How will they rule ??!

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Income inequality. The top quite simply have too large a slice of the pie. The difference between the top and everyone else is far too large. Nobody needs 4 yachts.
But, your system and the people who run it want us all to be poor and they will be the rich ones. Very rich. They will become the 1% and there will be no middle class.
Can't redistribute the pie without making the pie smaller. You want a smaller pie with less pieces instead of a larger pie with bigger pieces, just cause the other kid got two slices and you only one, you'd rather have a smaller pie with smaller slices so it was more fair.

It's the reality...but yeah, never been properly tried... yeah right, to hell it hasn't... it doesn't work because it can't.

Income inequality. The top quite simply have too large a slice of the pie. The difference between the top and everyone else is far too large. Nobody needs 4 yachts.

America has traditionally been a country of the middle class. These days it's a country of elites and everyone else.
Okay, so if you took 90% of their money and distributed it equally, how would the average person be impacted?
they'd waste it all just like they do now

be just as miserable as they are now (hedonic adaptation)

and then the end result would be much lower GDP so everyone would be even more miserable as they could no longer afford the temporary boost in living standard.

damn playbook has already been played... it's known
Okay, so if you took 90% of their money and distributed it equally, how would the average person be impacted?
What America needs is to get back to being a country of the middle class. That graph should look like a 45 degree angle, not a hockey stick, or a flat line like you're hyperbolically suggesting. Not since the Gilded Age has capital been this concentrated.
Income inequality. The top quite simply have too large a slice of the pie. The difference between the top and everyone else is far too large. Nobody needs 4 yachts.

America has traditionally been a country of the middle class. These days it's a country of elites and everyone else.

I agree our policies have hurt the middle class, but you don’t seem to understand why.

You can look no further than globalism. Ship out over 5 million middle class jobs, along with the support systems that maintained them and you get the rich getting richer and the middle class shrinking.

The way to combat that isn’t taxing everyone more and giving to those that don’t earn as much. This is exactly why Trump was elected, jobs.
but the point is there is way more wealth for everybody now.

it has to be hockey stick, it's called exponential growth.

everybody lives better and better so long as there is growth, and only when there is continued growth which only occurs if people go to work
but the point is there is way more wealth for everybody now.

it has to be hockey stick, it's called exponential growth.

everybody lives better and better so long as there is growth, and only when there is continued growth which only occurs if people go to work

I saw this on TV live somehow. It was a true smackdown.
What America needs is to get back to being a country of the middle class. That graph should look like a 45 degree angle, not a hockey stick, or a flat line like you're hyperbolically suggesting. Not since the Gilded Age has capital been this concentrated.
It will not happen with the left of today. Socialism does not allow for a middle class. How do you suggest we go forward with your left leaders and their socialist ideas.
it's an incredibly obtuse statement... zero understanding of economics.

it can't be a straight line because wealth creates itself, and more wealth creates even more of itself. even in social democratic utopias the graph looks the same, it's just a little flatter and shifted left and down so that the middle class has much less. wealth is not zero sum, you don't gain it from taking from someone else but by creating more wealth which you use to buy from someone else who is doing the same. if you want more wealth, you create an environment conducive to it's creation, not one which forces atrophy onto the system. when someone like Bezos goes all out to dominate the world and creates insane wealth, he makes everything cheaper and easier for me with my amazon prime sub which thereby means I have more money in my pocket and time to go about creating more of my own wealth. it's not that difficult to grasp.

can't remember who it was that inherited 2 million, but if it was him he won't keep it for long.

definitely have to do something though so the have nots have more before the revolt against the haves, as history shows they do. incidentally, this is why you see some very wealthy propose socialism, because in that case they can safely keep what they have and suppress everyone else before there's an uprisal

that Thatcher in the house of commons, these self destructive ideas just never go away. the arguments have already been done, the experiments run. socialism sucks
Can one of smart guys explain “equality” and explain how we get there? TIA!

That whole premise is based on envy and greed, designed to keep America separated and control the minds of stupid mfers.

But mostly to give govt more control and money.
It will not happen with the left of today. Socialism does not allow for a middle class. How do you suggest we go forward with your left leaders and their socialist ideas.
That's what people like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Jay Inslee and Andrew Yang are proposing. Go look at some of their policies.
but the point is there is way more wealth for everybody now.

it has to be hockey stick, it's called exponential growth.

everybody lives better and better so long as there is growth, and only when there is continued growth which only occurs if people go to work
This. @Dionysus444 thinks wealth is a bad word, and he doesnt understand it from a relative point of view. If you say wealth- he thinks of only ppl like Jeff Bezos. He doesnt understand it from a standard of living stand point that socialism destroys. It puts a ceiling on everyone and makes all of us poorer
It doesnt matter, Bernie will not win the nomination, and he will f@ck the dems bc his authoritarian ass wont drop out spreading their primary votes thin. Then the bernie bros who live in a fantasy will rebel. He'll f@ck Warren's dumb ass too by not dropping out.

I mean this guy doesnt know the difference between revenue and profit.

And hes also are on record as saying bread lines are good bc that means everyone gets food. And that's what I'm talking about when @Dionysus444 doesnt understand the relative term for wealth. All of us on here can eat what we like when we want..but if there were bread lines, we'd eat but it would be a controlled amount...making us all poorer bringing in higher levels of poverty..equally poor. So basically he naje the absolute poorest be able to eat, but he'd make the majority poorer than they are. That's not a solution. The solution is finding that dirt poor an opportunity or way to come up without bringing the rest of us down.

Bernie needs to drop out..hes an idiot for ppl who cant add or live in reality.
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This. @Dionysus444 thinks wealth is a bad word, and he doesnt understand it from a relative point of view. If you say wealth- he thinks of only ppl like Jeff Bezos. He doesnt understand it from a standard of living stand point that socialism destroys. It puts a ceiling on everyone and makes all of us poorer

Dion doesn't understand what it's like to have no money as a kid.

She made the right choice with the hat over this choad.

Why should anyone care what this fat gay dork thinks. He wrote to her “I hope every time you wear that hat you remember you lost a friendship over it.”

I’d respond “I’m good with it.” He works for Think Progress and he’s an obnoxiously gay leftist and yet she tolerated him. I don’t think she’d lose any sleep over it.
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