How will they rule ??!

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You are obviously to stupid to understand the difference between a budget and spending. Budgets are just wishlists that POTUS and congress put out. They mean nothing, its just political bullshit. Spending/appropriations bills are what control the cash flow. A bill has to be passed for each of the 12 government agencies, it is always piece part funding. As of today the Senate has NOT even started debate on any spending bills. On Wednesday the House opened consideration on all of their bills and already voted and passed 5 of them. They will vote on Tuesday to pass 3 more. Within the next week the will vote on the rest. I imagine what they will pass will be above last years spending but well below what Trump and the GoP are asking for. The House is not in charge of increasing spending. They pass a bill, the senate passes a bill. If they can manage to reconcile the 2 bills they go to the President. If they don't reconcile before the deadline we fallback to the Sequester legislation or we do another shutdown. Jesus Christ how are you so clueless about how our government works.
You keep spinning the same gibberish. Your party controls the House and is increasing spending, yes or no? And if unchecked they would raise spending drastically more, yes or no? No liberal can whine about the deficit with a straight face.
He also aggressively slashed the deficits as he wound down his Presidency.

Oh I missed this nugget. His last year deficit went up $100b dumbass. His CBO warned him for years the deficit was going to increase, have posted the links a dozen times.

And the only time he cut spending was the sequestration, forced by the GOP around the debt ceiling and then when it went down by that $93b he took credit after falsely claiming he was against it. You are a piece of work. Dumb whore is an understatement.
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Deficits in billions
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
$458 $1,413 $1,294 $1,295 $1,087 $679 $485 $438 $585 $665 $779

Correction, it went up $150b Obama's last year.

And the warning in 2015

CBO: Interest on federal debt will triple over coming decade - The ...

The deficit's down, but red flags are on the horizon. ... January 26, 2015 ... billion this year, the Congressional Budget Office said Monday, but the agency warned ...
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Poor latinos are great for the economy, that is why Mexico is booming and CA has a third of all welfare payments. Just have to make it up in volume.

Got it. kinda like we gonna have to get a bigger truck.
President Obama’s self-congratulatory State of the Union message last week made it sound like our nation’s problems are behind us. But on Tuesday the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office set the record straight with a blistering warning.

The CBO cautioned that America’s unaffordable public programs and crushing debt will condemn us to anemic economic growth.

Total federal debt will reach $22.3 trillion by 2020. Unsustainable, says the CBO — especially when now-low interest rates return to normal.

-NYP, Jan 2015
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Even liberal leaning Politifact called out Obama about the sequestration. The arrogant SOB tried to say he had nothing to do with but also claimed credit when it reduced spending. @Platinumdrgn is still here spouting those talking points.

Our ruling

Obama said that the sequester -- and the defense cuts that would result from it -- was not his proposition. "It is something that Congress has proposed," he said in the debate.

But it was Obama’s negotiating team that came up with the idea for defense cuts in 2011, though they were intended to prod Congress to come up with a better deal for reining in the deficit, not as an effort to make those cuts reality.

Meanwhile, members of both parties in Congress voted for the legislation that set up the possibility of sequestration. Obama’s position is that Congress should now act to avoid those across-the-board cuts.

Obama can’t rightly say the sequester isn’t his, but he did need cooperation from Congress to get to this point. We rate the statement Mostly False.
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You keep spinning the same gibberish. Your party controls the House and is increasing spending, yes or no? And if unchecked they would raise spending drastically more, yes or no? No liberal can whine about the deficit with a straight face.
They HAVE NOT passed any spending since they took control you ****ing moron. We will find out in September how much it increases, i would bet at least 10%. And they are 1 of 3 parties that will set future spending. 1 of those parties can veto anything. So any increase in spending from the start of Trump till he is gone is 100% on the GoP. The GoP spent 8 years bitching nonstop about debt and spending and once they took full control they did absolutely nothing, only made it worse. Just like healthcare. Anybody can whine about deficits, nobody can make congress or the WH do anything about it and they won't. Trumps response to the rising debt crisis was "I won't be here". Our debt will not be dealt with until the old ****s in congress finally die off. They have been spending out the ass for decades and screwing over the next generation.
Now I know this clip was not meant for the people here, but maybe it's elementary enough that some here will be able to grasp it. I've heard some conservatives call AOC stupid. When I was watching the clip below I was reminded of a quote by Albert Einstein: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter
“Climate change is here + we’ve got a deadline: 12 years left to cut emissions in half. A #GreenNewDeal is our plan for a world and a future worth fighting for.…

They HAVE NOT passed any spending since they took control you ****ing moron. We will find out in September how much it increases, i would bet at least 10%. And they are 1 of 3 parties that will set future spending. 1 of those parties can veto anything. So any increase in spending from the start of Trump till he is gone is 100% on the GoP. The GoP spent 8 years bitching nonstop about debt and spending and once they took full control they did absolutely nothing, only made it worse. Just like healthcare. Anybody can whine about deficits, nobody can make congress or the WH do anything about it and they won't. Trumps response to the rising debt crisis was "I won't be here". Our debt will not be dealt with until the old ****s in congress finally die off. They have been spending out the ass for decades and screwing over the next generation.
So again go bitch to Nancy you little lying twat.

