How will they rule ??!

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Difference being Trump is a moderate Democrat who would happily pass actual legislation that came to his desk whether it came from Democrats or Republicans.

Obama, just like the current front runners, was a radical leftist. No consideration given to common sense policies.
Bill, could you post a larger pile of bullshit if you even tried?
Sure dude, I'm sure you're a master debater in your own mind.

Not in my mind, but demonstrably... here, I'll go ahead and spead 90 seconds and demonstrate such to you.


WTF is anyone doing that "strikes at the very fiber of what it means to be American"? Who defines exactly what that means?

This principles are clearly laid out by the founding fathers and the foundation they created it and why they created when they created it and the totality of the environment in which it was created. They were all things which were understood to be a priori true, not redefined because you all lost hope when nothing changed.

I'd say and many would agree with me that Donald Trump has done more to destroy this nation's integrity and divide this nation than anyone since the Civil War.

I know what you say, I see it presented in full and in much better and thorough fashion on the nightly news, CNN or Reuters, and by talk shows or by 99% of the internet. Misery loves company and a good argument is not determined by consensus. Your strength in numbers is only the ignorance of the crowds, the delusions of the masses.

This nation has been under constant change since its founding. We have always been a nation of immigrants, its always been a land of varied opinions...or are you ignorant of history? I promise you that I am not.

Yes, constant progress to live up to it's own founding ideals. You are attempting to change what those ideals are and what it means to be an American. As an immigrant from a communist countyr, perhaps I am more accutely aware of how unAmerican your socialist ideals are.

I celebrate your differing opinion, I just want you to return to American liberal ideals... not communist-lite ones which are long discredited. The won't work here and they don't work there, I say that both as a real liberal and a Europeans, someone who has real world experience with what it feels like to pay 25% tax on everything day in a day out.

You claim that I don't know what is going on...please enlighten me on what you think it is that I don't know. Or just maybe I know very well what is going on and have a different opinion about those going ons than do you. Isn't that what it means to be an American...we're free to have our own opinions?

BTW, I'm very proud to be an American. I'm at the same time embarrassed by the idiot who currently lives in the White House and his defenders.

You only think you know what is going on because you refuse to admit that you might be wrong, only ever reinforcing by media and print your delusions and then you think you present some sort of solid arguments here, you almost never do but I give you a little more credit for being better than most leftists here. Yes, I'm a liberal, back in the day on the CatPaw I'd argue with those damn fair tax libertarians on liberal grounds, a progressive tax is the best tax for a stronger economy and it, now this is what it means to be a real liberal, it protects the most unfortunates of society, say the bottom 10%.

Now, difference between me and you is that I recognize that I'm not an economist and just going off my own experience and learning in an endlessly deep subject I am not a master of. I could be wrong there for sure, and if I am I want to know and I want to know why. Your kind however don't, you will always refuse that possibility and will not take correction no matter what as the ideaology must survive.

All of this so you, the have way more than the have nots but little less than haves, can have more! But you don't get more in your communist-lite delusions, you only pull others down to your level which ends up being lower in the end... sometimes much lower (Venezuela). That is history and it is now.


and i see the typos and grammatical errors, don't care. that is something your kind finds reflective of intelligence because you are not, it's irrelevant... i type fast
Non political question here. $6.2 million seems like a ton of money for a year. What all costs $6.2 million for security detail for Devoss?
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Can everyone, on both sides of the aisle, at least agree this country would be a much better place if Brennan was swinging from a rope (after due process of course)?

Or does the left actually still value that treasonous slimeball?

Who am I kidding. Treasonous slime balls are the all stars of the Democrat party.
Hell. I will pull the trap door rope.
Difference being Trump is a moderate Democrat who would happily pass actual legislation that came to his desk whether it came from Democrats or Republicans.

