be a black voice. We don't need a gay person that's not willing to be an LGBTQ voice.

As I said, you leftists are out of your league.

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You flailingly cite history without knowing the details of which you speak. The Holodomor was a completely manufactured famine created by Stalin to destroy an opposing ethnic group, the Ukrainian Cossacks. It's a literal textbook example of authoritarian governments oppressing minorities for political gain, not failed socialist economic policy causing shortages like you're claiming. Maybe you should've paid attention in grade school European History class.

He’s got you here Cro. That famine was manufactured by the communist dictator. If the right person was in charge, we wouldn’t have to worry about famines. See all the other great examples where communism has worked throughout history.
Literally no one is corroborating the wb's accusations. The Ds better hope that the leakers who passed this info to the wb actually come forward and put some meat on this bone.

Oh but they can't come forward can they? Because they are now considered wanted criminals who illegally leaked classified/privileged info. Oops.

In newly disclosed texts shared with Congress and obtained by ABC News, the top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine at the time writes to a group of other American diplomats:

"I believe you are incorrect about President Trump's intentions. [He] has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo's of any kind. [He] is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensk'y promised during his campaign"
Oh, I know the "argument", I know the Communist apologetics you'd like to make... that wasn't real communism, you will do it right!

No, that's communism and that's not a valid argument you make. You can't not implement communism without shutting down voices. We don't want a black person who is not willing to be a black voice. We don't need a gay person that's not willing to be an LGBTQ voice.

As I said, you leftists are out of your league.

You say that we're the lost ideologues, but when presented with the detailed facts that dispute your illusory narrative you respond with more vague ideological nonsense. You attribute every bad thing that happened under a socialist government to the "evil" Socialist system but explain away every bad thing that happens under the "great" Capitalist system as individual bad actors. You're shilling for your team, justifying something when your side does it and vilifying when the "other" does it.
I agree DeVos is overkill, but something had to be done. Pretty disturbing video from that middle school ‘protest’.

I don't agree. The DeVos appointment was one of the first big lefty freak outs of the Trump experience. If you don't want an absurd security budget, don't call everyone associated with trump a nazi.
You say that we're the lost ideologues, but when presented with the detailed facts that dispute your fanciful narrative you respond with more vague ideological nonsense. You attribute every bad thing that happened under a socialist government to the evil Socialist system but explain away every bad thing that happens under the great Capitalist system as individual bad actors. You're shilling for your team, justifying something when your side does it and vilifying when the "other" does it.

No it does not. If I'm idealogue than it is pro-America anti communist ideology which everyone should be and basically everyone was up until you guys couldn't figure out how to pay for college and your iphones simultaneously.

I'm not making the argument you think I am making. You yourself said (one of you, who cares) "we" will go on happily without "you". No you won't.

You won't get anywhere showing the disdain AOC has driving down the road in Iowa or wherever it was but that exact same place others have already been before you: narrow minded, short sighted bad ideas which have disastrous unintended consequences once they are implemented.

And same point stands about imitation. And same point stands that no matter how hard you try, you will fail to make a salient one to my prescient ones.
You say that we're the lost ideologues, but when presented with the detailed facts that dispute your illusory narrative you respond with more vague ideological nonsense. You attribute every bad thing that happened under a socialist government to the "evil" Socialist system but explain away every bad thing that happens under the "great" Capitalist system as individual bad actors. You're shilling for your team, justifying something when your side does it and vilifying when the "other" does it.

Are you openly stating you'd prefer a socialist govt?
You say that we're the lost ideologues, but when presented with the detailed facts that dispute your illusory narrative you respond with more vague ideological nonsense. You attribute every bad thing that happened under a socialist government to the "evil" Socialist system but explain away every bad thing that happens under the "great" Capitalist system as individual bad actors. You're shilling for your team, justifying something when your side does it and vilifying when the "other" does it.

Venezuela awaits.

Happy trails to you.
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He may have been president if he didn't pick the weakest VP in the history of this country.

McCain wasn’t beating Obama.

McCain is actually the reason I didn’t vote for Donald Trump. Voting for John McCain is one of my only regrets in life. After that, I told myself I would never again ask the lesser of two evils to accept my tax dollars to represent me in Washington. There’s no such thing as a vote against the other candidate.

Unless anything changes, Donald Trump has earned my 2020 vote.
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I'm on record many times in this thread stating such. A government actually taking care of it's people is a scary and foreign concept to most around here though, I know.

So why don’t you move to a socialist country instead of trying to change America? If a country is closer to your ideals, why not go there instead of trying to change America to something the vast majority of people don’t want?
So why don’t you move to a socialist country instead of trying to change America? If a country is closer to your ideals, why not go there instead of trying to change America to something the vast majority of people don’t want?
The rise of Bernie in 2016 and Warren now indicates you might not be as in touch with what America wants as your bubble leads you to believe.
Basically all of my posts in this thread have been anti-corruption, anti-oligarch, and anti-swamp and I'm the board's resident far lefty. The big difference is you believe Trump's lies about draining the swamp, while I see him appointing lobbyists and fellow oligarchs and making it worse. You can turn your last sentence right back on yourself, "If you are not embarrassed by what Trump is doing, you are anti-American."
If you’ve been posting about anti-corruption, then surely you’re against all of the corrupt means and methods the democrats have employed in an attempt to orchestrate a coup of a duly elected President. Surely if you see all the wrongs on the right you must see all the wrongs on the left that actually has corroborated evidence to back it up. Surely your anti corruption from both sides.
Because you Cosby don't know what's good for you like they do. Speak against it and you will be silenced, one way or the other; what happens when the 250k fine for saying illegal alien is not enough?

A deluded minority wants want you want sure because they mistakenly believe various bad arguments and lies. Profoundly unAmerican arguments you can solely immerse yourself in reading on the internet 24/7.

You don't have any real values so Government is your religion and your savior. Which is what has to happen in your socialist dreams, the government has to command worship and obedience... voices have to be silenced (which you naively believe to be good, the silencing of voices not your own). It is inevitable.

You aren't making any detailed facts whatsoever to counter my so called flailing historical citations. To counter my so called narrative you have to counter fundamental American values be necessity and you have to assert that communism failed because of authoritarianism, not because of intrinsic flaws of the system which any honest assessment of the history attests to.

Go to Europe if you want socialism, I've been there and lived it it's not that bad really in the end but it won't make America great that's for sure and won't keep us as rich and dominant world's one and only hegemon for long. Or is that what you want, is that the real goal?
If you’ve been posting about anti-corruption, then surely you’re against all of the corrupt means and methods the democrats have employed in an attempt to orchestrate a coup of a duly elected President. Surely if you see all the wrongs on the right you must see all the wrongs on the left that actually has corroborated evidence to back it up. Surely your anti corruption from both sides.
I vocally have been. Made a post calling out Joe and Hunter Biden for their legal corruption the other day. The coup stuff is fake news bullcrap though. If you didn't want secret FISA courts trampling all over privacy rights you shouldn't've made it legal with the Patriot Act.