How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You don't have to explicitly use a racial slur or mention someone's race for your comment to be racist. Are you guys that dense?

If he was talking about black people and said, "You people are disgusting", it's the same thing. He still didn't actually say the word "black".

The reason why his tweet was racist has been stated a million times over already. He's basically using the old, "Go back to Africa" routine. Let me guess. You don't think that's racist either.
Omar is from a corrupt shithole that happens to be a country in Africa. She hates America, hates Jews, and sympathizes with Islamic terrorists. But according to your twisted sjw logic, anyone from Africa can't be called out for anything. Gotcha.

You want people treated differently based on the color of their skin or where they are from. THAT is the very definition of racist. It is divisive and destructive to society.
This just flat out isn't true.

There have been terms and phrases used to disparage certain groups of people for centuries that don't specifically state their race. Is that not true?

It is true, you’re conflating two different things. First of all nothing in Trumps comment singles anyone out due to their race, second and most important is he didn’t make the comment due to race, it was about their stances and public comments.

Using your example from above about “ go back to Africa”, why are they being told that? If it’s due to being Black only, then yes it’s racial.
It is true, you’re conflating two different things. First of all nothing in Trumps comment singles anyone out due to their race, second and most important is he didn’t make the comment due to race, it was about their stances and public comments.

Using your example from above about “ go back to Africa”, why are they being told that? If it’s due to being Black only, then yes it’s racial.

Context? We don’t need no stinkin’ context! Racist!!1!11
Omar is from a corrupt shithole that happens to be a country in Africa. She hates America, hates Jews, and sympathizes with Islamic terrorists. But according to your twisted sjw logic, anyone from Africa can't be called out for anything. Gotcha.

You want people treated differently based on the color of their skin or where they are from. THAT is the very definition of racist. It is divisive and destructive to society.

I love this new Republican talking point that calling out racism is the new racism.

I honestly don't know how you guys keep a straight face.
o_O A weird type response from you.

I'd not use that word at all to respond to what I stated. Most of those 80% are not in the middle, they are persuadable if the reasoning is correct and also the trust factor is within reason.
I clearly misinterpreted your post... I'll do better next time lol.
Not sure who you are talking about but, did you mean,.....Mr. Ed?

Well the Mr. Ed we're referring to talks out of his other end.
While Buttplug has had its popular moments on this forum, it had a only been posted twice in July. Rapinhoe has only been uttered once ever on this forum by someone other than yourself.

Michelle...well...that ain’t ever going away from here.

Wow, what restraint only using Buttplug twice this month. How many times in June during the debates? Twice again, right? And if it wasn't that, it was some derivative of it. Those were a few examples. It happens daily around here. Why do you even try to protect the posters around here? I'll stand by my original point that if this forum is typical of Republicans, refined isn't a word that should ever be used
Why should Title IX stand if it is all about the fact the women’s soccer team makes more money than the men’s soccer team. Men’s collegiate athletics makes more than women’s but yet because once again the government gets involved, gotta equal out those scholarships.

Not completely sure, but I highly doubt the women's team makes more than the men's (I assume you are talking about overall revenue the teams bring in). My original point is that I do think they should make the same amount (US Soccer being their employer) per appearance, because they are doing the same job
I think video of someone reading that passage with inflection on an official looking set with a parade of agreeing guests is dangerous. Reading that email on your phone while taking a shit is comedy.

The problem is young adults are reading these, thinking he did something categorically wrong, when in reality, it was nothing. There was no mention of the damage THOSE four women are doing. How about "Are these four congresswomen race baiting in an attempt to operate with impunity?"

This is a big reason why the young voter blocks lean left.. they are being fed "orange man bad" by music, movies, tv, and now.. automated left-leaning alerts disguised as "news".

I can all but guarantee that was worded purposely to have a slant, and I can also guarantee it's going to seep into some brains.
I mean, these mop squeezers are out there defending terrorists/terrorists organizations, spouting off bigoted anti-Semitic rhetoric, accusing border patrol agents (many of whom are "PERSONS OF COLOR) of being Nazis, and shitting on America on a daily basis.

You know who you don't see in this thread passionately condemning ^^^^^^that? You guessed it.

But as soon as someone comes along to call them out on their bigoted ideology and hatred...… comes the cavalry. Mustnotsleep literally believes you are not allowed to criticize or fire back at bigoted anti-Semites simply because they are a 'person of color'.

If you are gonna be mean and hateful - don't care what color you are - Trump's got something for you. And most sane American people are with him.
You’re wrong, they aren’t a casualty of a war on drugs. They are a casualty of breaking the law, a law that is put in place to protect society. Drugs have been illegal far longer than the war on drugs.
You’re creating an excuse for something that you don’t like the reality of.

