How will they rule ??!

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Obama Administration Scandal #34 (The Biden & Kerry Scam):

Remember, Biden and Kerry were close friends from their years spent together in the Senate. So there was little surprise when Biden's son, Hunter, and Kerry's stepson, Christopher Heinz, one of the heirs to the Heinz ketchup fortune, went into business together in 2009.

They created a number of equity and real estate investment firms allied to Rosemont Capital, "the alternative investment fund of the Heinz Family Office."

So far so good. Except, "Over the next seven years, as both Joe Biden and John Kerry negotiated sensitive and high-stakes deals with foreign governments, Rosemont entities secured a series of exclusive deals with those same foreign governments."

In December of 2013, for instance, Biden traveled to China for talks. He brought Hunter Biden along. While there, the senior Biden soft-pedaled China's clear aggression, and played up the bilateral trade partnership. Ten days after the trip concluded, China's central bank, the Bank of China, set up a $1 billion investment joint venture called Bohai Harvest RST. For the record, the "RS" referred to Biden's son's firm, Rosemont Seneca.


...months later, in July 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to China, also for talks. Kerry talked little of China's clear aggression, but did conspicuously note that "China and the United States represent the greatest economic alliance trading partnership in the history of humankind."

He should know. In the ensuing months, Chinese government-linked firms took major stakes in several of the firms owned or controlled by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, and provided them with massive funding totaling billions of dollars.

That's just two examples. There are several more.
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How are Democrat political strategists getting paid? This shit is so ridiculous. With all of the free anti-Trump propaganda, it's so bad nobody can articulate why he's evil . . . if you ask someone, they will first bring up pussy grabbing, then talk about his failed businesses . . . all they need is a not crazy person to be competitive. Is it that hard to find someone that will admit they aren't Oprah for Mexicans even if it's not true?
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The goal all along. And it's only a matter of time.

Unless trump adds another justice and challenges the birthright citizenship of illegals offspring. That's the only chance.
As far as Trump adding another supreme court justice. I don't wish Ruth Bader Ginsburg any ill will. But it sure would be wonderful if this old liberal, piece of garbage would retire so Trump could replace her with a conservative judge.... If this were to happen. How low in the gutter would democrats go to stop this? What they did to Brett Kavanaugh would be child's play compared to this. Who ever Trump would pick, and I'm serious. They had better get them a bulletproof vest. There's not a doubt in my mind that one of these leftist, fools would take a shot at him or her. They are that deranged.
You can call me any name you like. But I'm still not a racist and have never used the word "ninja" to replace the "n" word. Not here or anywhere else.
The race card is the only thing they have left. Trump is destroying their leaders and they are reeling.
As far as Trump adding another supreme court justice. I don't wish Ruth Bader Ginsburg any ill will. But it sure would be wonderful if this old liberal, piece of garbage would retire so Trump could replace her with a conservative judge.... If this were to happen. How low in the gutter would democrats go to stop this? What they did to Brett Kavanaugh would be child's play compared to this. Who ever Trump would pick, and I'm serious. They had better get them a bulletproof vest. There's not a doubt in my mind that one of these leftist, fools would take a shot at him or her. They are that deranged.
True. IMO, conservative supreme court justice appointments were one of my main expectations of Trump. Everything else is icing on the cake. One more appointment, and we're set for a while.
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Anyone with a brain could see he was actually pissed and upset at the fake attacks levied against Kavanaugh. They knew it too. Just look at the faces of Feinstein and her cohorts. The left is the lowest of the low and we have posters here who follow their lead knowing of the corruption. They too should be ashamed.
Ram, you never really know how much insurance you need. My wife was the epitome of health the first 58 years of her life. After 30 yrs of marriage other than annual checkups other than childbirth neither of us had spent $1 on medical care. Then we noticed a small lump in her was cancer. I’m damn sure glad I had insurance. The cancer was treated and she is now in full remission. Annual exams found nodules on her had to be removed. She is now having dental issues related to the cancer treatment and the radiation to her neck.

Your auto insurance company can tell you to go f#ck yourself and force you to go to a carrier who will cover you but you will pay dearly. You have the option of not driving. I guess you think we also have the option of not seeking medical treatment? If an insurance company sees $500K in medical claims over the next 3-4 years...what rates should they set?

Come at me again about how precious life is. Talk to me about the sanctity of life... Perhaps you fail to see your hypocrisy. You want to talk about how we should protect the unborn...but too bad, so sad if you’ve been a picture of health for 58 years. Never smoked, consumes probably less than 12 oz of alcohol a year. Eats well, exercises daily...but cancer finds you. I guess you think I should lose my home and cash out all of my retirement savings if that’s what it takes to seek medical treatment?
That or just allow the cancer to spread so that ram can have his cheap insurance and pray to God that cancer never finds anyone covered on that policy. Because if it did they would drop you like a rock and you could be faced with those life or death decisions.

Yeah, that’s right. People who are unlucky enough to be stricken with life altering diseases, often at no fault of their own...they did everything right should be forced into choosing between financial ruin and saving their own or loved ones life so you can save a few dollars.

Prior to Obamacare for all of its warts that is were we used to be. That’s ok with you. Until it is you.

I don't have a problem with health care for the elderly as well as poor children. As for losing your house, it is my understanding that even if you file for bankruptcy, you retain your house. I have no problem with the feds laying claim on my property, upon my demise of course, to pay for that portion of my care the gov has paid for. My wife and I have had a few conversations about acting, in accordance with law, to shield our home/belongings from the feds in the event we had to be placed in a nursing home or hospital and could not pay. However, that poses a problem of conscience for me.

As for poor adults....I don't even mind the gov providing some type of supplemental insurance IF they work. At that point, I also believe the gov has the right to not only require them to work, but even tell them what job(s) they have to do. There are plenty of cigarette butts that need to be picked up. Plenty of roadsides that need to be cleaned. Plenty of hard working women that need childcare.
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What does it matter if it's a billionaire or a homeless person saying it? He's right it's a fact.
So the answer is more opportunity not more govt. You can have equal cannot force equal outcome. Ppl like to work more, having varying drive, are more creative, etc. You cant control that.

But what we really know, is it boils down to envy for you. If you went to school you could have majored in what you wanted, you could have created anything but you dodnt and you want those ppl to pay...

That's the problem with people like Bernie and think theres limited wealth positions. If there are only X amount of ppl with all the do we get opportunity to move 10, then 100, then 1000, then 10,000, then a million, and so on in to that position. The answer isnt more govt to bring the overall wealth down to where everyone is at a ceiling bc you think everyome will always be in the gutter without govt. The answer is opportunity where the wealth can grow and you can continue to move more and more of us up.
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So the answer is more opportunity not more govt. You can have equal cannot force equal outcome. Ppl like to work more, having varying drive, are more creative, etc. You cant control that.

But what we really know, is it boils down to envy for you. If you went to school you could have majored in what you wanted, you could have created anything but you dodnt and you want those ppl to pay...
I went to a small expensive college. I have no student loan debt. I'm in the 10%. Those of us like Bernie willing to admit we've profited off of a broken system and stand up for workers are to be commended. We're few and far between. Most people are just interested in getting theirs, keeping up with the Jones's until there's nothing left.
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I went to a small expensive college. I have no student loan debt. I'm in the 10%. Those of us like Bernie willing to admit we've profited off of a broken system and stand up for workers are to be commended. We're few and far between. Most people are just interested in getting their's, keeping up with the Jones's until there's nothing left.