And don't pretend you would not be the first little sniveling shit on here if the GOP tried to cut entitlements (see CBO report again)
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Concentration camps do not mean people are being killed. That is just the association caused by the Holocaust. They were in use many times before and after then. The British used them all over Africa. Russia has used them continuously throughout their history and still uses them. What we used for the Japs were concentration camps. We just called them internment because it sounded better. Immigration camps are concentration camps, people are just to simple minded and instantly associate it with mass slaughter. AoC is also a moron that the GoP is obsessed with. She is a female Trump, say tons of stupid troll shit and watch the media eat it up and give you 24/7 coverage.
Concentration camps do not mean people are being killed. That is just the association caused by the Holocaust. They were in use many times before and after then. The British used them all over Africa. Russia has used them continuously throughout their history and still uses them. What we used for the Japs were concentration camps. We just called them internment because it sounded better. Immigration camps are concentration camps, people are just to simple minded and instantly associate it with mass slaughter. AoC is also a moron that the GoP is obsessed with. She is a female Trump, say tons of stupid troll shit and watch the media eat it up and give you 24/7 coverage.

Shut up dipshit. Anyone with any intelligence associates concentration camps with nazis. You are using rationalization 100%. It's called cognitive error and it usually happens for people who have no insight into their own thinking structure.
Concentration camps do not mean people are being killed. That is just the association caused by the Holocaust. They were in use many times before and after then. The British used them all over Africa. Russia has used them continuously throughout their history and still uses them. What we used for the Japs were concentration camps. We just called them internment because it sounded better. Immigration camps are concentration camps, people are just to simple minded and instantly associate it with mass slaughter. AoC is also a moron that the GoP is obsessed with. She is a female Trump, say tons of stupid troll shit and watch the media eat it up and give you 24/7 coverage.
These people and children are very well taken care of at these "concentration camps". The term is being pushed by the left as bad but, these kids get a lot more done for them than our own poor in the inner cities.
Trump has been president over 2 years, why is she just now speaking up? Could the next election have anything to do with it?

Why doesn't ol donkey choppers talk about Obama (the worst U.S president ever) being the father of these "concentration camps"?
Trump has been president over 2 years, why is she just now speaking up? Could the next election have anything to do with it?
She could gave waited until October 2020 I guess but I think the GOP is okay with whatever he does at this point. Even to the point of a Putin or MBS hit on Pocahontas and AOC. #LawAndOrder
Those kids need to be dropped back from their 3rd world shitholes from where they came. Out out out out

Jameslee i know you are too drunk to realize this, but it's illegal to enter our country without going the proper legal process. We're not responsible for those little bastards.
Since Orange outlawed asylum. True. They don't have a 100 MPH fastball or are 6' 8" with a jumpshot.
I can't wait to hear the response to Trumps new Palestine plan. Give them 50 billion to accept a peace deal. PALLETS OF CASH! It was treason for Obama to do it, I'm sure Trumpsters will call it patriotic for Trump to do it. This is the grand plan Kushner has been scheming up for 3 year.s
Would you rather the money go to Israel?

Also not pallets of cash..that's incremental economical investment over a decade...can you not read? Pallets of cash was actual physical money that they used for whatever they weapons investment. God you're dumb.

But no..I dont think we should give them money..its not a real nation. Even tho they have lost a war in years past to Israel and refuse to move,been offered a 2 state solution but wont take it bc they want to have the whole thing...theyve shown that they are completely incapable of governing an area and always blaming their problems on someone else. Come to think of it...this seems pretty heartstring liberal..its for helllllpiiing those that cant. You in fact should love it. Unlike Iran which was, here's physical money, buy weapons with it.

But no...shouldnt give any of them money.

Good try to compare two things that dont compare tho. Afterall I thought it was our responsibility as the super power to help countries in dispair?
Since Orange outlawed asylum. True. They don't have a 100 MPH fastball or are 6' 8" with a jumpshot.

Not asylum. They can claim asylum in Mexico.

You're such a bullshitter, man. Quit enabling bullshit asylum claims. Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

Good thing Trump signed that safe country bill. No need for those fraudulent "asylum claims"
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Would you rather the money go to Israel?

Also not pallets of cash..that's incremental economical investment over a decade...can you not read? Pallets of cash was actual physical money that they used for whatever they weapons investment. God you're dumb.

But no..I dont think we should give them money..its not a real nation. Even tho they have lost a war in years past to Israel and refuse to move,been offered a 2 state solution but wont take it bc they want to have the whole thing...theyve shown that they are completely incapable of governing an area and always blaming their problems on someone else. Come to think of it...this seems pretty heartstring liberal..its for helllllpiiing those that cant. You in fact should love it. Unlike Iran which was, here's physical money, buy weapons with it.

But no...shouldnt give any of them money.

Good try to compare two things that dont compare tho. Afterall I thought it was our responsibility as the super power to help countries in dispair?

Plat hates America. Once you start with that you realize that he wants money flowing to America's enemies
I can't wait to hear the response to Trumps new Palestine plan. Give them 50 billion to accept a peace deal. PALLETS OF CASH! It was treason for Obama to do it, I'm sure Trumpsters will call it patriotic for Trump to do it. This is the grand plan Kushner has been scheming up for 3 year.s

You should read things before posting them. I feel like we have this discussion every time you post a link.
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