How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Ram, you never really know how much insurance you need. My wife was the epitome of health the first 58 years of her life. After 30 yrs of marriage other than annual checkups other than childbirth neither of us had spent $1 on medical care. Then we noticed a small lump in her was cancer. I’m damn sure glad I had insurance. The cancer was treated and she is now in full remission. Annual exams found nodules on her had to be removed. She is now having dental issues related to the cancer treatment and the radiation to her neck.

Your auto insurance company can tell you to go f#ck yourself and force you to go to a carrier who will cover you but you will pay dearly. You have the option of not driving. I guess you think we also have the option of not seeking medical treatment? If an insurance company sees $500K in medical claims over the next 3-4 years...what rates should they set?

Come at me again about how precious life is. Talk to me about the sanctity of life... Perhaps you fail to see your hypocrisy. You want to talk about how we should protect the unborn...but too bad, so sad if you’ve been a picture of health for 58 years. Never smoked, consumes probably less than 12 oz of alcohol a year. Eats well, exercises daily...but cancer finds you. I guess you think I should lose my home and cash out all of my retirement savings if that’s what it takes to seek medical treatment?
That or just allow the cancer to spread so that ram can have his cheap insurance and pray to God that cancer never finds anyone covered on that policy. Because if it did they would drop you like a rock and you could be faced with those life or death decisions.

Yeah, that’s right. People who are unlucky enough to be stricken with life altering diseases, often at no fault of their own...they did everything right should be forced into choosing between financial ruin and saving their own or loved ones life so you can save a few dollars.

Prior to Obamacare for all of its warts that is were we used to be. That’s ok with you. Until it is you.

I understand and respect every word of what you've posted. Indeed, we never know when trouble will hit us. That said, when it comes to insurance coverage, we all have choices to make and have to live with the consequences. As I posted previously, my wife was satisfied with the coverage she had. We had a plan for the possibility of her being stricken with health problems. That should be the end of it. The government has zero right to tell her otherwise. The government has no right to raise her rates for the benefit of others. It's not the role of government to look out for our welfare as individuals.
When you say, "People who are unlucky enough to be stricken with life altering diseases, often at no fault of their own...they did everything right should be forced into choosing between financial ruin and saving their own or loved ones life so you can save a few dollars." I believe we are called to help care for the needs of others. It's a calling of God. There is an agency in our world that was set up to do just that...and it's not a godless, faceless government.
"I guess you think I should lose my home and cash out all of my retirement savings if that’s what it takes to seek medical treatment?" Ideally, no, but it may be a reality of life. I don't know you, but if you were in my circle, should that happen to you, we'd feel it our duty to care for you, provide for you and help meet your needs. Hopefully, if you have children, they'd sense the same calling. Again, it's not the role of government.
By protecting the unborn, I'm against murdering them. It's the responsibility of those that CHOOSE to conceive the child to care for him...not the government.

Personally, I wouldn't mind if we had a system where every person in our land was covered. Unfortunately, that is the stuff of fairies and unicorns. We simply cannot afford it. That said, I can hear all the "Robin Hood" fans out there saying, "Tax the wealthy". IMO, theft is never right, whether from the poor or the rich.
Ram, you never really know how much insurance you need. My wife was the epitome of health the first 58 years of her life. After 30 yrs of marriage other than annual checkups other than childbirth neither of us had spent $1 on medical care. Then we noticed a small lump in her was cancer. I’m damn sure glad I had insurance. The cancer was treated and she is now in full remission. Annual exams found nodules on her had to be removed. She is now having dental issues related to the cancer treatment and the radiation to her neck.

Your auto insurance company can tell you to go f#ck yourself and force you to go to a carrier who will cover you but you will pay dearly. You have the option of not driving. I guess you think we also have the option of not seeking medical treatment? If an insurance company sees $500K in medical claims over the next 3-4 years...what rates should they set?

