How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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lol from a guy who supports a stupid bartender that says cow's farts cause "climate change"

lol yeaahhhhhh budddddyyy

Fake news on the Obama approval rating. Don't make me post Jonathan Frakes video again. You TDS suffering loser
Methane does cause climate change. It's a very potent greenhouse gas.
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Explain this crap, you anti-American losers. Sanctuary cities should face severe consequences.

Illegal rapes crippled person twice. Ice requests a detainer which is ignored by city. Judge releases the rapist, and tells him to “self-deport” himself. Rapist rapes crippled woman again.

Many more horrifying examples in the link.
As someone who will have 3 in college in the fall (2 at UK!)... the thought of saving for all those years in ESA's and 529's... and then having some politician raise taxes on me to pay for EVERYONE ELSE'S MISTAKES while I pay out of pocket... lets just say I won't be very happy lol.

A 4 year degree at UK is about 100m (with meal plans, etc). I get that its expensive... because it is.

But why do the people who made the right decisions (saving for college in ESA's/529's) have to pay for the ones that made all the wrong decisions?

Why will people who owned no slaves pay people who were never slaves?
President Windmills Cause Cancer still tweeting about Obama two and a half years into his presidency is a hoot! BHO has to LOVE that he is still in orangeman’s wheelhouse this far down the road. And after all that time, with respect to job approval rating Obama 2016 (57%) > Trump 2019 (42%). But I’m sure Commander Rake the Forest Floor will keep shopping around till he finds the right pollster.
Shows what a mess our country is in if 57% approved of obammer. Evidence the majority is not always right.
As someone who will have 3 in college in the fall (2 at UK!)... the thought of saving for all those years in ESA's and 529's... and then having some politician raise taxes on me to pay for EVERYONE ELSE'S MISTAKES while I pay out of pocket... lets just say I won't be very happy lol.

A 4 year degree at UK is about 100m (with meal plans, etc). I get that its expensive... because it is.

But why do the people who made the right decisions (saving for college in ESA's/529's) have to pay for the ones that made all the wrong decisions?
To make matters worse, I've worked with people who applied for college; completed the financial aid forms; Qualified for student loans; Took the money and bought cars and spent it for other goods/services that had NOTHING to do with going to school.
President Windmills Cause Cancer still tweeting about Obama two and a half years into his presidency is a hoot! BHO has to LOVE that he is still in orangeman’s wheelhouse this far down the road. And after all that time, with respect to job approval rating Obama 2016 (57%) > Trump 2019 (42%). But I’m sure Commander Rake the Forest Floor will keep shopping around till he finds the right pollster.
I’’m Guessing the same logic would apply to Obama and Bush then since Obama seemed to never stop talking about Bush?
Mueller to testify before both parties on July 17th. lol. Grab that popcorn. Mueller better grab that lube, because he's about to be f*****

Mueller: "I plead the 5th" (350 GOP questions) Then goes on to answer every democrat question.

Can't wait for this shit.
President Windmills Cause Cancer still tweeting about Obama two and a half years into his presidency is a hoot! BHO has to LOVE that he is still in orangeman’s wheelhouse this far down the road. And after all that time, with respect to job approval rating Obama 2016 (57%) > Trump 2019 (42%). But I’m sure Commander Rake the Forest Floor will keep shopping around till he finds the right pollster.
Surely your dumb ass remembers the Bush blaming and bashing 8 years in to the Obama mistake. Maybe not though, you are too dumb to see reality.
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Its ridiculous that the dems are doing this, but I think Mueller testifying is a good thing for Trump. Theres a lot of tough questions that will be asked of him from Jim Jordan and others. I honestly am not sure what benefit Nadler thinks the dems will get out of it.
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Something I have always wondered about but have never gotten a straight answer to, is how such laws can be legal and why officials creating and enforcing such laws aren’t prosecuted? If I was aiding and abetting a criminal I would be prosecuted for doing so. Passing and enforcing sanctuary laws is clearly aiding a abetting criminals. Why are there no attempts to put an end to such none sense by prosecuting people who are involved? I don’t see how a state can pass a law protecting criminals from being apprehended by federal law enforcement without being in violation of the law themselves.
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