How will they rule ??!

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Outstanding point of view to prove how dumb AOC is. She needs Impeached.
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You aren't answering any of the questions. The House can't put forth a budget because the NGD and medicare for all nutjobs won't allow it. So essentially you are bitching about the GOP but if the Dems did anything they would greatly increase the deficit. And personally you are against paying your fair share of taxes.
Im not sure you even know what you are arguing. The house is already voting on appropriations bills and is almost finished. So far what they have passed is many billions and billions under what Trump asked for in his budget. So they are attacking the deficit even if it isn't really their goal. And if Trump vetoes the bills we fall back to the sequester law which will massively slash spending i believe by around 10%. The GoP Senate has done ZERO so far on the budget bills. They haven't even begun consideration on anything.
Im not sure you even know what you are arguing. The house is already voting on appropriations bills and is almost finished. So far what they have passed is many billions and billions under what Trump asked for in his budget. So they are attacking the deficit even if it isn't really their goal. And if Trump vetoes the bills we fall back to the sequester law which will massively slash spending i believe by around 10%. The GoP Senate has done ZERO so far on the budget bills. They haven't even begun consideration on anything.

Fake news. I will never believe a word you say because you are full of shit.
Im not sure you even know what you are arguing. The house is already voting on appropriations bills and is almost finished. So far what they have passed is many billions and billions under what Trump asked for in his budget. So they are attacking the deficit even if it isn't really their goal. And if Trump vetoes the bills we fall back to the sequester law which will massively slash spending i believe by around 10%. The GoP Senate has done ZERO so far on the budget bills. They haven't even begun consideration on anything.

Ever pay Brady you loser?
Im not sure you even know what you are arguing. The house is already voting on appropriations bills and is almost finished. So far what they have passed is many billions and billions under what Trump asked for in his budget. So they are attacking the deficit even if it isn't really their goal. And if Trump vetoes the bills we fall back to the sequester law which will massively slash spending i believe by around 10%. The GoP Senate has done ZERO so far on the budget bills. They haven't even begun consideration on anything.
Gibberish, you yourself said they had not passed a 2020 budget, only piece part funding.I linked the article that explains in their own words why they haven't. You were bitching about spending and your party is in charge of the House and is increasing spending. It does not get any simpler than that. But dance away and avoid your tax cheating while you are at it.
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A group of moderates is calling out House Democratic leaders for blowing past the caucus’s own budget rules to pay for its agenda, a sign of strain among the resurgent fiscal-hawk wing of the party.

The Blue Dog Coalition sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on Wednesday urging them to “keep the fiscal house in order” after failing to find a way to pay for a landmark bill to protect so-called Dreamers earlier this week.

You can add David West to the latest multi millionaire who believes he deserves reparations. Thats right, the same David West that made over 90 million dollars was on The Young Turks saying black Americans deserve reparations. Id love to see Danny Glover and David West walk up to a poor white man and with a straight face say that man owes them something.
2017 was 3.32 trillion. 2018 was 3.33 trillion. Factoring in inflation and population/job growth that is equivalent to a 5% loss in revenue. We brought in 90 billion more year over year and spent 800 billion more year over year. MAGA!
How do you generate revenue from population growth when so much of it is illegal aliens who don't pay taxes?
For the 3rd time spending bills originate in the house. MNSA (make Nancy sober again). I have also posted the CBO projections from 2014 predicting this climb due to entitlements. There is more a spending problem than a taxing problem. Scale 1-10 how well does the fed govt do at spending tax dollars?
Plat was talking revenue, not spending as you're talking. That spending is too high doesn't mean his revenue numbers are off. I don't know if they're off or not.
Plat was talking revenue, not spending as you're talking. That spending is too high doesn't mean his revenue numbers are off. I don't know if they're off or not.
I mentioned both. I mentioned revenue is up so if the deficit is exploding it is mainly a spending issue as has been forecast for several years and spending bills originate in the house. Reps suck at addressing spending but the Dems want to explode it. Populism is killing us.
I’ll bite, who is destroying the country? How are they destroying the country? And how do you defend it?

Your brand of nationalism harkens back to when separate but equal was considered normal. The world has changed, this country is changing. We spend all day telling minority groups to suck it up, but bitch and moan when it doesn’t go our way? Seriously what are y’all constantly bitching about?

And heritage? You can’t choose heritage, we share the good and the bad of this country. Anybody from this country, assimilating to this country, for this country is American. You can’t gatekeep the country. You’re not a nationalist, you’re a separatist. I’m calling you to naive and old to realize it.
Wrong, you define any nationalism as racism therefore making your opinion irrelevant. You have no clue what America is all about. People originally left their countries for a better life because their countries were oppressing them or did not have living conditions conducive for a good living.

Once again for your dumb ass....America is an idea and to come here means you want a better life but, you need to assimilate into our system not us adjusting to yours. Yours sucked, that's why you came here.

As far as who is destroying this country? You and those other ignorant people who want socialism/communism. Liberals whine about everything and if you get your way, we too would wind up like Venezuela, Cuba, or countless other counties who adopted the disease known as socialism.

Congressional think tank finds that the tax cut has literally done nothing for the economy except cost a lot of money. Didn't cause a surge in growth, investment, wages, or jobs. The only thing that spiked for one quarter was tax free repatriated cash and none of it was dumped into investments. It's all laid out in pretty graphs for those of you that can't read more than a tweet.
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So they don’t want public police, but they don’t want private police.

They call fear of sharia Islamophobic but when Christians demonstrate autonomy it’s a violation of the establishment clause.