Come at me again about how precious life is. Talk to me about the sanctity of life... Perhaps you fail to see your hypocrisy. You want to talk about how we should protect the unborn...but too bad, so sad if you’ve been a picture of health for 58 years. Never smoked, consumes probably less than 12 oz of alcohol a year. Eats well, exercises daily...but cancer finds you. I guess you think I should lose my home and cash out all of my retirement savings if that’s what it takes to seek medical treatment?
That or just allow the cancer to spread so that ram can have his cheap insurance and pray to God that cancer never finds anyone covered on that policy. Because if it did they would drop you like a rock and you could be faced with those life or death decisions.

Yeah, that’s right. People who are unlucky enough to be stricken with life altering diseases, often at no fault of their own...they did everything right should be forced into choosing between financial ruin and saving their own or loved ones life so you can save a few dollars.

Prior to Obamacare for all of its warts that is were we used to be. That’s ok with you. Until it is you.
So sorry your wife had to go thru that. I fought off cancer last year. That said, 50-60 years ago and farther back than that, there was no such thing as medical insurance. People died from illness, but family and friends and the church did all they could to help. Some times life is not fair and we all take that chance that illness, disease, and death will hit us.

A government forcing people to buy something is tyranny, no other way to explain it, and that is just wrong.
Encouraging millions of people from Central America, Mexico and Africa to invade our country is treasonous. Most people are too stupid to understand this. Encourage the American middle class to not have children, make them pay for poor people to breed, bring in replacement voters to keep Eastern European Commies in power. So, what you get are these elites permanently in power with an ever decreasing middle class. This is very anti western.

Hey but the libs can prove no illegal votes were cast.

You guys (lefties) are damn fools!
On the word Ninja...

It isnt racist. However, certain online communities use it in racist ways. Since the N word is banned, people simply use ninja instead. So anytime a black person is shown on twitch, people spam ninja.

Context matters in everything. Just throwing that out there.

I can assure you that is not what I meant by using #WokeNinja.
Oh i love this forum. Bolton and the Saudis setting up Iran for war is a conspiracy but deep state democrats funding caravans is a fact!
Bolton and Pompeo got the CIA working overtime on some more Iran false flag attacks. need that war to keep the MiC going and get those poll numbers up.
Sounds like Bolton is bout to be on his way out, Trump took Tucker with him instead of the warmonger. ..

Shaking my GD head. You can't make this stuff up.
For some reason this just popped into my head...

“You could have heard a pin drop when Lyndsey stopped and locked the door....”

By the way, I agree with you.
Can’t trust Lindsey anyone who was that close to mccain who is a certified traitor is not legit imo. Feel the same way about gowdy , dude sports a good rooster cut and talks tough but doesn’t do dick , use him but do not trust him,
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I can assure you that is not what I meant by using #WokeNinja.


Guys like D******* C****** and J***** R***** are extremely skilled at basketball. I’m sure you’d greet them as “ninjas” and they’d know exaaaaactly what you “meant.”

You’re such a pussy. LMAO!!!
I'd certainly take Reagan over what we have today on either side.

Ronald Reagan can kiss my ass.

So can Bill Clinton.

Trump is absolutely comical with his inability to handle the job, but he’s currently better than both Reagan and Clinton.

Guys like D******* C****** and J***** R***** are extremely skilled at basketball. I’m sure you’d greet them as “ninjas” and they’d know exaaaaactly what you “meant.”

You’re such a pussy. LMAO!!!

Lol Shut up blabber mouth. You ain't doing shit. No one is afraid of you.

Kaizer would beat you stupid.
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Honestly hope they run with this as their next topic of outrage.

"Donald Trump doesn't think illegal aliens should have a voice in Congress."

I don't know if that goes as far to win them back the middle class as, "we need you losers to pay off the debts of these millennials who borrowed a bunch of money, spent it on booze and weed, and now don't want to pay it back," but it might.

Also, Corey Booker and anyone else who helps these illegal aliens across the border needs to be thrown in prison. Preferably on the Mexican side of the border.

Guys like D******* C****** and J***** R***** are extremely skilled at basketball. I’m sure you’d greet them as “ninjas” and they’d know exaaaaactly what you “meant.”

You’re such a pussy. LMAO!!!
You can call me any name you like. But I'm still not a racist and have never used the word "ninja" to replace the "n" word. Not here or anywhere else.