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“The former vice president, at least in personal conversations, didn’t raise any requests to open or close any concrete cases,”


Welp that settles it then. Joe Biden didn’t have personal conversation telling him to close a concrete case.

Yet Trumps “mafia speak” from a phone call where he didn’t ask for anything improper is grounds for impeachment.

Oh, and maybe we should figure out from the perspective of US law...

“From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Lutsenko said of Hunter Biden.

Just resounding endorsements of the Biden family from the Ukrainians. Thanks for posting, Plat.
Did not Joe even admit to it himself?
We live in some stupid times.


***BREAKING*** James Harden cut for being a white supremacist.
Non political question here. $6.2 million seems like a ton of money for a year. What all costs $6.2 million for security detail for Devoss?
Great question: it works out to be about $17k per day.

I'm guessing armed, trained security folks cost quite a bit.
All I’ve heard the past couple years is how Trump shouldn’t be worried about an investigation if he didn’t do anything wrong.

Tables have turned now, buddy. Biden shouldn’t need to worry about any investigations if he didn’t do anything wrong.

Just a shame Trump needs to turn to the Ukraine or China to find someone a little more respectful of the rule of law than Democrats.
To say that 999 of 1000 Americans would not recognize her if she walked into a restaurant might be an understatement. Why does she need that kind of security?
To say that 999 of 1000 Americans would not recognize her if she walked into a restaurant might be an understatement. Why does she need that kind of security?
But the average person is not trying to assassinate her; its the crazies/liberals who are likely to take a shot... and they know exactly what she looks like.
Ideologues cannot see that which is in front of their face. LOL

This also doesn't work, immitating my points against you in reality does two things

1 Reflects the inferiority (lack of originality) in your thought.
2 Illistrates how you can't even understand the point I make against you, it's too foreign to you.

This is what you (plural) always do. Imitation is not the greatest flattery, I'd be more flattered if you thought for yourselves and didn't just regurgitate what someone else told you. Your, yeah well conservatives to it too is not an argument, ofcourse they do. You project only ever project on to others, which I could go in to ad nauseum but the thread does it on it's own day in day out invariably.

The younger leftists can be excused, for their error is largely lack of experience... you older, are just disseffected and yes, you refuse to think by even entertaining the notion you might be wrong. You are. You have to move to Canada if you want to be right, embody their values maybe John can give you some advice.
So where has all that "Love for America" the GOP use to claim they had disappear to. A black man can take a knee for all the Americans unlawfully killed and the republicans rail about how unpatriotic that is, but a con man posing as the president asking repeatedly for other countries to investigate and pass judgement for and on fellow Americans----crickets!
You only know he is a con man because the media told you so.

That priviliged black man taking a knee to affect change, is only fighting an injustice he was told was an injustice. The right, rightfully I would say but that is just an opinion based on proAmerican values, says it's not the time or place to fight police brutality by showing disrespect to the nation as a whole.

It does damage to the nation as a whole when your own CIA works against their president because they were told he must be a con man.

You know that all police brutality is because fo racism and you (plural) know that Trump needs outside influence to win elections illigimately, he can only win by cheating. I don't know that till you prove it, but you can't and don't... ever.
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But the average person is not trying to assassinate her; its the crazies/liberals who are likely to take a shot... and they know exactly what she looks like.

So do you agree we need to spend similar money to protect Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, et al, from the crazies/conservatives who are likely to take a shot . . . and they know exactly what he/she looks like?
So do you agree we need to spend similar money to protect Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, et al, from the crazies/conservatives who are likely to take a shot . . . and they know exactly what he/she looks like?

I don't know this for a fact but I'd guess they receive a lot of security as well. A lot of money wasted because of crazy zealots on both sides of the political spectrum.
So much for the latest "We finally got Trump" attack. His approval ratings is at a high for the year. I know we were told to just wait, some huge thing was going to drop and would be the end of him, the dude is just getting more popular.

Trump is having fun with all of this crap. He knows the average person doesn't give a crap at all about these phone calls with other foreign leaders. This is such an embarrassing reach by the lefties, they seriously have egg all over their faces after this one.

I mean the dude is dropping Nickelback memes on twitter for god sake. It really does feel like the Dems have no faith in being able to beat Trump in the next election straight up, so they're trying to get him kicked out or throw as much dirt on him as possible to give them the best chance to win. Who would've thought the over bearing policies of crazy socialist wouldnt be that popular with the majority of people?
I don't know this for a fact but I'd guess they receive a lot of security as well. A lot of money wasted because of crazy zealots on both sides of the political spectrum.

