How will they rule ??!

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I went to a small expensive college. I have no student loan debt. I'm in the 10%. Those of us like Bernie willing to admit we've profited off of a broken system and stand up for workers are to be commended. We're few and far between. Most people are just interested in getting their's, keeping up with the Jones's until there's nothing left.

You should've given up your privilege to someone else. Like Dinesh says, you want others to give into society, but you aren't willing to start it off first

Give up your privileges and maybe society will follow, but I'll be goddamned if a snotty rich kid tells me to give to society when you won't do it yourself first.
I went to a small expensive college. I have no student loan debt. I'm in the 10%. Those of us like Bernie willing to admit we've profited off of a broken system and stand up for workers are to be commended. We're few and far between. Most people are just interested in getting their's, keeping up with the Jones's until there's nothing left.
Go back and read the part I it is:
That's the problem with people like Bernie and think theres limited wealth positions. If there are only X amount of ppl with all the do we get opportunity to move 10, then 100, then 1000, then 10,000, then a million, and so on in to that position. The answer isnt more govt to bring the overall wealth down to where everyone is at a ceiling bc you think everyome will always be in the gutter without govt. The answer is opportunity where the wealth can grow and you can continue to move more and more of us up

It doesnt matter what ppl want to do with their own..if you have the opportunity then you cant be mad. But if you limit wealth growth for more ppl, which is what bernie wants to do..then you make everyone more poor relatively. The govt would have to spend less on those "that just cant help it" if you give the rest independence. Your govt continues to steal, limit, and be wasteful with nonsensical solutions but for some reason you think a regular person, just bc they work for the govt has answers. They put band aids on gun shot wounds. And often make it worse.

Sorry you can live in make believe of jealousy and that a central planner has all the answers... but basic economics says otherwise
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You should've given up your privilege to someone else. Like Dinesh says, you want others to give into society, but you aren't willing to start it off first

Give up your privileges and maybe society will follow, but I'll be goddamned if a snotty rich kid tells me to give to society when you won't do it yourself first.
Sick of rich white liberal kids telling everybody what they need to do, but won't do it themselves
I'll be more than happy to contribute my share when everyone else is playing by the same rules. That's why you change the system, so it applies to those snotty rich white liberal kids.
I went to a small expensive college. I have no student loan debt. I'm in the 10%. Those of us like Bernie willing to admit we've profited off of a broken system and stand up for workers are to be commended. We're few and far between. Most people are just interested in getting their's, keeping up with the Jones's until there's nothing left.

I don’t know about you, but Bernie hasn’t profited off of workers. Bernie has profited off of idiots while being a career politician.

That is the only way people get wealthy in the system Bernie wants. Not off of intelligence, creativity, or hard work. It’s why creativity dies in a communist state, why China has to steal from corporations and reverse engineer. There is no payoff for citizens to take risks.
I don’t know about you, but Bernie hasn’t profited off of workers. Bernie has profited off of idiots while being a career politician.

That is the only way people get wealthy in the system Bernie wants. Not off of intelligence, creativity, or hard work. It’s why creativity dies in a communist state, why China has to steal from corporations and reverse engineer. There is no payoff for citizens to take risks.
So which is it, Bernie's a hypocrite for preaching socialism because he's a successful capitalist from his book proceeds or he's a communist who's "profited off of idiots while being a career politician" "Not off of intelligence, creativity, or hard work"? Can't have it both ways.
I'll be more than happy to contribute my share when everyone else is playing by the same rules. That's why you change the system, so it applies to those snotty rich white liberal kids.

Not how it works. Give up yours first. That's how it works. Sounds like you're no better than Donald Trump who uses existing tax laws to pay as less as possible.

Guy, you're a fraud. Give up your privileges first. But you won't. You want others to give up theirs first.
Not how it works. Give up yours first. That's how it works. Sounds like you're no better than Donald Trump who uses existing tax laws to pay as less as possible.

Guy, you're a fraud. Give up your privileges first. But you won't. You want others to give up theirs first.
No one gives them up first. We all do at the same time. You, me, and Jeff Bezos. You're using a false premise, no one is going first.

Good example about Trump dodging taxes though. Everyone does it as much as they're able. The rich are just much more able. So let's close the loopholes like he promised to do since he supposedly knew the system.
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So which is it, Bernie's a hypocrite for preaching socialism because he's a successful capitalist from his book proceeds or he's a communist who's "profited off of idiots while being a career politician" "Not off of intelligence, creativity, or hard work"? Can't have it both ways.

Bernie has been a politician his entire life, he was able to sell a book because he was a politician.
The type of government he is trying to sell will lead to what I described. There’s a model in the Caribbean right now, several in the Far East, the failed Soviet Union. You may think what he preaches will lead to that, but it will.
No one gives them up first. We all do at the same time. You, me, and Jeff Bezos. You're using a false premise, no one is going first.

Good example about Trump dodging taxes though. Everyone does it as much as they're able. The rich are just much more able. So let's close the loopholes like he promised to do since he supposedly knew the system.

Nope. I'm going to make as much as possible and tough shit to those who don't. Not my problem. I didn't grow up in the 10% and frankly you privileged brats can GFYs.

You can't tell people to give up their fair share when it's your opinion that they should. Maybe people making a lot of money don't want to give their money up.

How about you lead by example. You won't. I certainly am not giving up a cent more than i have to. Regardless if I'm making $10 or $10 billion.
As far as the citizenship question..putting it in is the norm. Barry was the first president to remove it.

