How will they rule ??!

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I’m saying much like coal in Appalachia, if you’re a kid from a poor area nothing else available pays like drug dealing. They do it for the money, not because they like shooting people. They’re products of the situation we’ve created with our laws.

You still don't seem to get it. Appalachia and the South side of Chicago are completely different animals. one has coal and well coal, you leave the area, you better pack a tent and some black bear repellent. The south side of Chicago may be a blighted area, but trains, subways and busses can easily transport the most disenfranchised people, for very little money, short distances, to a vast multitude of good paying union jobs in manufacturing, construction, Hospitality, Public works, you name it.
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  • "Go back to where you came from, " whether made by supervisors or by co-workers.
There you go dipshits. even the government says telling someone to go back to where they came from is racist and unlawful.

That is different, as that is used as a racial slur... go back to where you came from because your race can't do this job is racist.

Go back to where you came from because your ideas are bad, and you would know as such if you went home and then came back to fix America with your unAmerican beliefs, is entirely different.

When if you leftists gain control to ruin this country with your stupid unAmerican ideas, you will tell me to go back to where I came from when I call out your stupidity and I will happily oblige. Until then, I just want you to think harder, have more intellectual honesty and more integrity. Atleast try
I'd venture to say that drug dealing pays better than the current jobs of most Americans. Thus aren't we all "products of the situation?" So why isn't the rest of America justified in getting into the drug dealing business? And if they are justified, why aren't they?
The risk. It’s illegal and dangerous. Hence the only ones willing to take the risk are those at the bottom of the ladder with the least to lose. This is completely obvious. How many of the drug dealers that you know came from middle class backgrounds? Very few. What are you even trying to argue here? Lots of poor whites selling drugs in rural America.
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Such ignorance on the left. But even if you really believe you should pay reparations, wouldn't it be insulting to offer the few dollars you're carrying??
Are you trying to say drugs don’t harm people, and people close to them? Really? You think these guys are killing each other over pot? It’s fentanyl and heroine that’s causing the chaos.

I’m old enough to realize you live in a fantasy world where drug addicts aren’t destructive to everyone in proximity to them.

How’d the legal drug usage otherwise known as the opioid epidemic turnout?

You ever been to Amsterdam? Did you see people strung out all over the sidewalks? Armed robberies that were drug-related? Chaos and mayhem at every turn?

That was not my experience at all, and I literally walked all over that city over the course of 7 days. Decriminalizing “soft drugs” on the federal level has enriched that country. America would be wise to do the same. Make weed and psychedelics legal and watch how our country changes for the better in 10 years.

I’m actually for legalizing all drugs, but soft drugs are a start. You sound like you could use a few tokes each morning, Bill. Helps to get your mind right for the day.
The risk. It’s illegal and dangerous. Hence the only ones willing to take the risk are those with the least to lose. This is completely obvious?

I know that you want to help people that are less fortunate, so do I and probably everyone on this board and in the country.
The argument you’re making doesn’t help them, it hurts them in the long run. Be it in Appalachia, inner cities, suburbs, coastal or in the country.
Gonna enjoy watching the libs on here twist themselves in knots defending omar... most predictably by calling everything racist...with this BDS shit...when ppl in her own party, particularly Pelosi (who up until them was considered far left) Schumer and countless others have condemned BDS

You ever been to Amsterdam? Did you see people strung out all over the sidewalks? Armed robberies that were drug-related? Chaos and mayhem at every turn?

That was not my experience at all, and I literally walked all over that city over the course of 7 days. Decriminalizing “soft drugs” on the federal level has enriched that country. America would be wise to do the same. Make weed and psychedelics legal and watch how our country changes for the better in 10 years.

I’m actually for legalizing all drugs, but soft drugs are a start. You sound like you could use a few tokes each morning, Bill. Helps to get your mind right for the day.

Well I disagree, look at the opioid epidemic. You think 70k a year dying is for the better? How bout the families it’s ruined?
You look only at the small picture my friend.

You sound like you could use a dose of extended sobriety to let your brain mature.

I don’t care what Amsterdam does, we aren’t talking about a city in Europe.
Trump’s 1992 dance moves reek of a guy who’s never drank or done drugs in his life. What a freaking lame. LMAO!!!

I’m not gonna go so far as to say the guy doesn’t party - his vice back then was pussy and attention - but OOOOOWWWWWEEEEEE I’m gonna fry his ass for those dance moves. Lip-biting, random clapping, free-form gyration..oh man. Go get your boy.
Not sure I'm with Rand on this.

