How will they rule ??!

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Lexington Mayor Linda Gordon makes her case for dumbass of the week...

These are not immigrants. These are people who refused to go through the process and have been ordered by courts to leave the country. Even the Herald Leader can acknowledge that fact.

If we can't enforce laws, then wtf good are they? They hurt legal immigrants. Our govt hurts legal immigrants by lumping them in with illegal criminals in an attempt to push their world without borders agenda.
According to my Lexington peeps that area west of downtown out Versailles Rd is now known as "Mexington"
Part of Trump's tweet from a few minutes ago:

"Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration. No more John Kerry & Obama!"

Ouch lol. He's drilling Obama and Kerry and I love it.

Uh...Trump swings for the fences with more unhinged Twitter threats, mentioning “obliteration,” and you get a kick out of the petty Obama obsession.

You hate America, bro.

You should move.
Part of Trump's tweet from a few minutes ago:

"Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration. No more John Kerry & Obama!"

Ouch lol. He's drilling Obama and Kerry and I love it.

Honestly why on earth is there any US property in range of Iran?
Had a few minutes before a client call and thought I'd check out one of the more sane Dems and her positions, Tulsi Gabbard.

Alas, here's all I could find:

Learn more about Tulsi Gabbard and her 2020 Presidential Campaign. No Wasteful Foreign Wars. Medicare for All. $15/hr minimum wage. Equal rights for All.

Is there a candidate that is pro "wasteful foreign wars"? Or is she afraid to call it "isolationist"?

Who doesn't support "equal right for all"? Or does she mean "special rights for certain people"?

I realize she has no chance but I thought maybe, just maybe, there'd be a sane voice in the lib wilderness... haha.
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Had a few minutes before a client call and thought I'd check out one of the more sane Dems and her positions, Tulsi Gabbard.

Alas, here's all I could find:

Learn more about Tulsi Gabbard and her 2020 Presidential Campaign. No Wasteful Foreign Wars. Medicare for All. $15/hr minimum wage. Equal rights for All.

Is there a candidate that is pro "wasteful foreign wars"? Or is she afraid to call it "isolationist"?

Who doesn't support "equal right for all"? Or does she mean "special rights for certain people"?

I realize she has no chance but I thought maybe, just maybe, there'd be a sane voice in the lib wilderness... haha.

She's the only candidate even close to sane, proven by the fact you can't find positive things about her in the corporate media.
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She's the only candidate even close to sane, proven by the fact you can't find positive things about her in the corporate media.
If she could somehow muster some attention she might pull in the moderate Dems that haven't given up yet.

I don't agree with her on min wage and healthcare but she's a vet and could pull in some moderates.
Talking about Cardinal Valley? I lived there for a few years. It's been called 'Mexington' since at least 2006.
I hear it called "Lexico" as well.

I only go back and forth to Rupp, Commonwealth, and campus from NKY so I'm a little out of touch.

Lived near Bondurant's in that area back in the 80's... is it still there?
If she could somehow muster some attention she might pull in the moderate Dems that haven't given up yet.

I don't agree with her on min wage and healthcare but she's a vet and could pull in some moderates.

Literally the only candidate that could beat Trump IMO, or at the least cause Trump to match her anti war message and actually pull out of the 10 conflicts we're in.
No idea. Haven't lived there since 2010. We also used to call it El Paso, KY. Never had a problem there personally. I lived on Cambridge Drive. I remember one day watching the news and seeing a report on gang activity in Lexington and it highlighted the very block I lived on. But like I said, no problems for me. Don't look for trouble and you probably won't find it.
"The New Republic is hiring an Inequality Editor; "This is a part-time role, requiring 29.5 hours per week, and does not include benefits."

So a company that will probably be writing articles slamming things like "equal pay for equal work", "living wages", and a thousand other hokie Socialist agenda items, is not willing to make it a full time gig. also, That 29.5 hours per week limit is thanks to Mr. Wonderful Obama who redefined full-time as 30 hours per week, therefore hindering businesses ability to give more hours to part time employees. It actually cut hours for a lot of part-timers who relied on those extra 10 hours per week.