"Obama was the first to not include a question on citizenship, naturalization, or nativity in almost 200 years. The Trump administration is simply undoing Obama’s 8-year effort to distort the status quo.

Obama’s own efforts to not ask the question was limited to the 2010 Census. From 2009 to 2016, the former president’s Census Bureau had no problem asking anyone if they were Americans on all eight of his annual ACSs (American Community Survey), which targeted smaller demographics key to the success of the Democrats in the eight years of his administration."
No one gives them up first. We all do at the same time. You, me, and Jeff Bezos. You're using a false premise, no one is going first.

Good example about Trump dodging taxes though. Everyone does it as much as they're able. The rich are just much more able. So let's close the loopholes like he promised to do since he supposedly knew the system.
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I decided to do the progressive liberal thing and try and be someone totally different today.

Went to McDonald’s and turned down Chick-flay. I did not open the door to the woman behind me because she can handle that herself. Went to take a piss and chose the women’s bathroom. Offered my phone number to one of the little girls in there because love knows no age.

Walked out and was as rude as possible to the girl working the counter. Trying to be as anti-Christian as possible.

I ordered lettuce salad, they told me they couldn’t remove anything from it becuase they’re already prepared. I asked if they are regulating the lettuce and needed to see time stamps. When they said they couldn’t do that I asked for a manager and filed a complaint for racism.

I then stood outside with a sign that read “McDonald’s is racist and cruel to animals”. They tried to have me removed from the property but I said it’s my first amendment right.

I ended up leaving and walked down the street to another gathering of angry “anything goes” people just like myself. I signed a petition to abolish the constitution.

As I was walking home I avoided every black guy I saw while screaming at my neighbor that his Trump decal was racist. He seems confused we got along well until today.

I’m being honest. Being a liberal is the shit. This was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Sort of like when your parents allow you to be more than 50 feet away from them for the first time.

Might just keep being a liberal. The conservative shit is just too demanding and responsible.

I decided to do the progressive liberal thing and try and be someone totally different today.

Went to McDonald’s and turned down Chick-flay. I did not open the door to the woman behind me because she can handle that herself. Went to take a piss and chose the women’s bathroom. Offered my phone number to one of the little girls in there because love knows no age.

Walked out and was as rude as possible to the girl working the counter. Trying to be as anti-Christian as possible.

I ordered lettuce salad, they told me they couldn’t remove anything from it becuase they’re already prepared. I asked if they are regulating the lettuce and needed to see time stamps. When they said they couldn’t do that I asked for a manager and filed a complaint for racism.

I then stood outside with a sign that read “McDonald’s is racist and cruel to animals”. They tried to have me removed from the property but I said it’s my first amendment right.

I ended up leaving and walked down the street to another gathering of angry “anything goes” people just like myself. I signed a petition to abolish the constitution.

As I was walking home I avoided every black guy I saw while screaming at my neighbor that his Trump decal was racist. He seems confused we got along well until today.

I’m being honest. Being a liberal is the shit. This was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Sort of like when your parents allow you to be more than 50 feet away from them for the first time.

Might just keep being a liberal. The conservative shit is just too demanding and responsible.
Psh. You didn't even go to a bakery and demand a gay wedding cake. Your wokeness is weak sauce and you need to be doxxed for your insensitivity. Try harder nazi lover.
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos both donate literally billions every year. They're leading by example. Has it changed our system at all? Nope, the rich just get richer. "Leading by example" does nothing.

We're not talking about them. We're talking about you. Quit deflecting. Give up more.
You won't. So quit telling people to give up theirs.
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos both donate literally billions every year. They're leading by example. Has it changed our system at all? Nope, the rich just get richer. "Leading by example" does nothing.
Maybe you need to worry about your area. Bet money the liberal idiots that take the donation from them actually find a way to keep it. That is probably how you got yours. You people are corrupt and evil. You don't have a say what I do with mine nor should you.
Maybe you need to worry about your area. Bet money the liberal idiots that take the donation from them actually find a way to keep it. That is probably how you got yours. You people are corrupt and evil. You don't have a say what I do with mine nor should you.

Dion wants everyone to give up theirs, then and only then will he be willing to give up his.
Welp, I'm not willing to give and I won't.
We're not talking about them. We're talking about you. Quit deflecting. Give up more.
You won't. So quit telling people to give up theirs.
You're the one deflecting. If I gave away every cent I owned tomorrow it would change nothing. So why propose it? You're deflecting that's why.
You're the one deflecting. If I gave away every cent I owned tomorrow it would change nothing. So why propose it? You're deflecting that's why.

Lol, no. Quit telling other people what to do with their money. You're not willing to do it yourself. So shut up, Dion. You lost.

No one is going to give up their money if they don't want to. And you won't either.

You don't seem to get it. I'm not giving up a cent and i don't want anyone else to give up their money either. Quit spending other people's money.
You're the one deflecting. If I gave away every cent I owned tomorrow it would change nothing. So why propose it? You're deflecting that's why.
That’s bullshit.

You can go down to your local soup kitchen and donate 90% of your income tomorrow and it WILL help tremendously.

I know because I donate around 3 hours per week at mine and the money is greatly needed.
How do you want the system changed? What exactly do you want to be different?
Income inequality. The top quite simply have too large a slice of the pie. The difference between the top and everyone else is far too large. Nobody needs 4 yachts.

America has traditionally been a country of the middle class. These days it's a country of elites and everyone else.
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