I dont think this is the thing to put your foot down when it comes to spending. But at the same time I completely get what he's doing. He knows he's going to get a ton of backlash from this but he is sticking to his principles, which is one of the reasons Im a big fan of his.

There have been a few things that he has gone against the grain and voted no on, because of this reason. His entire thing is all about getting spending in check, whether he thinks it is good spending or not, he doesn't want to add any new spending until we fix our out of control spending that we currently have.

So ya a part of me wants to say, if there is a time to check your principles its on this. But the other part of me thinks, this is the kind of mindset we need if we ever have a chance to fix our spending. So hard for me to get too up in arms about a guy sticking to his principles.
Well I disagree, look at the opioid epidemic. You think 70k a year dying is for the better? How bout the families it’s ruined?
You look only at the small picture my friend.

You sound like you could use a dose of extended sobriety to let your brain mature.

I don’t care what Amsterdam does, we aren’t talking about a city in Europe.

Our opioid epidemic is what happens when you let big pharma run wild. They’re the only show in town when it comes to pain relief, along with alcohol if you use it like my bro Larry Bird for his back pain.

Oh and guess who’s donating to all these Deep South, red-state politicians to vote against cannabis and psychedelic legalization?

You should care what other countries do. Why pretend to operate in a vacuum in 2019? Countries can learn a lot from each other.
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Trump’s 1992 dance moves reek of a guy who’s never drank or done drugs in his life. What a freaking lame. LMAO!!!

I’m not gonna go so far as to say the guy doesn’t party - his vice back then was pussy and attention - but OOOOOWWWWWEEEEEE I’m gonna fry his ass for those dance moves. Lip-biting, random clapping, free-form gyration..oh man. Go get your boy.
Are you suggesting that he should culturally appropriate his dance moves? That would be offensive.

I mean to Trump’s credit, it’s not like any of those girls could dance either, but DAMN!

This shit is hilarious. Can’t stop playing it.
Our opioid epidemic is what happens when you let big pharma run wild. They’re the only show in town when it comes to pain relief, along with alcohol if you use it like my bro Larry Bird for his back pain.

Oh and guess who’s donating to all these Deep South, red-state politicians to vote against cannabis and psychedelic legalization?

You should care what other countries do. Why pretend to operate in a vacuum in 2019? Countries can learn a lot from each other.

Countries aren’t doing it, a city has.

Opioid epidemic was legalized drugs my friend. If anything it’s stricter than what you just stated you want. Look at all the damage it’s done my Brodie.

I don’t care who’s donating to them, legalizing marijuana is of no importance to me.
  • Ethnic slurs and other verbal or physical conduct because of nationality are illegal if they are severe or pervasive and create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment, interfere with work performance, or negatively affect job opportunities. Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, "Go back to where you came from, " whether made by supervisors or by co-workers.
There you go dipshits. even the government says telling someone to go back to where they came from is racist and unlawful.

By that broad definition the lies about concentration camps, calling a person racist, insulting our foreign policy are all unlawful so that narrows down the democratic field to nil dipshit.
The risk. It’s illegal and dangerous. Hence the only ones willing to take the risk are those at the bottom of the ladder with the least to lose. This is completely obvious. How many of the drug dealers that you know came from middle class backgrounds? Very few. What are you even trying to argue here? Lots of poor whites selling drugs in rural America.
I'm arguing that drug dealing is not justified in rural America, and it shouldn't be justified in urban America, either. There are plenty of people at the "bottom of the ladder" in rural America who likewise have nothing to lose. It's not an excuse. But you are excusing it. You don't excuse white drug dealers, but you will excuse black drug dealers, even though both are disadvantaged and have less opportunity.
Haha honestly they just suck at being politicians

I dont think Trump is playing 4D chess when everyone else is just playing checkers. I think Trump puts his foot in his mouth from time to time, but the rest of the people are beyond capable of doing anything without putting their foot in their own mouth, then shooting their foot. Then Trump is at least smart enough to spin just enough to take advantage of their mistakes.
Countries aren’t doing it, a city has.

Opioid epidemic was legalized drugs my friend. If anything it’s stricter than what you just stated you want. Look at all the damage it’s done my Brodie.

