How will they rule ??!

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I am going to miss her when she is gone. She gives more laughs every day than late night TV. She needs her own TV show where she can just act naturally and continue to show the world she is the dumbest broad to ever win election to the U.S. congress. And that is saying a mouthful.

Like watching reruns of Barney Fife, you know the laughs are coming even after you seen it a thousand times
Dude looks like he wants to blow something up.
That Pew is from 2018. In 2019 immigration has skyrocketed to numbers we haven't seen in 40 years.
As for the kids. It was bad when Obama was doing it and it's bad now. Trump has his people going out of there way to purposely treat them as shitty as possible. This is the whole reason the government established the no long term detention policy that Trump threw out. They are incapable of doing it humanely. They have ICE agents, whos job is supposed to be going after drug trafficking and criminals, trying to take care of hundreds of kids. In facilities built to hold a few dozen. When you start torturing kids to prove a point, you have become worse than the illegal immigrants.
Just so we're keeping score, the guy who everyone was "scared with his finger on the button" has literally stopped us from getting into 2 new wars (Venezuela and Iran), stated publicly that he wants to withdraw from 3, and vetoed a bill that would allegedly end or involvement in Yemen. Trump the most peaceful president since Carter?
Naw, google is not left wing and biased.


Bernie wrote a rape poem
Anti trump lib says rape is sexy
Didn’t Beto have some sort of rape fantasy in college

I think there is a strong correlation between enjoying rape and being a liberal .. I bet you these women fantasize about it... that’s not even getting into the kid diddlers of the dnc
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Nice revisionist history.

No one bet you to post your earnings statement and no one welched. You did that on your own.

What happened was, you were boasting about your paycheck.. i said i bet i make more than you, which i do.. but i guess that aint saying much right now.. and within 30 seconds you had your checkstub teed up...almost like you were just waiting for the opportunity to show us how america has made you rich.

As i dont care to be the douche who brags about money, I then offered to send mine privately on monday as it was late on a friday.. you smarted off and said "oh so you can find someone elses on ybe internet and post it". I offered to personalize it and i think you realized i wasnt lying and that was that.

Anyways.. an offer.. im coowner of an online poker home game. We have 109ish tables going at all times... if you need some summer income, the mornings are when the asians are playing heavily and you can easily find you a patsy.
They don't can't understand how dumb they are. You can't explain to a stupid person how stupid they are. They don't know or understand what it actually means to be smart.

They think they have moral and intellectual superiority; they possess neither.

Again, I fully support firing squads for these people. I have become a radical these past few days, these people need gone, for the people!

This is easily the greatest threat this country has ever faced, the enemy from within... the empowered and enabled American far left.

Google, YouTube, MSM, etc. have become nothing more than additional branches for the far leftist agenda.

They’re closer to Nazi germany than anything we’ve seen within America before. We see edited video clips, cropped photos, misleading headlines, removal of posts/videos for no reason other than “we don’t agree with your stance” or “we don’t like what you said”.

As you said, the most dangerous enemies always come from within and right now we are drowning in them.

Nice revisionist history.

No one bet you to post your earnings statement and no one welched. You did that on your own.

What happened was, you were boasting about your paycheck.. i said i bet i make more than you, which i do.. but i guess that aint saying much right now.. and within 30 seconds you had your checkstub teed up...almost like you were just waiting for the opportunity to show us how america has made you rich.

As i dont care to be the douche who brags about money, I then offered to send mine privately on monday as it was late on a friday.. you smarted off and said "oh so you can find someone elses on ybe internet and post it". I offered to personalize it and i think you realized i wasnt lying and that was that.

Anyways.. an offer.. im coowner of an online poker home game. We have 109ish tables going at all times... if you need some summer income, the mornings are when the asians are playing heavily and you can easily find you a patsy.
I make more than everyone in here combined and if you’re stupid enough to post financial info on a board bragging I hope an illegal steals your identity
You’re complaining that “they don’t assimilate” and you think a distinction between being he legally and illegally makes a difference in human nature?

To quote you, “How can you be this stupid man?”

Duhhh...then ones that come legally don’t have to assimilate but them fencejumpers should do so.

Makes me seriously wonder if you even know the meaning of “assimilate”.

Legal: forced to integrate and adapt because the government knows you. Paying taxes above board thus becoming communally invested. Moving out of ethnic enclaves by the 2nd/3rd generation.

Illegal: none of the above. There are teams written about what being illegal means in terms of lack of assimilation.

You’re a piece of work to challenge what anybody else knows. You prove each time you post that you don’t really understand it at all.

There was never a time when New York, though full immigrants, was ever not considered to be “America”. Thank you Ellis Island.

But California? Pretty much gone. The only variable is time.
Also, very convenient that we get photos of dead children any time public opinion seems to be going the way our Betters don't want it to. "Migrant" child drowned in the Mediterranean right when populist leaders were being elected in Europe? Coincidence. "Immigrant" child and father dead in 6 inches of water on the border? Man, that really gets the old noggin joggin'.