I was asking tongue in cheek, no doubt the Speaker of the House gets security, given that he/she is 3rd in line to the Presidency, but I have seen Andy Barr at football games and around town all the time, walked right up to him, never seen anyone around him, have seen Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell and Matt Bevin many times at public events, never seen more than maybe one security person around them. Seems to me the DeVos security thing is overkill to the 1,000,000th degree.
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Then you really are not proud to be an American if you are embarrassed by those who want real justice and a clean swamp. Just words from you. You don't want to believe what's going on and have proved so with your complicity. Proof is everywhere that this is a set up and you just go on to the next lie as soon as the last one is debunked. If you are not embarrassed by what the left is doing, you are anti-American.
Basically all of my posts in this thread have been anti-corruption, anti-oligarch, and anti-swamp and I'm the board's resident far lefty. The big difference is you believe Trump's lies about draining the swamp, while I see him appointing lobbyists and fellow oligarchs and making it worse. You can turn your last sentence right back on yourself, "If you are not embarrassed by what Trump is doing, you are anti-American."
I was asking tongue in cheek, no doubt the Speaker of the House gets security, given that he/she is 3rd in line to the Presidency, but I have seen Andy Barr at football games and around town all the time, walked right up to him, never seen anyone around him, have seen Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell and Matt Bevin many times at public events, never seen more than maybe one security person around them. Seems to me the DeVos security thing is overkill to the 1,000,000th degree.
I’d say Mitch and Rand have upped their security over the past few months considering Mitch and his family were threatened by protestors AT HIS HOME and Rand was physically attacked AT HIS HOME.

I agree DeVos is overkill, but something had to be done. Pretty disturbing video from that middle school ‘protest’.

Not to mention a guy tried to mass murder a baseball field full of Republicans recently. People forget that.
You only know he is a con man because the media told you so.

That priviliged black man taking a knee to affect change, is only fighting an injustice he was told was an injustice. The right, rightfully I would say but that is just an opinion based on proAmerican values, says it's not the time or place to fight police brutality by showing disrespect to the nation as a whole.

It does damage to the nation as a whole when your own CIA works against their president because they were told he must be a con man.

You know that all police brutality is because fo racism and you (plural) know that Trump needs outside influence to win elections illigimately, he can only win by cheating. I don't know that till you prove it, but you can't and don't... ever.

What a bunch of horsesh!t. You only know he isn't a con man because the media told you so. See how easy this game is that you are playing?
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So do you agree we need to spend similar money to protect Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, et al, from the crazies/conservatives who are likely to take a shot . . . and they know exactly what he/she looks like?
We already do spend the money protecting them... but conservatives aren't the ones committing violent acts and/or doing the shooting are they?
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When the other party is comfortably throwing up Nickelback memes to mock you, you’ve lost. Lost the fight. Lost any remaining dignity you had. Lost it all.

Pretty much this. You have one side trying to ban people from appearing on cable news and trying to ban the leader of the opposing side off of twitter. And on the other side you got Nickelback memes. And this was the thing that was going to end Trump? haha. I dont think the republicans need to get the Nikki Haley train started just yet, like was said a few days ago haha.
I was asking tongue in cheek, no doubt the Speaker of the House gets security, given that he/she is 3rd in line to the Presidency, but I have seen Andy Barr at football games and around town all the time, walked right up to him, never seen anyone around him, have seen Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell and Matt Bevin many times at public events, never seen more than maybe one security person around them. Seems to me the DeVos security thing is overkill to the 1,000,000th degree.
Well Mitch didn't get/have much security when harassed in LV restaurant, now did he?
What a bunch of horsesh!t. You only know he isn't a con man because the media told you so. See how easy this game is that you are playing?

No, you don't understand.

But thanks again for once again proving my point, namely that you (far leftists) don't have one and can't effectively make one.

Prove to me any of this nonsense about the Ukraine actually happened that doesn't rely on some Don Corleone story and I will be right there with you, until then no se puede! I need proof that you can somehow implement your communist delusions without ruining the greatest country in the world. I need proof that everyone is oppressed, not just your say so. I need proof.

You will only get angry if you enage me in debate... curse and sling insults, it will be your last resort.
Basically all of my posts in this thread have been anti-corruption, anti-oligarch, and anti-swamp and I'm the board's resident far lefty. The big difference is you believe Trump's lies about draining the swamp, while I see him appointing lobbyists and fellow oligarchs and making it worse. You can turn your last sentence right back on yourself, "If you are not embarrassed by what Trump is doing, you are anti-American."

That's great... you will be the first to figure out how to nobly get money and corruption out of government in your utopian Socialist States of America.

End result there is you are poorer and they are still rich. While we are on Ukraine, maybe your knowledge of history rivals Fuzz's, you would know what happened to them when russian communists decided to redistribute the wealth from the wealthy productive farmers to those less fortunate and capable. That's right, they starved millions in the name of fairness.

Follow the delusions of an old commie like Bernie, see where it gets you.

You or 420 bro won't have your party, your Dioneysian days are now enjoy them while you can.
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I was asking tongue in cheek, no doubt the Speaker of the House gets security, given that he/she is 3rd in line to the Presidency, but I have seen Andy Barr at football games and around town all the time, walked right up to him, never seen anyone around him, have seen Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell and Matt Bevin many times at public events, never seen more than maybe one security person around them. Seems to me the DeVos security thing is overkill to the 1,000,000th degree.

Rand Paul may not be the best example.
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