Millennials only want to work 30 hour weeks.
I am $180k in debt. I have a PHD and am a tenured professor — my students are in the same boat, sinking in debt. I pay $1100/month in student loan debt, half of my rent. We MUST #CancelStudentDebt. Wall St got bailed out, what about us?! #bernie2020

$2200/month rent? maybe you need to adjust your budget priorities.
My wife and i gave up vacations, new car, new furniture, home upgrades, eating out, to pay our child’s way through college. what about us?
My heart pumps piss for your whiny bitch ass.
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That Pew is from 2018. In 2019 immigration has skyrocketed to numbers we haven't seen in 40 years.
As for the kids. It was bad when Obama was doing it and it's bad now. Trump has his people going out of there way to purposely treat them as shitty as possible. This is the whole reason the government established the no long term detention policy that Trump threw out. They are incapable of doing it humanely. They have ICE agents, whos job is supposed to be going after drug trafficking and criminals, trying to take care of hundreds of kids. In facilities built to hold a few dozen. When you start torturing kids to prove a point, you have become worse than the illegal immigrants.

I am $180k in debt. I have a PHD and am a tenured professor — my students are in the same boat, sinking in debt. I pay $1100/month in student loan debt, half of my rent. We MUST #CancelStudentDebt. Wall St got bailed out, what about us?! #bernie2020

$2200/month rent? maybe you need to adjust your budget priorities.
My wife and i gave up vacations, new car, new furniture, home upgrades, eating out, to pay our child’s way through college. what about us?
My heart pumps piss for your whiny bitch ass.

I can't describe how much these types of people grind my gears (shout-out Peter Griffin).

You knew the loans you were taking out. You had the opportunity to do the research on what jobs were available to people with the degrees you were going for. You made said decision knowing the risks/rewards (well, you should have).

Now that you have your six-figure job you want people making a quarter of that a year to pay for your dumb decisions/inability to manage a budget? F*CK THAT.

This defines an entire massive group of spoiled, whiny, stupid, lazy POSs that are trying to turn us into a Communist shit hole.

Rant over, for now.
I can't describe how much these types of people grind my gears (shout-out Peter Griffin).

You knew the loans you were taking out. You had the opportunity to do the research on what jobs were available to people with the degrees you were going for. You made said decision knowing the risks/rewards (well, you should have).

Now that you have your six-figure job you want people making a quarter of that a year to pay for your dumb decisions/inability to manage a budget? F*CK THAT.

This defines an entire massive group of spoiled, whiny, stupid, lazy POSs that are trying to turn us into a Communist shit hole.

Rant over, for now.
As someone who will have 3 in college in the fall (2 at UK!)... the thought of saving for all those years in ESA's and 529's... and then having some politician raise taxes on me to pay for EVERYONE ELSE'S MISTAKES while I pay out of pocket... lets just say I won't be very happy lol.

A 4 year degree at UK is about 100m (with meal plans, etc). I get that its expensive... because it is.

But why do the people who made the right decisions (saving for college in ESA's/529's) have to pay for the ones that made all the wrong decisions?
I personally don't get the college debt thing. I went to a crappy college and dropped out and Im still paying off my student loans. But the thing is though, I knew that I was going into debt to go to college, I knew that dropping out of college meant I went into debt for no reason. Those were the personal choices I made, so guess what I deal with the consequences of those choices. I don't expect anyone else to pay off my debt, its on me. Just like people who make the same decisions I made, or decided to go into debt to get a crappy degree that won't get them a real job shouldn't expect me or anyone else to pay off their debt.

Its pretty simple, no one signs up for college expecting it to be free then get surprised when its time to start paying it off. You have a choice, you look at the risk and rewards and the pros and the cons and you make the choice. Take the responsibility of your actions and stop trying to bum off your mistakes or hardships onto others.
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The inability to discharge student loan debts in traditional bankruptcy is something that should be addressed.

It may seem like the Left are for free college or whatever, but don't be fooled. The elite want debt slaves just as badly as anyone. And now they've found a way to get people indebted with no way, short of death, for them to get out of it. They will continue to push the "everyone go to college!!!" train for as long as they can.
The inability to discharge student loan debts in traditional bankruptcy is something that should be addressed.

It may seem like the Left are for free college or whatever, but don't be fooled. The elite want debt slaves just as badly as anyone. And now they've found a way to get people indebted with no way, short of death, for them to get out of it. They will continue to push the "everyone go to college!!!" train for as long as they can.

It’s actually not even the inability. It can be done. It’s just more complicated and takes a separate proceeding whereby the debtor proves undue hardship.

Undue Hardship is a judicial doctrine, so I think some of these lefties should put their money where their mouth is and start filing bankruptcy. See how sympathetic a judge is when you tell him trying to pay back the loans that you knowingly and willfully took out to obtain the degree that got you a job making $180k doing jack shit is an undue hardship.
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LMAO!!! After the recent “I have Iranian friends” claims by Trump, we’ll have to add that to his extremely diverse list.