Are you trying to say people that live in cities have the same economic plight as rural people that are unemployed coal miners?
That’s ridiculous, inner cities are surrounded by job opportunities in a short drive. There are very few jobs in Appalachia besides coal.
Yeah the projects are just overflowing with economic opportunity. The south side of Chicago is basically Silicon Valley! You're a genius.
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because they are doing the same job

But it's not the same job... any more than playing for Lakers is the same job as playing for women's LA team whatever it might be.

Even if they were owned by the same "owner" ... there is no logic that they should distribute revenue equally when it is not brought in equally. They are playing different sports.

Your argument would only make sense if it was Coed... it isn't
Wow, what restraint only using Buttplug twice this month. How many times in June during the debates? Twice again, right? And if it wasn't that, it was some derivative of it. Those were a few examples. It happens daily around here. Why do you even try to protect the posters around here? I'll stand by my original point that if this forum is typical of Republicans, refined isn't a word that should ever be used
Joerules19 is Butthurt.
Actually, I don't. I only call out ra***t (censored as to not trigger you guys) things when I see them...which happens to be a lot on this board.

Which is everything. Your stupid definition of it doesn't have to actually say specifics to be racist, is just your back door opening to allow every freaking thing to be racism. If you want it to be racist you can read just about anything, apply your personal inference of what you think the person was thinking, and BAM!!!! Racist, just like everything you don't agree every post you make.
Not completely sure, but I highly doubt the women's team makes more than the men's (I assume you are talking about overall revenue the teams bring in). My original point is that I do think they should make the same amount (US Soccer being their employer) per appearance, because they are doing the same job

That’s a reasonable answer, and one I would agree with since they are representing the United States.
Here is my main rub with Rapinoe blatantly disrespecting the President. She was in a position to get the Presidents ear, and he has the capability to lean on people to make the equal pay happen. Instead she chose herself over that. She’s a tremendous talent, and has the right to voice her opinion. I just don’t think it was smart if you truly want equal pay as men at this point.
But as soon as someone comes along to call them out on their bigoted ideology and hatred...… comes the cavalry. Mustnotsleep literally believes you are not allowed to criticize or fire back at bigoted anti-Semites simply because they are a 'person of color'.

No I don't.
Wow, what restraint only using Buttplug twice this month. How many times in June during the debates? Twice again, right? And if it wasn't that, it was some derivative of it. Those were a few examples. It happens daily around here. Why do you even try to protect the posters around here? I'll stand by my original point that if this forum is typical of Republicans, refined isn't a word that should ever be used
Well you keep saying it happens daily...but it obviously your examples do not..

This is a sports message board where people use shock jock "humor" (a lot isn't funny).

But I have yet to see you call out Big Ed who types "PPG" over and over again, Commander Cheeto, Mr. Cheeto face spare me with your holier than thou act.
Actually, I don't. I only call out ra***t (censored as to not trigger you guys) things when I see them...which happens to be a lot on this board.

I wasn’t speaking about you in particular, more the left.
It doesn’t trigger me or anyone else, it causes people to become numb to it. The wields it as a weapon, that’s dumb and dangerous.

I’m still waiting on you to call Presley’s comment about one brown voice as racist.
The problem is young adults are reading these, thinking he did something categorically wrong, when in reality, it was nothing. There was no mention of the damage THOSE four women are doing. How about "Are these four congresswomen race baiting in an attempt to operate with impunity?"

This is a big reason why the young voter blocks lean left.. they are being fed "orange man bad" by music, movies, tv, and now.. automated left-leaning alerts disguised as "news".

I can all but guarantee that was worded purposely to have a slant, and I can also guarantee it's going to seep into some brains.

Of all the propaganda they get, an email is the least concerning.
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Yeah the projects are just overflowing with economic opportunity. The south side of Chicago is basically Silicon Valley! You're a genius.

Did I say that? You compared it to Appalachia, the south side of Chicago is surrounded by manufacturing jobs easily gotten to without having to travel more than an hour. Appalachia is not.

Don’t get mad at me because you made an ignorant argument.
Of all the propaganda they get, an email is the least concerning.

Depends on the audience. A news show with that tone is a problem for adults, but means nothing to 15-25 year olds. They won't ever see it. But reversed, while a mobile Alert might not matter to you or I, a college kid who is burried in his phone is getting peppered with these.
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Actually, I don't. I only call out ra***t (censored as to not trigger you guys) things when I see them...which happens to be a lot on this board.

The black half of Obama is very appreciative of your efforts. Keep up the good work as you continue to drive Trumps numbers up, up and away. Racism is not a winning word for Democrats. Nobody outside of your circle cares because the word has no meaning anymore.
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