I don’t care who’s donating to them, legalizing marijuana is of no importance to me.
The opioid epidemic has been caused by a lack of education. Most were prescribed pain pills and never informed about the physical addiction that follows. So they then turn to the black market to keep from getting sick from detoxing. The answer to the drug problem is more education, not more prohibition.
I'm arguing that drug dealing is not justified in rural America, and it shouldn't be justified in urban America, either. There are plenty of people at the "bottom of the ladder" in rural America who likewise have nothing to lose. It's not an excuse. But you are excusing it. You don't excuse white drug dealers, but you will excuse black drug dealers, even though both are disadvantaged and have less opportunity.
White rural poor drug dealers and black urban poor drug dealers both deal drugs because of their economic disadvantages. How am I “excusing” one and not the other?
The opioid epidemic has been caused by a lack of education. Most were prescribed pain pills and never informed about the physical addiction that follows. So they then turn to the black market to keep from getting sick from detoxing. The answer to the drug problem is more education, not more prohibition.

Lack of education lol. You have no idea what you’re talking about buddy.

You know what Latin meaning for addiction is, slave.
Which is exactly what addiction is, slavery to a drug. You legalize addiction forming drugs and you might as well be signing death warrants to millions of people. That doesn’t take into account the trauma their families will endure.
White rural poor drug dealers and black urban poor drug dealers both deal drugs because of their economic disadvantages. How am I “excusing” one and not the other?
Please explain the economic disadvantages of black urban poor drug dealers? Their education is what they make it, their actions are of their own accord. There are plenty of stories of black urban youth applying themselves and making something of themselves. Urban people are surrounded by a multitude of opportunities within a few miles of their home. Rural. Not so much.
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Lack of education lol. You have no idea what you’re talking about buddy.

You know what Latin meaning for addiction is, slave.
Which is exactly what addiction is, slavery to a drug. You legalize addiction forming drugs and you might as well be signing death warrants to millions of people. That doesn’t take into account the trauma their families will endure.
So everyone who's ever been opioid dependent is a mindless slave? Serious question: Have you or any of your close friends or family ever been involved in the drug world? You don't seem to have much first-hand knowledge of the subject. When a teenager hears "Drugs are bad m'kay" and then smokes a joint and realizes it's harmless what do you think he's going to think about other drugs? Information and education are how we keep people from using opiates. Prohibition can not possibly keep the supply low enough to make a difference, if someone wants it they're going to get it. I mean how do we have an epidemic if prohibition is keeping drugs out of people's hands?
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Please explain the economic disadvantages of black urban poor drug dealers? Their education is what they make it, their actions are of their own accord. There are plenty of stories of black urban youth applying themselves and making something of themselves. Urban people are surrounded by a multitude of opportunities within a few miles of their home. Rural. Not so much.
Are you serious? Yeah a kid born in the projects to a single mother with nothing and Donald Trump both have the same opportunities in life. Gotcha.
So everyone who's ever been opioid dependent is a mindless slave? Serious question: Have you or any of your close friends or family ever been involved in the drug world? You don't seem to have much first-hand knowledge of the subject.

I have more first hand knowledge than you guaranteed hoss.

You are a slave to your addiction, every move you make is to ensure you can feed it.

My mother was a registered nurse, was injured and spent the last 10 years of her life withering away due to legal opioids. The last couple of years her body began to fade, her toes curled up, had to shove Vaseline up her ass to crap. Opioid cause constipation, finally her colon had to be removed, she was admitted to the hospitable at least 10 times in 2-3 years because her sodium was so low due to constantly drinking fluids and not eating. She told me crying, that she had wasted her life, that was in the last month she was alive. She died alone on May 15 2018 in the prison she had built herself.
She knew what she was doing, I pleaded with her, but she was addicted and I’ve been there too, on alcohol. It’s a motherfu*ker to fight withdrawals, they only get worse every time you relapse.
Every drug she took was a legal prescription.
Tonight's rally is going to be amazing. Trump is going to take off the gloves.

CNN and libs will be going absolutely ape shit Tonight and tomorrow morning.

I can't wait for it. I have a huge pot of popcorn ready and plenty of cold ones. Trump is going to steam roll them and the four girls will be forever tied to the Democrat Party
Haha honestly they just suck at being politicians

I dont think Trump is playing 4D chess when everyone else is just playing checkers. I think Trump puts his foot in his mouth from time to time, but the rest of the people are beyond capable of doing anything without putting their foot in their own mouth, then shooting their foot. Then Trump is at least smart enough to spin just enough to take advantage of their mistakes.
Trump thinks the American people will find the bitches...oops I mean the squad more offensive and crazy than what hes saying.

And hes probably right. Doubt many people in middle America are like "Wow Omar and AOC are right America sucks!!!"