Is there any issue, just one, where you can find liberal consistency? Just one?
The only consistent policy that you'll ever find in liberal politics is spending other peoples money

Okay sorry for the PC crowd on the left, but you need to get better looking women if you're going to claim Trump raped them. That b**** is ugly. This isn't Bill Clinton.

It's very similar to Blasey Ford. When you look at her picture at 15, there's no way her story is true. I realize half of you are gay but come on.

It is like a guy in a Ferrari tried to steal my pinto.
Republicans had complete control for 2 years dumbass and used that time to do absolutely nothing except massively run up the debt. The house already passed 5 of its 11 spending bills last week. they will vote on 3 more this week and have all of them done before the end of the month. The senate hasn't even started because McConnell is a useless ****ing turtle. Budget bills are a waste of time, they don't do anything, its just a piece of paper with words. spending bills are what matter.
Actually, did you not say or at least many on the left say that Obama's policies have made us what we are today? We are still suffering through the outrageous spending of the Obama admin. Give Trump time you TDS moron and he will set it right. MAGA!.
Im not sure you even know what you are arguing. The house is already voting on appropriations bills and is almost finished. So far what they have passed is many billions and billions under what Trump asked for in his budget. So they are attacking the deficit even if it isn't really their goal. And if Trump vetoes the bills we fall back to the sequester law which will massively slash spending i believe by around 10%. The GoP Senate has done ZERO so far on the budget bills. They haven't even begun consideration on anything.
False, completely untrue. You think they would try to make Trump look good? The party of tax and spend would never do that.
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Good afternoon, my bros. Waiting on another round of crazy thunderstorms here in Nashville. What happened to all the vile takes on race in America? Are we done with that for a while? Let me give you guys a few reminders:

Hockey fans = lots of racists. Not all, but lots.

Baseball fans = lots of weird, church-going racists.

Anyone who mentions “heritage” = racist AF

White dudes who greet black dudes as “brother” = embarrassingly racist, and tell everyone they were “good friends” with black people back in their HS days

Anyone who says a black person “gets it” = racist, end of story

Mention “ANTIFA?”’re probably racist.

Anyone who spends more than they can afford so that their kids can go to private school = scared, racist, pathetic. Should never be allowed to have children.

Unable to handle some good ol’ fashioned DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT? You, my bro....might be racist.

You’re welcome. I’ll be here all weekend.
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Gibberish, you yourself said they had not passed a 2020 budget, only piece part funding.I linked the article that explains in their own words why they haven't. You were bitching about spending and your party is in charge of the House and is increasing spending. It does not get any simpler than that. But dance away and avoid your tax cheating while you are at it.
You are obviously to stupid to understand the difference between a budget and spending. Budgets are just wishlists that POTUS and congress put out. They mean nothing, its just political bullshit. Spending/appropriations bills are what control the cash flow. A bill has to be passed for each of the 12 government agencies, it is always piece part funding. As of today the Senate has NOT even started debate on any spending bills. On Wednesday the House opened consideration on all of their bills and already voted and passed 5 of them. They will vote on Tuesday to pass 3 more. Within the next week the will vote on the rest. I imagine what they will pass will be above last years spending but well below what Trump and the GoP are asking for. The House is not in charge of increasing spending. They pass a bill, the senate passes a bill. If they can manage to reconcile the 2 bills they go to the President. If they don't reconcile before the deadline we fallback to the Sequester legislation or we do another shutdown. Jesus Christ how are you so clueless about how our government works.
False, completely untrue. You think they would try to make Trump look good? The party of tax and spend would never do that.
Well the parts they are cutting in the spending bill is mainly defense. 20 billion less than what Trump wanted.

Actually, did you not say or at least many on the left say that Obama's policies have made us what we are today? We are still suffering through the outrageous spending of the Obama admin. Give Trump time you TDS moron and he will set it right. MAGA!.
Obama did spend out the ass, partly by necessity because of the ****wit that came before him. He also aggressively slashed the deficits as he wound down his Presidency. And in 2 years Trump has doubled the deficit and it is only projected to keep getting higher and higher. At current pace he will easily add just as much and probably more to the debt as Obama. If a recession hits he will go well above what Obama did.
Good afternoon, my bros. Waiting on another round of crazy thunderstorms here in Nashville. What happened to all the vile takes on race in America? Are we done with that for a while? Let me give you guys a few reminders:

Hockey fans = lots of racists. Not all, but lots.

Baseball fans = lots of weird, church-going racists.

Anyone who mentions “heritage” = racist AF

White dudes who greet black dudes as “brother” = embarrassingly racist, and tell everyone they were “good friends” with black people back in their HS days

Anyone who says a black person “gets it” = racist, end of story

Mention “ANTIFA?”’re probably racist.

Anyone who spends more than they can afford so that their kids can go to private school = scared, racist, pathetic. Should never be allowed to have children.

Unable to handle some good ol’ fashioned DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT? You, my bro....might be racist.

You’re welcome. I’ll be here all weekend.

Well the parts they are cutting in the spending bill is mainly defense. 20 billion less than what Trump wanted.

Obama did spend out the ass, partly by necessity because of the ****wit that came before him. He also aggressively slashed the deficits as he wound down his Presidency. And in 2 years Trump has doubled the deficit and it is only projected to keep getting higher and higher. At current pace he will easily add just as much and probably more to the debt as Obama. If a recession hits he will go well above what Obama did.
Obama's policies still haunt us. Perhaps you missed that point.
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