Obama, just like the current front runners, was a radical leftist. No consideration given to common sense policies.
puff puff pass puff puff pass

Ukraine’s former President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday said that former Vice President Joe Biden never asked him to open or close any criminal cases as President Trump continues to rail against what he calls misconduct.
The former president added that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor, resigned in 2016 after “massive campaigns” by activists, politicians and the media, noting that two-thirds of Parliament members voted in favor of Shokin’s resignation.
Poroshenko said he accepted the resignation “to restore public confidence and trust” in the prosecutor general’s office and as a way to “move the country forward.”

awwww, poor GoP conspiracy :(

Isn't that pretty much what happened with the last administration? Please enlighten me on what issues the GOP worked with Obama??? The GOP openly talked about obstructing anything and everything that he wanted to accomplish.

Issues and policy...glad you finally see the difference in regards to what is happening now.

Ukraine’s former President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday said that former Vice President Joe Biden never asked him to open or close any criminal cases as President Trump continues to rail against what he calls misconduct.
The former president added that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor, resigned in 2016 after “massive campaigns” by activists, politicians and the media, noting that two-thirds of Parliament members voted in favor of Shokin’s resignation.
Poroshenko said he accepted the resignation “to restore public confidence and trust” in the prosecutor general’s office and as a way to “move the country forward.”

awwww, poor GoP conspiracy :(


“The former vice president, at least in personal conversations, didn’t raise any requests to open or close any concrete cases,”


Welp that settles it then. Joe Biden didn’t have personal conversation telling him to close a concrete case.

Yet Trumps “mafia speak” from a phone call where he didn’t ask for anything improper is grounds for impeachment.

Oh, and maybe we should figure out from the perspective of US law...

“From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Lutsenko said of Hunter Biden.

Just resounding endorsements of the Biden family from the Ukrainians. Thanks for posting, Plat.
I don't remember where I heard this, but Tulsi was describing her orientation in congress. She said the direction was if someone across the aisle proposed a bill, block it even if you agree. If you liked the bill you can propose it again with the right letter by your name.

If true its absolute proof DC is broken beyond repair.
I don't remember where I heard this, but Tulsi was describing her orientation in congress. She said the direction was if someone across the aisle proposed a bill, block it even if you agree. If you liked the bill you can propose it again with the right letter by your name.

If true its absolute proof DC is broken beyond repair.
You can look at discussions (if you can call them that) on this board and see the very same thing. The American people are fighting each other in the very same manner and blame politicians like fans blame coaches. Meanwhile plutocrats make off with the loot.
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We have always been a nation of immigrants, its always been a land of varied opinions...or are you ignorant of history? I promise you that I am not.
You still haven't learned the difference between legal and illegal immigration. Actually I think you know, but you pretend they are the same to justify your 2020 candidate's support for providing health care, food stamps, and other handouts to illegals.
Per, CNN: the Biden/Ukraine stuff is a conspiracy theory, yet 43% of Americans believe it....


Conspiracy theory. Just like Hillary.

This stuff really blew up in their face faster than I imagined. Completely obliterated in a few days.
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The urinals have been in the men's restrooms long enough. It's time the feminists say to remove them from the men's restrooms & put them in the women's restrooms. They're not doing away with urinals, just moving them to a different location. This way the lezbo, feminists can feel more like the men that they hate.The next move out there will be to remove the tampon dispensers from the women's restrooms & put them in the men's restrooms.
They are going to get strap on penis's that allow for urine flow. Barrack Hussein Obama and Michael had already invented it so he would look like a man when he/she went to the restroom and were waiting for his policies to catch up to the need for it. You know, like his financial policies helping us now.
Sure dude, I'm sure you're a master debater in your own mind.

WTF is anyone doing that "strikes at the very fiber of what it means to be American"? Who defines exactly what that means?

I'd say and many would agree with me that Donald Trump has done more to destroy this nation's integrity and divide this nation than anyone since the Civil War.

This nation has been under constant change since its founding. We have always been a nation of immigrants, its always been a land of varied opinions...or are you ignorant of history? I promise you that I am not.