Very interesting story concerning the impact of massive ocean wind farms on the fishing industry. Coming from coal country I can relate to the impact that liberal fascism can have on a region. The story begins around the 31:15 mark. The interesting part to me is that international investors are the ones that will be getting rich off of American taxpayers dollars.
I am going to miss her when she is gone. She gives more laughs every day than late night TV. She needs her own TV show where she can just act naturally and continue to show the world she is the dumbest broad to ever win election to the U.S. congress. And that is saying a mouthful.
Like most socialists, shes authoritarian..shes not leaving. Once they push her out, I suspect she'll move and run for Senate in Vermont or somewhere- especially if grandpa Santa claus dies soon
Assimilate to the extent they speak English (They should not be granted citizenship unless they mastery of the language is sufficient to hold a job, pay bills, complete all required documents that go along with being a citizen)

They obey American laws (don't attempt to replace with sharia, etc...; They buy in to the American dream (work, become self-sufficient). They pay taxes, etc...
The idea that they don’t learn or speak English is pure ignorance. If I dropped you into the middle of another country it would most likely take you several years to master the language. If you lived and worked among others who spoke your own native language it would take you even longer...especially if you commonly worked 12-14 hour days.
Still then, you would likely speak your native tongue when you were at home and around family.
Why does it bother you or anyone even if they never spoke a word of English? How has it ever affected your life?
Can’t think of one time it has ever affected mine.

As for the ESL daughter happens to be an ESL teacher in Brentwood, TN. There are 4 such teachers at her school. She has 2 Hispanic students...most are Asian (mix of Japanese and Koreans) and Indian...25% of the school’s 600+ kids are pulled out for ESL work. Well over half are immigrants or the children of immigrants. The median family income for the school’s population >$175K.
We have ESL because it helps children learn instead of becoming frustrated. If they learn then it means there is a better chance they will become productive members of society.
That Pew is from 2018. In 2019 immigration has skyrocketed to numbers we haven't seen in 40 years.
As for the kids. It was bad when Obama was doing it and it's bad now. Trump has his people going out of there way to purposely treat them as shitty as possible. This is the whole reason the government established the no long term detention policy that Trump threw out. They are incapable of doing it humanely. They have ICE agents, whos job is supposed to be going after drug trafficking and criminals, trying to take care of hundreds of kids. In facilities built to hold a few dozen. When you start torturing kids to prove a point, you have become worse than the illegal immigrants.

Immigrants come to America to be free.

These people coming now are signing up for government tyranny. These people, by not becoming immigrants, are ghosts. Their lives are in the hands of the government. We can give you free healthcare, school, and housing, or we can deport you and take your children because you are not supposed to be here...we're just letting you stay for now.

Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to keep you invisible, to keep you from living the american dream. You have the right to live your life forever as an illegal alien in this country. Enjoy! You will never be an American.
Legal: forced to integrate and adapt because the government knows you. Paying taxes above board thus becoming communally invested. Moving out of ethnic enclaves by the 2nd/3rd generation.

Illegal: none of the above. There are teams written about what being illegal means in terms of lack of assimilation.

You’re a piece of work to challenge what anybody else knows. You prove each time you post that you don’t really understand it at all.

There was never a time when New York, though full immigrants, was ever not considered to be “America”. Thank you Ellis Island.

But California? Pretty much gone. The only variable is time.

Haha, there is no such thing as a 2nd generation illegal. You’re so pent up trying to validate your own prejudice and ignorance that you failed to even think that one out. The children of illegals born here are legal citizens thus any “study” trying to compare groups is inherently flawed because no such group exist beyond that of the first generation.
Immigrants come to America to be free.

These people coming now are signing up for government tyranny. These people, by not becoming immigrants, are ghosts. Their lives are in the hands of the government. We can give you free healthcare, school, and housing, or we can deport you and take your children because you are not supposed to be here...we're just letting you stay for now.

Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to keep you invisible, to keep you from living the american dream. You have the right to live your life forever as an illegal alien in this country. Enjoy! You will never be an American.

Haha, there is no such thing as a 2nd generation illegal. You’re so pent up trying to validate your own prejudice and ignorance that you failed to even think that one out. The children of illegals born here are legal citizens thus any “study” trying to compare groups is inherently flawed because no such group exist beyond that of the first generation.
agree it’s about as fake as hate speech
Assimilate to the extent they speak English (They should not be granted citizenship unless they mastery of the language is sufficient to hold a job, pay bills, complete all required documents that go along with being a citizen)

They obey American laws (don't attempt to replace with sharia, etc...; They buy in to the American dream (work, become self-sufficient). They pay taxes, etc...
BTW, my employer publishes its info and markets itself in 37 different languages...and we are only in the US. The people that buy our product (health insurance) hold jobs, pay bills, pay taxes...
Nobody makes us be so inclusive but we do so because it’s good for business.
Along with illegal immigration being at its highest point in history, renewable energy sources outpaced coal for the first time in history in April. Great work, President Trump! What a true visionary and progressive.
Along with illegal immigration being at its highest point in history, renewable energy sources outpaced coal for the first time in history in April. Great work, President Trump! What a true visionary and progressive.

Good thing it’s a manufactured crisis, imagine what all could be done if the Democrats actually wanted to help solve the problem.

What do coal and nuclear power plants do in the spring? They have maintenance outages to prepare for summer.
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