You claim that I don't know what is going on...please enlighten me on what you think it is that I don't know. Or just maybe I know very well what is going on and have a different opinion about those going ons than do you. Isn't that what it means to be an American...we're free to have our own opinions?

BTW, I'm very proud to be an American. I'm at the same time embarrassed by the idiot who currently lives in the White House and his defenders.

That integrity you speak of is the cabal of Libs & inside the Beltway Pubs. That integrity is what needs to be overturned. Of course Libs see that cushy agreement as great. Most Pubs don't oppose immigration. But we do oppose uncontrolled self-selection immigration. Libs then have the nerve to say we need more money for education because kids aren't doing well. Same for complaints about medical care. Y'all are in denial or truly want the country overwhelmed. Any other conclusion is irrational.
Funny but sad how military service is pulled out for some and totally ignored for others depending on political affiliation.
You still haven't learned the difference between legal and illegal immigration. Actually I think you know, but you pretend they are the same to justify your 2020 candidate's support for providing health care, food stamps, and other handouts to illegals.
The same could be said of you with seeking asylum and smuggling your family across our border.
I don't remember where I heard this, but Tulsi was describing her orientation in congress. She said the direction was if someone across the aisle proposed a bill, block it even if you agree. If you liked the bill you can propose it again with the right letter by your name.

If true its absolute proof DC is broken beyond repair.

Not shocked at all by this. Regardless of the letter after their names, these assholes all play for the same team - and it ain't ours.
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You can look at discussions (if you can call them that) on this board and see the very same thing. The American people are fighting each other in the very same manner and blame politicians like fans blame coaches. Meanwhile plutocrats make off with the loot.

This is an argument against socialism.

Under socialism, and yes under democratic socialism, that loot goes to your politicians and those tied with them. Yes, like now to some extent. That socialist-lites can build volvos is not an argument against that.

But in your socialist fantasy, those people define the size of the pie that is obtainable by you. Under the system that got us here, the richest people in the history of the history, you define the size of the pie you take and noone else.

OUtside of extremes, that's the reality, there's no group to blame but solitary man in the mirror. You aren't going to be the ones to get socialism right. Especially given the fact that socialism is by definition unAmerican, self-evidently so, no matter what your poltical team leaders will tell you it will no go over well with the people here.
Sure dude, I'm sure you're a master debater in your own mind.

WTF is anyone doing that "strikes at the very fiber of what it means to be American"? Who defines exactly what that means?

I'd say and many would agree with me that Donald Trump has done more to destroy this nation's integrity and divide this nation than anyone since the Civil War.

This nation has been under constant change since its founding. We have always been a nation of immigrants, its always been a land of varied opinions...or are you ignorant of history? I promise you that I am not.

You claim that I don't know what is going on...please enlighten me on what you think it is that I don't know. Or just maybe I know very well what is going on and have a different opinion about those going ons than do you. Isn't that what it means to be an American...we're free to have our own opinions?

BTW, I'm very proud to be an American. I'm at the same time embarrassed by the idiot who currently lives in the White House and his defenders.
Then you really are not proud to be an American if you are embarrassed by those who want real justice and a clean swamp. Just words from you. You don't want to believe what's going on and have proved so with your complicity. Proof is everywhere that this is a set up and you just go on to the next lie as soon as the last one is debunked. If you are not embarrassed by what the left is doing, you are anti-American.

Ukraine’s former President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday said that former Vice President Joe Biden never asked him to open or close any criminal cases as President Trump continues to rail against what he calls misconduct.
The former president added that Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor, resigned in 2016 after “massive campaigns” by activists, politicians and the media, noting that two-thirds of Parliament members voted in favor of Shokin’s resignation.
Poroshenko said he accepted the resignation “to restore public confidence and trust” in the prosecutor general’s office and as a way to “move the country forward.”

awwww, poor GoP conspiracy :(
